package test_stl.test_entry; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * 注意java byte范围-128~127 * * @author ephuizi@gmail.com * */ public class STLUtils { // final private static Pattern ASCII_PATTERN_FACET = // Pattern.compile("facet([\\s\\S]*?)endfacet"); final private static Pattern ASCII_PATTERN_NORMAL = Pattern .compile("normal[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+"); final private static Pattern ASCII_PATTERN_VERTEX = Pattern .compile("vertex[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+[\\s]+([\\-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?)+"); /** * 判断是否stl格式 * * @param stlPath * @return true binary false ascii */ public static boolean isBinary(String stlPath) { long expect = 0;// 以binnary方式计算的文件大小; int face_size = (32 / 8 * 3) + ((32 / 8 * 3) * 3) + (16 / 8);// 一个三角片大小 int n_facetNum = 0;// 三角片数量 RandomAccessFile stl = null; try { stl = new RandomAccessFile(stlPath, "r"); stl.seek(80); byte[] arr = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; stl.read(arr); n_facetNum = STLFaceNum(arr); expect = 80 + (32 / 8) + (n_facetNum * face_size); if (expect == stl.length()) { stl.close(); return true; } // some binary files will have different size from expected, // checking characters lower than ASCII to confirm is binary long fileLength = stl.length(); stl.seek(0); for (long index = 0; index < fileLength; index++) { if (stl.readByte() < 0) { stl.close(); return true; } } stl.close(); return false; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * 用于正数,因为负数存储是补码 第81~84四个字节 * * @param arr * @return */ public static int STLFaceNum(byte[] arr) { if (arr != null && arr.length == 4) { int a = arr[0] & (0xFF);// 防止低位转二进制后是变成负数 int b = (arr[1] << 8) & (0xFFFF); int c = (arr[2] << 16) & (0xFFFFFF); int d = (arr[3] << 24) & (0xFFFFFFFF); return a + b + c + d; } return -1; } /** * resolve binary stl file * * @param stlPath * @return */ public static STLFile parseBinary(String stlPath) { RandomAccessFile stl = null; try { stl = new RandomAccessFile(stlPath, "r"); stl.seek(80); byte[] arr = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; stl.read(arr); int facetNum = STLFaceNum(arr); float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; boolean hasColors = false; float[] colors = null; float defaultR = 0, defaultG = 0, defaultB = 0, alpha = 0; // process STL header // check for default color in header ("COLOR=rgba" sequence). for (int index = 0; index < 80 - 10; index++) { stl.seek(index); // 6字节("COLOR=") if (stl.readInt() == 0x434F4C4F /* COLO */&& (stl.readByte() == 0x52 /* ‘R‘ */) && (stl.readByte() == 0x3D /* ‘=‘ */)) { hasColors = true; colors = new float[facetNum * 3 * 3];// 一个面三个点每个点(r,b,g) defaultR = STLUtils.toFloat(stl.readByte()) / 255;// 6 defaultG = STLUtils.toFloat(stl.readByte()) / 255;// 7 defaultB = STLUtils.toFloat(stl.readByte()) / 255;// 8 alpha = STLUtils.toFloat(stl.readByte()) / 255;// 9 break; } } int dataOffset = 84; int offset = 0; float[] vertices = new float[facetNum * 3 * 3]; float[] normals = new float[facetNum * 3 * 3];// 三角面片法向量的3个分量值数据 byte temp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int max = 0;// 第一个三角片z轴高度 boolean isBegin = true; stl.seek(dataOffset); for (int face = 0; face < facetNum; face++) { // 法向量12个字节 stl.read(temp); float normalX = STLUtils.toFloat(temp);// 4 stl.read(temp); float normalY = STLUtils.toFloat(temp);// 4 stl.read(temp); float normalZ = STLUtils.toFloat(temp);// 4 // 顶点坐标36字节 for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { stl.read(temp); vertices[offset] = STLUtils.toFloat(temp); stl.read(temp); vertices[offset + 1] = STLUtils.toFloat(temp); stl.read(temp); vertices[offset + 2] = STLUtils.toFloat(temp); if (isBegin) { isBegin = false; max = (int) (vertices[offset + 2]); } normals[offset] = normalX; normals[offset + 1] = normalY; normals[offset + 2] = normalZ; offset += 3;// 增加位移 } // color2字节 if (hasColors) { int packedColor = STLUtils.toInt(stl.readByte()) | STLUtils.toInt(stl.readByte()) << 8 & 0xFFFF; if ((packedColor & 0x8000) == 0) { // facet has its own // unique color r = (packedColor & 0x1F) / 31; g = ((packedColor >> 5) & 0x1F) / 31; b = ((packedColor >> 10) & 0x1F) / 31; } else { r = defaultR; g = defaultG; b = defaultB; } } else { // 无颜色 丢弃2字节 stl.readByte(); stl.readByte(); } // 补充颜色 if (hasColors) { colors[face * 9 + 0] = r; colors[face * 9 + 1] = g; colors[face * 9 + 2] = b; colors[face * 9 + 3] = r; colors[face * 9 + 4] = g; colors[face * 9 + 5] = b; colors[face * 9 + 6] = r; colors[face * 9 + 7] = g; colors[face * 9 + 8] = b; } } stl.close(); return new STLFile(max, facetNum, alpha, hasColors, vertices, normals, colors); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static STLFile parseASCII(String stlPath) { int facetNum = asciiFacetNum(stlPath); RandomAccessFile stl = null; try { stl = new RandomAccessFile(stlPath, "r"); float[] vertices = new float[facetNum * 3 * 3]; float[] normals = new float[facetNum * 3 * 3];// 三角面片法向量的3个分量值数据 final String FACET_END = "endfacet"; StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer();// record one-facet int facetIndex = 0; String line = null; while ((line = stl.readLine()) != null) { bf.append(line); if (line.length() > 8 && line.length() < 15 && line.contains(FACET_END)) { // one facet String oneFacet = bf.toString(); Matcher nMatcher = ASCII_PATTERN_NORMAL.matcher(oneFacet); if (!nMatcher.find()) continue; String normal = nMatcher.group(); Matcher mV = ASCII_PATTERN_VERTEX.matcher(oneFacet); if (!mV.find()) continue; String v1 = mV.group();// 第一个顶点 if (!mV.find()) continue; String v2 = mV.group();// 第二个顶点 if (!mV.find()) continue; String v3 = mV.group();// 第三个顶点 // 解析法向量 String GAP = " "; int nfIndex = facetIndex * 9; String[] n_f_arr = normal.split(GAP); normals[nfIndex + 6] = normals[nfIndex + 3] = normals[nfIndex] = Float.parseFloat(n_f_arr[1]); normals[nfIndex + 1 + 6] = normals[nfIndex + 1 + 3] = normals[nfIndex + 1] = Float .parseFloat(n_f_arr[2]); normals[nfIndex + 2 + 6] = normals[nfIndex + 2 + 3] = normals[nfIndex + 2] = Float .parseFloat(n_f_arr[3]); // 解析顶点 String[] v1_f_arr = v1.split(GAP); vertices[nfIndex + 0] = Float.parseFloat(v1_f_arr[1]);// x vertices[nfIndex + 1] = Float.parseFloat(v1_f_arr[2]);// y vertices[nfIndex + 2] = Float.parseFloat(v1_f_arr[3]);// z String[] v2_f_arr = v2.split(GAP); vertices[nfIndex + 3] = Float.parseFloat(v2_f_arr[1]); vertices[nfIndex + 4] = Float.parseFloat(v2_f_arr[2]); vertices[nfIndex + 5] = Float.parseFloat(v2_f_arr[3]); String[] v3_f_arr = v3.split(GAP); vertices[nfIndex + 6] = Float.parseFloat(v3_f_arr[1]); vertices[nfIndex + 7] = Float.parseFloat(v3_f_arr[2]); vertices[nfIndex + 8] = Float.parseFloat(v3_f_arr[3]); // set bf count=0 facetIndex++; bf.setLength(0); } } stl.close(); int max = (int) vertices[2]; return new STLFile(max, facetNum, 0, false, vertices, normals, null); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * 计算ascii-stl-file三角片数量 * * @param stlPath * @return */ public static final int asciiFacetNum(String stlPath) { RandomAccessFile stl = null; int facetNum = 0; try { stl = new RandomAccessFile(stlPath, "r"); int lineNum = 0; int c = 0; while (c != -1) { switch (c = stl.read()) { case -1: case ‘\n‘: lineNum++; break; case ‘\r‘: stl.read();// to skip ‘\n‘ lineNum++; break; default: break; } } facetNum = lineNum / 7; stl.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return facetNum; } /** * -1 原码1000,0001 反码1111,1110 补码1111,1111 所以无符号值 255 * * @param b * @return */ public static int toInt(byte b) { return (int) (b & 0xFF); } /** * -1 原码1000,0001 反码1111,1110 补码1111,1111 所以无符号值 255 带符号位 * * @param b * @return */ public static float toFloat(byte b) { return (float) (b & 0xFF); } /** * 字节转换为浮点 * * @param b * 字节(至少4个字节) * @param index * 开始位置 * @return */ public static float toFloat(byte[] b) { int l; l = b[0]; l &= 0xff; l |= ((int) b[1] << 8); l &= 0xffff; l |= ((int) b[2] << 16); l &= 0xffffff; l |= ((int) b[3] << 24); return Float.intBitsToFloat(l); } /** * 浮点转换为字节 * * @param f * @return */ public static byte[] toByteArr(float f) { // 把float转换为byte[] int fbit = Float.floatToIntBits(f); byte[] b = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { b[i] = (byte) (fbit >> (24 - i * 8)); } // 翻转数组 int len = b.length; // 建立一个与源数组元素类型相同的数组 byte[] dest = new byte[len]; // 为了防止修改源数组,将源数组拷贝一份副本 System.arraycopy(b, 0, dest, 0, len); byte temp; // 将顺位第i个与倒数第i个交换 for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; ++i) { temp = dest[i]; dest[i] = dest[len - i - 1]; dest[len - i - 1] = temp; } return dest; } public static void main(String args[]) { String path = "F:\\three.js-master\\examples\\models\\stl\\ascii\\pr2_head_pan.stl";// ascii path = "F:\\three.js-master\\examples\\models\\stl\\binary\\pr2_head_pan.stl";// // binary path = "F:\\three.js-master\\examples\\models\\stl\\binary\\colored.stl";// // binary-with-color // path = "D:\\用户目录\\下载\\4s-keychain-keychain-kickstand-hHkUg.stl"; if (STLUtils.isBinary(path)) { System.out.println(true); STLUtils.parseBinary(path); } else { STLUtils.parseASCII(path); } } }
package test_stl.test_entry; /** * * @author ephuizi@gmail.com * */ public class STLFile { int max;// 第一个三角片的z高度 int facetNum;// 三角片数量 float alpha; boolean hasColors = false; float[] vertices;// 点 length=[faces * 3 * 3] float[] normals;// 三角面片法向量的3个分量值数据length=[faces * 3 * 3] float[] colors = null;// 点[r,g,b] public STLFile(int max, int facetNum, float alpha, boolean hasColors, float[] vertices, float[] normals, float[] colors) { this.max = max; this.facetNum = facetNum; this.alpha = alpha; this.hasColors = hasColors; this.vertices = vertices; this.normals = normals; this.colors = colors; } }