#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gdal import xlrd import shapefile # open the excel file excel_file = xlrd.open_workbook("../geodata/highest-mountains-europe.xlsx") # get the first sheet sh = excel_file.sheet_by_index(0) w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # fields available GeoNameId Name Country Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) w.field(‘GeoNameId‘,‘F‘) w.field(‘Name‘, ‘C‘) w.field(‘Country‘, ‘C‘) w.field(‘Latitude‘, ‘F‘) w.field(‘Longitude‘, ‘F‘) w.field(‘Altitude‘, ‘F‘) # loop over each row in the excel sheet for rownum in range(sh.nrows): # skips over the first row since it is the header row if rownum == 0: continue else: x_coord = sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=4) y_coord = sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=3) w.point(x_coord, y_coord) w.record(GeoNameId=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=0), Name=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=1), Country=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=2), Latitude=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=3), Longitude=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=4),Altitude=sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=5)) print( "Adding row: " + str(rownum) + " creating mount: " + sh.cell_value(rowx=rownum, colx=1) ) w.save(‘../geodata/highest-mountains‘)