# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle user_list = { ‘test1‘:{ ‘username‘:‘test1‘, ‘userpasswd‘:‘123456‘, ‘salary‘:‘‘, ‘shop_car‘:‘‘, ‘shop_car_list‘:‘‘ }, ‘test‘:{ ‘username‘:‘test‘, ‘userpasswd‘:‘abcd‘, ‘salary‘:‘‘, ‘shop_car‘:‘‘, ‘shop_car_list‘:‘‘ } } f = open(‘E:/linux 学习/python学习/day2/user_list.txt‘,‘wb‘) pickle.dump(user_list,f) f.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle f = open(‘E:/linux 学习/python学习/day2/user_list.txt‘,‘rb‘) user_list = pickle.load(f) f.close() def wirte_logout(): f = open(‘E:/linux 学习/python学习/day2/user_list.txt‘,‘wb‘) pickle.dump(user_list,f) f.close() return product_list = [ (‘Iphone 6s‘,5299), (‘Iphone 6s Plus‘,5999), (‘Sumsung s7‘,3888), (‘Sumsung s7 Edge‘,5688), (‘360 F4 ‘,799), (‘红米Note3 ‘,899), (‘魅族 MX6‘,1999), (‘华为 Mate‘,2799), ] def index_page(): page = ‘‘‘ [0]登录 [1]注册 [2]浏览 ‘‘‘ print(‘\n‘,‘测试页面‘.center(60,‘-‘),page) return def login(): print(‘\n‘) global user count = 1 for i in range(5): if count <= 3: user = input(‘用户登录: ‘) password = input(‘密 码: ‘) if user in user_list.keys(): if user == user_list[user][‘username‘] and password == user_list[user][‘userpasswd‘]: msg = ‘‘‘ 欢迎登录! ‘‘‘ print(msg) break else: print(‘用户名或密码不正确,请重新登录!‘) else: user_choice = input(‘用户不存在,是否需要注册(y/n)‘) if user_choice == ‘y‘: add_user() break elif user_choice == ‘n‘: pass count += 1 elif count > 3: exit(‘超出登录次数!登录失败‘) return def add_user(): global user exit_flag = False print(‘\n‘) while not exit_flag: username = input(‘请输入你的用户名:‘) if username in user_list.keys(): print(‘\n用户名已存在,请输入其他名称\n‘) else: exit_flag = True userpasswd = input(‘请输入你的密码‘) user_list[username] = {} user_list[username][‘username‘] = username user_list[username][‘userpasswd‘] = userpasswd user_list[username][‘salary‘] = ‘‘ user_list[username][‘shop_car‘] = ‘‘ user_list[username][‘shop_car_list‘] = ‘‘ print(‘\n注册成功,你的用户名是:%s‘ % username,‘\n‘) user = user_list[username][‘username‘] return def print_product_list(): print(‘\n产品列表:\n‘) for item in enumerate(product_list): index = item[0] p_name = item[1][0] p_price = item[1][1] print(index,‘:‘,p_name,p_price) return def printending(): print(‘你之前购买的商品‘.center(50,‘-‘)) for item in user_list[user][‘shop_car‘]: a = user_list[user][‘shop_car‘].index(item) print(‘商品:%s 价格:%s 数量:%s‘ % (user_list[user][‘shop_car‘][a][0],user_list[user][‘shop_car‘][a][1],user_list[user][‘shop_car_list‘][a])) print(‘End‘.center(58,‘-‘)) print(‘你的余额是:%s‘ % user_list[user][‘salary‘],‘\n‘) return exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: index_page() index_user_choice = input(‘请输入您要进行的操作:‘) if index_user_choice == ‘0‘: login() exit_flag = True elif index_user_choice == ‘1‘: add_user() exit_flag = True elif index_user_choice == ‘2‘: print_product_list() else: print(‘输入操作无效!‘) print(‘Begin The Shopping‘.center(80,‘-‘),‘\n‘) exit_flag2 = False while not exit_flag2: if not user_list[user][‘salary‘]: salary = input(‘你的余额为0,请充值金额: ‘) if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) user_list[user][‘salary‘] = salary else: print(‘数据类型不正确,请输入一个正确的数字!‘) continue else: salary = user_list[user][‘salary‘] if not user_list[user][‘shop_car‘]: shop_car = [] shop_car_list = [] else: shop_car = user_list[user][‘shop_car‘] shop_car_list = user_list[user][‘shop_car_list‘] print_product_list() print(‘‘‘ [q=quit,c=check,l=logout,r=rechage] ‘‘‘) user_choice = input(‘请问你想购买什么?‘) if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list): p_item = product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1] <= salary: if p_item not in shop_car: shop_car.append(p_item) shop_car_list.append(1) user_list[user][‘shop_car‘] = shop_car user_list[user][‘shop_car_list‘] = shop_car_list salary -= p_item[1] user_list[user][‘salary‘] = salary print(‘在购物车上添加了:%s,价格是:%s,你的余额是:%s‘ % (p_item[0],p_item[1],user_list[user][‘salary‘]),‘\n‘) else: item_num = shop_car_list[shop_car.index(p_item)]+1 shop_car_list[shop_car.index(p_item)] = item_num user_list[user][‘shop_car_list‘] = shop_car_list salary -= p_item[1] user_list[user][‘salary‘] = salary print(‘在购物车上添加了:%s,价格是:%s,你的余额是:%s‘ % (p_item[0],p_item[1],user_list[user][‘salary‘]),‘\n‘) else: print(‘你的余额是:%s,余额不足购买!‘ % user_list[user][‘salary‘],‘\n‘) else: print(‘你选择的商品不存在!‘,‘\n‘) else: if user_choice == ‘q‘ or user_choice == ‘quit‘: printending() print(‘Bye %s‘ % user) wirte_logout() exit_flag2 = True elif user_choice == ‘c‘ or user_choice == ‘check‘: printending() elif user_choice == ‘l‘ or user_choice == ‘logout‘: printending() login() elif user_choice == ‘r‘ or user_choice == ‘rechage‘: salary_change = input(‘请输入充值金额:‘) if salary_change.isdigit(): salary_change = int(salary_change) salary += salary_change user_list[user][‘salary‘] = salary else: print(‘数据类型不正确,请输入一个正确的数字!‘) continue else: print(‘请输入合法字符!‘,‘\n‘)
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