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Python 13rd Day

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SQLAlchemy - Object-Relational Mapper

First create Base class:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

declarative_base is a factory function, that returns a base class (actually a metaclass), and the entities are going to inherit from it.

The entities are classes, which derive from the Base class.


An image consist of a UUID and its associated number of likes. 一张图片由一个 UUID 和相关联的 like 组成

Each image can be associated with many tags, a tag can be associated with many images. 每张图片都可关联很多 tags, 每个 tag 都可以关联很多图片

That‘s a many-to-many relationship, so we need a mapping table. 图片和 tag 是多对多的关系,需要一个 mappping table 来定义对应关系

Finally each image can have multiple comments, a one-to-many relation with a foreign key on the comments side. 每张图片可以有很多 comments, 一对多关系由外键关联到 comments side.


Tag <=多对多=> Image <=一对多=> Comment

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref

tags = Table(tag_image, Base.metadata,
    Column(tag_id, Integer, ForeignKey(tags.id)),
    Column(image_id, Integer, ForeignKey(images.id))

class Image(Base):

    __tablename__ = images

    id          =   Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    uuid        =   Column(String(36), unique=True, nullable=False)
    likes       =   Column(Integer, default=0)
    created_at  =   Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    # the backref parameter which adds the image properties to the tags and comments entities
    tags        =   relationship(Tag, secondary=tags, backref = backref(images, lazy=dynamic))
    comments    =   relationship(Comment, backref=image, lazy=dynamic)

    def __repr__(self):
        str_created_at = self.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        return "<Image (uuid=‘%s‘, likes=‘%d‘, created_at=%s)>" % (self.uuid, self.likes, str_created_at)

class Tag(Base):

    __tablename__ = tags

    id      =   Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name    =   Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Tag (name=‘%s‘)>" % (self.name)

class Comment(Base):

    __tablename__ = comments

    id          =   Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    text        =   Column(String(2000))
    image_id    =   Column(Integer, ForeignKey(images.id))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Comment (text=‘%s‘)>" % (self.text)



# Get a list of tags:
for name in session.query(Tag.name).order_by(Tag.name):
    print name

# How many tags do we have?

# Get all images created yesterday:
session.query(Image)     .filter(Image.created_at < datetime.utcnow().date())     .all()

# Get all images, that belong to the tag ‘car‘ or ‘animal‘, using a subselect:
session.query(Image)     .filter(Image.tags.any(Tag.name.in_([car, animal])))     .all()

# This can also be expressed with a join:
session.query(Image)     .join(Tag, Image.tags)     .filter(Tag.name.in_([car, animal]))     .all()

正向查找 & 反向查找


用户表 (User)

nid username group_id
1 gary 1
2 leon 2

组表 (Group)

nid caption
1 dba
2 dev



class Group(Base):
    __tablename__ = group
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    caption = Column(String(32))

    def __repr__(self):
        # return str
        temp = "%s - %s" % (self.nid, self.caption)
        return temp

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = user
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    username = Column(String(32))
    # foreign key
    group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(group.nid))
    # add relationship to Group table
    group = relationship("Group", backref=uuu) # uuu for 反向查找

    def __repr__(self):
        # return str
        temp = "%s - %s - %s" % (self.nid, self.username, self.group_id)
        return temp

查找组为 dba 的所有用户,

  • 一般查询(正向)
  • # 正向查找组是 dba 的所有用户
    ret  = session.query(User).join(Group, isouter=True).filter(Group.caption == dba).all()
    for obj in ret:
        print(obj.username, obj.group.caption) # gary dba

    正向查询 query 用户表并通过 join 关联 Group 表,利用 relationship 创建的 group 虚拟字段连接 group 表

  • 反向查询
  • # 反向查找
    # 无需去 User 表查询, 而是直接去 Group 表中查询 uuu 字段, 反向取得 dba 的组成员
    obj = session.query(Group).filter(Group.caption == dba).first() # caption 为 dba 的一行数据
    print(obj.uuu[0].username, obj.caption) # gary dba

    反向查找直接查询 Group 表获得 caption 为 dba 的行,然后通过 uuu 字段关联 User 表获得对应用户名







class Host(Base):
    __tablename__ = host
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    hostname = Column(String(32))
    port = Column(String(32))
    ip = Column(String(32))

class HostUser(Base):
    __tablename__ = host_user
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
    username = Column(String(32))

class HostToHostUser(Base):
    # parent
    __tablename__ = host_to_host_user
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)

    host_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(host.nid))
    host_user_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(host_user.nid))
    # 在关系表里定义了一个主机表 (子表) 里的虚拟字段, 指向 Host 子表 (正向), h 在子表 (Host) 里指向父表 (反向)
    host = relationship("Host", backref=h)
    # HostToHostUser.host_user 与 HostUser 对应, 指向 HostUser 子表 (正向), u 在子表 (HostUser) 里指向父表 (反向)
    host_user = relationship("HostUser", backref=u)

获取能够登陆 c1 主机的所有用户,


  1. 从 Host 表中获取主机名为 c1 的行
  2. 从关系表中获取与主机 nid 对应的 用户 nid
  3. 根据得到的用户 nid 从用户表中查询到用户名


# 找 c1 主机的主机 id
host_obj = session.query(Host).filter(Host.hostname == c1).first()

# 允许登陆 c1 主机的用户 id
host_2_host_user = session.query(HostToHostUser.host_user_id).filter(HostToHostUser.host_id == host_obj.nid).all()

# print(host_2_host_user)  # [(1,), (2,), (3,)]
r = zip(*host_2_host_user)
# print(list(r)[0])  # (1, 2, 3) # 把列表转成 tuple

# 根据用户 id 用户查询 username
users = session.query(HostUser.username).filter(HostUser.nid.in_(list(r)[0])).all()
# print(users) # [(‘root‘,), (‘db‘,), (‘nb‘,)]
u = zip(*users)
print(list(u)[0])  # (‘root‘, ‘db‘, ‘nb‘)


class HostToHostUser(Base):
    # parent
    __tablename__ = host_to_host_user
    nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)

    host_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(host.nid))
    host_user_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(host_user.nid))
    # 在关系表里定义了一个主机表 (子表) 里的虚拟字段, 指向 Host 子表 (正向), h 在子表 (Host) 里指向父表 (反向)
    host = relationship("Host", backref=h)
    # HostToHostUser.host_user 与 HostUser 对应, 指向 HostUser 子表 (正向), u 在子表 (HostUser) 里指向父表 (反向)
    host_user = relationship("HostUser", backref=u)
  1. 从 Host 表中获取主机名为 c1 的行
  2. 利用虚拟字段 Host.h 反向得到关系表中的相关行
  3. 利用 HostToHostUser.host_user 正向关联用户表


host_obj = session.query(Host).filter(Host.hostname==c1).first()
for item in host_obj.h: # 关系表中的多个对象, 原理是利用主机表里的 h 虚拟字段指向关系表里主机 id 为 1 的三行数据, 这是反向查询
    # print(item.host_user.username) 
    # print(item.host_user_id)
    print(item.host_user.nid, item.host_user.username)  # item.host_user 通过外键与 HostUser 关联, 这是正向查询


Python 13rd Day



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