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     But, = =期间遇到一个难以攻克的难题。在对vector<Struct>读写时,会出现地址冲突。虽然在stackOverFlow发布过问题,也查找过相关资料。

     很不幸运,还是没能解决。 = = 没办法,只是菜鸟。

     -------------------------------------------------------- 分割线 -----------------------------------------------------------


      Lucky, 终于了结一心结。

      下面上代码,注释不多,对sstream(字符串流)不熟悉的,可以查看下C++ Primer相关内容。

  1 /*
  2  * dataAndAlgorithm homework
  3  * A simple student information administration system
  4  * windy 2016/09/19
  5  */
  6 #include "stdafx.h"
  7 #include <string>
  8 #include <sstream>
  9 #include <iostream>
 10 #include <fstream>
 13 class Student {
 14 public:
 15     std::string ID;
 16     std::string name;
 17     std::string birthday;
 18     std::string sex;
 19     std::string health;
 20     Student(const std::string& _id = "",const std::string& _name = "",const std::string& _birth = "",const std::string& _sex = "",const std::string& _heal ="")
 21         :ID(_id),name(_name),birthday(_birth),sex(_sex),health(_heal){}
 22     const std::string toString() {
 23         return this->ID + " " + this->name + " " + this->birthday + " " + this->sex + " " + this->health + "\n";
 24     }
 25     void display() {
 26         std::cout << "\tID:" << this->ID << "\n"
 27             << "\tName:" << this->name << "\n"
 28             << "\tBirthday:" << this->birthday << "\n"
 29             << "\tSex:" << this->sex << "\n"
 30             << "\tHealth:" << this->health << "\n\n";
 32     }
 33     Student& operator = (const Student& t) {
 34             ID = t.ID;
 35             name = t.name;
 36             birthday = t.birthday;
 37             sex = t.sex;
 38             health = t.health;
 39             return *this;
 40     }
 41 };
 42 //create my list
 43 class MyList {
 44 private:
 45     struct _List
 46     {
 47         Student element;
 48         _List* next;
 49         _List(const Student& _ele = Student(), _List* _next = NULL):element(_ele), next(_next){}
 50     };
 51 public:
 52     //constructor
 53     MyList(){
 54         head = NULL;
 55         size = 0;
 56     }
 57     // method add / push_back new node 
 58     // @return void  #insert innformation into the list
 59     bool add(const Student& newStud) {
 60         if (NULL == this->head) {
 61             this->head = new _List(newStud, NULL);
 62             size++;
 63             return true;
 64         }
 65         _List* curr = this->head;
 66         while (curr->next != NULL) {
 67             curr = curr->next;
 68         }
 69         curr->next = new _List(newStud, NULL);
 70         size++;
 71         return true;
 72     }
 73     // method search
 74     // @return Student 
 75     Student& search(const std::string& ID) const{
 76         _List* curr = this->head;
 77         while (curr) {
 78             if (curr->element.ID == ID)
 79                 return curr->element;
 80             curr = curr->next;
 81         }
 82         return Student();   //return EMPTY student struct 
 83     }
 84     // method erase
 85     // @return bool #TURE for erase successfully, or failed.
 86     bool erase(const std::string& ID) {
 87         if (this->head->element.ID == ID) {
 88             _List* tmp = this->head;
 89             this->head = this->head->next;
 90             delete tmp;
 91             return true;
 92         }
 93         _List* curr = this->head;
 94         while (curr != NULL) {
 95             if (curr->next->element.ID == ID) {
 96                 _List* tmp = curr->next;
 97                 curr->next = tmp->next;
 98                 delete tmp;
 99                 return true;
100             }
101             curr = curr->next;
102         }
103         return false;
104     }
105     // method update
106     // @return bool
107     bool update(const std::string& ID){
108         Student& studForUpdate = search(ID);
109         if (studForUpdate.ID != "") {
110             std::cout << "The following is the information of the student." << std::endl;
111             studForUpdate.display();
113             std::cout << "Please input the number to choose the Update-Item." << std::endl;
114             std::cout << "\t1:ID" << "\t2:Name" << "\t3:Birthday" << "\t4:Sex" << "\t5:Health" << std::endl;
115             int choice;
116             std::cin >> choice;
117             std::string value;
118                 switch (choice)
119                 {
120                 case 1: {
121                     std::cout << "Input new ID." << std::endl;
122                     std::cin >> value;
123                     studForUpdate.ID = value;
124                 }break;
125                 case 2: {
126                     std::cout << "Input new name." << std::endl;
127                     std::cin >> value;
128                     studForUpdate.name = value;
129                 }break;
130                 case 3: {
131                     std::cout << "Input new birthday." << std::endl;
132                     std::cin >> value;
133                     studForUpdate.birthday = value;
134                 }break;
135                 case 4: {
136                     std::cout << "Input new sex." << std::endl;
137                     std::cin >> value;
138                     studForUpdate.sex = value;
139                 }break;
140                 case 5: {
141                     std::cout << "Input new health." << std::endl;
142                     std::cin >> value;
143                     studForUpdate.health = value;
144                 }break;
145                 default:
146                     std::cout << "Wrong choice!!!" << std::endl;
147                     break;
148                 }
149             return true;
150         }
151         else return false;    
152     }
153     // method display
154     // @return void
155     void display() {
156         if (NULL == this->head) {
157             std::cout << "No Data!" << std::endl;
158             return;
159         }
160         _List* curr = this->head;
161         while (curr != NULL) {
162             curr->element.display();
163             curr = curr->next;
164         }
165     }
166     // method clear
167     // @return void 
168     void clear() {
169         _List* curr = head;
170         while (curr){
171             _List* tmp = curr;
172             curr = curr->next;
173             delete tmp;
174         }
175     }
176     // method sort
177     // return void
178     void sort() {
179         for (int i = 0; i != size; i++) {
180             _List* prev = this->head;
181             _List* curr = prev->next;
182             while (curr != NULL) {
183                 if (stringToInt(prev->element.ID) > stringToInt(curr->element.ID)) {
184                     Student tmp = prev->element;
185                     prev->element = curr->element;
186                     curr->element = tmp;
187                 }
188                 prev = prev->next;
189                 curr = curr->next;
190             }
191         }
192     }
193     // method write
194     // @return bool 
195     bool write() {
196         std::fstream out("StudentSql.txt", std::ios::out|std::ios::app);
197         if (!out) {
198             std::cerr << "Can‘t open the file.Program exit!" << std::endl;
199             exit(-1);
200         }
201         std::cout << "Writing ... ..." << std::endl;
202         _List* curr = this->head;
203         while (curr != NULL) {
204             out << curr->element.toString();
205             curr = curr->next;
206         }
207         out.close();
208         return true; //std::cout << "Completed!" << std::endl;
209     }
210     // method read
211     // @return bool
212     bool read() {
213     //    this->clear();
214         char c;
215         std::cout << "   Y to continue, N to cancel " << std::endl;
216         std::cin >> c;
217         if (c == N || c == n) return false;
218         std::fstream in("StudentSql.txt",std::ios::in);
219         std::cout << "Reading ... ..." << std::endl;
220         if (!in) {
221             std::cerr << "Can‘t open the file.Program exit!" << std::endl;
222             exit(-1);
223         }
224         std::string line;
225         std::string word;
226         while (std::getline(in, line)) {
227             std::stringstream stream(line);
228             std::string strs[5];
229             int i = 0;
230             while (stream >> word) {
231                 strs[i++] = word;
232             }
233             this->add(Student(strs[0], strs[1], strs[2], strs[3], strs[4]));
234         }
235         in.close();
236         return true; //read successfully
237     }  
239 private:
240     _List* head;   //DEFAULT NULL
241     int size;
242     int stringToInt(const std::string& str) { //max 1111 1111 11
243         int cnt = 0;
244         size_t sizeOfStr = str.size() > 10 ? 10 : str.size();
245         int tens = 1;
246         for (size_t i = 0; i != sizeOfStr; i++, tens *= 10) {
247             cnt += tens*(str[sizeOfStr - i - 1] - 0);
248         }
249         return cnt;
250     }
251 };
253 /*
254 * 实现学生健康情况管理的几个操作功能(新建、插入、删除、从文件读取、写入文件和查询、屏幕输出等功能)。
255 * 健康表中学生的信息有学号、姓名、出生日期、性别、身体状况等。
257 * 即系统的菜单功能项如下:
259 * ------新建学生健康表 get
260 * ------向学生健康表添加新的学生信息  get
261 * ------在健康表删除指定学生的信息(按学号操作)  get
262 * ------为某个学生修改身体状况信息(按学号操作)  get
263 * ------按学生的学号排序并显示结果  get
264 * ------在健康表中查询学生信息(按学生学号来进行查找)  get
265 * ------在屏幕中输出全部学生信息  get
266 * ------从文件中读取所有学生健康表信息 get
267 * ------向文件写入所有学生健康表信息 get
268 * -----退出
269 */
270 void header() {
271     std::cout << "      Please input the number to choose a function\n\n"
272         << "\t1:Add   " << "\t2:Update" << "\t3:Delete\n"
273         << "\t4:Sort  " << "\t5:Search" << "\t6:Display\n"
274         << "\t7:Write " << "\t8:Read  " << "\t9:Exit    \t10:Clear the screen\n\n";
275 }
276 void switcher() {
277     MyList* studList = new MyList();
278     Student student;
279     while (true)
280     {
281         int i = 0;
282         std::cin >> i;
283         //temperature string value
284         std::string ID;
285         switch (i) {
286         case 1: {
287             std::cout << "Please input the information including /ID /name /birthday /sex /health_state ..." << std::endl;
288             std::cout << "ID..." << std::endl;
289             std::cin >> student.ID;
290                 std::cout << "Name..." << std::endl;
291                 std::cin >> student.name;
292                   std::cout << "Birthday..." << std::endl;
293                   std::cin >> student.birthday;
294                         std::cout << "Sex..." << std::endl;
295                         std::cin >> student.sex;
296                             std::cout << "Health state...(Good/Averaged/Bad)" << std::endl;
297                             std::cin >> student.health;
298             if (studList->add(student)) std::cout << "Add new student successfully!" << std::endl;
299             else std::cout << "Error adding!" << std::endl;
300         }break;
301         case 2: {
302             std::cout << "Please input the Student-ID." << std::endl;
303             std::cin >> ID;
304             if (studList->update(ID)) std::cout << "Update information successfully!" << std::endl;
305             else std::cout << "Error updating!" << std::endl;
306         }break;
307         case 3: {
308             std::cout << "Please input the Student-ID." << std::endl;
309             std::cin >> ID;
310             if (studList->erase(ID)) std::cout << "Delete information successfully!" << std::endl;
311             else std::cout << "Error deleting!" << std::endl;
312         }break;
313         case 4: {
314             studList->sort();
315         }break;
316         case 5: {
317             std::cout << "Please input the Student-ID." << std::endl;
318             std::cin >> ID;
319             Student tmp = studList->search(ID);
320             if (tmp.ID != " ") tmp.display(); 
321             else std::cout << "No such student!" << std::endl;
322         }break;
323         case 6: {
324             studList->display();
325         }break;
326         case 7: {
327             if (studList->write())  std::cout << "Writing data successfully!" << std::endl;
328             else std::cout << "Error deleting!" << std::endl;
329         }break;
330         case 8: {
331         //    std::cout << "Warning:Reading Data will destrory the data get in the console window\n" << std::endl;
332             if (studList->read()) std::cout << "Reading data successfully!" << std::endl;
333             else std::cout << "Error deleting!" << std::endl;
334         }break;
335         case 9: {
336             std::cout << "Warning:Make sure to write the data before exit!!\n Y to continue N to cancel " << std::endl;
337             char c;
338             std::cin >> c;
339             if (c == N || c == n) break;
340             exit(-1);
341         }break;
342         case 10: {
343             system("cls");
344         }break;
345         default:
346             break;
347         }
348         header();
349     }
350 }
351 void doIt() {
352     header();
353     switcher();
354 }
357 int main()
358 {
359     doIt();   
360     system("pause");
361     return 0;
362 }





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