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Python 获取Facebook特定用户的feed和link

时间:2014-08-09 09:08:27      阅读:848      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:facebook   数据挖掘   


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2014-8-9
@author: guaguastd
@name: facebook_connection_query.py

# impot login
from login import facebook_login

# import helper
from helper import pp

# access to facebook
facebook_api = facebook_login()

# Use the ids to query for likes
pepsi_id = '56381779049' # Could also uee 'PepsiUS'
coke_id = '40796308305'  # Could also use 'CocaCola'

print '---------------'
print 'Query for feed/link of pepsi'
print '---------------'
print "Pepsi feed:", pp(facebook_api.get_connections(pepsi_id, 'feed'))
print "Pepsi link:", pp(facebook_api.get_connections(pepsi_id, 'links'))

print '---------------'
print 'Query for feed/link of coke'
print '---------------'
print "Coke feed:", pp(facebook_api.get_connections(coke_id, 'feed'))
print "Coke link:", pp(facebook_api.get_connections(coke_id, 'links'))


Query for feed/link of pepsi
Pepsi feed: {
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   "message": "business hours until 5 pm eastern?  So there's no one available to tell me if the defective can in the bottom of the 12 pack box is one in a trillion and doesn't affect the quality of the other 11 cans or that I should immediately remove all cans of Pepsi from my fridge because the sealed 1/2 full can is an indicator of a serious quality control problem with dire consequences for anyone who ingests the product.  Way to run a business.", 
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   "message": "My son who is deployed in Afghanistan sent me a message to please get him Baja Blast, so since then we have been to every store in the area trying to find it. Our friends and family have looked too! So today I call the Corp. office but unfortunately it was 4:45 and the receptionist was to busy to get her weekend started and could only say NO to every question I asked! Shame on you for being so rude when our son is defending our country! I will tell everyone I know NOT to buy Pepsi products at all!!!!", 
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   "message": "What our corporate-elite media is NOT telling us about Gaza. Please watch,\nIsrael is committing incremental genocide with our U.S. tax dollars.", 
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   "message": "Here is my thought for this years Pepsi Super Bowl why not get the Hottest act with all their lights ,smoke ,lasers, and great music. I Believe that Paul O'Neill and gang can put together a show of all shows. The Tran Siberian Orchestra if you agree please comment and lets get Orchestra in the Bowl.", 
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   "message": "What has happened to Pepsi one?  None of the store around me carry it anymore.", 
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   "message": "Hello\nI just want to let you know that I think Pepsi is the best. I also like all the new commercials and have an idea. Have one where someone is giving a Pepsi to a friend and have it say Real friends give Real soda with Real sugar. \n\nThanks not a coke fan", 
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      "message": "Somos HOLA Coca-Cola, el Centro de Atenci\u00f3n al Consumidor de Coca-Cola de M\u00e9xico. Te invitamos a visitar la p\u00e1gina http://comparte.coca-cola.com.mx donde podr\u00e1s encontrar informaci\u00f3n detallada acerca de nuestra campa\u00f1a #ComparteCocaColaCon o si lo prefieres puedes contactarnos sin costo al 01 800 704 4400 o env\u00edanos tus datos (nombre, localidad y tel\u00e9fono) a consumidor@coca-cola.com. Muchas gracias por tu inter\u00e9s.\n\nThe Coca-Cola Export Corporation, Sucursal en M\u00e9xico, con domicilio ubicado en Rub\u00e9n Dar\u00edo n\u00fam. 115, col. Bosque de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 11580, M\u00e9xico, D.F., te informa que tus datos personales ser\u00e1n utilizados para darle seguimiento a la solicitud presentada por este medio. Tus datos ser\u00e1n tratados conforme a la legislaci\u00f3n en materia de Protecci\u00f3n de Datos Personales y el Aviso de Privacidad disponible en el sitio http://www.coca-colamexico.com.mx.", 
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      "message": "Hi Darris.  We\u2019ll be glad to share your comments about the fact that there are no scheduled Share a Coke events in Winnipeg.  However, you can still get your name on a Coca-Cola.  On shareacoke.com, you can personalize virtual bottles and share them with friends across Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.", 
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