Apache Syncope 2.0.0.M5 发布了,Apache Syncope 是用在企业环境的数字身份管理(腾云科技ty300.com),在JEE技术的实施和Apache 2.0许可下发布的开源系统(基础教程qkxue.net)。
[SYNCOPE-809] - Eclipse plugin
[SYNCOPE-872] - Type extensions not considered for user form
[SYNCOPE-878] - Failure on bulk deletion of users
[SYNCOPE-879] - Auto-completion not working for internal and external attribute names
[SYNCOPE-881] - Users not removed from transitive external resources when deleted
[SYNCOPE-883] - Can‘t access REST API via browser
[SYNCOPE-884] - Error in REST API when specifying application/xml accept header
[SYNCOPE-886] - Error enablig/disabling user on a single resource
[SYNCOPE-887] - Hidden password in pull task user template
[SYNCOPE-888] - No error thrown if resource mapping internal attribute doesn‘t exist
[SYNCOPE-891] - Resource Provisioning Error
[SYNCOPE-892] - RuntimeException when resizing tables
[SYNCOPE-893] - International characters in group name
[SYNCOPE-898] - Cannot set realm in user / group / any object templates for pull task
[SYNCOPE-899] - neighborhood relationship type has no description
[SYNCOPE-900] - Can‘t edit Camel routes in Console
[SYNCOPE-901] - Syncope 2.0.0.X maven source artifacts missing
[SYNCOPE-905] - Wrong entitlement evaluation
[SYNCOPE-907] - Creating any object with relationship to another results in self-relationship
[SYNCOPE-908] - Exception when searching for any object to fill relationship
[SYNCOPE-911] - Enduser should allow empty values on non required select fields
[SYNCOPE-912] - Registered users receive an error message after saving their own profile
[SYNCOPE-915] - When changing connector‘s display name, the topology is not refreshed
[SYNCOPE-916] - Content exporter includes unwanted items
[SYNCOPE-918] - When a user has been successfully updated, logout link doesn‘t bring back to home page.
[SYNCOPE-921] - Approval list not reloaded after approve/reject operations
[SYNCOPE-923] - Sync / Pull task not configured for delete causes incremental sync to prematurely stop
[SYNCOPE-927] - User creation randomly fails if capctha check has been disabled
[SYNCOPE-928] - Table that stores user passwords store duplicate entries
[SYNCOPE-700] - Documentation artifacts
[SYNCOPE-854] - Uploaded file preview for enduser
[SYNCOPE-894] - Allow international characters in username, group‘s and any object‘s names
[SYNCOPE-895] - Enable Secure Processing on all DocumentBuilderFactory/TransfomerFactory instances
[SYNCOPE-896] - Non-mandatory DropDown attributes should show a blank value when no value is specified
[SYNCOPE-902] - Provide helper method to retrieve all the groups of a user
[SYNCOPE-906] - Allow reference to username and group / any object name as search parameters
[SYNCOPE-909] - Consolidate Camel Processors
[SYNCOPE-910] - Introduce new Camel propagation component
[SYNCOPE-913] - Add and remove buttons in multivalue fields are not aligned
[SYNCOPE-914] - Spinner should be always in front of any other element
[SYNCOPE-919] - Adjust activiti user workflow to be able to remove users in createApproval status
[SYNCOPE-920] - Allow to specify recipients provider class for notifications
[SYNCOPE-925] - Allow domain selection from Swagger UI
[SYNCOPE-885] - Skip configuration screen if no applicable values
[SYNCOPE-890] - Display information on "Enable Realm Provisioning"
Apache Syncope 2.0.0.M5 发布,数字身份管理