A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets. More precisely, a socket is a handle (abstract reference) that a local program can pass to the networking application programming interface (API) to use the connection, for example "send this data on this socket".
For example, to send "Hello, world!" via TCP to port 80 of the host with address, one might get a socket, connect it to the remote host, send the string, then close the socket.
Socket socket = getSocket( type = "TCP" ) #设定好协议类型 connect(socket, address = "" , port = "80" ) #连接远程机器 send(socket, "Hello, world!" ) #发送消息 close(socket) #关闭连接 |
A socket API is an application programming interface (API), usually provided by the operating system, that allows application programs to control and use network sockets. Internet socket APIs are usually based on the Berkeley sockets standard. In the Berkeley sockets standard, sockets are a form of file descriptor (a file handle), due to the Unix philosophy that "everything is a file", and the analogies between sockets and files: you can read, write, open, and close both.
A socket address is the combination of an IP address and a port number, much like one end of a telephone connection is the combination of a phone number and a particular extension. Sockets need not have an address (for example for only sending data), but if a program binds a socket to an address, the socket can be used to receive data sent to that address. Based on this address, internet sockets deliver incoming data packets to the appropriate application process or thread.
AF_UNIX unix本机进程间通信
These constants represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to
. If the AF_UNIX
constant is not defined then this protocol is unsupported. More constants may be available depending on the system.
SOCK_STREAM #for tcp
SOCK_DGRAM #for udp
SOCK_RAW #原始套接字,普通的套接字无法处理ICMP、IGMP等网络报文,而SOCK_RAW可以;其次,SOCK_RAW也可以处理特殊的IPv4报文;此外,利用原始套接字,可以通过IP_HDRINCL套接字选项由用户构造IP头。
SOCK_RDM #是一种可靠的UDP形式,即保证交付数据报但不保证顺序。SOCK_RAM用来提供对原始协议的低级访问,在需要执行某些特殊操作时使用,如发送ICMP报文。SOCK_RAM通常仅限于高级用户或管理员运行的程序使用。
These constants represent the socket types, used for the second argument to socket()
. More constants may be available depending on the system. (Only SOCK_STREAM
appear to be generally useful.)
(family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None) 必会Create a new socket using the given address family, socket type and protocol number. The address family should be AF_INET
(the default), AF_INET6
. The socket type should beSOCK_STREAM
(the default), SOCK_DGRAM
or perhaps one of the other SOCK_
constants. The protocol number is usually zero and may be omitted or in the case where the address family is AF_CAN
the protocol should be one of CAN_RAW
. If fileno is specified, the other arguments are ignored, causing the socket with the specified file descriptor to return. Unlike socket.fromfd()
, fileno will return the same socket and not a duplicate. This may help close a detached socket using socket.close()
([family[, type[, proto]]])
Build a pair of connected socket objects using the given address family, socket type, and protocol number. Address family, socket type, and protocol number are as for the socket()
function above. The default family is AF_UNIX
if defined on the platform; otherwise, the default is AF_INET
(address[, timeout[, source_address]])
Connect to a TCP service listening on the Internet address (a 2-tuple (host, port)
), and return the socket object. This is a higher-level function than socket.connect()
: if host is a non-numeric hostname, it will try to resolve it for both AF_INET
and AF_INET6
, and then try to connect to all possible addresses in turn until a connection succeeds. This makes it easy to write clients that are compatible to both IPv4 and IPv6.
Passing the optional timeout parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance before attempting to connect. If no timeout is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by getdefaulttimeout()
is used.
If supplied, source_address must be a 2-tuple (host, port)
for the socket to bind to as its source address before connecting. If host or port are ‘’ or 0 respectively the OS default behavior will be used.
(host, port, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0) #获取要连接的对端主机地址 必会
sk.bind(address) 必会
s.bind(address) 将套接字绑定到地址。address地址的格式取决于地址族。在AF_INET下,以元组(host,port)的形式表示地址。
sk.listen(backlog) 必会
sk.setblocking(bool) 必会
sk.accept() 必会
接收TCP 客户的连接(阻塞式)等待连接的到来
sk.connect(address) 必会
同上,只不过会有返回值,连接成功时返回 0 ,连接失败时候返回编码,例如:10061
sk.close() 必会
sk.recv(bufsize[,flag]) 必会
sk.send(string[,flag]) 必会
sk.sendall(string[,flag]) 必会
sk.settimeout(timeout) 必会
设置套接字操作的超时期,timeout是一个浮点数,单位是秒。值为None表示没有超时期。一般,超时期应该在刚创建套接字时设置,因为它们可能用于连接的操作(如 client 连接最多等待5s )
sk.getpeername() 必会
(file, offset=0, count=None)
发送文件 ,但目前多数情况下并无什么卵用。
上面的代码的有一个问题, 就是SocketServer.py运行起来后, 接收了一次客户端的data就退出了。。。, 但实际场景中,一个连接建立起来后,可能要进行多次往返的通信。
1 import socket 2 3 server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例 4 5 server.bind(("localhost",9998)) #绑定ip port 6 server.listen() #开始监听 7 print("等待客户端的连接...") 8 conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... 9 print("新连接:",addr ) 10 while True: 11 12 data = conn.recv(1024) 13 14 print("收到消息:",data) 15 conn.send(data.upper()) 16 17 server.close()
1 import socket 2 3 client = socket.socket() 4 5 client.connect(("localhost",9998)) 6 7 while True: 8 msg = input(">>:").strip() 9 if len(msg) == 0:continue 10 client.send( msg.encode("utf-8") ) 11 12 data = client.recv(1024) 13 print("来自服务器:",data) 14 15 client.close()
实现了多次交互, 棒棒的, 但你会发现一个小问题, 就是客户端一断开,服务器端就进入了死循环,为啥呢?
等待客户端的连接... 新连接: ( ‘‘ , 62722 ) 收到消息: b ‘hey‘ 收到消息: b ‘you‘ 收到消息: b‘‘ #客<span style="color: #ff0000;">户端一断开,服务器端就收不到数据了,但是不会报错,就进入了死循环模式。。</span>。 收到消息: b‘‘ 收到消息: b‘‘ 收到消息: b‘‘ 收到消息: b‘‘ |
1 import socket 2 3 server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例 4 5 server.bind(("localhost",9998)) #绑定ip port 6 server.listen() #开始监听 7 print("等待客户端的连接...") 8 conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... 9 print("新连接:",addr ) 10 while True: 11 12 data = conn.recv(1024) 13 if not data: 14 print("客户端断开了...") 15 break 16 print("收到消息:",data) 17 conn.send(data.upper()) 18 19 server.close()
上面的代码虽然实现了服务端与客户端的多次交互,但是你会发现,如果客户端断开了, 服务器端也会跟着立刻断开,因为服务器只有一个while 循环,客户端一断开,服务端收不到数据 ,就会直接break跳出循环,然后程序就退出了,这显然不是我们想要的结果 ,我们想要的是,客户端如果断开了,我们这个服务端还可以为下一个客户端服务,它不能断,她接完一个客,擦完嘴角的遗留物,就要接下来勇敢的去接待下一个客人。 在这里如何实现呢?
conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... |
我们知道上面这句话负责等待并接收新连接,对于上面那个程序,其实在while break之后,只要让程序再次回到上面这句代码这,就可以让服务端继续接下一个客户啦。
注意了, 此时服务器端依然只能同时为一个客户服务,其客户来了,得排队(连接挂起),不能玩 three some. 这时你说想,我就想玩3p,就想就想嘛,其实也可以,多交钱嘛,继续往下看,后面开启新姿势后就可以玩啦。。。
import socket import os server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例 #server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server.bind(("localhost",9998)) #绑定ip port server.listen() #开始监听 while True: #第一层loop print("等待客户端的连接...") conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... print("新连接:",addr ) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if not data: print("客户端断开了...") break #这里断开就会再次回到第一次外层的loop print("收到命令:",data) res = os.popen(data.decode()).read() #py3 里socket发送的只有bytes,os.popen又只能接受str,所以要decode一下 print(len(res)) conn.send(res.encode("utf-8")) server.close()
import socket client = socket.socket() client.connect(("localhost",9998)) while True: msg = input(">>:").strip() if len(msg) == 0:continue client.send( msg.encode("utf-8") ) data = client.recv(1024) print(data.decode()) #命令执行结果 client.close()
very cool , 这样我们就做了一个简单的ssh , 但多试几条命令你就会发现,上面的程序有以下2个问题。
在开始解决上面问题3之前,我们要考虑,客户端要循环接收服务器端的大量数据返回直到一条命令的结果全部返回为止, 但问题是客户端知道服务器端返回的数据有多大么?答案是不知道,那既然不知道服务器的要返回多大的数据,那客户端怎么知道要循环接收多少次呢?答案是不知道,擦,那咋办? 总不能靠猜吧?呵呵。。。 当然不能,那只能让服务器在发送数据之前主动告诉客户端,要发送多少数据给客户端,然后再开始发送数据,yes, 机智如我,搞起。
import socket import os,subprocess server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例 server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server.bind(("localhost",9998)) #绑定ip port server.listen() #开始监听 while True: #第一层loop print("等待客户端的连接...") conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... print("新连接:",addr ) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if not data: print("客户端断开了...") break #这里断开就会再次回到第一次外层的loop print("收到命令:",data) #res = os.popen(data.decode()).read() #py3 里socket发送的只有bytes,os.popen又只能接受str,所以要decode一下 res = subprocess.Popen(data,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() #跟上面那条命令的效果是一样的 if len(res) == 0: res = "cmd exec success,has not output!" conn.send(str(len(res)).endcode("utf-8")) #发送数据之前,先告诉客户端要发多少数据给它 conn.sendall(res.encode("utf-8")) #发送端也有最大数据量限制,所以这里用sendall,相当于重复循环调用conn.send,直至数据发送完毕 server.close()
import socket client = socket.socket() client.connect(("localhost",9998)) while True: msg = input(">>:").strip() if len(msg) == 0:continue client.send( msg.encode("utf-8") ) res_return_size = client.recv(1024) #接收这条命令执行结果的大小 print("getting cmd result , ", res_return_size) total_rece_size = int(res_return_size) print(total_rece_size) #print(data.decode()) #命令执行结果 client.close()
结果输出:<br> / Library / Frameworks / Python.framework / Versions / 3.5 / bin / python3. 5 / Users / jieli / PycharmProjects / python基础 / 自动化day8socket / sock_client.py >>:cat / var / log / system.log getting cmd result , b ‘3472816Sep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: efi pagecount 65\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight 1) start\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 211 ms\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: pages 1211271, wire 225934, act 399265, inact 4, cleaned 0 spec 97, zf 3925, throt 0, compr 218191, xpmapped 40000\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: could discard act 94063 inact 129292 purgeable 58712 spec 81788 cleaned 0\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 47782 xpmapped pages\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall preflight pageCount 225934 est comp 41 setfile 421527552 min 1073741824\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(0)\nSep 9 09:06:37 Jies-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io took 181 ms\nSep 9 ‘ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/jieli/PycharmProjects/python基础/自动化day8socket/sock_client.py" , line 17 , in <module> total_rece_size = int (res_return_size) ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10 : b‘ 3472816Sep 9 09 : 06 : 37 Jies - MacBook - Air kernel[ 0 ]: hibernate image path: / var / vm / sleepimage\nSep 9 09 : 06 : 37 Jies - MacBook - Air kernel[ 0 ]: efi pagecount 65 \nSep 9 09 : 06 : 37 Jies - MacBook - Air kernel[ 0 ]: Process finished with exit code 1 |
看程序执行报错了, 我在客户端本想只接服务器端命令的执行结果,但实际上却连命令结果也跟着接收了一部分。 这是为什么呢???服务器不是只send了结果的大小么?不应该只是个数字么?尼玛命令结果不是第2次send的时候才发送的么??,擦,擦,擦,价值观都要崩溃了啊。。。。
哈哈,这里就引入了一个重要的概念,“粘包”, 即服务器端你调用时send 2次,但你send调用时,数据其实并没有立刻被发送给客户端,而是放到了系统的socket发送缓冲区里,等缓冲区满了、或者数据等待超时了,数据才会被send到客户端,这样就把好几次的小数据拼成一个大数据,统一发送到客户端了,这么做的目地是为了提高io利用效率,一次性发送总比连发好几次效率高嘛。 但也带来一个问题,就是“粘包”,即2次或多次的数据粘在了一起统一发送了。就是我们上面看到的情况 。
我们在这里必须要想办法把粘包分开, 因为不分开,你就没办法取出来服务器端返回的命令执行结果的大小呀。so ,那怎么分开呢?首先你是没办法让缓冲区强制刷新把数据发给客户端的。 你能做的,只有一个。就是,让缓冲区超时,超时了,系统就不会等缓冲区满了,会直接把数据发走,因为不能一个劲的等后面的数据呀,等太久,会造成数据延迟了,那可是极不好的。so如果让缓冲区超时呢?
#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ __author__ = ‘Alex Li‘ import socket import os,subprocess server = socket.socket() #获得socket实例 server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server.bind(("localhost",9999)) #绑定ip port server.listen() #开始监听 while True: #第一层loop print("等待客户端的连接...") conn,addr = server.accept() #接受并建立与客户端的连接,程序在此处开始阻塞,只到有客户端连接进来... print("新连接:",addr ) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if not data: print("客户端断开了...") break #这里断开就会再次回到第一次外层的loop print("收到命令:",data) #res = os.popen(data.decode()).read() #py3 里socket发送的只有bytes,os.popen又只能接受str,所以要decode一下 res = subprocess.Popen(data,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() #跟上面那条命令的效果是一样的 if len(res) == 0: res = "cmd exec success,has not output!".encode("utf-8") conn.send(str(len(res)).encode("utf-8")) #发送数据之前,先告诉客户端要发多少数据给它 print("等待客户ack应答...") client_final_ack = conn.recv(1024) #等待客户端响应 print("客户应答:",client_final_ack.decode()) print(type(res)) conn.sendall(res) #发送端也有最大数据量限制,所以这里用sendall,相当于重复循环调用conn.send,直至数据发送完毕 server.close()
#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ __author__ = ‘Alex Li‘ import socket import sys client = socket.socket() client.connect(("localhost",9999)) while True: msg = input(">>:").strip() if len(msg) == 0:continue client.send( msg.encode("utf-8") ) res_return_size = client.recv(1024) #接收这条命令执行结果的大小 print("getting cmd result , ", res_return_size) total_rece_size = int(res_return_size) print("total size:",res_return_size) client.send("准备好接收了,发吧loser".encode("utf-8")) received_size = 0 #已接收到的数据 cmd_res = b‘‘ f = open("test_copy.html","wb")#把接收到的结果存下来,一会看看收到的数据 对不对 while received_size != total_rece_size: #代表还没收完 data = client.recv(1024) received_size += len(data) #为什么不是直接1024,还判断len干嘛,注意,实际收到的data有可能比1024少 cmd_res += data else: print("数据收完了",received_size) #print(cmd_res.decode()) f.write(cmd_res) #把接收到的结果存下来,一会看看收到的数据 对不对 #print(data.decode()) #命令执行结果 client.close()
The socketserver
module simplifies the task of writing network servers.
class socketserver.TCPServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate = True ) |
This uses the Internet TCP protocol, which provides for continuous streams of data between the client and server.
class socketserver.UDPServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate = True ) |
This uses datagrams, which are discrete packets of information that may arrive out of order or be lost while in transit. The parameters are the same as for TCPServer
class socketserver.UnixStreamServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate = True ) class socketserver.UnixDatagramServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass,bind_and_activate = True ) |
These more infrequently used classes are similar to the TCP and UDP classes, but use Unix domain sockets; they’re not available on non-Unix platforms. The parameters are the same as for TCPServer
There are five classes in an inheritance diagram, four of which represent synchronous servers of four types:
| BaseServer |
+-----------+ +------------------+
| TCPServer |------->| UnixStreamServer |
+-----------+ +------------------+
+-----------+ +--------------------+
| UDPServer |------->| UnixDatagramServer |
+-----------+ +--------------------+
创建一个socketserver 至少分以下几步:
class and overriding its handle()
method; this method will process incoming requests. handle_request()
method of the server object to process one or many requests.server_close()
to close the socket.基本的socketserver代码
import socketserver class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): """ The request handler class for our server. It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must override the handle() method to implement communication to the client. """ def handle(self): # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip() print("{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0])) print(self.data) # just send back the same data, but upper-cased self.request.sendall(self.data.upper()) if __name__ == "__main__": HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999 # Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999 server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler) # Activate the server; this will keep running until you # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C server.serve_forever()
让你的socketserver并发起来, 必须选择使用以下一个多并发的类
class socketserver.
class socketserver.
class socketserver.
class socketserver.
so 只需要把下面这句
server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler) |
server = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)
class socketserver.
(server_address, RequestHandlerClass) 主要有以下方法
class socketserver.BaseServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass) This is the superclass of all Server objects in the module. It defines the interface, given below, but does not implement most of the methods, which is done in subclasses. The two parameters are stored in the respective server_address and RequestHandlerClass attributes. fileno() Return an integer file descriptor for the socket on which the server is listening. This function is most commonly passed to selectors, to allow monitoring multiple servers in the same process. handle_request() Process a single request. This function calls the following methods in order: get_request(), verify_request(), and process_request(). If the user-provided handle() method of the handler class raises an exception, the server’s handle_error() method will be called. If no request is received within timeout seconds, handle_timeout() will be called and handle_request() will return. serve_forever(poll_interval=0.5) Handle requests until an explicit shutdown() request. Poll for shutdown every poll_interval seconds. Ignores the timeout attribute. It also calls service_actions(), which may be used by a subclass or mixin to provide actions specific to a given service. For example, the ForkingMixIn class uses service_actions() to clean up zombie child processes. Changed in version 3.3: Added service_actions call to the serve_forever method. service_actions() This is called in the serve_forever() loop. This method can be overridden by subclasses or mixin classes to perform actions specific to a given service, such as cleanup actions. New in version 3.3. shutdown() Tell the serve_forever() loop to stop and wait until it does. server_close() Clean up the server. May be overridden. address_family The family of protocols to which the server’s socket belongs. Common examples are socket.AF_INET and socket.AF_UNIX. RequestHandlerClass The user-provided request handler class; an instance of this class is created for each request. server_address The address on which the server is listening. The format of addresses varies depending on the protocol family; see the documentation for the socket module for details. For Internet protocols, this is a tuple containing a string giving the address, and an integer port number: (‘‘, 80), for example. socket The socket object on which the server will listen for incoming requests. The server classes support the following class variables: allow_reuse_address Whether the server will allow the reuse of an address. This defaults to False, and can be set in subclasses to change the policy. request_queue_size The size of the request queue. If it takes a long time to process a single request, any requests that arrive while the server is busy are placed into a queue, up to request_queue_size requests. Once the queue is full, further requests from clients will get a “Connection denied” error. The default value is usually 5, but this can be overridden by subclasses. socket_type The type of socket used by the server; socket.SOCK_STREAM and socket.SOCK_DGRAM are two common values. timeout Timeout duration, measured in seconds, or None if no timeout is desired. If handle_request() receives no incoming requests within the timeout period, the handle_timeout() method is called. There are various server methods that can be overridden by subclasses of base server classes like TCPServer; these methods aren’t useful to external users of the server object. finish_request() Actually processes the request by instantiating RequestHandlerClass and calling its handle() method. get_request() Must accept a request from the socket, and return a 2-tuple containing the new socket object to be used to communicate with the client, and the client’s address. handle_error(request, client_address) This function is called if the handle() method of a RequestHandlerClass instance raises an exception. The default action is to print the traceback to standard output and continue handling further requests. handle_timeout() This function is called when the timeout attribute has been set to a value other than None and the timeout period has passed with no requests being received. The default action for forking servers is to collect the status of any child processes that have exited, while in threading servers this method does nothing. process_request(request, client_address) Calls finish_request() to create an instance of the RequestHandlerClass. If desired, this function can create a new process or thread to handle the request; the ForkingMixIn and ThreadingMixIn classes do this. server_activate() Called by the server’s constructor to activate the server. The default behavior for a TCP server just invokes listen() on the server’s socket. May be overridden. server_bind() Called by the server’s constructor to bind the socket to the desired address. May be overridden. verify_request(request, client_address) Must return a Boolean value; if the value is True, the request will be processed, and if it’s False, the request will be denied. This function can be overridden to implement access controls for a server. The default implementation always returns True.