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linux 查看用户的命令

时间:2014-08-09 02:49:47      阅读:479      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:linux 命令 查看用户

whoami-----Finding out who you are.

who---------Listing who is on the system.

W ----------Listing who is on and what they are doing.

Last --------Listing when a user last logged on

the last tools gets its data from the system file "/var/log/wtmp"

some others command

ps ------To list processes on the system.

ps -S -----the process is on hold at the moment.

ps -Z-----To list the zombie process

ps -u------To list all the processes of a specific user.

ps -aux -----To list all processes by all users on the system.

ps -aux | grep root

ps -aux | grep 13

ps -p 344(PID)-----To list the process whose PID is 344.

IF you find that you need more help . other options are available

Apropos -----Finding the right tool to use

Whatis -------Getting a description of a tool

Usage help----Getting usage help for a tool

Man-----------The online manauals

Info-----------The GNU hypertext Info system

HOWTOs------Other documentation on the system

go on !

本文出自 “赶不上的脚步” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://xxmspace.blog.51cto.com/1056016/1537558

linux 查看用户的命令,布布扣,bubuko.com

linux 查看用户的命令

标签:linux 命令 查看用户


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