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Chapter 7 : Design your web database

In this chapter, we need to discuss three problems in order to get into MySQL specifics in the next chapter:
[1] Ralational database concepts and terminology (数据库相关概念和术语)
[2] Web database design (数据库设计)
[3] Web databse architecture (数据库的架构)

The first problem : Ralational database concepts
A table should hava a table_name, a number of columns, a number of rows, each col is corresponding to a different piece of data, each row is corresponding to an individual data.

Each column in the table has a unique name and contains different data.
Each column has an associated data type.
Because of this, columns are sometimes called fields or attributes.

Each row has the same data type and the same attributes.
Because of this, rows are called records or tuples.

Each row consists of a set of individual values that correspond to columns.
Each value must have the data type specified by its column.

Key is a way to identify each specific data.
The identifying column in a table is called the key or the primary key.
A key can consist of multiple columns.
Databases usually consist of multiple tables and use a key as a reference from one
table to another.

Schemas mean that the complete set of the table designs for a database.

Foreign keys represent a relationship between data in two tables.
Relationships can be either one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.

The second problem : Web database design
[1] Think about the real world objects you are modeling (考虑要建模的真正对象)
[2] Avoid storing redundant data (避免数据重复)
[3] Use atomic column values (使用原子列值)
[4] Choose sensible keys (选择有意义的主键)
[5] Think about the questions you want to ask the database (我们要用这个数据库解决的问题)
[6] Avoid designs with many empty attributes (避免空值)

The third problem : Web database architecture
[1] A user‘s Web browser issues an HTTP request for a particular Web page.
[2] The Web server receives the request, retrieves the file(xxx.php), then passes it to the PHP engine for processing.
[3] The PHP engine begins parsing the script. PHP opens the connection to the MySQL server and sends on the appropriate query.
[4] The MySQL server receives the database query and process it, and sends the results back to the PHP engine.
[5] The PHP engine finishes running the script, which will usually involve formatting the query results nicely in HTML. It then returns the resulting HTML to the Web server.
[6] The Web server passes the HTML back to the browser.






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