标签:des style color io strong 数据 for ar
我们发现,OpenCV提供了重载运算符Mat::operator = ,那么,是否按照下列语句就可以轻松完成对象的赋值呢?
Mat a; Mat b = a;答案是否定的!
我们可以从reference manual 中看到:
Mat::operator =
Provides matrix assignment operators.
C++: Mat& Mat::operator=(const Mat& m)
m – Assigned, right-hand-side matrix. Matrix assignment is an O(1) operation.
This means that no data is copied but the data is shared and the reference counter, if any, is incremented. Before assigning new data, the old data is de-referenced via Mat::release() .
inline Mat& Mat::operator = (const Mat& m) { if( this != &m ) { if( m.refcount ) CV_XADD(m.refcount, 1); release(); flags = m.flags; if( dims <= 2 && m.dims <= 2 ) { dims = m.dims; rows = m.rows; cols = m.cols; step[0] = m.step[0]; step[1] = m.step[1]; } else copySize(m); data = m.data; datastart = m.datastart; dataend = m.dataend; datalimit = m.datalimit; refcount = m.refcount; allocator = m.allocator; } return *this; }该重载运算符只是将各个数据指针的地址进行了赋值,并没有复制数据的操作。
Mat a; Mat b; a.copyTo(b);
Mat a; Mat b = a.clone();
inline Mat Mat::clone() const { Mat m; copyTo(m); return m; }
OpenCV(C++接口)学习笔记4-Mat::operator = 的陷阱,布布扣,bubuko.com
OpenCV(C++接口)学习笔记4-Mat::operator = 的陷阱
标签:des style color io strong 数据 for ar