BEGIN DECLARE id long; DECLARE Done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cashamount DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 0.00; DECLARE scorecamount INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE userids CURSOR FOR SELECT userid from info_user where isreal = 1; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE ‘02000‘ SET Done = 1; OPEN userids; REPEAT FETCH userids into id; DELETE FROM info_black WHERE userid=id; DELETE FROM info_consignee WHERE userid=id; SET cashamount = (SELECT balance FROM trade_account AS b WHERE b.ownertype = 1 AND b.ownerid = id AND accounttype = 1); UPDATE trade_account SET balance = balance + cashamount WHERE accountid = 6500000000000000; SET scorecamount = (SELECT balance FROM trade_account AS b WHERE b.ownertype = 1 AND b.ownerid = id AND accounttype = 0); UPDATE trade_account SET balance = balance + scorecamount WHERE accountid = 3500000000000000; DELETE a,b FROM trade_cashtrade AS a INNER JOIN trade_account AS b WHERE b.ownertype = 1 AND b.ownerid = id AND (a.payerid = b.accountid OR a.payeeid = b.accountid); DELETE a,b FROM trade_scoretrade AS a INNER JOIN trade_account AS b WHERE b.ownertype = 1 AND b.ownerid = id AND (a.payerid = b.accountid OR a.payeeid = b.accountid); UNTIL Done END REPEAT; CLOSE userids; END