1 import os,sys 2 os.system(‘‘.join(sys.argv[1:])) #把用户输入的参数当作一条命令交给os.system执行
当我们在命令行中输入python hello.py时,其实是激活了Python的“解释器”,告诉“解释器”:你要开始工作了。可是在“解释”之前,其实执行的第一项工作和Java一样,是编译。其实Python也一样,当我们执行python hello.py时,他也一样执行了这么一个过程,所以我们应该这样来描述Python,Python是一门先编译后解释的语言。
1 或 0
1. 列表、元祖操作
names = [‘Tom‘,"Jack",‘Rose‘]
1 >>> names[0] 2 3 ‘Tom‘ 4 5 >>> names[2] 6 7 ‘Rose‘ 8 9 >>> names[-1] 10 11 ‘Rose‘ 12 13 >>> names[-2] #还可以倒着取 14 15 ‘Jack‘
1 >>> names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,‘Rose‘,‘Lucy‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘] 2 3 >>> names[1:4] #取下标1至下标4之间的数字,包括1,不包括4 4 5 [‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘] 6 7 >>> names[1:-1] #取下标1至-1的值,不包括-1 8 9 [‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘] 10 11 >>> names[0:3] 12 13 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘] 14 15 >>> names[:3] #如果是从头开始取,0可以忽略,跟上句效果一样 16 17 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘] 18 19 >>> names[3:] #如果想取最后一个,必须不能写-1,只能这么写 20 21 [‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘] 22 23 >>> names[0::2] #后面的2是代表,每隔一个元素,就取一个 24 25 [‘Tom‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lilei‘] 26 27 >>> names[::2] #和上句效果一样 28 29 [‘Tom‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lilei‘]
1 >>> names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,‘Rose‘,‘Lucy‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘] 2 3 >>>names.append(“NEW”) 4 5 >>>names 6 7 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘NEW‘]
1 >>>names 2 3 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘NEW‘] 4 5 >>>names.insert(2,"从Jack后面插入") 6 >>>names 7 8 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘从Jack后面插入‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘NEW‘] 9 10 >>>names.insert(7,"再从Green后面插入") 11 >>>names 12 13 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘从Jack后面插入‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘再从Green后面插入‘, ‘NEW‘]
1 >>>names 2 3 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘从Jack后面插入‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘再从Green后面插入‘, ‘NEW‘] 4 5 >>> names[2] = "该换人了" 6 7 >>> names 8 9 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘该换人了‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘再从Green后面插入‘, ‘NEW‘]
1 >>> del names[2] 2 3 >>> names 4 5 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘再从Green后面插入‘, ‘NEW‘] 6 7 >>> names.remove(""再从Green后面插入"") #删除指定元素 8 9 >>> names 10 11 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘NEW‘] 12 13 >>> names.pop() #删除列表最后一个值 14 15 ‘NEW’ 16 17 >>>names 18 19 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘]
1 >>> del names[2] 2 3 >>> names 4 5 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘再从Green后面插入‘, ‘NEW‘] 6 7 >>> names.remove(""再从Green后面插入"") #删除指定元素 8 9 >>> names 10 11 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘NEW‘] 12 13 >>> names.pop() #删除列表最后一个值 14 15 ‘NEW’ 16 17 >>>names 18 19 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘]
1 >>> names 2 3 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, 1, 2, 3] 4 5 >>> name_copy = names.copy() 6 7 >>> name_copy 8 9 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, 1, 2, 3]
上面这种copy叫浅copy,浅copy只copy了一层列表的元素,列表中如果再有列表的话,copy前后的两个列表的内层列表指向的是同一个内存地址,即将names的Rose改成 乔丹 后,names_copy的Rose也跟着改了。浅copy主要是为了节省内存空间。
1 import copy 2 3 names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,[‘Rose‘,‘James‘],‘Lucy‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘] 4 5 names_copy = copy.deepcopy(names) 6 7 print(names) 8 9 print(names_copy) 10 11 names[1] = "苍老师" 12 13 names[2][0] = "乔丹" 14 15 print(names) 16 17 print(names_copy)
1 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, [‘Rose‘, ‘James‘], ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘] 2 3 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, [‘Rose‘, ‘James‘], ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘] 4 5 [‘Tom‘, ‘苍老师‘, [‘乔丹‘, ‘James‘], ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘] 6 7 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, [‘Rose‘, ‘James‘], ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘]
1 >>>names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,‘Rose‘,‘Tom‘,‘Lucy‘,‘Tom‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘] 2 >>>names.count("Tom")
1 >>> names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,‘Rose‘,‘Lucy‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘,1,2,3] 2 3 >>> names.sort() #排序 4 5 Traceback (most recent call last): 6 7 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 8 9 TypeError: unorderable types: int() < str() #3.0里不同数据类型不能放在一起排序了,擦 10 11 >>> names[-3] = ‘1‘ 12 13 >>> names[-2] = ‘2‘ 14 15 >>> names[-1] = ‘3‘ 16 17 >>>names 18 19 [‘Tom‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Green‘, ‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘] 20 21 >>> names.sort() 22 23 >>>names 24 25 [‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘, ‘Green‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Tom‘] 26 27 >>>names.reverse() 28 29 [‘3‘, ‘2‘, ‘1‘, ‘Green‘, ‘Lilei‘, ‘Lucy‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Jack‘, ‘Tom‘]
1 >>>names = [‘Tom‘,‘Jack‘,‘Rose‘,‘Lucy‘,‘Lilei‘,‘Green‘,1,2,3] 2 >>>names.index("Jack")
1 names = ("tom","jack","rose")
2. 字符串操作
a.count() #判断某元素在字符串中的个数
1 >>>a = ‘abacdaefg’ 2 >>>a.count(‘a’)
a.capitalize() #把字符串首字母变为大写
1 >>>a = ‘abacdaefg’ 2 3 >>>a. capitalize () 4 5 ‘Abacdaefg’
a.casefold() #将字母改成小写;汉语 & 英语环境下面继续用 lower()没问题;要处理其它语言(如德语)且存在大小写情况的时候再用casefold()。
1 >>>a = "this is A testing" 2 3 >>>a.casefold() 4 5 this is a testing 6 a.center() # 7 8 a = "this is A testing" 9 print(a.center(40,"-")) 10 11 -----------this is A testing------------ 12 a.encode() #默认是UTF-8格式 13 14 msg = " 好好学习,天天向上" 15 #print(msg.encode().decode(encoding=‘utf-8‘)) 16 print(msg.encode()) 17 print(msg.encode().decode()) 18 19 b‘\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe5\xad\xa6\xe4\xb9\xa0\xef\xbc\x8c\xe5\xa4\xa9\xe5\xa4\xa9\xe5\x90\x91\xe4\xb8\x8a‘#编码 20 21 好好学习,天天向上 #解码
python 中字符串的casefold函数与lower函数的区别是什么?
a.endswith() #判断字符串是否以指定字符或子字符串结尾,常用于判断文件类型;
#a.startswith() 判断是不是以参数中内容开头
1 a = "this is A testing" 2 3 print(a.endswith("ing")) 4 5 True
a.expandtabs() #把字符串中的 tab 符号(‘\t‘)转为空格,返回字符串中的 tab 符号(‘\t‘)转为空格后生成的新字符串
1 a = "---\tthis is A testing" 2 print(a) 3 print(a.expandtabs()) 4 5 --- this is A testing 6 7 --- this is A testing
a.format() #格式化字符串
1 a = "this is A testing" 2 print("----->{test}".format(test=a))
a.format_map() #传入的参数是字典;无法循环传入字典里的所有参数
1 people = { 2 ‘name‘:[‘zhang‘,‘ci‘], 3 ‘age‘:[55,33] 4 } 5 6 print(people) 7 8 print(‘my name is {name[0]},my age is {age[0]}‘.format_map(people)) 9 print(‘my name is {name[0]},my age is {age[1]}‘.format_map(people)) 10 print(‘my name is {name[1]},my age is {age[0]}‘.format_map(people)) 11 print(‘my name is {name[1]},my age is {age[1]}‘.format_map(people)) 12 13 结果: 14 {‘name‘: [‘zhang‘, ‘ci‘], ‘age‘: [55, 33]} 15 my name is zhang,my age is 55 16 my name is zhang,my age is 33 17 my name is ci,my age is 55 18 my name is ci,my age is 33
1 people = { 2 ‘name‘:[‘zhang‘,‘ci‘], 3 ‘age‘:[55,33] 4 } 5 6 print([‘my name is {},my age is {}‘.format(*x) for x in zip(people[‘name‘],people[‘age‘])]) 7 print([‘my name is {},my age is {}‘.format(*x) for x in zip(*map(people.get,[‘name‘,‘age‘]))]) 8 9 10 结果: 11 [‘my name is zhang,my age is 55‘, ‘my name is ci,my age is 33‘] 12 [‘my name is zhang,my age is 55‘, ‘my name is ci,my age is 33‘]
1 a = ‘fdsafdsf‘ 2 print(a.index(‘f‘)) 3 print(a.index(‘d‘)) 4 print(a.index(‘a‘)) 5 6 结果: 7 0 8 1 9 3
a.isalnum() #检测字符串是否由字母和数字组成
1 a = ‘fdsafdsf‘ 2 b = ‘fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fdwer$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 print(a.isalnum()) 6 print(b.isalnum()) 7 print(c.isalnum()) 8 print(d.isalnum()) 9 10 结果: 11 True 12 True 13 False 14 False
a.isalpha() #检测字符串是否只由字母组成
1 a = ‘fdsafdsf‘ 2 b = ‘fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fdwer$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 print(a.isalpha()) 6 print(b.isalpha()) 7 print(c.isalpha()) 8 print(d.isalpha()) 9 10 11 结果: 12 True 13 False 14 False 15 False
a.isdigit() #判断字符串是不是数字
1 a = ‘fdsafdsf‘ 2 b = ‘fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fdwer$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 e = ‘123213‘ 6 print(a.isdigit()) 7 print(b.isdigit()) 8 print(c.isdigit()) 9 print(d.isdigit()) 10 print(e.isdigit()) 11 12 13 结果: 14 False 15 False 16 False 17 False 18 True
a.isidentifier() #判断字符串是否是合法的标识符
1 a = ‘fdsafdsf‘ 2 b = ‘fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fdwer$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 e = ‘123213‘ 6 f = ‘_4312‘ 7 print(a.isidentifier()) 8 print(b.isidentifier()) 9 print(c.isidentifier()) 10 print(d.isidentifier()) 11 print(e.isidentifier()) 12 print(f.isidentifier()) 13 14 15 结果: 16 True 17 True 18 False 19 False 20 False 21 True
a.islower() #判断是不是小写
#a.isupper() ,判断是不是大写
1 a = ‘fdsEWREWfdsf‘ 2 b = ‘44#fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fder$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 e = ‘123214d3‘ 6 f = ‘_4312‘ 7 print(a.islower()) 8 print(b.islower()) 9 print(c.islower()) 10 print(d.islower()) 11 print(e.islower()) 12 print(f.islower()) 13 14 15 结果: 16 False 17 True 18 True 19 False 20 True 21 False 22 23 结论:只要字符串中包含小写同时不包含大写即可,包含特殊字符也没事。
a.isnumeric() #检测字符串是否只由数字组成
1 a = ‘fdsEWREWfdsf‘ 2 b = ‘44#fda34‘ 3 c = ‘fder$#‘ 4 d = ‘ ‘ 5 e = ‘1232143‘ 6 f = ‘_4312‘ 7 print(a.isnumeric()) 8 print(b.isnumeric()) 9 print(c.isnumeric()) 10 print(d.isnumeric()) 11 print(e.isnumeric()) 12 print(f.isnumeric()) 13 14 结果: 15 False 16 False 17 False 18 False 19 True 20 False
1 num = "1" #unicode 2 num.isdigit() # True 3 num.isdecimal() # True 4 num.isnumeric() # True 5 6 num = "1" # 全角 7 num.isdigit() # True 8 num.isdecimal() # True 9 num.isnumeric() # True 10 11 num = b"1" # byte 12 num.isdigit() # True 13 num.isdecimal() # AttributeError ‘bytes‘ object has no attribute ‘isdecimal‘ 14 num.isnumeric() # AttributeError ‘bytes‘ object has no attribute ‘isnumeric‘ 15 16 num = "IV" # 罗马数字 17 num.isdigit() # True 18 num.isdecimal() # False 19 num.isnumeric() # True 20 21 num = "四" # 汉字 22 num.isdigit() # False 23 num.isdecimal() # False 24 num.isnumeric() # True 25 26 =================== 27 isdigit() 28 True: Unicode数字,byte数字(单字节),全角数字(双字节),罗马数字 29 False: 汉字数字 30 Error: 无 31 32 isdecimal() 33 True: Unicode数字,,全角数字(双字节) 34 False: 罗马数字,汉字数字 35 Error: byte数字(单字节) 36 37 isnumeric() 38 True: Unicode数字,全角数字(双字节),罗马数字,汉字数字 39 False: 无 40 Error: byte数字(单字节) 41 42 ================ 43 import unicodedata 44 45 unicodedata.digit("2") # 2 46 unicodedata.decimal("2") # 2 47 unicodedata.numeric("2") # 2.0 48 49 unicodedata.digit("2") # 2 50 unicodedata.decimal("2") # 2 51 unicodedata.numeric("2") # 2.0 52 53 unicodedata.digit(b"3") # TypeError: must be str, not bytes 54 unicodedata.decimal(b"3") # TypeError: must be str, not bytes 55 unicodedata.numeric(b"3") # TypeError: must be str, not bytes 56 57 unicodedata.digit("Ⅷ") # ValueError: not a digit 58 unicodedata.decimal("Ⅷ") # ValueError: not a decimal 59 unicodedata.numeric("Ⅷ") # 8.0 60 61 unicodedata.digit("四") # ValueError: not a digit 62 unicodedata.decimal("四") # ValueError: not a decimal 63 unicodedata.numeric("四") # 4.0
a.isspace() #判断字符串是否仅包含空格或制表符。注意:空格字符与空白是不同的
1 a = ‘ ‘ 2 b = ‘a b c‘ 3 c = ‘#$_ ds ‘ 4 print(a.isspace()) 5 print(b.isspace()) 6 print(c.isspace()) 7 8 9 结果: 10 True 11 False 12 False
a.istitle() #判断字符串是不是标题格式;检测字符串中所有的单词拼写首字母是否为大写,且其他字母为小写。
1 a = ‘Dsdasd$sa‘ 2 b = ‘Dsdasdsa‘ 3 c = ‘#$_ ds ‘ 4 print(a.istitle()) 5 print(b.istitle()) 6 print(c.istitle()) 7 8 9 结果: 10 False 11 True 12 False
a.join() #连接字符串数组。将字符串、元组、列表中的元素以指定的字符(分隔符)连接生成一个新的字符串
1 b = ‘Dsdas$$$dsa‘ 2 c = ‘#$_ ds ‘ 3 d = [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘,‘4‘] 4 5 print(‘_‘.join(b)) 6 print(‘_‘.join(c)) 7 print(‘_‘.join(d)) 8 9 10 结果: 11 D_s_d_a_s_$_$_$_d_s_a 12 #_$___ _d_s_ 13 1_2_3_4
ljust() 方法返回一个原字符串左对齐,并使用空格填充至指定长度的新字符串。如果指定的长度小于原字符串的长度则返回原字符串。a.rjust() ,返回一个原字符串右对齐,并使用空格填充至指定长度的新字符串
1 str = "this is string example....wow!!!"; 2 3 print str.ljust(50, ‘0‘); 4 5 6 结果: 7 this is string example....wow!!!000000000000000000
a.lower() #把大写转成小写;a.swapcase(),对字符串的大小写字母进行转换
1 b = ‘Dsdas$$$dsa‘ 2 print(b.lower()) 3 4 5 结果: 6 dsdas$$$dsa
a.lstrip() #去掉字符串左边的空格;a.rstrip(),去掉字符串右边的空格;a.strip(),去掉字符串左右边界的空格,字符串中间的空格不处理。
1 1 b = ‘ Dsda s$$$dsa ‘ 2 2 print(b.lstrip()) 3 3 print(b.rstrip()) 4 4 print(b.strip()) 5 5 6 6 7 7 结果: 8 8 Dsda s$$$dsa 9 9 Dsda s$$$dsa 10 10 Dsda s$$$dsa
maketrans() 方法用于创建字符映射的转换表,对于接受两个参数的最简单的调用方式,第一个参数是字符串,表示需要转换的字符,第二个参数也是字符串表示转换的目标。
1 以下实例展示了使用maketrans() 方法将所有元音字母转换为指定的数字: 2 3 4 from string import maketrans # 必须调用 maketrans 函数。 5 6 intab = "aeiou" 7 outtab = "12345" 8 trantab = maketrans(intab, outtab) 9 10 str = "this is string example....wow!!!"; 11 print(str.translate(trantab)) 12 13 14 结果: 15 th3s 3s str3ng 2x1mpl2....w4w!!!
a.replace() #把字符串中的 old(旧字符串) 替换成 new(新字符串)
1 b = ‘ Dsda s$$$dsa ‘ 2 3 print(b.replace(‘Dsda‘, ‘anqing‘)) 4 5 6 结果: 7 anqing s$$$dsa
a.rfind() #返回字符串最后一次出现的位置,如果没有匹配项则返回-1
a.rindex() #返回子字符串 str 在字符串中最后出现的位置
1 b = ‘ Dsda s$$$dsa ‘ 2 print(b.rfind(‘dsa‘)) 3 print(b.rindex(‘Dsda‘)) 4 5 6 结果: 7 19 8 7
a.title() #把字符串转成标题格式
1 a = "MY NAME Is TOM" 2 3 print(a.title()) 4 5 My Name Is Tom
a.translate() # 根据参数table给出的表(包含 256 个字符)转换字符串的字符, 要过滤掉的字符放到 del 参数中
1 把aeiou对应替换成12345: 2 3 4 from string import maketrans # 引用 maketrans 函数。 5 6 intab = "aeiou" 7 outtab = "12345" 8 trantab = maketrans(intab, outtab) 9 10 str = "this is string example....wow!!!"; 11 print str.translate(trantab); 12 13 结果: 14 th3s 3s str3ng 2x1mpl2....w4w!!! 15 16 17 去除字符串中的 ‘x‘ 和 ‘m‘ 字符: 18 19 20 21 from string import maketrans # Required to call maketrans function. 22 23 intab = "aeiou" 24 outtab = "12345" 25 trantab = maketrans(intab, outtab) 26 27 str = "this is string example....wow!!!"; 28 print str.translate(trantab, ‘xm‘); 29 30 结果: 31 th3s 3s str3ng 21pl2....w4w!!!
1 >>> info["stu04"] = "苍老师" 2 >>> info 3 {‘stu04‘: ‘苍老师‘, ‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘}
1 >>> info 2 3 {‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘, ‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘} 4 5 >>>info.pop(‘stu02’) #标准删除 6 7 >>>info 8 9 {‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘} 10 11 >>>del info[‘stu01‘] #另外一种删除方式 12 13 >>>info 14 15 {‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘} 16 17 >>> info.popitem() #随机删除
1 >>> info[‘stu01‘] = "Lily" 2 3 >>> info 4 5 {‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu01‘: ‘Lily‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘苍老师‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘}
1 >>> info = {‘stu02‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Jack‘} 2 3 >>> 4 5 >>> "stu02" in info #标准用法 6 7 True 8 9 >>> info.get("stu02") #获取 10 11 ‘Tom‘ 12 13 >>> info["stu02"] #同上,但是看下面 14 15 ‘Tom‘ 16 17 >>> info["stu05"] #如果一个key不存在,就报错,get不会,不存在只返回None 18 19 Traceback (most recent call last): 20 21 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 22 23 KeyError: ‘stu05‘
1 V = { 2 ‘car‘:{ 3 ‘BMW‘:[‘X5‘,‘M3‘], 4 "BenZ":[‘GLK‘,‘S300‘], 5 "Audi":[‘A8‘,‘Q7‘], 6 }, 7 ‘motorcycle‘:{ 8 "川崎":["很贵","好看"], 9 "庞巴迪":["也很贵","霸气"] 10 }, 11 ‘bike‘:{ 12 "捷安特":["不错","台湾产"], 13 "永久":["便宜","国产"] 14 } 15 } 16 17 V[‘car‘][‘BMW‘][1] += ":$500" 18 19 print(V[‘car‘][‘BMW‘][1]) 20 21 M3:$500
1 >>> info.values() 2 3 dict_values([‘Jack‘, ‘Tom‘, ‘Rose‘, ‘Lilei‘])
1 >>> info.keys() 2 3 dict_keys([‘stu01‘, ‘stu03‘, ‘stu04‘, ‘stu02‘])
1 >>>info.setdefault(‘stu05‘,‘Lily‘) 2 3 ‘Lily’ 4 5 >>>info 6 7 {‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, ‘stu05‘: ‘Lily‘} 8 9 10 11 >>> info.setdefault(‘stu02‘,‘fengjie‘) #已经存在的value不会被setdefault改变 12 13 ‘jack’ 14 15 >>>info 16 17 {‘stu05‘: ‘Lily‘, ‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, ‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘, ‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘}
1 >>> info 2 3 {‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, ‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘, ‘stu02‘: ‘Jack‘, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘} 4 5 >>> b = {1: 2, 3: 4, ‘stu02‘: ‘苍老师‘} 6 7 >>> info.update(b) 8 9 >>> info 10 11 {‘stu03‘: ‘Rose‘, 3: 4, ‘stu02‘: ‘苍老师‘, 1: 2, ‘stu04‘: ‘Lilei‘, ‘stu01‘: ‘Tom‘}
1 info.items() #以列表返回可遍历的(键, 值) 元组数组 2 3 dict_items([(1, 2), (‘stu01‘, ‘Tom‘), (3, 4), (‘stu02‘, ‘苍老师‘), (‘stu03‘, ‘Rose‘), (‘stu04‘, ‘Lilei‘)])
1 for key in info: 2 3 print(key,info[key])
1 msg = " 好好学习,天天向上" 2 print(msg.encode(‘utf-8‘)) 3 print(msg.encode(‘utf-8‘).decode(‘utf-8‘)) 4 5 程序输出: 6 7 b‘\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe5\xa5\xbd\xe5\xad\xa6\xe4\xb9\xa0\xef\xbc\x8c\xe5\xa4\xa9\xe5\xa4\xa9\xe5\x90\x91\xe4\xb8\x8a‘ 8 好好学习,天天向上
1 s = set([3,5,9,10]) #创建一个数值集合 2 3 t = set("Hello") #创建一个唯一字符的集合 4 5 6 a = t | s # t 和 s的并集 7 8 b = t & s # t 和 s的交集 9 10 c = t – s # 求差集(项在t中,但不在s中) 11 12 d = t ^ s # 对称差集(项在t或s中,但不会同时出现在二者中) 13 14 15 16 基本操作: 17 18 t.add(‘x‘) # 添加一项 19 20 s.update([10,37,42]) # 在s中添加多项 21 22 23 24 使用remove()可以删除一项: 25 26 t.remove(‘H‘) 27 28 29 len(s) 30 set 的长度 31 32 x in s 33 测试 x 是否是 s 的成员 34 35 x not in s 36 测试 x 是否不是 s 的成员 37 38 s.issubset(t) 39 s <= t 40 测试是否 s 中的每一个元素都在 t 中 41 42 s.issuperset(t) 43 s >= t 44 测试是否 t 中的每一个元素都在 s 中 45 46 s.union(t) 47 s | t 48 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中的每一个元素 49 50 s.intersection(t) 51 s & t 52 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中的公共元素 53 54 s.difference(t) 55 s - t 56 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 中有但是 t 中没有的元素 57 58 s.symmetric_difference(t) 59 s ^ t 60 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中不重复的元素 61 62 s.copy() 63 返回 set “s”的一个浅复制
Python自动化 【第二篇】:Python基础-列表、元组、字典