标签:sock move sort about hmm 命令 目录 clock 命令总结
1. linux 基础命令
who, which, basename, dirname, echo, type, hash, whatis, makewhatis, man, info, help, ls, cd,pwd, mkdir, rmdir, touch, rm, date, hwcolck, cal, shutdown, reboot, tty
1 who : Show who is logged on, print information about users who are currently logged in.
2 which : Show the full path of (shell) commands
which pwd, which shutdown
3 basename : Print name with any leading directory components removed.
basename /usr/bin/sort , Output: sort
4 dirname : strip non-directory suffix from file name
dirname /usr/bin/sort , Output: /usr/bin
5 命令替换
‘ ’ :强引用,变量不会替换;
“ ” :若引用,变量可以替换;
` ` :命令应用,类似$()
6 echo : display a line of text , 回显
echo $PATH , Output: /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
echo ‘$PATH‘ , Output: $PATH
echo "zhu biao" , Output: zhu biao
echo `date +%F`(echo $(date +%F)) , Output: 2016-10-26
7 type : Display information about command type
type cd , Output: cd is a shell builtin
type shutdown , Output: shutdown is /sbin/shutdown, 若shutdown已经执行过,将会添加到hash数据库,则:shutdown is hashed (/sbin/shutdown)
8 hash : Rember or display program loacations, 显示hash数据库,执行过的程序次数、位置。
9 whatis : 简洁描述某个命令的功能,该命令在manual文档中的章节
whatis shutdown , Output:
shutdown (2) - shut down part of a full-duplex connection
shutdown (3p) - shut down socket send and receive operations
shutdown (8) - bring the system down
10 makewhatis : Create the whatis datebase
11 shell command 分为内部命令和外部命令
内部命令帮助:help command
外部命令帮助:command --help, man command, info command
12 man : man [section] command , manual , 命令,配置文件格式,库调用等帮助文档
1: User Commands
2: System Calls
3: C Library Functions
4: Devices and Special Files
5: File Formats and Conventions
6: Games et. Al.
7: Miscellanea
8: System Administrations tools and Deamons
13 info : 获取在线帮助文档,使用方法类似man
14 help : shell内部命令帮助文档
help ls
15 {a,b} : 可展开
{a,b}/{x,y} : a/x a/y b/x b/y
{a,b}-heburn-{x,y} : a-heburn-x a-heburn-y b-heburn-x b-heburn-y
16 ls : list directory contents
ls /home/zhubiao
17 cd : change the shell working directory
cd /home/zhubiao
cd ~ : 回到用户家目录
cd ~zhubiao : 回到用户zhubiao家目录
cd - : 回到上一个目录
18 pwd : Print working directory
19 mkdir : make directories
Create directories /mnt/linux/bin, /mnt/linux/sbin, /mnt/bin, /mnt/sbin 可用如下命令:
mkdir -pv /mnt{/linux/{bin/sbin},bin,sbin}
20 rmdir : remove empty diretories
rmdir /mnt
rmdir -p /a/b
21 rm : remove files or directories
rm -rf /a/b/zhubiao
22 touch : 创建文件
23 date : print or set the system date and time
date [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss] :
date 10262318 设定系统时间为10月26日 23:18,
date 102623182016.33 设定系统时间为 2016-10-26 23:18:33
date +%F , Output: 2016-10-26
date +%T , Output: 23:18:33
24 hwclock : query or set the hadway clock (RTC)
hwclock --set --date="102616 23:12:10"
hwclock -s(--hctosys)
hwclock -w(--systohc)
25 cal : Display a calendar
cal , Output:
October 2016
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
26 shutdown : bring the system down
shutdown -h now
shutdown -r +5
27 reboot : reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system
28 ternial
a.虚拟终端 tty#
b.物理终端 console
c.伪终端 pts/#
标签:sock move sort about hmm 命令 目录 clock 命令总结