一般我们不想让窗体能够关闭, 首先想到的是在OnCloseQuery事件里设置CanClose := False, 不过在某些情况下这个会和程序关闭窗体的业务逻辑产生冲突
所以写了下面这个函数, 可以设置窗体上的部分控制按钮禁用和启用, 仅仅是按钮显示及对鼠标键盘的响应, 按钮功能方面不影响
type TSetWinButtons = set of (swb_Close, swb_Minimize, swb_Maximize); {设置窗体关闭按钮状态} procedure SetWindowButton(AButtons: TSetWinButtons; AEnabled: Boolean; AWindowHandles: array of THandle); var i: Integer; nHasMenu, nHasWinLong: Boolean; nMValue: UINT; nWinLong: NativeInt; begin if Length(AWindowHandles) = 0 then Exit; nHasMenu := swb_Close in AButtons; nHasWinLong := (swb_Minimize in AButtons) or (swb_Maximize in AButtons); if nHasMenu then begin if AEnabled then nMValue := MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_ENABLED else nMValue := MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_DISABLED or MF_GRAYED; end; for i := Low(AWindowHandles) to High(AWindowHandles) do begin if nHasMenu then EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(AWindowHandles[i], FALSE), SC_CLOSE, nMValue); if nHasWinLong then begin nWinLong := GetWindowLong(AWindowHandles[i], GWL_STYLE); if AEnabled then begin if swb_Minimize in AButtons then nWinLong := nWinLong or WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if swb_Maximize in AButtons then nWinLong := nWinLong or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; end else begin if swb_Minimize in AButtons then nWinLong := nWinLong and not WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if swb_Maximize in AButtons then nWinLong := nWinLong and not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; end; SetWindowLong(AWindowHandles[i], GWL_STYLE, nWinLong); end; end; end; //调用方式 SetWindowButton([swb_Close, swb_Minimize, swb_Maximize], False, [Application.Handle, Handle]);