--enable-debug (Compiles all programs and libraries with debugging symbols. This means that you can run the programs in a debugger to analyze problems),使用 GCC 編译器时可用于生产环境,其它編译器会影响性能;多用于开发
--enable-depend (Enables automatic dependency tracking. With this option, the makefiles are set up so that all affected object files will be rebuilt when any header file is changed),仅用于开发
--enable-dtrace 編译动态追踪工具 Dtrace 支持,当前尚不能用于 Linux 平台,可用于 FreeBSD、Solaris
共享内存 (System-V-style shared memory) 或 信号量 (System V semaphores) 不足,能常是由于内核限制或根本没有开启对应的支持项 (If you get an "illegal system call" error,it is likely that shared memory or semaphores are not supported in your kernel at all)
服务器没有启动或没有配置成允许 TCP/IP 连接,通常会收到 ‘psql: could not connect to server: ...‘ 类似的錯誤提示