标签:after bottom ted duplicate address base 相关 eth 路径
MDB_env 为一个结构体,Opaque structure for a database environment.
MDB_txn :Opaque structure for a transaction handle.
typedef unsigned int MDB_dbi, A handle for an individual database in the DB environment.
struct MDB_val :Generic structure used for passing keys and data in and out of the database.
它包含:size_t mv_size, void* mv_data;
structure MDB_cursor: Opaque structure for navigating through a database.
函数 int mdb_env_create(MDB_env** env)
它的作用就是创建一个LMDB的环境handle,就是指向一个分配了内存的地址啦,这个函数会为MDB_env结构体分配一个内存。它我们使用handle 的时候,首先要用mdb_env_open()函数打开,最后也要调用mdb_env_close()函数释放掉内存并discard handle。
参数:[out] env,The address where the new handle will be stored。
函数 :mdb_env_open()
int mdb_env_open ( MDB_env * env, const char * path, unsigned int flags, mdb_mode_t mode )它的作用是:打开一个环境handle。
注:如果函数失败,我们要调用 mdb_env_close() 来丢弃 MDB_env handle.
[in] env :就是我们的环境handle。
[in] path :数据的路径。注意:它必须存在,并且可写;
[in] flags: 对于环境的一些特别的选项,它必须被设为0 或着把不同的选项 or在一起,
常见的flag: group__mdb.html#ga32a193c6bf4d7d5c5d579e71f22e9340
[in] mode:对于linux来说 ,就是这个操作的对于文件权限(如:0644),windows忽略;
函数 :mdb_env_close ()
void mdb_env_close ( MDB_env * env)
作用:Close the environment and release the memory map.
函数: int mdb_env_set_mapsize()
int mdb_env_set_mapsize ( MDB_env * env, size_t size )作用:设置环境的memory map 的大小;注意:默认大小 为:10485760 bytes,该函数用在mdb_env_create()之后,且mdb_env_open()之前,当然,在后面它也可能被调用的;
函数:int mdb_txn_begin()
int mdb_txn_begin ( MDB_env * env, MDB_txn * parent, unsigned int flags, MDB_txn ** txn )
作用:Create a transaction for use with the environment.
参数:[in] env:An environment handle returned by mdb_env_create()
[in] parent:可以为空,即NULL,如果不是空的话,the new transaction will be a nested transaction。
[in] flags: 指对于操作来说一些特别的选项,可以为0或着其它:如MDB_RDONLY,表示:它不会执行任何写操作;
[in] txn ,Address where the new MDB_txn handle will be stored .
另外:The transaction handle may be discarded using mdb_txn_abort() or mdb_txn_commit().
int mdb_dbi_open ( MDB_txn * txn, const char * name, unsigned int flags, MDB_dbi * dbi )
注意:database handle denotes the name and parameters of a database, independently of whether such a database exists.The database handle may be discarded by calling mdb_dbi_close().
[in] txn :A transaction 的handle;
[in] name:打开的database的名字,If only a single database is needed in the environment, this value may be NULL.
[in] flags:Special options for this database. 可以为0或着其它选项
[out] dbi :Address where the new MDB_dbi handle will be store;
函数:int mdb_put()
int mdb_put ( MDB_txn * txn, MDB_dbi dbi, MDB_val * key, MDB_val * data, unsigned int flags )作用:store items into a datagase,也就是说,把key/data pairs存放到database里面。
注意:当键值有相同的时候,The default behavior is to enter the new key/data pair, replacing any previously existing
key if duplicates are disallowed, or adding a duplicate data item if duplicates are allowed 。
[in] txn: A transaction handle returned by mdb_txn_begin()
[in] dbi :A database handle returned by mdb_dbi_open()
[in] key :The key to store in the database
[in,out] data: The data to store
[in] flags Special options for this operation. This parameter must be set to 0 or by bitwise OR‘ing together one or more of the values described here.返回值:如果错误,返回一个非零的值,如果正确,返回零;
函数:int mdb_txn_commit()
int mdb_txn_commit ( MDB_txn * txn )
作用:提交所有的操作:Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database.
注意:提交完以后,The transaction handle is freed. It and its cursors must not be used again after this call, except with mdb_cursor_renew().
参数:[in] txn:即我们要提交的那个transaction的handle;
函数:int mdb_cursor_open ()
int mdb_cursor_open ( MDB_txn * txn, MDB_dbi dbi, MDB_cursor ** cursor )作用:创建一个cursor的handle。
备注:A cursor is associated with a specific transaction and database。
[in] txn A transaction handle returned by mdb_txn_begin() [in] dbi A database handle returned by mdb_dbi_open() [out] cursor Address where the new MDB_cursor handle will be stored返回值:如果错误,返回一个非零的值,如果正确,返回零;
int mdb_cursor_get ( MDB_cursor * cursor, MDB_val * key, MDB_val * data, MDB_cursor_op op )
[in] cursor: A cursor handle returned by mdb_cursor_open() [in,out] key: The key for a retrieved item [in,out] data: The data of a retrieved item [in] op: A cursor operation MDB_cursor_op
其中:enum MDB_cursor_op,它枚举了许多Cursor Get 的操作,如下所示:
MDB_FIRST Position at first key/data item MDB_FIRST_DUP Position at first data item of current key. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_GET_BOTH Position at key/data pair. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE position at key, nearest data. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_GET_CURRENT Return key/data at current cursor position MDB_GET_MULTIPLE Return key and up to a page of duplicate data items from current cursor position. Move cursor to prepare for MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE. Only for MDB_DUPFIXED MDB_LAST Position at last key/data item MDB_LAST_DUP Position at last data item of current key. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_NEXT Position at next data item MDB_NEXT_DUP Position at next data item of current key. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE Return key and up to a page of duplicate data items from next cursor position. Move cursor to prepare for MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE. Only for MDB_DUPFIXED MDB_NEXT_NODUP Position at first data item of next key MDB_PREV Position at previous data item MDB_PREV_DUP Position at previous data item of current key. Only for MDB_DUPSORT MDB_PREV_NODUP Position at last data item of previous key MDB_SET Position at specified key MDB_SET_KEY Position at specified key, return key + data MDB_SET_RANGE Position at first key greater than or equal to specified key.
标签:after bottom ted duplicate address base 相关 eth 路径