OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) 是 OpenGL 三维图形 API 的子集,针对手机、PDA和游戏主机等嵌入式设备而设计。该API由Khronos集团定义推广,Khronos是一个图形软硬件行业协会,该协会主要关注图形和多媒体方面的开放标准。 OpenGL ES 是从 Op... 更多OpenGL ES信息
高质量图形图表库 MathGL
MathGL is ... 是一个在Windows和Linux下生成高质量图形的类库;用来根据大量的数组生成各种图表可轻松嵌入到其他程序中可生成各种各样的图表 更多MathGL信息
OpenVRML is a VRML and X3D browser plug-in and C++ toolkit for
incorporating VRML support into applications. OpenVRML provides VRML97
and Classic VRML X3D parsers, a runtime, and an OpenGL renderer as C++
libraries. The renderer is fully... 更多OpenVRML信息
Open Shading Language (OSL) is a small but rich language for
programmable shading in advanced renderers and other applications. OSL
is similar to C, as well as other shading languages, however, it is
specifically designed for advanced re... 更多Open Shading Language信息
OpenCSG is a library that does image-based CSG(Constructive Solid
Geometry) rendering using OpenGL. OpenCSG is written in C++ and supports
most modern graphics hardware using Microsoft Windows or the Linux
operating system.... 更多OpenCSG信息