// Get IP Address
- (NSString *)getIPAddress {
NSString *address = @"error";
struct ifaddrs *interfaces = NULL;
struct ifaddrs *temp_addr = NULL;
int success = 0;
// retrieve the current interfaces - returns 0 on success
success = getifaddrs(&interfaces);
if (success == 0) {
// Loop through linked list of interfaces
temp_addr = interfaces;
while(temp_addr != NULL) {
if(temp_addr->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
// Check if interface is en0 which is the wifi connection on the iPhone
if([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:temp_addr->ifa_name] isEqualToString:@"en0"]) {
// Get NSString from C String
address = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)];
temp_addr = temp_addr->ifa_next;
// Free memory
return address;
#import <SystemConfiguration/CaptiveNetwork.h>
- (NSString *)currentWifiSSID
NSString *ssid = nil;
NSArray *ifs = (__bridge id)CNCopySupportedInterfaces();
for (NSString *ifname in ifs) {
NSDictionary *info = (__bridge id)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((__bridge CFStringRef)ifname);
if (info[@"SSID"])
ssid = info[@"SSID"];
return ssid;
#import <sys/socket.h>
#import <sys/sockio.h>
#import <sys/ioctl.h>
#import <net/if.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
- (NSString *)getDeviceIPIpAddresses
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if ( sockfd < 0) return nil;
NSMutableArray *ips = [NSMutableArray array];
int BUFFERSIZE = 4096;
struct ifconf ifc;
char buffer[BUFFERSIZE], *ptr, lastname[IFNAMSIZ], *cptr;
struct ifreq *ifr, ifrcopy;
ifc.ifc_len = BUFFERSIZE;
ifc.ifc_buf = buffer;
if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) >= 0){
for (ptr = buffer; ptr < buffer + ifc.ifc_len; ){
ifr = (struct ifreq *)ptr;
int len = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len > len) {
len = ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len;
ptr += sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + len;
if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) continue;
if ((cptr = (char *)strchr(ifr->ifr_name, ‘:‘)) != NULL) *cptr = 0;
if (strncmp(lastname, ifr->ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) continue;
memcpy(lastname, ifr->ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ);
ifrcopy = *ifr;
ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifrcopy);
if ((ifrcopy.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) continue;
NSString *ip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_addr)->sin_addr)];
[ips addObject:ip];
NSString *deviceIP = @"";
for (int i=0; i < ips.count; i++)
if (ips.count > 0)
deviceIP = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",ips.lastObject];
return deviceIP;