标签:windows 修改密码 工作环境 微软产品 更改密码
这种类似的脚本实现的方法并不止一种,网上也有很多类似的脚本都可以实现这样的功能,但是这里要注意的一点是,有一些脚本因为写的年头比较久远了,之后微软在AD这方面又进行了一些更新,所以在一些比较新的环境里(比如Server 2012或者R2等)有些脚本可能就显得不会特别严谨,比如微软之前推出的颗粒化密码策略的功能,就有可能会导致对于密码过期时间的判断出现偏差。
Function LogFile ($output, $initLog) { if ($initLog -eq $True) { $input | out-file -filepath $output -encoding default -width 17384 } else { $input | out-file -filepath $output -encoding default -width 17384 -append } } function Send-Report { param($LogConent,$LogPath,$MailAddress) try { Send-MailMessage -From "NO-Reply@contoso.com" -To $MailAddress -Subject ‘Contoso Password check report‘ -Body $LogConent -Priority ‘High‘ -SmtpServer mail.contoso.com -Port 25 -ErrorAction ‘SilentlyContinue‘ } catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Red‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath } } #Main Code #Import ActiveDirectory module Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Log initialization [string]$LogDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd" $LogPath = "C:\PasswordLogs\DomainPasswordLog$LogDate.txt" if ((Test-Path ‘C:\PasswordLogs‘) -eq $false) { New-Item -ItemType directory ‘C:\PasswordLogs‘ | Out-Null } #====================================================================================== #Get MaxPasswordAge $RootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE $PasswordPolicy = Get-ADObject $RootDSE.defaultNamingContext -Property maxPwdAge $maxPwdAge = $PasswordPolicy.maxPwdAge/-864000000000 if (($maxPwdAge -eq 0) -or ($maxPwdAge -eq $null)) { $ErrorMessage = "MaxPasswordAge is not correct" Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Red‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath $LogConent = Get-Content $LogPath -raw Send-Report -LogConent $LogConent -LogPath $LogPath -MailAddress ‘abc@contoso.com‘ exit } #====================================================================================== #Check userlist #我这里的用户列表是写在一个txt文档里的,这是因为在我的环境中大部分用户是不需要这种邮件提醒的,他们的账户会由我们负责维护 #如果需要在AD里检索需要检查的用户的话可以直接这样写$userList=Get-ADUser -Filter *|Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName #这样的话下边这段就不需要了 $userList = "C:\Users\abc\UserList.txt" if ((Test-Path $UserList) -eq $false) { $ErrorMessage = "Can‘t find userList.txt" Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Red‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath $LogConent = Get-Content $LogPath -raw Send-Report -LogConent $LogConent -LogPath $LogPath -MailAddress ‘abc@contoso.com‘ exit } #====================================================================================== #这里如果是使用检索AD用户的方法的话可以直接写 #foreach($user in $userlist)替代get-content即可 Get-Content $UserList | %{ $name = $null $userinfo = $null $ExpireDate = $null $PasswordSetDate = $null $Today = $null $leftDays = $null $body = $null $subject = $null $IndividualPasswordPolicy = $null $OutputMessage = $null $name = $_ $userinfo = Get-ADUser -Identity $name -Properties * #这里首先判断该用户信息是否存在,如果不存在直接进行记录即可 if ($userinfo -eq $null) { $ErrorMessage = $name + ": " + $Error[0].Exception.Message Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Red‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath } else { if ($userinfo.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true) { #这里记录谁的密码被设置为永久不过期了 $ErrorMessage = "$name‘s Password has been set to NeverExpires" Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Cyan‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath } else { #这里会读取颗粒化密码策略的设置,它的优先级应该高于域策略的设置 $IndividualPasswordPolicy = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $name) if ($IndividualPasswordPolicy -ne $null) { $maxPwdAge = $IndividualPasswordPolicy.MaxPasswordAge.TotalDays } $PasswordSetDate = $userinfo.PasswordLastSet $ExpireDate = $PasswordSetDate.AddDays($maxPwdAge) $Today = Get-Date #对比过期时间和今天,得出的数值就是还有多少天过期 $leftDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start $Today -End $ExpireDate).Days if ($leftDays -lt 0) { $body = " Dear $name , <p> Your Password has expired!!.<br> Please change your Password as soon as possible so that you can work normally<br> <p>Thanks, <br> </P>" $subject = "Your Password has expired!!" $OutputMessage = "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): $name‘s Password has expired" Write-Output $OutputMessage | LogFile -output $LogPath } elseif ($leftDays -eq 1) { $body = " Dear $name , <p> Your Password will expire in <b><font size=`"20px`" color=`"red`"> $leftDays </font></b> Day!!.<br> Please change your Password as soon as possible so that you can work normally <br> <p>Thanks, <br> </P>" $subject = "Your Password will expire in $leftDays day!!" $OutputMessage = "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): $name‘s Password will expire in $leftDays day" Write-Output $OutputMessage | LogFile -output $LogPath } elseif ($leftDays -le 10) { $body = " Dear $name , <p> Your Password will expire in <b><font size=`"20px`" color=`"red`"> $leftDays </font></b> Days!!.<br> Please change your Password as soon as possible so that you can work normally <br> <p>Thanks, <br> </P>" $subject = "Your Password will expire in $leftDays days" $OutputMessage = "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): $name‘s Password will expire in $leftDays days" Write-Output $OutputMessage | LogFile -output $LogPath } else { $OutputMessage = "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): $name‘s Password will expire in $leftDays days" Write-Output $OutputMessage | LogFile -output $LogPath } #这里设置的是如果10天以内过期的话就会发送提醒 if ($leftDays -le 10) { #注意如果EmailAddress为空的话就需要自己处理如何找到邮件发送的地址了 $MailAddress = $userinfo.EmailAddress if ($MailAddress -ne $null) { try { Send-MailMessage -From "No-Reply@contoso.com" -To $MailAddress -Subject $subject -Body $body -BodyAsHtml -Priority ‘High‘ -SmtpServer mail.contoso.com -Port 25 -ErrorAction ‘SilentlyContinue‘ } catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message Write-Host -ForegroundColor ‘Red‘ "$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)" $ErrorMessage ("$(Get-Date -uFormat %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S): " + $ErrorMessage) | LogFile -output $LogPath } } } } } } #最后把这份报告发送给IT管理员 if ((Test-Path $LogPath) -eq $true) { $LogConent = Get-Content $LogPath -Raw Send-Report -LogConent $LogConent -LogPath $LogPath -MailAddress ‘it@contoso.com‘ }
本文出自 “Just Make it happen” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://mxyit.blog.51cto.com/4308871/1854121
标签:windows 修改密码 工作环境 微软产品 更改密码