1, Javascript only has one type of numberic data, named "number". You can see this reflected in the behavior of the typeof operator, which classifies intergers and floating-point numbers alike simply as numbers:
typeof 10; // "number" typeof 10.3; // "number" typeof -1.5; // "number"
2, In fact, all numbers are double-precision floating-point numbers, known as "doubles", which is 64-bit encolding of numbers, keep in mind that doubles can represent intergers perfectly with up to 53 bits of precison. All of the integers from -253 to 253 are valid doubles.
3, Note that floating-point numbers are inaccurate when in arithmetic, for example, 0.1+0.2 => 0.30000000000004;
It is better to tranform the floating-point number to intergers for calculation. 10 + 20 => 30;
4, coercisons can also hide errors(隐式类型转换可能隐藏错误)。
an undefined variable will convert to the NaN in an arithmetic calculation, which causes the calculation ot continue with often confusing and unprdictable results.