SQL Script To Execute --Replace the text "Replace With DatabaseName" with your database name --For Example --USE [AdventureWorksCycle_MSCRM] USE [<Replace With DatabaseName>] GO BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN t1 IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N‘[dbo].[ToDeletePOAEntries]‘) AND ObjectProperty(id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) create table ToDeletePoaEntries ( ObjectId uniqueidentifier, Otc int ) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysindexes si INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects so ON si.id = so.id WHERE so.id = OBJECT_ID(N‘[dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries]‘) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(so.id, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1 AND si.name LIKE ‘%mainindex%‘) CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [mainindex] ON [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] ( [ObjectId] ASC, [Otc] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ----- Insert records to be deleted in ToDeletePoaEntries -- go through all user-owned entities which are not replicated and don‘t support duplicate detection declare entity_cursor cursor local FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY for select distinct e.ObjectTypeCode, e.BaseTableName, a.PhysicalName from EntityView e inner join AttributeView a on e.EntityId = a.EntityId and a.IsPKAttribute = 1 where e.IsReplicated = 0 and e.IsDuplicateCheckSupported = 0 and e.OwnershipTypeMask & 1 = 1 open entity_cursor declare @baseTableName sysname declare @otc nvarchar(20) declare @primaryKey sysname declare @totalCollected int = 0 declare @currentCollected int declare @tempRowCount int = 0 declare @collectstatement nvarchar(max) fetch next from entity_cursor into @otc, @baseTableName, @primaryKey while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin print ‘Cleaning up POA for ‘ + @baseTableName set @currentCollected = 0 set @collectstatement = ‘insert into ToDeletePoaEntries(ObjectId, Otc) select distinct poa.ObjectId, poa.ObjectTypeCode from PrincipalObjectAccess poa left join ‘ + @baseTableName + ‘ e on poa.ObjectId = e.‘ + @primaryKey + ‘ where e.‘ + @primaryKey + ‘ is null and poa.ObjectTypeCode = ‘ + @otc; print @collectstatement exec(@collectstatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentCollected = @currentCollected + @tempRowCount print CAST(@currentCollected as nvarchar(20)) + ‘ records collected for ‘ + @baseTableName set @totalCollected = @totalCollected + @currentCollected fetch next from entity_cursor into @otc, @baseTableName, @primaryKey end close entity_cursor deallocate entity_cursor print CAST(@totalCollected as nvarchar(20)) + ‘ total records collected‘ -- Delete query -- This scripts cleans up orphaned POA records for selected entities declare @deleteBatchSize int = 50000 declare @deleteBatchSizeNVarChar nvarchar(10) = CAST(@deleteBatchSize as nvarchar(10)) declare @totalDeleted int = 0 declare @currentDeleted int declare @deletestatement nvarchar(max) set @currentDeleted = 0 set @tempRowCount = 0 -- delete all records of the current entity type which don‘t have corresponding object in the base table set @deletestatement = ‘delete top (‘ + @deleteBatchSizeNVarChar + ‘) from PrincipalObjectAccess from PrincipalObjectAccess poa join ToDeletePoaEntries e on poa.ObjectId = e.ObjectId and poa.ObjectTypeCode = e.Otc‘ print @deletestatement -- delete PrincipalObjectAccess records in batches exec(@deletestatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentDeleted = @currentDeleted + @tempRowCount while @tempRowCount = @deleteBatchSize begin exec(@deletestatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentDeleted = @currentDeleted + @tempRowCount print CAST(@currentDeleted as nvarchar(20)) + ‘ records deleted ‘ + cast(getUtcdate() as nvarchar(50)) --cleanup end COMMIT TRAN t1 -- Cleanup DROP Table [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] PRINT ‘EXECUTION SUCCEED‘ END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRAN t1 -- Cleanup DROP Table [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] PRINT ‘EXECUTION FAILED :‘ + ERROR_MESSAGE() END CATCH
Article ID: 2664150 - Last Review: 06/27/2012 12:54:00 - Revision: 6.0
How to control PrincipalObjectAccess table growth in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011