select last_name,job_id,hire_date
from employees
where to_char(hire_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘) between ‘1998-02-01‘ and ‘1998-05-01‘
select last_name,department_id
from employees
--where department_id between 20 and 50
where department_id >=20 and department_id <=50
select last_name,hire_date
from employees
--where to_char(hire_date,‘yyyy‘)=‘1994‘
where hire_date like ‘%94‘
select last_name,job_id
from employees
where manager_id is null
select last_name,salary,commission_pct
from employees
where commission_pct is not null
select last_name
from employees
where last_name = ‘__a%‘
select last_name
from employees
where last_name like ‘%a%e%‘ or last_name like ‘%e%a%‘
select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss‘)
from dual
--2.查询员工号,姓名,工资,以及工资提高百分之20%后的结果(new salary)
select department_id,last_name,salary,salary*(1+0.2) "new salary"
from employee01
select last_name,length(last_name)
from employee01
order by last_name asc
select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) worked_month
from employees
select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) worked_month
from employees
order by worked_month desc
--<last_name> earns <salary> monthly but wants <salary*3>
Dream Salary
King earns $24240 monthly but wants $72720
select last_name || ‘ earns ‘ || to_char(salary,‘$999999‘) || ‘ monthly but wants ‘ || to_char(salary*3,‘$999999‘) "Dream Salary"
from employees
select last_name "Last_name",job_id "Job_id",decode(
‘ST_CLERK‘,‘E‘) "Grade"
from employees