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java 分布式系统 - 依据redis实现session共享机制 - 初级篇

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标签:java web   数据   illegal   方法调用   loader   rri   区分   cts   replace   


  大家认识session,可能更多是在java web中浏览器和服务器之间的会话交互。那么为什么要有session?







1、session - session对象

 1 package com.zhouxi.redis.session;
3 import java.io.Serializable; 4 import java.text.DateFormat; 5 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; 6 import java.util.Date; 7 8 /** 9 * session对象 -- 该对象的创建时间和maxAlive要保存到redis缓存中11 * 12 */ 13 public class Session implements Serializable { 14 15 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 16 17 private String sessionId; // session id用来区分session 18 private String createTime; // 创建时间 19 private boolean isNew; // session对象是否是新创建的 20 private long maxAlive; // 设置session最大的存在时间--<计算方式是从创建到生命周期结束> 21 private boolean invalid; // 设置session是否失效 22 23 public Session(String sessionId){ 24 this(sessionId,SessionUtil.DEFAULT_CYCLE_TIME); // 设置默认的生命周期是30分钟 25 } 26 27 public Session(String sessionId, long maxAlive){ 28 Date date=new Date(); 29 DateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 30 this.createTime=format.format(date); 31 this.sessionId = sessionId; 32 this.isNew = true; 33 this.maxAlive = maxAlive; // 默认session最大的存在时间是30分钟 34 this.invalid = false; // 默认情况下session不失效 35 } 36 37 /*---------------------set-get-------------------*/ 38 39 public void setCreateTime(String createTime) { 40 this.createTime = createTime; 41 } 42 43 public boolean isInvalid() { 44 return invalid; 45 } 46 47 public void setInvalid(boolean invalid) { 48 this.invalid = invalid; 49 } 50 51 public long getMaxAlive() { 52 return maxAlive; 53 } 54 55 public String getCreateTime() { 56 return createTime; 57 } 58 59 public boolean isNew() { 60 return isNew; 61 } 62 63 public void setNew(boolean isNew) { 64 this.isNew = isNew; 65 } 66 67 public String getSessionId() { 68 return sessionId; 69 } 70 }


2、HttpSession 接口 - 处理session的方法

package com.zhouxi.redis.session;

 * session api
 * @see tomcat->HttpSession
 * */
public interface HttpSession {
     * Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this
     * session. The identifier is assigned by the servlet container and is
     * implementation dependent.
     * @return a string specifying the identifier assigned to this session
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                if this method is called on an invalidated session
    public String getSessionId();
     * Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or
     * <code>null</code> if no object is bound under the name.
     * @param name
     *            a string specifying the name of the object
     * @return the object with the specified name
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                if this method is called on an invalidated session
    public Object getAttribute(String field);
     * Binds an object to this session, using the name specified. If an object
     * of the same name is already bound to the session, the object is replaced.
     * <p>
     * After this method executes, and if the new object implements
     * <code>HttpSessionBindingListener</code>, the container calls
     * <code>HttpSessionBindingListener.valueBound</code>. The container then
     * notifies any <code>HttpSessionAttributeListener</code>s in the web
     * application.
     * <p>
     * If an object was already bound to this session of this name that
     * implements <code>HttpSessionBindingListener</code>, its
     * <code>HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound</code> method is called.
     * <p>
     * If the value passed in is null, this has the same effect as calling
     * <code>removeAttribute()</code>.
     * @param name
     *            the name to which the object is bound; cannot be null
     * @param value
     *            the object to be bound
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                if this method is called on an invalidated session
    public long setAttribute(String field, Object value);
     * Removes the object bound with the specified name from this session. If
     * the session does not have an object bound with the specified name, this
     * method does nothing.
     * <p>
     * After this method executes, and if the object implements
     * <code>HttpSessionBindingListener</code>, the container calls
     * <code>HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound</code>. The container then
     * notifies any <code>HttpSessionAttributeListener</code>s in the web
     * application.
     * @param name
     *            the name of the object to remove from this session
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                if this method is called on an invalidated session
    public void removeAttribute(String field);

     * Invalidates this session then unbinds any objects bound to it.
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                if this method is called on an already invalidated session
    public void checkInvalidate();
     * set session lifeTime
     * */
    public void setLifeCycleTime();
     * get session对象
     * */
    public Session getSession();

3、session工具类 - 用来组合创建时间和最大生命周期

package com.zhouxi.redis.session.util;

 * session的工具类
 * @author zhouxi
 * */
public final class SessionUtil {

    public static final String KEYNAME = "sessionInfo";  // 保存session相关信息的key值
    public static final int DEFAULT_CYCLE_TIME = 1800;  // 默认生命周期限制为30分钟
     * 把创建时间和最大的存在时间进行组合
     * @param createTime
     * @param maxAlive
     * @return
     * */
    public static String createTimeAndMaxAlive(String createTime,long maxAlive){
        return createTime + ";" + maxAlive;
     * 把查找出来的session信息进行分解,分解得到createTime和maxAlive
     * @param sessionInfo
     * @return
     * */
    public static String[] parseSessionInfo(String sessionInfo){
        String [] infos = sessionInfo.split(";");
        return infos;


     * 设置对应的key的生命周期
     * @param key
     * @param milliseconds
     * @return
     * */
    public long pexpireTime(String key, long milliseconds) {
        return jedis.pexpire(key, milliseconds);




package com.zhouxi.redis.session;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.zhouxi.redis.command.JedisCommand;
import com.zhouxi.redis.command.jedisCommandImpl;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.util.SessionUtil;

 * 共享session - redis使用hash的数据结构保存数据
 * @see tomcat -> session封装
public class DistributedSession implements HttpSession {

    private Session session;                  // session对象
    private static JedisCommand jedisCommand; // JedisCommand操作对象--单例模式
    private static Logger logger =  Logger.getLogger(DistributedSession.class);
    private final String sessionId;

    public DistributedSession(String sessionId) {
        this(sessionId, SessionUtil.DEFAULT_CYCLE_TIME);
    public DistributedSession(String sessionId, long maxAlive){
        jedisCommand = jedisCommandImpl.getInstance(); // 初始化
        this.sessionId = sessionId;
        if (getSessionCheckInfo() == null) {
            session = new Session(sessionId, maxAlive); // 生成一个session对象
            // 每次生成新的对象就向redis保存重要的属性信息,而且这些信息是不能进行修改的
                    SessionUtil.createTimeAndMaxAlive(session.getCreateTime(), session.getMaxAlive()));
            this.setLifeCycleTime();   // 设置session的生命周期
        } else {
            String[] infos = this.getSessionCheckInfo();
            session = new Session(sessionId, Long.parseLong(infos[1]));
            session.setNew(false);  // 标记这个session不是最先创建的,之前在redis中已经保存了重要信息。
            this.setLifeCycleTime();  // 刷新生命周期

     * 从redis中查找session对象,每次在创建DistributedSession的时候判断redis内部是否
     * 已经存在了相同ID的session对象,如果是那样吗,就避免每次都需要创建新的session,无法实现 session共享的功能
     * @return
    public String[] getSessionCheckInfo() {
        String info = (String) this.getAttribute(SessionUtil.KEYNAME);
        logger.info("从redis中获取的session保存的创建时间和最大生命周期时间限制为: " + info);
        if (info == null)
            return null;
        return SessionUtil.parseSessionInfo(info);

     * 获取到redis中保存的sesion对象
     * @param field
     * @return
    public Object getAttribute(String field){
        checkInvalidate(); // 判断session是否失效
        return jedisCommand.hashGet(this.sessionId, field);

     * 将信息存放到redis中
     * @param field
     * @param value
    public long setAttribute(String field, Object value) {
        checkInvalidate(); // 判断session是否失效
        if(session != null)
            return jedisCommand.hashSet(session.getSessionId(), field, value);
        return 0;

     * 通过session删除保存在redis中的数据
     * @param name
    public void removeAttribute(String field) {
        checkInvalidate(); // 判断session是否失效
        if(session != null)
            jedisCommand.hashDel(session.getSessionId(), field);
            logger.info("session is null ...");

     * 设置session存在的生命周期--以秒为单位
    public void setLifeCycleTime() {
        if(session != null){
            // 设置对用sessionId的生命周期
            jedisCommand.pexpireTime(session.getSessionId(), session.getMaxAlive() * 1000);
            logger.info("session刷新了生命周期为 " + session.getMaxAlive() + " 秒!");
            logger.info("session is null ...");

     * 判断session是否有效
     * @return
    public void checkInvalidate() {
        if(session != null){
            if (session.isInvalid()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Session is invalid......");

    public String getSessionId() {
        return this.session.getSessionId();

    public Session getSession() {
        return this.session;


package com.zhouxi.redis.session.proxy;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.zhouxi.redis.session.HttpSession;

 * 动态代理处理器
 * @author zhouxi
public class DynamicProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {

    private static Logger logger =  Logger.getLogger(DynamicProxyHandler.class);
    private HttpSession session; // 被代理对象

     * 实现拦截的方法
     * @param obj  代理类对象
     * @param method 被代理的接口方法
     * @param objs 被代理接口方法的参数 
     * @return  方法调用返回的结果 
    public Object invoke(Object obj, Method method, Object[] params) throws Throwable {
        Object result = null;
        result=method.invoke(session, params);
        return result;

     * 创建动态代理对象,并绑定被代理类和代理处理器
     * @param object
     * @return 被代理的类对象
    public HttpSession bind(HttpSession session) {
        this.session = session;
        return (HttpSession) Proxy.newProxyInstance(session.getClass().getClassLoader(), 
               session.getClass().getInterfaces(), this);
     * 每次调用HttpSession接口的方法就刷新redis的生命周期
     * */
    public void flushPexpireTime(HttpSession session){



package com.zhouxi.redis.test.session;

import org.junit.Test;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.DistributedSession;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.HttpSession;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.proxy.DynamicProxyHandler;

 * 测试类
 * */
public class SessionJuit {

     * 创建2个session对象,都是session-1的ID,判断关键数据是否是一样的
     * */
    public void test2(){
        DynamicProxyHandler handler = new DynamicProxyHandler(); 
        HttpSession session = new DistributedSession("session1",100);
        HttpSession sessionPorxy = handler.bind(session);  // 创建动态代理对象
        sessionPorxy.setAttribute("name", "zhouxi");
        DynamicProxyHandler handler2 = new DynamicProxyHandler(); 
        HttpSession session2 = new DistributedSession("session1");
        HttpSession sessionPorxy2 = handler.bind(session);  // 创建动态代理对象
        System.out.println("session存储的数据是: " + sessionPorxy2.getAttribute("name"));
        DynamicProxyHandler handler3 = new DynamicProxyHandler(); 
        HttpSession session3 = new DistributedSession("session2");
        HttpSession sessionPorxy3 = handler.bind(session3);  // 创建动态代理对象
        System.out.println("session存储的数据是: " + sessionPorxy3.getAttribute("name"));
package com.zhouxi.redis.test.session;

import com.zhouxi.redis.session.DistributedSession;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.HttpSession;
import com.zhouxi.redis.session.proxy.DynamicProxyHandler;

public class SessionTest {

     * 测试Session中动态代理效果
     * 每次调用Http的方法;都需要重整session的生命周期
     * */
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DynamicProxyHandler handler = new DynamicProxyHandler(); 
        HttpSession session = new DistributedSession("sesson-1",1);
        HttpSession sessionPorxy = handler.bind(session);  // 创建动态代理对象
        sessionPorxy.setAttribute("name", "zhouxi");
        Thread thread = new Thread(){
            public void run(){
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    System.out.println("保存的信息是:" + sessionPorxy.getAttribute("sessionInfo"));


java 分布式系统 - 依据redis实现session共享机制 - 初级篇

标签:java web   数据   illegal   方法调用   loader   rri   区分   cts   replace   


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