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tensorflow节点布放(device assignment of node)算法:simpler_placer

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tensorflow v0.9中目前在用的devcie assignment算法是simple placer算法,相比于白皮书中cost model算法实现简单。simpler placer算法优先选择/gpu:0设备, 但不支持 multi gpu assignment。
白皮书提到的cost model可以根据设备资源代价、数据传输代价平衡分配设备,在v0.9版本中有部分实现,但还未开放使用,见 core/graph/costmodel.cc 


 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 2 //
 3 // A SimplePlacerTest method has three phases:
 4 //
 5 // 1. Build a TensorFlow graph, with no (or partial) device assignments.
 6 // 2. Attempt to compute a placement using the SimplePlacer.
 7 // 3. EITHER: test that the constraints implied by the graph are respected;
 8 //    or that an appropriate error was reported.
 9 //
10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 class SimplePlacerTest : public ::testing::Test {
12  protected:
13   SimplePlacerTest() {
14     // Build a set of 10 GPU and 10 CPU devices.
15     // NOTE: this->local_devices_ owns the device objects;
16     // this->devices_ contains borrowed pointers to the device
17     // objects.
18     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {    // 添加了10 cpu和10 gpu的fake devices
19       local_devices_.emplace_back(FakeDevice::MakeCPU(
20           strings::StrCat("/job:a/replica:0/task:0/cpu:", i)));
21       devices_.AddDevice(local_devices_.back().get());
22       // Insert the GPUs in reverse order.
23       local_devices_.emplace_back(FakeDevice::MakeGPU(
24           strings::StrCat("/job:a/replica:0/task:0/gpu:", 9 - i)));
25       devices_.AddDevice(local_devices_.back().get());
26     }
27   }
28   ...
29 }
30 ...
31 // Test that a graph with no constraints will successfully assign nodes to the
32 // "best available" device (i.e. prefer GPU over CPU).
33 TEST_F(SimplePlacerTest, TestNoConstraints) {
34   Graph g(OpRegistry::Global());
35   {  // Scope for temporary variables used to construct g.   // 用GraphDefBuilder构建graph的结构
36     GraphDefBuilder b(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately);
37     Node* input = ops::SourceOp("TestInput", b.opts().WithName("in"));    
38     ops::UnaryOp("TestRelu", ops::NodeOut(input, 0), b.opts().WithName("n1"));
39     ops::UnaryOp("TestRelu", ops::NodeOut(input, 1), b.opts().WithName("n2"));
40     TF_EXPECT_OK(BuildGraph(b, &g));   //  BuildGraph函数将GraphDefBuilder的图写入到Graph中
41   }
43   TF_EXPECT_OK(Place(&g));   // Place函数将graph中的node布放到设备列表中
44   EXPECT_DEVICE_TYPE(g, "in", DEVICE_CPU);   // 期望:input节点在CPU中,n1节点在GPU中,n2节点在GPU中,故而GPU优先级大于CPU
47 }

其中BuildGraph函数将GraphDefBuilder 对象中的graph 结构定义写入到Graph中。Place函数将graph中的node布放到设备列表中,其中device assignment算法的核心在SimplePlacer::Run函数中

 1  // Builds the given graph, and (if successful) indexes the node
 2   // names for use in placement, and later lookup.
 3   Status BuildGraph(const GraphDefBuilder& builder, Graph* out_graph) {
 4     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(builder.ToGraph(out_graph));
 5     nodes_by_name_.clear();
 6     for (Node* node : out_graph->nodes()) {
 7       nodes_by_name_[node->name()] = node->id();
 8     }
 9     return Status::OK();
10   }
11   // Invokes the SimplePlacer on "graph". If no DeviceSet is specified, the
12   // placement will use the default DeviceSet (of 10 CPU and 10 GPU devices).
13   //
14   // REQUIRES: "*graph" was produced by the most recent call to BuildGraph.
15   Status Place(Graph* graph, DeviceSet* devices, SessionOptions* options) {
16     SimplePlacer placer(graph, devices, options);
17     return placer.Run();
18   }


步骤1和2: 遍历graph的node,将node加入到ColocationGraph对象中(不包含source和sink节点)。
 1 // 1. First add all of the nodes. Note that steps (1) and (2)
 2 // requires two passes over the nodes because the graph (and hence
 3 // the constraints) may not be acyclic.  这里graph可能是有环的?
 4 for (Node* node : graph_->nodes()) {
 5     // Skip the source and sink nodes.
 6     if (!node->IsOp()) { continue; }
 7     status = colocation_graph.AddNode(*node);
 8     if (!status.ok()) return AttachDef(status, node->def());
 9   }
10 // 2. Enumerate the constraint edges, and use them to update the disjoint node set.         // disjoint set(并查集,即不相交的节点集合),一种树型数据结构,
11 ...
1 ColocationGraph maintains the connected components of a colocation constraint graph, and uses this information to assign a satisfying device placement to the nodes of the graph. 
2 The implementation uses the union- find algorithm to maintain the connected components efficiently and incrementally as edges (implied by ColocationGraph::ColocateNodes() invocations) are added.  
3 参考:并查集wiki


步骤3:如下图和code所示,source和sink节点分配在cpu上,已指定device的节点不再重新分配。分配方式有方面,见Heuristic A和Heuristic B。
 1  3. For each node, assign a device based on the constraints in thedisjoint node set.
 2   std::vector<Device*> devices;
 3   std::vector<Node*> second_pass;
 4   for (Node* node : graph_->nodes()) {
 5     // Skip the source and sink nodes.
 6     if (!node->IsOp()) {
 7       continue;
 8     }
 9     // Skip nodes that already have an assigned name.
10     if (!node->assigned_device_name().empty()) {
11       continue;
12     }
13     // Heuristic A: prefer to place "generators" with their only
14     // consumers.
15     //
16     // If this is a node with no inputs and a single (non-ref)
17     // consumer, we save this for a second pass, so that the
18     // consumer‘s placement is chosen.
19     if (IsGeneratorNode(node)) {    // generator node: no input, one output, not a reference-type node
20       second_pass.push_back(node);
21       continue;
22     }
23     status = colocation_graph.GetDevicesForNode(node, &devices);
24     ...
25     // Returns the first device in sorted devices list so we will always
26     // choose the same device.
27     //
28     // TODO(vrv): Factor this assignment out into a pluggable
29     // algorithm, so that SimplePlacer is responsible for enforcing
30     // preconditions and we can experiment with other algorithms when
31     // given a choice of devices. Once we have a better idea of the
32     // types of heuristics we want to use and the information needed
33     // to perform good placement we can add an interface for this.
34     string assigned_device = devices[0]->name();
35     // Heuristic B: If the node only operates on metadata, not data,
36     // then it is desirable to place that metadata node with its
37     // input.
38     if (IsMetadataNode(node)) {   
39       // Make sure that the input device type is in the list of supported
40       // device types for this node.
41       const Node* input = (*node->in_edges().begin())->src();
42       // TODO(vrv): if the input is empty, consider postponing this
43       // node‘s assignment to the second pass, so that we handle the
44       // case where a metadata node‘s input comes from a backedge
45       // of a loop.
46       const string& input_device_name = input->assigned_device_name();
47       if (CanAssignToDevice(input_device_name, devices)) {
48         assigned_device = input_device_name;
49       }
50     }
51     AssignAndLog(assigned_device, node);   // 将assigned_device分配个node节点,在步骤3中没有对符合Heuristic A的GeneratorNode分配设备,而是在步骤4中完成的
52   }
1 bool IsGeneratorNode(const Node* node) {
2   return node->num_inputs() == 0 && node->num_outputs() == 1 && node->out_edges().size() == 1 && !IsRefType(node->output_type(0));
3 }
1 bool IsMetadataNode(const Node* node) {
2   const string& node_type = node->type_string();
3   return (node_type == "Size" || node_type == "Shape" || node_type == "Rank");
4 }
步骤4:给步骤3中的Generator Node分配device。
// 4. Perform a second pass assignment for those nodes explicitly skipped during the first pass.




tensorflow节点布放(device assignment of node)算法:simpler_placer



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