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导出excel java实现

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1 <tr>
2 <td><input dataId="excel" type="button" value="导出Excel"  onclick="exportExcel(this)"/></td>
3 </tr>



 1 function exportExcel(){
 2         var pros = $(‘#problemType‘).combotree(‘getValues‘);
 3         var pro = "";
 4         if(pros.length>0){
 5             for(var i=0;i<pros.length;i++){
 6                 if(i!=pros.length-1){
 7                     pro += pros[i] + ",";
 8                 }else{
 9                     pro += pros[i];
10                 }
11             }
12         }
13          location.href=‘<@s.url namespace="/app/pollEnterprise" action="psCheckInfor!exportExcel" includeParams="none" />?startTime=‘+$("#startTime").val()+ 
14          ‘&endTime=‘+$("#endTime").val()+‘&areacode=‘+$("#areaCode").combotree(‘getValue‘)+‘&hasProblem=‘+$("#hasProblem").val()+ 
15          ‘&psname=‘+$("#psname").val()+‘&deal=‘+$(‘#deal‘).val()+‘&dealOther=‘+$(‘#dealOther‘).val()+‘&pstype=‘+$(‘#hy‘).val()+ 
16          ‘&problemType=‘+pro+‘&isComplete=‘+$(‘#isComplete‘).val();
17 };




 1     /**
 2      * 获取数据,导出excel
 3      */
 4     public void exportExcel()  throws Exception {
 5         String excelName = "排污企业检查.xls";
 6          String sheetName = "排污企业检查";
 7          //结果集,表头,excel名,页签名
 8          Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
 9          map = this.argMap(map);
10          List<Object> list = this.psCheckInforManager.findAllObject(map);
11          this.generateExcel(list,excelName, sheetName);
12     }


(2)拼装excel文件方法generateExcel(list,excelName, sheetName)代码:

  1   /**
  2    * 生成excel,并触发下载的方法
  3    */
  4 public void generateExcel(List<Object> list,String excelName,String sheetName) throws Exception {
  5         //文件生成到临时目录中
  6         String parentPath = JointFrameConfigManager.getDatafileRootRelPath("excel/temp/");
  7         //在parentPath路径下创建一个文件
  8         File pFile = new File(parentPath);
  9         if (!pFile.exists()) {
 10             //创建此抽象路径名,包括必要的和不存在的父目录的目录
 11             pFile.mkdirs();
 12         }
 13         //System.nanoTime():系统计时器的当前值;file.separator:考虑到了跨平台,将分隔符用File.separator  代替
 14         String filePath = parentPath + File.separator + System.nanoTime()
 15                 + ".xls";
 16         //创建一个可读写的工作簿
 17         WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File(filePath));
 18         //生成名为"sheetName"的工作表,参数0表示这是第一页   
 19         WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName, 0);
 22         //标题样式
 23         WritableFont titleFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 12,
 24                 WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);
 25         //设置标题字体颜色
 26         titleFont.setColour(Colour.WHITE);
 27         //设置标题字体样式
 28         WritableCellFormat titleStyle = new WritableCellFormat(titleFont);
 29         //设置标题的背景颜色
 30         titleStyle.setBackground(Colour.LIGHT_BLUE);
 31         //设置边框
 32         titleStyle.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);
 33         //将标题的字体设置为居中显示
 34         titleStyle.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE);
 37         //报表尾样式
 38         WritableFont toolFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 11,
 39                 WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);
 40         //设置字体颜色
 41         toolFont.setColour(Colour.WHITE);
 42         //设置样式
 43         WritableCellFormat toolStyle = new WritableCellFormat(toolFont);
 44         //设置背景颜色
 45         toolStyle.setBackground(Colour.LIGHT_BLUE);
 46         //设置边框
 47         toolStyle.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);
 48         //设置居中
 49         toolStyle.setAlignment(Alignment.RIGHT);
 52         // 表格头样式
 53         WritableFont times16font = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 11,
 54                 WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);
 55         //设置字体颜色
 56         times16font.setColour(Colour.WHITE);
 57         //设置样式
 58         WritableCellFormat headStyle = new WritableCellFormat(times16font);
 59         //设置背景颜色
 60         headStyle.setBackground(Colour.LIGHT_BLUE);
 61         //设置边框
 62         headStyle.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);
 65         // 高亮行样式
 66         WritableFont highLigthRowFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES,
 67                 10, WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);
 68         highLigthRowFont.setColour(Colour.BLACK);
 69         WritableCellFormat highLigthRowStyle = new WritableCellFormat(
 70                 highLigthRowFont);
 71         highLigthRowStyle.setBackground(Colour.LIGHT_GREEN);
 72         highLigthRowStyle.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);
 75         // 非高亮行样式
 76         WritableFont unHighLigthRowFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES,
 77                 10, WritableFont.NO_BOLD, false);
 78         unHighLigthRowFont.setColour(Colour.BLACK);
 79         WritableCellFormat unHighLigthRowStyle = new WritableCellFormat(
 80                 unHighLigthRowFont);
 81         unHighLigthRowStyle.setBackground(Colour.WHITE);
 82         unHighLigthRowStyle.setBorder(Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN);
 85         //定义表头列名数组
 86 //        String[] columns =cols;
 87         // 设置Excel页签名字
 88         sheet.setName(sheetName);
 89         //合并标题单元格(mergeCells(a,b,c,d))a:要合并单元格的开始x坐标,b:要合并单元格的开始y坐标
 90         //c:要合并单元格的结束x坐标,d:要合并单元格的结束y坐标
 92         sheet.mergeCells(0, 0, 42, 0);
 93         //设置标题 
 94         sheet.mergeCells(0, 1, 0, 3);
 95         sheet.mergeCells(1, 1, 1, 3);
 96         sheet.mergeCells(2, 1, 2, 3);
 97         sheet.mergeCells(3, 1, 3, 3);
 98         sheet.mergeCells(4, 1, 4, 3);
 99         sheet.mergeCells(5, 1, 5, 3);
100         sheet.mergeCells(6, 1, 6, 3);
101         sheet.mergeCells(7, 1, 7, 3);
102         sheet.mergeCells(8, 1, 8, 3);
103         sheet.mergeCells(9, 1, 9, 3);
104         sheet.mergeCells(10, 1, 10, 3);
105         sheet.mergeCells(11, 1, 17, 1);//合并“存在问题类型”
106         sheet.mergeCells(11, 2, 11, 3);
107         sheet.mergeCells(12, 2, 12, 3);
108         sheet.mergeCells(13, 2, 13, 3);
109         sheet.mergeCells(14, 2, 14, 3);
110         sheet.mergeCells(15, 2, 15, 3);
111         sheet.mergeCells(16, 2, 16, 3);
112         sheet.mergeCells(17, 2, 17, 3);
113         sheet.mergeCells(18, 1, 25, 1);//合并“处理情况”
114         sheet.mergeCells(18, 2, 18, 3);
115         sheet.mergeCells(19, 2, 19, 3);
116         sheet.mergeCells(20, 2, 20, 3);
117         sheet.mergeCells(21, 2, 21, 3);
118         sheet.mergeCells(22, 2, 22, 3);
119         sheet.mergeCells(23, 2, 24, 2);//合并“处罚”
120         sheet.mergeCells(23, 3, 23, 3);
121         sheet.mergeCells(24, 3, 24, 3);
122         sheet.mergeCells(25, 2, 25, 3);
123         sheet.mergeCells(26, 1, 30, 1);//合并“其它措施”
124         sheet.mergeCells(26, 2, 26, 3);
125         sheet.mergeCells(27, 2, 27, 3);
126         sheet.mergeCells(28, 2, 28, 3);
127         sheet.mergeCells(29, 2, 29, 3);
128         sheet.mergeCells(30, 2, 30, 3);
129         sheet.mergeCells(31, 1, 31, 3);
130         sheet.mergeCells(32, 1, 32, 3);
131         sheet.mergeCells(33, 1, 33, 3);
132         sheet.mergeCells(34, 1, 34, 3);
133         sheet.mergeCells(35, 1, 35, 3);
134         sheet.mergeCells(36, 1, 36, 3);
135         sheet.mergeCells(37, 1, 37, 3);
136         sheet.mergeCells(38, 1, 38, 3);
137         sheet.mergeCells(39, 1, 39, 3);
138         sheet.mergeCells(40, 1, 40, 3);
139         sheet.mergeCells(41, 1, 41, 3);
140         sheet.mergeCells(42, 1, 42, 3);
143         //将定义好的单元格添加到工作表中
144         /*例如:label=new Label(0,2,"编号",format2);    
145         sheet.addCell(label);*/
146         sheet.addCell(new Label(0, 0, sheetName, titleStyle));
147         sheet.addCell(new Label(0, 1, "企业名称", headStyle));
148         sheet.addCell(new Label(1, 1, "行业", headStyle));
149         sheet.addCell(new Label(2, 1, "企业所属地", headStyle));
150         sheet.addCell(new Label(3, 1, "填报单位", headStyle));
151         sheet.addCell(new Label(4, 1, "检查时间", headStyle));
152         sheet.addCell(new Label(5, 1, "建设项目名称", headStyle));
153         sheet.addCell(new Label(6, 1, "建成投运时间", headStyle));
154         sheet.addCell(new Label(7, 1, "是否属于工业园区", headStyle));
155         sheet.addCell(new Label(8, 1, "工业园区名称", headStyle));
156         sheet.addCell(new Label(9, 1, "是否存在问题", headStyle));
157         sheet.addCell(new Label(10, 1, "存在问题", headStyle));
158         sheet.addCell(new Label(11, 1, "存在问题类型", headStyle));
159         sheet.addCell(new Label(11, 2, "超标排放 ", headStyle));
160         sheet.addCell(new Label(12, 2, "未批先建 ", headStyle));
161         sheet.addCell(new Label(13, 2, "未执行三同时 ", headStyle));
162         sheet.addCell(new Label(14, 2, "不正常使用污染防治设施 ", headStyle));
163         sheet.addCell(new Label(15, 2, "偷排偷放 ", headStyle));
164         sheet.addCell(new Label(16, 2, "伪造或篡改环境监测数据 ", headStyle));
165         sheet.addCell(new Label(17, 2, "其它 ", headStyle));
166         sheet.addCell(new Label(18, 1, "处理情况", headStyle));
167         sheet.addCell(new Label(18, 2, "责令停止建设", headStyle));
168         sheet.addCell(new Label(19, 2, "责令停产", headStyle));
169         sheet.addCell(new Label(20, 2, "责令限期改正或治理 ", headStyle));
170         sheet.addCell(new Label(21, 2, "责令关停取缔 ", headStyle));
171         sheet.addCell(new Label(22, 2, "限期补办环评手续 ", headStyle));
172         sheet.addCell(new Label(23, 2, "处罚", headStyle));
173         sheet.addCell(new Label(23, 3, "是/否 ", headStyle));
174         sheet.addCell(new Label(24, 3, "处罚金额", headStyle));
175         sheet.addCell(new Label(25, 2, "其它", headStyle));
176         sheet.addCell(new Label(26, 1, "其它措施", headStyle));
177         sheet.addCell(new Label(26, 2, "实施查封、扣押 ", headStyle));
178         sheet.addCell(new Label(27, 2, "实施按日连续处罚", headStyle));
179         sheet.addCell(new Label(28, 2, "实施限产、停产 ", headStyle));
180         sheet.addCell(new Label(29, 2, "移送司法机关及相关部门", headStyle));
181         sheet.addCell(new Label(30, 2, "其它 ", headStyle));
182         sheet.addCell(new Label(31, 1, "按日处罚开始时间", headStyle));
183         sheet.addCell(new Label(32, 1, "按日处罚结束时间", headStyle));
184         sheet.addCell(new Label(33, 1, "按日处罚金额", headStyle));
185         sheet.addCell(new Label(34, 1, "整改时限", headStyle));
186         sheet.addCell(new Label(35, 1, "完成情况", headStyle));
187         sheet.addCell(new Label(36, 1, "完成时间 ", headStyle));
188         sheet.addCell(new Label(37, 1, "完成情况描述 ", headStyle));
189         sheet.addCell(new Label(38, 1, "未完成情况描述 ", headStyle));
190         sheet.addCell(new Label(39, 1, "责任单位", headStyle));
191         sheet.addCell(new Label(40, 1, "监管单位", headStyle));
192         sheet.addCell(new Label(41, 1, "填报人", headStyle));
193         sheet.addCell(new Label(42, 1, "审核人", headStyle));
196         //循环设置单元格宽度和高度
197         for(int j=0;j<42;j++){
198             sheet.setColumnView(j, 15);//设excel单元格的宽度
199             sheet.setRowView(j, 300);//设excel单元格的高度
200             if(j==0 || j==1 || j==2 || j==3){
201                 sheet.setColumnView(j, 25);
202                 sheet.setRowView(j, 400);
203             }
204         }
207         //生成数据行,并且间隔行高亮显示
208         int rowIndex = 4;
211         //循环遍历结果集
212         for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
213             int colIndex2 = 0;
214             Object[] objs = (Object[]) list.get(i);
215             //{objs[0]==null ? "" : objs[0].toString()}:三目运算:如果?前面的结果为true,那么执行冒号后面第一个条件"",如果?前面的结果为false,那么执行后面的结果,即objs[0].toString();
216             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[0]==null ? "" : objs[0].toString()));//企业名称
217             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[1]==null ? "" : objs[1].toString()));//行业
218             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[3]==null ? "" : objs[3].toString()));//填报单位
219             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[2]==null ? "" : objs[2].toString()));//企业所属地
220             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[4]==null ? "" : objs[4].toString()));//检查时间
221             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[5]==null ? "" : objs[5].toString()));//建设项目名称
222             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[6]==null ? "" : objs[6].toString()));//建成投运时间 
223             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[7]==null ? "" : objs[7].toString()));//是否属于<br/>工业园区
224             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[8]==null ? "" : objs[8].toString()));//工业园区名称
225             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[9]==null ? "" : objs[9].toString()));//是否存在问题
226             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[10]==null ? "" : objs[10].toString()));//存在问题
227             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[11]==null ? "" : objs[11].toString()));//超标排放
228             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[12]==null ? "" : objs[12].toString()));//未批先建 
229             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[13]==null ? "" : objs[13].toString()));//未执行三同时 
230             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[14]==null ? "" : objs[14].toString()));//不正常使用污染防治设施
231             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[15]==null ? "" : objs[15].toString()));//偷排偷放
232             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[16]==null ? "" : objs[16].toString()));//伪造或篡改环境监测数据
233             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[17]==null ? "" : objs[17].toString()));//其它 
234             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[18]==null ? "" : objs[18].toString()));//责令停止建设 
235             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[19]==null ? "" : objs[19].toString()));//责令停产 
236             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[20]==null ? "" : objs[20].toString()));//责令限期改正或治理 
237             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[21]==null ? "" : objs[21].toString()));//责令关停取缔
238             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[22]==null ? "" : objs[22].toString()));//限期补办环评手续 
239             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[23]==null ? "" : objs[23].toString()));//是/否 处罚
240             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[24]==null ? "" : objs[24].toString()));//处罚金额
241             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[25]==null ? "" : objs[25].toString()));//其它 
242             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[26]==null ? "" : objs[26].toString()));//实施查封、扣押 
243             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[27]==null ? "" : objs[27].toString()));//实施按日连续处罚 
244             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[28]==null ? "" : objs[28].toString()));//实施限产、停产 
245             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[29]==null ? "" : objs[29].toString()));//移送司法机关及相关部门
246             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[30]==null ? "" : objs[30].toString()));//其它 
247             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[31]==null ? "" : objs[31].toString()));//按日处罚开始时间
248             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[32]==null ? "" : objs[32].toString()));//按日处罚结束时间
249             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[33]==null ? "" : objs[33].toString()));//按日处罚金额
250             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[34]==null ? "" : objs[34].toString()));//整改时限
251             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[35]==null ? "" : objs[35].toString()));//完成情况
252             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[36]==null ? "" : objs[36].toString()));//完成时间
253             if(objs[37]!=null && !"".equals(objs[37].toString())){
254                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[37].toString()));//完成情况描述 
255             }else{
256                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, ""));
257             }
258             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[38]==null ? "" : objs[38].toString()));//未完成情况描述 
259             if(objs[39]!=null && !"".equals(objs[39].toString())){
260                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[39].toString()));//责任单位
261             }else{
262                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, ""));
263             }
264             if(objs[40]!=null && !"".equals(objs[40].toString())){
265                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[40].toString()));//监管单位
266             }else{
267                 sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, ""));
268             }
269             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[41]==null ? "" : objs[41].toString()));//填报人
270             sheet.addCell(new Label(colIndex2++, rowIndex, objs[42]==null ? "" : objs[42].toString()));//审核人 
271             rowIndex++;
272         }
275         //获取总记录条数
276         int totle = 0;
277         if (list != null) {
278             totle = list.size();
279         }
282         //设置报表尾
283         sheet.mergeCells(0, rowIndex, 42, rowIndex);
284         sheet.mergeCells(0, rowIndex+1, 42, rowIndex+1);
285         sheet.addCell(new Label(0, rowIndex+1, "报告已完成  / 共计:" + totle + " 条。 ",toolStyle));
286         workbook.write();
287         workbook.close();
288         //生成完毕
292         //下载生成的报表文件
293         File xlsFile = new File(filePath);
294         if (xlsFile.exists()) {
295             response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="
296             + new String(excelName.getBytes("GBK"), "ISO8859-1")); // filename应该是编码后的(utf-8)
297             response.setHeader("charset", "utf-8");
298             response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel");//设置下载文件的格式,此处为msexcel
299             OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
300             InputStream is = new FileInputStream(xlsFile);
301             byte[] tmp = new byte[1024];
302             int len;
303             while ((len = is.read(tmp)) != -1) {
304                 os.write(tmp, 0, len);
305             }
306             is.close();
307             os.flush();
308             os.close();
310             // 下载完成后删除临时文件
311             xlsFile.delete();
312         }
314     }


(3)封装查询条件方法argMap(Map<String,Object> map)代码:

  1   /**
  2      * 封装查询条件
  3      * @param map
  4      * @return
  5      */
  6     public Map<String,Object> argMap(Map<String,Object> map){
  7         String userId = LoginUtil.getAppLoginUserId(request);
  8         UserInforVo mdvo = enterpriseManager.findById(userId);
  9         //appadmin不进行数据过滤
 10         if(!mdvo.getUserName().equals("平台管理员")){
 11             level = enterpriseManager.getUserRoleRegion(mdvo.getRegionCode());
 12             String regions=enterpriseManager.getUserRoleChildRegion(mdvo.getRegionCode(), level);
 13             if(regions.length()>0){
 14                 regions = regions.substring(0, regions.length()-1);
 15             }
 16             if(areacode!=null && !"".equals(areacode)){
 17                 level = enterpriseManager.getUserRoleRegion(areacode);
 18                 String regions_=enterpriseManager.getUserRoleChildRegion(areacode, level); //得到该行政区划下所有子区划
 19                 //如果行政区划选“全部”
 20                 if(areacode.equals("all"))
 21                 {
 22                     map.put("regions",regions);
 23                 }else if("hz".equals(areacode)){   //以下是行政区划选“**本级”
 24                     map.put("regions", "610700000");
 25                 }else if("ak".equals(areacode)){
 26                     map.put("regions", "610900000");
 27                 }else if("bj".equals(areacode)){
 28                     map.put("regions", "610300000");
 29                 }else if("tc".equals(areacode)){
 30                     map.put("regions", "610200000");
 31                 }else if("hc".equals(areacode)){
 32                     map.put("regions", "610581000");
 33                 }else if("xy".equals(areacode)){
 34                     map.put("regions", "610400000");
 35                 }else if("ya".equals(areacode)){
 36                     map.put("regions", "610600000");
 37                 }else if("xa".equals(areacode)){
 38                     map.put("regions", "610100000");
 39                 }else if("xx".equals(areacode)){
 40                     map.put("regions", "610101000");
 41                 }else if("ylq".equals(areacode)){
 42                     map.put("regions", "610403000");
 43                 }else if("yl".equals(areacode)){
 44                     map.put("regions", "610800000");
 45                 }else if("wn".equals(areacode)){
 46                     map.put("regions", "610500000");
 47                 }else if("sl".equals(areacode)){
 48                     map.put("regions", "611000000");
 49                 }else if("sx".equals(areacode)){
 50                     map.put("regions", "610000000");
 51                 }else if(level==2 || level==1){                  //选择省级或市级
 52                     map.put("regions", regions_);
 53                 }else {
 54                     map.put("regions", areacode);
 55                 }
 56              }
 57             else
 58             {
 59                map.put("regions",regions);
 60             }
 62         }
 64 if((startTime!=null && !"".equals(startTime)) && (endTime!=null && !"".equals(endTime))){
 65             map.put("startTime", startTime);
 66             map.put("endTime", endTime);
 67         }
 68         if(isComplete!=null && !"".equals(isComplete)){
 69             if(!"2".equals(isComplete)){
 70                 map.put("isComplete", isComplete);
 71             }
 72         }
 73         if(pstype!=null && !"".equals(pstype)){
 74             map.put("pstype", pstype);
 75         }
 76         if(psname!=null && !"".equals(psname)){
 77             map.put("psname", psname);
 78         }
 80         if(hasProblem!=null && !"".equals(hasProblem)){
 81             if(!"2".equals(hasProblem)){
 82                 map.put("hasProblem", hasProblem);
 83             }
 84         }
 85         if(deal!=null && !"".equals(deal)){
 86             if("0".equals(deal)){
 88             }
 89             if("1".equals(deal)){
 90                 map.put("dealStopBuild", 1);
 91             }
 92             if("2".equals(deal)){
 93                 map.put("dealStopProduction", 1);
 94             }
 95             if("3".equals(deal)){
 96                 map.put("dealPunishment", 1);
 97             }
 98             if("4".equals(deal)){
 99                 map.put("dealClampdown", 1);
100             }
101             if("5".equals(deal)){
102                 map.put("dealXqbbhpsx", 1);
103             }
104             if("6".equals(deal)){
105                 map.put("dealRestrict", 1);
106             }
107             if("7".equals(deal)){
108                 map.put("dealPunishmentOther", 1);
109             }
110             map.put("deal", deal.equals("0") ? "" : deal);//导出excel时用
111         }
112         if(problemType!=null && !"".equals(problemType)){
113             String[] problemTypes = problemType.split(",");
114             if(problemTypes.length>0){
115                 for(int k=0;k<problemTypes.length;k++){
116                     if("0".equals(problemTypes[k])){
117                     }
118                     if("1".equals(problemTypes[k])){
119                         map.put("dealNotExecutCbpf", 1);
120                     }
121                     if("2".equals(problemTypes[k])){
122                         map.put("dealNotapprovedBeforeConstruction", 1);
123                     }
124                     if("3".equals(problemTypes[k])){
125                         map.put("dealNotExecutThreetongshizhidu", 1);
126                     }
127                     if("4".equals(problemTypes[k])){
128                         map.put("dealbzcsywrfzcs", 1);
129                     }
130                     if("5".equals(problemTypes[k])){
131                         map.put("dealStealingDischarge", 1);
132                     }
133                     if("6".equals(problemTypes[k])){
134                         map.put("dealCounterfeitMisrepresentData", 1);
135                     }
136                     if("7".equals(problemTypes[k])){
137                         map.put("dealOther", 1);
138                     }
139                 }
140             }
142         }
143         if(dealOther!=null && !"".equals(dealOther)){
144             if("0".equals(dealOther)){
146             }
147             if("1".equals(dealOther)){
148                 map.put("dealOtherAttachment", 1);
149             }
150             if("2".equals(dealOther)){
151                 map.put("dealOtherPunishmentperday", 1);
152             }
153             if("3".equals(dealOther)){
154                 map.put("dealOtherControlProduction", 1);
155             }
156             if("4".equals(dealOther)){
157                 map.put("dealOtherForlaw", 1);
158             }
159             if("5".equals(dealOther)){
160                 map.put("dealOtherOther", 1);
161             }
162             //map.put("dealOther", dealOther.equals("0") ? "" : dealOther);//导出excel时用
163         }
164         return map;
166     }


(4)查找符合条件信息的方法findAllObject(Map<String, Object> map)代码:

  1 public List<Object> findAllObject(Map<String, Object> map) {
  2         int isComplete = 3;
  3         String psname = "";
  4         String pstype = "";
  5         String hasProblem = "";
  6         String startTime = "";
  7         String endTime = "";
  8         String deal = "";
  9         String dealOther = "";
 10         List<String> psids = new ArrayList<String>();
 11         // 完成状态
 12         if (map.get("isComplete") != null && !"".equals(map.get("isComplete"))) {
 13             isComplete = Integer.parseInt(map.get("isComplete").toString());
 14         }
 15         // 是否存在问题
 16         if (map.get("hasProblem") != null && !"".equals(map.get("hasProblem"))) {
 17             hasProblem = (String) map.get("hasProblem");
 18         }
 19         // 企业名称
 20         if (map.get("psname") != null && !"".equals(map.get("psname"))) {
 21             psname = (String) map.get("psname");
 22         }
 23         // 行业
 24         if (map.get("pstype") != null && !"".equals(map.get("pstype"))) {
 25             pstype = (String) map.get("pstype");
 26         }
 27         // 检查时间
 28         if (map.get("startTime") != null && !"".equals(map.get("startTime"))) {
 29             startTime = (String) map.get("startTime");
 30         }
 31         if (map.get("endTime") != null && !"".equals(map.get("endTime"))) {
 32             endTime = (String) map.get("endTime");
 33         }
 34         // 填报单位
 35         String newstr = "";
 36         if (map.get("regions") != null && !"".equals(map.get("regions"))) {
 38             String str = map.get("regions").toString();
 39             String[] str1 = str.split(",");
 40             if (str1.length > 0) {
 41                 for (int i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) {
 42                     if (i == str1.length - 1) {
 43                         newstr += "‘" + str1[i] + "‘";
 44                     } else {
 45                         newstr += "‘" + str1[i] + "‘" + ",";
 46                     }
 47                 }
 48             }
 49         }
 50         if (map.get("deal") != null && !"".equals(map.get("deal"))) {
 51             deal = (String) map.get("deal");
 52         }
 53         if (map.get("dealOther") != null && !"".equals(map.get("dealOther"))) {
 54             dealOther = (String) map.get("dealOther");
 55         }
 57         boolean flag = false;
 58         StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
 59         if (map.get("dealNotExecutCbpf") != null
 60                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealNotExecutCbpf"))) {
 61             str.append(" and (ill.deal_not_execut_cbpf = 1");
 62             flag = true;
 63         }
 65         if (map.get("dealNotapprovedBeforeConstruction") != null
 66                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealNotapprovedBeforeConstruction"))) {
 67             if (flag) {
 68                 str.append(" or ill.deal_not_approved_before_construction = 1");
 69             } else {
 70                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_not_approved_before_construction = 1");
 71                 flag = true;
 72             }
 73         }
 75         if (map.get("dealNotExecutThreetongshizhidu") != null
 76                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealNotExecutThreetongshizhidu"))) {
 77             if (flag) {
 78                 str.append(" or ill.deal_not_Execut_threetongshizhidu = 1");
 79             } else {
 80                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_not_Execut_threetongshizhidu = 1");
 81                 flag = true;
 82             }
 83         }
 85         if (map.get("dealbzcsywrfzcs") != null
 86                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealbzcsywrfzcs"))) {
 87             if (flag) {
 88                 str.append(" or ill.deal_bzcsywrfzcs = 1");
 89             } else {
 90                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_bzcsywrfzcs = 1");
 91                 flag = true;
 92             }
 93         }
 95         if (map.get("dealStealingDischarge") != null
 96                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealStealingDischarge"))) {
 97             if (flag) {
 98                 str.append(" or ill.deal_stealing_discharge = 1");
 99             } else {
100                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_stealing_discharge = 1");
101                 flag = true;
102             }
103         }
105         if (map.get("dealCounterfeitMisrepresentData") != null
106                 && !"".equals(map.get("dealCounterfeitMisrepresentData"))) {
107             if (flag) {
108                 str.append(" or ill.deal_counterfeit_misrepresentData = 1");
109             } else {
110                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_counterfeit_misrepresentData = 1");
111                 flag = true;
112             }
113         }
115         if (map.get("dealOther") != null && !"".equals(map.get("dealOther"))) {
116             if (flag) {
117                 str.append(" or ill.deal_other = 1");
118             } else {
119                 str.append(" and (ill.deal_other = 1");
120                 flag = true;
121             }
122         }
123         if (flag) {
124             str.append(")");
125         }
126         String str_psids = "";
127         if (isComplete == 0) {
128             psids = this.getPollEnterprises(startTime, endTime, newstr);
129             if (psids != null && psids.size() > 0) {
130                 for (int i = 0; i < psids.size(); i++) {
131                     if (i == psids.size() - 1) {
132                         str_psids += "‘" + psids.get(i) + "‘";
133                     } else {
134                         str_psids += "‘" + psids.get(i) + "‘,";
135                     }
136                 }
137             }
138         }
139         Session session = this.getSession();
140         SQLQuery query = session
141                 .createSQLQuery("{Call psCheck_ExcelData(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
142         query.setString(0, "".equals(startTime) ? null : startTime);
143         query.setString(1, "".equals(endTime) ? null : endTime);
144         query.setString(2, "".equals(newstr) ? null : newstr);
145         query.setString(3, "".equals(String.valueOf(hasProblem)) ? null
146                 : String.valueOf(hasProblem));
147         if(psname!=null && !"".equals(psname)){
148             try {
149                 psname = new String(psname.getBytes("iso8859-1"),"utf-8");
150                 query.setString(4, psname);
151             } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
152                 e.printStackTrace();
153             }
154         }else{
155             query.setString(4, null);
156         }
157         query.setString(5, "".equals(deal) ? null : deal);
158         query.setString(6, "".equals(dealOther) ? null : dealOther);
159         query.setString(7, pstype.equals("0") ? null : pstype);
160         query.setString(8, "".equals(str.toString()) ? null : str.toString());
161         query.setString(9, "3".equals(String.valueOf(isComplete)) ? null
162                 : String.valueOf(isComplete));
163         query.setString(10, "".equals(str_psids) ? null : str_psids);
164         List<Object> list = query.list();
165         return list;
166     }











(3)argMap(Map<String,Object> map)方法:


(4)findAllObject(Map<String, Object> map)方法:

此方法通过封装好的查询条件:map中的值来拼装出hql语句,然后通过调用find() 方法来查找出,所有符合此条件查询的对象放入list集合中。

(5)generateExcel(list,excelName, sheetName)方法:



导出excel java实现



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