TWinHTTPTimeouts = class(TPersistent) private FConnectTimeout, FReceiveTimeout, FSendTimeout: DWord; public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property ConnectTimeout: DWord read FConnectTimeout write FConnectTimeout default 0; property ReceiveTimeout: DWord read FReceiveTimeout write FReceiveTimeout default 0; property SendTimeout: DWord read FSendTimeout write FSendTimeout default 0; end;
Applies to
WinHTTP component. |
property WaitTimeout: Integer; |
The WaitTimeout property specifies the time interval (limit), in milliseconds unit, which application able to wait until the HTTP request will be completed. |
For example, if the maximum time which you can allow to complete HTTP request is 5 seconds, set this value to 5000 (milliseconds). If application can wait infinitely, set WaitTimeout to 0. |
When the timeout is expired, the component automatically terminates the HTTP request. To be notified when the WaitTimeout is expired — write OnWaitTimeoutExpired event handler. |
The WaitTimeout only works together with WaitThread property, only when it set to True. |
See also
WaitThread, Thread, ThreadPriority and Suspended properties; |
Read and Abort methods; |
OnWaitTimeoutExpired event. |