#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<assert.h> using namespace std; //数字转字符串 string InttoChar(int num){ if(num==0) return "0"; string res; while(num!=0){ int tmp=num%10; char ctmp=tmp+‘0‘; res.push_back(ctmp); num/=10; } reverse(res.begin(),res.end()); return res; } //字符串逆置 string reversestring(string s1){ if(s1=="") return s1; string s2=""; for(int i=s1.length()-1;i>=0;i--){ s2+=s1[i]; } return s2; } //折半法逆置字符串 char* revetsestring(char* s1){ if(s1==NULL) return s1; int len=strlen(s1); char* p1,*p2; p1=s1,p2=s1+len-1; char tmp; while(p1!=p2){ tmp=*p1; *p1=*p2; *p2=tmp; p1++; p2--; } return s1; } //字符串逆置单词内部顺序不变 char* ReverseWords(char* s1){ int len=strlen(s1); if(s1==NULL||len==1) return s1; int i=len-1,j=len; //ij记录单词的位置 int t=0; //暂存已经录入单词的位置 char* res= new char[len+1]; //len不包含‘\0‘要申请len+1个 int k=0; //新字符串的位置 while(i>0){ while(s1[i]!=‘ ‘&&i!=0) i--; t=i; if(i!=0) { i++; while(i<j){ res[k++]=s1[i++]; } res[k++]=‘ ‘; j=t; i=t-1; } else{ while (i<j) { res[k++]=s1[i++]; } i=t; } } res[len]=‘\0‘; return res; } //分别实现strcpy,strcat,strcmp,strstr //strcpy需要一个指针记录开始的位置 char* stringcpy(char* des,char* src){ if(src==NULL) return src; int len=strlen(src); des=new char[len+1]; char* res=des; while(*src!=‘\0‘) *des++=*src++; *des=‘\0‘; return res; } //strcat,strcat需要des保证可以容纳src,我们这里不需要 char* stringcat(char* des,char*src){ if(src==NULL) return des; int len1=strlen(des); int len2=strlen(src); char* newstr=new char[len1+len2+1]; char* res=newstr; while (*des!=‘\0‘) *newstr++=*des++; while(*src!=‘\0‘) *newstr++=*src++; *newstr=‘\0‘; return res; } //strcmp,使用assert要包含其头文件assert.h不满足assert条件会报错 int stringcmp(char* s1,char* s2){ assert((s1!=NULL)&&(s2!=NULL)); while(*s1&&*s2&&(*s1==*s2)){ s1++; s2++; } return *s1-*s2; } //strstr leetcode有原题,做过 bool samestr(char* s1,char* s2){ if(strlen(s1)!=strlen(s2)) return false; while(*s1){ if(*s1==*s2){ s1++; s2++; } else return false; } return true; } char* stringstr(char* s1,char* s2){ if(s1==NULL||s1==NULL) return NULL; int len1=strlen(s1); int len2=strlen(s2); if(len2>len1) return NULL; if(len1==len2){ if(samestr(s1,s2)) return s1; else return NULL; } for(int i=0;i<len1;){ char* tmp=NULL; for(int j=0;j<len2;j++) tmp+=s1[i+j]; tmp+=‘\0‘; if(samestr(tmp,s2)) return s1+i; else i++; } return NULL; } int main(){ int num=1234569; string res=InttoChar(num); cout<<res<<endl; char* test="guofei is a student in SEU!"; string test1="helloworld"; char* test2="happyforever"; cout<<reversestring(test2)<<endl; cout<<reversestring(test1)<<endl; cout<<ReverseWords(test)<<endl; char* s1,*s2="cpy this string"; cout<<stringcpy(s2,s2)<<endl; cout<<stringcmp(test,test2)<<endl; char* s3="auti"; char* s4="beautiful girl"; if(stringstr(s3,s4)) cout<<"fei zi chuan"<<endl; else cout<<"zichuan"<<endl; //this problem is really tricky, i try to cout NULL and i fix bug just for this little error makes me very wordless return 0; }