cmd中运行代码:pip install C:\Python27\Scripts\psycopg2-2.6.2-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
S.N. API & 描述
1 psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="cohondob", host="", port="5432")
2 connection.cursor()
3 cursor.execute(sql [, optional parameters])
此例程执行SQL语句。可被参数化的SQL语句(即占位符,而不是SQL文字)。 psycopg2的模块支持占位符用%s标志
例如:cursor.execute("insert into people values (%s, %s)", (who, age))
4 curosr.executemany(sql, seq_of_parameters)
5 curosr.callproc(procname[, parameters])
6 cursor.rowcount
这个只读属性,它返回数据库中的行的总数已修改,插入或删除最后 execute*().
7 connection.commit()
8 connection.rollback()
9 connection.close()
10 cursor.fetchone()
11 cursor.fetchmany([size=cursor.arraysize])
12 cursor.fetchall()
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 9 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 10 connectPostgreSQL() 11
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 cursor=conn.cursor() 9 cursor.execute(‘‘‘create table public.member( 10 id integer not null primary key, 11 name varchar(32) not null, 12 password varchar(32) not null, 13 singal varchar(128) 14 )‘‘‘) 15 conn.commit() 16 conn.close() 17 print ‘table public.member is created!‘ 18 19 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 20 connectPostgreSQL() 21
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 cursor=conn.cursor() 9 cursor.execute(‘‘‘create table public.member( 10 id integer not null primary key, 11 name varchar(32) not null, 12 password varchar(32) not null, 13 singal varchar(128) 14 )‘‘‘) 15 conn.commit() 16 conn.close() 17 print ‘table public.member is created!‘ 18 19 def insertOperate(): 20 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 21 cursor=conn.cursor() 22 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)23 values(1,‘member0‘,‘password0‘,‘signal0‘)") 24 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)25 values(2,‘member1‘,‘password1‘,‘signal1‘)") 26 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)27 values(3,‘member2‘,‘password2‘,‘signal2‘)") 28 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)29 values(4,‘member3‘,‘password3‘,‘signal3‘)") 30 conn.commit() 31 conn.close() 32 33 print ‘insert records into public.memmber successfully‘ 34 35 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 36 #connectPostgreSQL() 37 insertOperate() 38
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 cursor=conn.cursor() 9 cursor.execute(‘‘‘create table public.member( 10 id integer not null primary key, 11 name varchar(32) not null, 12 password varchar(32) not null, 13 singal varchar(128) 14 )‘‘‘) 15 conn.commit() 16 conn.close() 17 print ‘table public.member is created!‘ 18 19 def insertOperate(): 20 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 21 cursor=conn.cursor() 22 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)23 values(1,‘member0‘,‘password0‘,‘signal0‘)") 24 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)25 values(2,‘member1‘,‘password1‘,‘signal1‘)") 26 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)27 values(3,‘member2‘,‘password2‘,‘signal2‘)") 28 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)29 values(4,‘member3‘,‘password3‘,‘signal3‘)") 30 conn.commit() 31 conn.close() 32 33 print ‘insert records into public.memmber successfully‘ 34 35 def selectOperate(): 36 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 37 cursor=conn.cursor() 38 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member where id>2") 39 rows=cursor.fetchall() 40 for row in rows: 41 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 42 conn.close() 43 44 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 45 #connectPostgreSQL() 46 #insertOperate() 47 selectOperate() 48
Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:24:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ========== RESTART: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mutilpleTest.py ========== id= 3 ,name= member2 ,pwd= password2 ,singal= signal2 id= 4 ,name= member3 ,pwd= password3 ,singal= signal3 >>>
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 cursor=conn.cursor() 9 cursor.execute(‘‘‘create table public.member( 10 id integer not null primary key, 11 name varchar(32) not null, 12 password varchar(32) not null, 13 singal varchar(128) 14 )‘‘‘) 15 conn.commit() 16 conn.close() 17 print ‘table public.member is created!‘ 18 19 def insertOperate(): 20 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 21 cursor=conn.cursor() 22 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)23 values(1,‘member0‘,‘password0‘,‘signal0‘)") 24 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)25 values(2,‘member1‘,‘password1‘,‘signal1‘)") 26 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)27 values(3,‘member2‘,‘password2‘,‘signal2‘)") 28 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)29 values(4,‘member3‘,‘password3‘,‘signal3‘)") 30 conn.commit() 31 conn.close() 32 33 print ‘insert records into public.memmber successfully‘ 34 35 def selectOperate(): 36 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 37 cursor=conn.cursor() 38 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member where id>2") 39 rows=cursor.fetchall() 40 for row in rows: 41 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 42 conn.close() 43 44 def updateOperate(): 45 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 46 cursor=conn.cursor() 47 cursor.execute("update public.member set name=‘update ...‘ where id=2") 48 conn.commit() 49 print "Total number of rows updated :", cursor.rowcount 50 51 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member") 52 rows=cursor.fetchall() 53 for row in rows: 54 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 55 conn.close() 56 57 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 58 #connectPostgreSQL() 59 #insertOperate() 60 #selectOperate() 61 updateOperate()
Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:24:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ========== RESTART: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mutilpleTest.py ========== Total number of rows updated : 1 id= 1 ,name= member0 ,pwd= password0 ,singal= signal0 id= 3 ,name= member2 ,pwd= password2 ,singal= signal2 id= 4 ,name= member3 ,pwd= password3 ,singal= signal3 id= 2 ,name= update ... ,pwd= password1 ,singal= signal1 >>>
1 import os 2 import sys 3 import psycopg2 4 5 def connectPostgreSQL(): 6 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 7 print ‘connect successful!‘ 8 cursor=conn.cursor() 9 cursor.execute(‘‘‘create table public.member( 10 id integer not null primary key, 11 name varchar(32) not null, 12 password varchar(32) not null, 13 singal varchar(128) 14 )‘‘‘) 15 conn.commit() 16 conn.close() 17 print ‘table public.member is created!‘ 18 19 def insertOperate(): 20 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 21 cursor=conn.cursor() 22 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)23 values(1,‘member0‘,‘password0‘,‘signal0‘)") 24 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)25 values(2,‘member1‘,‘password1‘,‘signal1‘)") 26 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)27 values(3,‘member2‘,‘password2‘,‘signal2‘)") 28 cursor.execute("insert into public.member(id,name,password,singal)29 values(4,‘member3‘,‘password3‘,‘signal3‘)") 30 conn.commit() 31 conn.close() 32 33 print ‘insert records into public.memmber successfully‘ 34 35 def selectOperate(): 36 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 37 cursor=conn.cursor() 38 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member where id>2") 39 rows=cursor.fetchall() 40 for row in rows: 41 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 42 conn.close() 43 44 def updateOperate(): 45 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 46 cursor=conn.cursor() 47 cursor.execute("update public.member set name=‘update ...‘ where id=2") 48 conn.commit() 49 print "Total number of rows updated :", cursor.rowcount 50 51 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member") 52 rows=cursor.fetchall() 53 for row in rows: 54 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 55 conn.close() 56 57 def deleteOperate(): 58 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="new.1234", host="", port="5432") 59 cursor=conn.cursor() 60 61 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member") 62 rows=cursor.fetchall() 63 for row in rows: 64 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 65 66 print ‘begin delete‘ 67 cursor.execute("delete from public.member where id=2") 68 conn.commit() 69 print ‘end delete‘ 70 print "Total number of rows deleted :", cursor.rowcount 71 72 cursor.execute("select id,name,password,singal from public.member") 73 rows=cursor.fetchall() 74 for row in rows: 75 print ‘id=‘,row[0], ‘,name=‘,row[1],‘,pwd=‘,row[2],‘,singal=‘,row[3],‘\n‘ 76 conn.close() 77 78 if __name__==‘__main__‘: 79 #connectPostgreSQL() 80 #insertOperate() 81 #selectOperate() 82 #updateOperate() 83 deleteOperate()
Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:24:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ========== RESTART: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mutilpleTest.py ========== id= 1 ,name= member0 ,pwd= password0 ,singal= signal0 id= 3 ,name= member2 ,pwd= password2 ,singal= signal2 id= 4 ,name= member3 ,pwd= password3 ,singal= signal3 id= 2 ,name= update ... ,pwd= password1 ,singal= signal1 begin delete end delete Total number of rows deleted : 1 id= 1 ,name= member0 ,pwd= password0 ,singal= signal0 id= 3 ,name= member2 ,pwd= password2 ,singal= signal2 id= 4 ,name= member3 ,pwd= password3 ,singal= signal3 >>>