有Product , Book ,Clothes三张表
Book: id ,name,pageCount
Clothes: id ,name ,size
产品表 create table product( id number(2) primary key, name varchar2(10) ); 书表 create table booktbl( id number(2) , name varchar2(10), pageCount number(3), foreign key(id) references product(id) ); create sequence book_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nominvalue nocache; CREATE TRIGGER book_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON booktbl FOR EACH ROW WHEN(new.id is null) begin select book_seq.nextval into:new.id from dual; end; drop table booktbl; drop sequence book_seq; brop trigger book_trigger; 服装表 create table clothestbl( id number(2) references product(id), name varchar2(10), closize number(5) ); create sequence clothes_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nominvalue nocache; CREATE TRIGGER clo_trigger before INSERT ON clothestbl FOR EACH ROW WHEN(new.id is null) begin select clothes_seq.nextval into:new.id from dual; end; drop table clothestbl; drop sequence clothes_seq; brop trigger clo_trigger;
<class name="com.amaker.extendmodel.Product" table="Product"> <id name="id"> <generator class="native"></generator> </id> <property name="name"></property> <joined-subclass name="com.amaker.extendmodel.Book" table="booktbl"> <key column="id"></key> <property name="pageCount"></property> </joined-subclass> <joined-subclass name="com.amaker.extendmodel.Clothes" table="clothestbl"> <key column="id"></key> <property name="size" column="closize"></property> </joined-subclass> </class>
<mapping resource="com/amaker/extendmodel/Product.hbm.xml"/>