PooledDB 有这么几个参数
mincached : the initial number of idle connections in the pool (the default of 0 means no connections are made at startup)
maxcached: the maximum number of idle connections in the pool (the default value of 0 or None means unlimited pool size)
maxconnections: maximum number of connections generally allowed (the default value of 0 or None means any number of connections)
blocking: determines behavior when exceeding the maximum
其中 maxconnections 的描述有点奇怪,它说 generally allowed,为什么是 generally ?
设定 blocking=True,使用 MySQLdb 试验的结果如下:
1. 如果 maxconnections 参数不存在,那么连接数可以无限大,直至打满 mysql
2. 如果 maxcached < maxconnections,那么最大连接数就是 maxconnections, 但是奇怪的是,并不是所有 connections 都被复用了,pool 还是会创建新的连接
3. 如果 maxcached > maxconnections,那么最大连接数就是 maxcached, 同样存在 connections 可以复用但是还是会创建新连接的问题
from threading import Thread from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB from datetime import datetime import MySQLdb pool = PooledDB(creator=MySQLdb, mincached=1, maxcached=3, maxconnections=3, blocking=True, user="test", passwd="test", db="test") def test1(pool): print("start: %s" % datetime.now()) conn = pool.connection() print conn cursor = conn.cursor() print("select: %s" % datetime.now()) cursor.execute("select sleep(10)") cursor.close() conn.close() print("end: %s" % datetime.now()) def main(): for i in xrange(15): Thread(target=test1, args=(pool,)).start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
python DBUtils.PooledDB 中 maxcached 和 maxconnections