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标签:dev   value   名称   select   inf   失败   帮助   excel   地址   



1,初始化一个OpenFileDialog类 (OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();)

2, 获取用户选择文件的后缀名(string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileDialog.FileName).ToLower();),并设置允许后缀文件名;



1, 创建提示用户保存类,SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(),设置允许导出文件名,对话框显示信息等属性;

2,saveFileDialog.FileName.Length>0,sql转datetable,NPOI创建文件(设置保存路径 saveFileDialog.FileName)



2,设置new Point(x,y)坐标位置,控件大小调整;特别是坐标不好处理,现在页面上设置排版,并记录x,y 记录;



 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.Linq;
 4 using System.Text;
 5 using System.Windows.Forms;
 7 namespace webfrom.common
 8 {
 9    public static class ControlUtil
10     {
11         /// <summary>
12         /// 按名称查找控件
13         /// </summary>
14         /// <param name="parentControl">查找控件的父容器控件</param>
15         /// <param name="findCtrlName">查找控件名称</param>
16         /// <returns>若没有查找到返回NULL</returns>
17         public static Control FindControl(this Control parentControl, string findCtrlName)
18         {
19             Control _findedControl = null;
20             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(findCtrlName) && parentControl != null)
21             {
22                 foreach (Control ctrl in parentControl.Controls)
23                 {
24                     if (ctrl.Name.Equals(findCtrlName))
25                     {
26                         _findedControl = ctrl;
27                         break;
28                     }
29                 }
30             }
31             return _findedControl;
32         }
33         /// <summary>
34         /// 将Control转换某种控件类型
35         /// </summary>
36         /// <typeparam name="T">控件类型</typeparam>
37         /// <param name="control">Control</param>
38         /// <param name="result">转换结果</param>
39         /// <returns>若成功则返回控件;若失败则返回NULL</returns>
40         public static T Cast<T>(this Control control, out bool result) where T : Control
41         {
42             result = false;
43             T _castCtrl = null;
44             if (control != null)
45             {
46                 if (control is T)
47                 {
48                     try
49                     {
50                         _castCtrl = control as T;
51                         result = true;
52                     }
53                     catch (Exception ex)
54                     {
55                         result = false;
56                     }
57                 }
58             }
59             return _castCtrl;
60         }
61     }
63    //public class comBoBoxEx : System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
64    //{
65    //    public bool isWheel = false;
66    //    public string strComB = null;
67    //    protected override void OnMouseWheel(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
68    //    {
69    //        strComB = Text;
70    //        isWheel = true;
71    //    }
73    //    protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
74    //    {
75    //        base.OnMouseDown(e);
76    //        isWheel = false;
78    //    }
80    //    protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
81    //    {
82    //        base.OnTextChanged(e);
83    //        if (isWheel)
84    //        {
85    //            Text = strComB;
86    //        }
87    //    }
88    //}
89 }
View Code






   1 using System;
   2 using System.Collections.Generic;
   3 using System.ComponentModel;
   4 using System.Data;
   5 using System.Drawing;
   6 using System.Linq;
   7 using System.Text;
   8 using System.Windows.Forms;
   9 using webframework.common;
  10 using System.Collections;
  11 using System.IO;
  12 using webfrom.common;
  13 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  14 using webfrom.bll;
  15 using webfrom.model;
  16 using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
  17 using System.Data.SqlClient;
  19 namespace webfrom.trip
  20 {
  21     public partial class tripmain : Form, IMessageFilter
  22     {
  23         //当前登陆用户
  24         public string Username { get; set; }
  25         //乘客人数
  26         public int PsgCount { get; set; }
  27         //订单ID
  28         public string OrderID { get; set; }
  29         //tt订单号
  30         public string OrderNO { get; set; }
  31         //平台id
  32         public string orderFrom { get; set; }
  33         //快递单号
  34         public string ExpNo { get; set; }
  37         public tripmain()
  38         {
  39             InitializeComponent();
  40         }
  41         public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
  42         {
  43             if (m.Msg == 522)
  44             {
  45                 return true;
  46             }
  47             else
  48             {
  49                 return false;
  50             }
  51         }
  52         //导入
  53         private void btnimport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  54         {
  55             lbl_msg.Text = "";
  56             //初始化一个OpenFileDialog类
  57             OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
  58             //判断用户是否正确的选择了文件
  59             if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
  60             {
  61                 //获取用户选择文件的后缀名
  62                 string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileDialog.FileName).ToLower();
  63                 //声明允许的后缀名
  64                 string[] str = new string[] { ".xls", ".xlsx", ".csv" };
  65                 if (!((IList)str).Contains(extension))
  66                 {
  67                     //MessageBox.Show("仅能导入xls,xlsx,csv文件!");
  68                     lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:仅能导入xls,xlsx,csv文件!";
  69                 }
  70                 else
  71                 {
  72                     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
  73                     switch (extension)
  74                     {
  75                         case ".xlsx":
  76                             dt = common.ExcelHelper.ExcelToTableForXLSX(fileDialog.FileName);
  77                             break;
  78                         case ".xls":
  79                             dt = common.ExcelHelper.GetExcelDataAsTableNPOI(fileDialog.FileName);
  80                             break;
  81                         case ".csv":
  82                             dt = common.CSVUtil.getCsvDataByTitle(fileDialog.FileName, "业务单号", null);
  83                             break;
  84                         default:
  85                             break;
  86                     }
  87                     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
  88                     {
  89                         int error = 0;
  90                         int count = 0;
  91                         try
  92                         {
  93                             List<modelt_printexpress> list = new List<modelt_printexpress>();
  94                             modelt_printexpress m;
  95                             DateTime dtnow = DateTime.Now;
  96                             string orderid = string.Empty;
  98                             foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
  99                             {
 100                                 count++;
 101                                 orderid = dr["业务单号"].ToString().Trim();
 102                                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderid))
 103                                     continue;
 104                                 m = new modelt_printexpress();
 105                                 #region model赋值
 106                                 m.expcompany = dr["物流公司"].ToString().Trim();
 107                                 m.busno = dr["业务单号"].ToString().Trim();//对应国内tt订单号
 108                                 m.expno = dr["运单号"].ToString().Trim();
 109                                 m.fworkaddress = dr["寄件单位"].ToString().Trim();
 110                                 m.fname = dr["寄件人姓名"].ToString().Trim();
 111                                 m.ftelno = dr["寄件人电话"].ToString().Trim();
 112                                 m.fmobileno = dr["寄件人手机"].ToString().Trim();
 113                                 m.fprovince = dr["寄件人省"].ToString().Trim();
 114                                 m.fcity = dr["寄件人市"].ToString().Trim();
 115                                 m.fregion = dr["寄件区/县"].ToString().Trim();
 116                                 m.faddress = dr["寄件人地址"].ToString().Trim();
 117                                 m.fpostcode = dr["寄件人邮编"].ToString().Trim();
 118                                 m.tname = dr["收件人姓名"].ToString().Trim();
 119                                 m.ttelno = dr["收件人电话"].ToString().Trim();
 120                                 m.tmobileno = dr["收件人手机"].ToString().Trim();
 121                                 m.tprovince = dr["收件省"].ToString().Trim();
 122                                 m.tcity = dr["收件市"].ToString().Trim();
 123                                 m.tregion = dr["收件区/县"].ToString().Trim();
 124                                 m.taddress = dr["收件人地址"].ToString().Trim();
 125                                 m.tpostcode = dr["收件邮政编码"].ToString().Trim();
 126                                 m.exppay = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(dr["运费"].ToString().Trim(), 0);
 127                                 m.orderprice = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(dr["订单金额"].ToString().Trim(), 0);
 128                                 m.itemname = dr["商品名称"].ToString().Trim();
 129                                 m.itemcode = dr["商品编码"].ToString().Trim();
 130                                 m.itemattribute = dr["销售属性"].ToString().Trim();
 131                                 m.itemprice = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(dr["商品金额"].ToString().Trim(), 0);
 132                                 m.itemacount = StringUtils.StrToInt(dr["数量"].ToString().Trim(), 0);
 133                                 m.leavemsg = dr["留言"].ToString().Trim();
 134                                 m.note = dr["备注"].ToString().Trim();
 135                                 m.operater = this.Username;
 136                                 m.creattime = dtnow;
 137                                 #endregion
 138                                 list.Add(m);
 139                             }
 140                             string msg = string.Empty;
 141                             new bllprintexpress().InsertList(list, Config.CONSQL_172_16_6_1_WRITE, ref msg);
 142                             //MessageBox.Show("数据导入完毕【文件总数:" + dt.Rows.Count + " 导入" + msg + "--未匹配tt订单号:" + error + "】");
 143                             lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "数据导入完毕【文件总数:" + dt.Rows.Count + " 导入" + msg + "--未匹配tt订单号:" + error + "";
 146                         }
 147                         catch (Exception ex)
 148                         {
 149                             //MessageBox.Show("导入数据报错:" + ex.Message);
 150                             lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "导入数据报错:" + ex.Message;
 151                         }
 152                     }
 153                     else
 154                     {
 155                         //MessageBox.Show("您选择的文件报表中没有数据");
 156                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "您选择的文件报表中没有数据";
 157                     }
 158                 }
 159             }
 160         }
 161         //导出
 162         private void btnexport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 163         {
 164             try
 165             {
 166                 lbl_msg.Text = "";
 167                 DateTime dtbegin = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpbegin.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
 168                 DateTime dtend = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpend.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
 169                 if ((dtend - dtbegin).Days > 30)
 170                 {
 171                     //MessageBox.Show("航班日期跨度不能超过30天");
 172                     lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "航班日期跨度不能超过30天";
 173                     dtpbegin.Focus();
 174                     return;
 175                 }
 176                 if (dtend < dtbegin)
 177                 {
 178                     //MessageBox.Show("航班开始日期不能大于结束日期");
 179                     lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "航班开始日期不能大于结束日期";
 180                     dtpbegin.Focus();
 181                     return;
 182                 }
 184                 SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
 185                 saveFileDialog.Filter = "导出Excel (*.xls)|*.xls";
 186                 saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0;
 187                 saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
 188                 saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = true;
 189                 saveFileDialog.Title = "导出文件保存路径";
 190                 saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();
 191                 string strName = saveFileDialog.FileName;
 192                 if (strName.Length != 0)
 193                 {
 194                     string sql = "SELECT o.id orderid ,o.orderNo,jd.receiver,jd.receiverPhone,jd.postCode,jd.postAddress " +
 195                    "FROM t_order AS o " +
 196                    "LEFT JOIN t_journey AS jo ON o.id = jo.orderId " +
 197                    "LEFT JOIN t_journeypassenger AS jp ON jo.id = jp.journeyId " +
 198                    "LEFT JOIN t_passenger AS p ON jp.passengerId = p.id " +
 199                    "LEFT JOIN t_travel AS tr ON jp.id = tr.journeyPassengerId " +
 200                    "RIGHT JOIN t_journeydetail AS jd ON o.id = jd.orderId  " +
 201                    "WHERE 1=1 AND o.orderFrom=1 " +
 202                    "AND  (jp.pTikState IS NULL OR  jp.pTikState!=1) " +
 203                    "AND jd.postAddress <>‘‘ " +
 204                    "AND (o.orderState=1 OR o.orderState=3 OR o.orderState=7) " +
 205                    "AND jo.takeoffDate >=‘" + dtbegin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "" +
 206                    "AND jo.takeoffDate <=‘" + dtend.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "" +
 207                    "AND (tr.printState IS NULL OR tr.printState=0) " +
 208                    "AND jd.isTra=1 AND  (jd.isTra=1 AND jd.isTraKf <> 0) " +
 209                         //"AND jd.isTra=1 AND  ((jd.isTra=1 AND jd.isTraKf <> 0) or  jd.isTraKf=1)  " +
 210                         //" and (jd.traAddress<>‘‘ or   jd.isTraKf=1) orderFrom ==0" +
 211                    "GROUP BY orderid";
 212                     DataTable dt = webframework.common.MySqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(webframework.common.MySqlHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];
 213                     if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
 214                     {
 215                         string strids = string.Empty;
 216                         string straddress = string.Empty;
 217                         string mobilecode = string.Empty;
 218                         string phonecode = string.Empty;
 219                         string postcode = string.Empty;
 220                         string address = string.Empty; 
 222                         DataTable dtnew = new DataTable();
 223                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("姓名", typeof(string));
 224                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("订单ID", typeof(string));
 225                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("联系单位", typeof(string));
 226                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("联系地址", typeof(string));
 227                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("手机号码", typeof(string));
 228                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("电话号码", typeof(string));
 229                         //dtnew.Columns.Add("邮编", typeof(string));
 231                         dtnew.Columns.Add("业务单号", typeof(string));
 232                         dtnew.Columns.Add("收件人姓名", typeof(string));
 233                         dtnew.Columns.Add("收件人手机", typeof(string));
 234                         dtnew.Columns.Add("收件人地址", typeof(string));
 235                         dtnew.Columns.Add("品名", typeof(string));
 236                         dtnew.Columns.Add("数量", typeof(string));
 237                         dtnew.Columns.Add("备注", typeof(string));
 238                         foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
 239                         {
 240                             if (!strids.Contains(item["orderid"].ToString().Trim()))
 241                             {
 242                                 strids += item["orderid"].ToString().Trim() + ","; 
 243                                 straddress = item["postAddress"].ToString().Trim().TrimEnd(-).TrimStart(-);
 244                                 var arr = straddress.Split(-);
 245                                 if (arr.Length < 3)
 246                                     continue;
 248                                 mobilecode = item["receiverPhone"].ToString().Trim();
 249                                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobilecode))
 250                                 {
 251                                     if (Regex.IsMatch(straddress, @"-1\d{10}", RegexOptions.Multiline))
 252                                         mobilecode = new Regex(@"-1\d{10}", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(straddress)[0].Groups[0].Value.Replace("-", "");
 253                                     else
 254                                         mobilecode = arr[arr.Length - 1];
 255                                 }
 257                                 if (Regex.IsMatch(straddress, @"-\d{4}-\d{7,8}|-\d{3}-\d{8}", RegexOptions.Multiline))
 258                                     phonecode = new Regex(@"-\d{4}-\d{7,8}|-\d{3}-\d{8}", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(straddress)[0].Groups[0].Value.TrimStart(-);
 259                                 else
 260                                     phonecode = "";
 262                                 if (Regex.IsMatch(straddress, @"-\d{6}-", RegexOptions.Multiline))
 263                                     postcode = new Regex(@"-\d{6}-", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(straddress)[0].Groups[0].Value.Replace("-", "");
 264                                 else
 265                                     postcode = arr[arr.Length - 2];
 267                                 address = straddress.Substring(straddress.IndexOf(-) + 1).Replace(mobilecode, "").Replace(postcode, "");
 268                                 address = (phonecode.Length > 0 ? address.Replace(phonecode, "") : address).Replace("-", " ");
 269                                 DataRow dtrow = dtnew.NewRow();
 270                                 ////姓名    订单ID    联系单位    联系地址    手机号码    电话号码    邮编
 271                                 //dtrow["姓名"] = item["receiver"].ToString().Trim();
 272                                 //dtrow["订单ID"] = item["orderid"].ToString().Trim();
 273                                 //dtrow["联系单位"] = "天泰";
 274                                 //dtrow["手机号码"] = mobilecode;
 275                                 //dtrow["电话号码"] = phonecode;
 276                                 //dtrow["邮编"] = postcode;
 277                                 //dtrow["联系地址"] = address;
 279                                 //业务单号    收件人姓名    收件人手机    收件人地址    品名    数量    备注
 280                                 dtrow["业务单号"] = item["orderid"].ToString().Trim();
 281                                 dtrow["收件人姓名"] = item["receiver"].ToString().Trim();
 282                                 dtrow["收件人手机"] = mobilecode;
 283                                 dtrow["收件人地址"] = address;
 284                                 dtrow["品名"] = "票务";
 285                                 dtrow["数量"] = "1";
 286                                 dtrow["备注"] = item["orderNo"].ToString().Trim() + "||" + item["postAddress"].ToString().Trim();
 287                                 dtnew.Rows.Add(dtrow);
 288                             }
 290                         }
 292                         NewExcelHelper.ExportExcel(dtnew, strName, "联系人数据" + dtbegin.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + dtend.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
 293                         //MessageBox.Show("导出数据成功(路径:" + strName);
 294                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "导出数据成功(路径:" + strName;
 295                     }
 296                 }
 297             }
 298             catch (Exception ex)
 299             {
 300                 //MessageBox.Show("导出数据出错:" + ex.Message); 
 301                 lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "导出数据出错:" + ex.Message;
 302             }
 303         }
 305         private void txtbarcode_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 306         {
 307             lbl_msg.Text = "";
 308             if (txtbarcode.Text.Trim().Length > 10)
 309             {
 310                 this.PsgCount = 0;
 311                 this.OrderID = "";
 312                 this.OrderNO = "";
 313                 this.orderFrom = "";
 314                 this.ExpNo = "";
 315                 //gbdetail.Text = "扫条码快递号对应TT订单明细";
 316                 string sql1 = "select busno,expno from t_printexpress where expno=@expno";
 317                 SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@expno", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) };
 318                 parameters[0].Value = txtbarcode.Text.Trim();
 319                 DataTable dtp = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(Config.CONSQL_172_16_6_1_WRITE, CommandType.Text, sql1, parameters);
 320                 if (dtp != null && dtp.Rows.Count > 0)
 321                 {
 322                     OrderID = dtp.Rows[0]["busno"].ToString();
 323                     ExpNo = dtp.Rows[0]["expno"].ToString();
 324                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderID))
 325                     {
 326                         BindData(OrderID);
 327                     }
 328                 }
 329                 else
 330                 {
 331                     gbdetail.Visible = false;
 332                     pldetail.Controls.Clear();
 333                 }
 334             }
 335             else if (txtbarcode.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
 336             {
 337                 gbdetail.Visible = false;
 338                 pldetail.Controls.Clear();
 339             }
 340         }
 341         private void BindData(string orderid)
 342         {
 343             this.OrderNO = "";
 344             this.orderFrom = "";
 345             txtorderid.Text = "";
 346             txtorderno.Text = "";
 347             //gbdetail.Text = "扫条码快递号对应TT订单明细";
 348             string sql = "SELECT o.id,o.orderfrom,o.bank,o.shopName,o.returnDate,o.tbRate,o.orderNo,o.cNo,o.outDate,o.outTime,o.totalBrokerage,o.orderState,o.payState,o.policyType,o.totalPrice,o.tradeNo,o.impUser,o.impUserId,o.otherOrderSum,o.otherpolicysource,o.otherpolicycode, o.orderFrom,o.imDate,o.imTime,o.platformFlag,o.ispnrpnamepiny,isCheckedData,o.ext1,o.createTime,lk.id AS k_id ,lk.orderno AS k_orderno,lk.orderid AS k_orderid , lk.name AS k_name,lk.phone AS k_phone,lk.preparePhone,lk.email,lk.postAddress, od.id AS od_id , od.needInsurance,od.needps,od.backnote,od.xcdprice,jo.id AS j_id,jo.orderid AS jo_orderid, jo.id AS j_id , jo.pnr AS jo_pnr,jo.flightNo,jo.startCity,jo.reachCity,jo.takeoffDate,jo.takeoffTime,jo.reachTime,jo.sailType,jo.policyType AS jo_policytype,jo.seat,jo.lastOpenCabin,jo.cBasePrice,jo.bigpnr,jo.journeypoint,jo.journeystate,jo.reachdate,jo.journeyIsOutTicket,jo.journeyOtherOrderNo,jo.journeyIsOutTicket,jo.journeyOtherOrderNo,jo.journeyPlatformFlag,jo.journeyTradeNo,jo.journeyOtherOrderSum,jo.journeyRemark,jo.journeyTotalTax,jo.cwebprice,jo.shoppingprice,jo.isshareflight,jo.lowcabinSeat,jo.lowcabinPnr,jo.goType,jp.id AS jp_id ,jp.journeyId,jp.pnr,jp.insureCount,jp.insurePrice,jp.tktNo1,jp.tktPrice,jp.backPoint,jp.isOpen AS isopen,jp.purchPrice,jp.payPurchPrice,jp.actualPrice,jp.sellPrice,jp.tax,jp.myc,jp.purchPalse,jp.TbCommission,jp.payCard,jp.reciptWay,jp.otherTax,jp.otherMyc,jp.pTikState,jp.jpstatus,jp.outcode,jp.thirdOrderno,jp.delayinsurePrice,jp.delayinsureCount,jp.bigpnr AS jp_bigpnr,p.id AS p_id,p.name AS p_name, p.ptype, p.email AS p_email, p.phone AS p_phone, p.idCard, p.birthday, p.papersType, p.nationality, p.mun,jd.id AS jd_id,jd.orderid AS jd_orderId,jd.orderno AS jd_orderNo,jd.journeyId AS jd_journeyid,jd.isReturnTra,jd.isTra,jd.traCostPrice,jd.traPrice,jd.postaddress AS jd_postAddress,jd.postCode,jd.receiver,jd.receiverPhone,jd.traAddress,jd.isInsure,jd.sendWay,jd.isTraKf,jd.isInsureKf,jd.insureRmkKf,jd.traRmkKf,jd.expressFee,jd.tradeNO AS jd_tradeNO,t.travelNo,t.printState,t.printType,t.postWay,t.postNo " +
 349             "FROM t_order o LEFT JOIN t_orderdetail od ON o.id=od.id " +
 350             "LEFT JOIN t_linkman lk ON o.id=lk.orderId " +
 351             "LEFT JOIN t_journey jo ON o.id=jo.orderId " +
 352             "LEFT JOIN t_journeypassenger jp ON jp.journeyId=jo.id " +
 353             "LEFT JOIN t_passenger p ON jp.passengerId = p.id " +
 354             "LEFT JOIN t_journeydetail jd ON jd.orderid = o.id " +
 355             "LEFT JOIN t_travel t on   o.id=t.orderId and t.journeyPassengerId=jp.id " +
 356             "WHERE (jp.pTikState IS NULL OR  jp.pTikState!=1) " +
 357             "AND o.id=" + orderid;
 358             DataTable dt = webframework.common.MySqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(webframework.common.MySqlHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];
 361             string sqltemp = "select tripno,printstate,printtype,postway from t_tripexpress where tktno=‘{0}‘";
 362             string tripno = "";
 363             string printstate = "";
 364             string printtype = "";
 365             string postway = "";
 366             string expno = "";
 367             DataTable dttripno = new DataTable();
 368             if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
 369             {
 370                 pldetail.Controls.Clear();
 371                 PsgCount = dt.Rows.Count;
 372                 DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];
 373                 //lblflightconnect.Text = "航班号: HO1179 承运人: HO 起始地: PVG 目的地: HRB 日期(起): 2016-10-21  时间(起): 08:30:00 航程类型: S 舱位: P \r\n联系人:xxx  联系电话:1234567890";
 374                 lblflightconnect.Text = string.Format("航班号:{0} 承运人:{1} 起始地:{2} 目的地:{3} 日期(起):{4}  时间(起): {5} 航程类型:{6} 舱位:{7} \r\n\r\n联系人:{8} 联系地址:{9}", row["flightNo"].ToString().Trim(), row["flightNo"].ToString().Trim().Substring(0, 2), row["startCity"].ToString().Trim(), row["reachCity"].ToString().Trim(), (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["takeoffDate"].ToString().Trim()) ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(row["takeoffDate"].ToString().Trim()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), row["takeoffTime"].ToString().Trim(), row["sailType"].ToString().Trim(), row["seat"].ToString().Trim(), row["receiver"].ToString().Trim(), row["jd_postAddress"].ToString().Trim());
 375                 int num = 0;
 376                 Label lbl = new Label();
 377                 int x = 18;
 378                 int y = 22;
 379                 int rowwidth = 100;
 380                 TextBox txt = new TextBox();
 381                 ComboBox cbb = new ComboBox();
 382                 foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
 383                 {
 384                     this.OrderNO = item["orderNo"].ToString().Trim();
 385                     this.orderFrom = item["orderfrom"].ToString().Trim();
 386                     //第一行
 387                     lbl = new Label();
 388                     lbl.Width = 703;
 389                     lbl.Height = 12;
 390                     lbl.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
 391                     lbl.Location = new Point(x, y + rowwidth * num);
 392                     lbl.Name = "lblpsgdes" + num;
 393                     lbl.Text = string.Format("退票状态:{0} 类型:{1} 票面:{2} 采购价(实):{3} 销售价:{4} 机建:{5} 燃油:{6} 实收金额:{7}\r\n\r\n", GetTikStateDesc(item["pTikState"]), GetPtypeDesc(item["ptype"]), item["sellprice"].ToString().Trim(), item["purchprice"].ToString().Trim(), item["actualprice"].ToString().Trim(), item["tax"].ToString().Trim(), item["myc"].ToString().Trim(), StringUtils.StrToDecimal(item["actualprice"].ToString().Trim(), 0) + StringUtils.StrToDecimal(item["tax"].ToString().Trim(), 0) + StringUtils.StrToDecimal(item["myc"].ToString().Trim(), 0));
 394                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 395                     //第二行
 396                     lbl = new Label();
 397                     lbl.Location = new Point(18, (y * 2 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//18,50
 398                     lbl.Name = "lblpname" + num;
 399                     lbl.Text = "姓名:";
 400                     lbl.Width = 60;
 401                     lbl.Height = 12;
 402                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 403                     txt = new TextBox();
 404                     txt.Location = new Point(x * 4 + 6, (y * 2 + 2) + rowwidth * num);//78.46
 405                     txt.Name = "txtpname" + num;
 406                     txt.Text = item["p_name"].ToString().Trim();
 407                     txt.MouseDoubleClick += txt_MouseDoubleClick;
 408                     txt.ReadOnly = true;
 409                     txt.Width = 110;
 410                     txt.Height = 21;
 411                     pldetail.Controls.Add(txt);
 413                     lbl = new Label();
 414                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 10 + 8 + 6, (y * 2 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//188+6,50
 415                     lbl.Name = "lblidCard" + num;
 416                     lbl.Text = "证件号:";
 417                     lbl.Width = 60 - 5;
 418                     lbl.Height = 12;
 419                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 420                     txt = new TextBox();
 421                     txt.Location = new Point(x * 14 + 12 - 12 - 5, (y * 2 + 2) + rowwidth * num);//244-12-5.46 
 422                     txt.Name = "txtidCard" + num;
 423                     txt.Text = item["idCard"].ToString().Trim();
 424                     txt.MouseDoubleClick += txt_MouseDoubleClick;
 425                     txt.ReadOnly = true;
 426                     txt.Width = 115;
 427                     txt.Height = 21;
 428                     pldetail.Controls.Add(txt);
 430                     lbl = new Label();
 431                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 20 + 4 + 6, (y * 2 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//364+6,50
 432                     lbl.Name = "lbltktNo1" + num;
 433                     lbl.Text = "票号:";
 434                     lbl.Width = 60;
 435                     lbl.Height = 12;
 436                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 437                     txt = new TextBox();
 438                     txt.Location = new Point(x * 23 + 14, (y * 2 + 2) + rowwidth * num);//428.46
 439                     txt.Name = "txttktNo1" + num;
 440                     txt.Text = item["tktNo1"].ToString().Trim();
 441                     txt.MouseDoubleClick += txt_MouseDoubleClick;
 442                     txt.ReadOnly = true;
 443                     txt.Width = 110;
 444                     txt.Height = 21;
 445                     pldetail.Controls.Add(txt);
 447                     tripno = item["travelNo"].ToString().Trim();
 448                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tripno) && item["tktNo1"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
 449                     {
 450                         dttripno = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(Config.CONSQL_172_16_6_1_WRITE, CommandType.Text, string.Format(sqltemp, item["tktNo1"].ToString().Trim()));
 451                         if (dttripno != null && dttripno.Rows.Count > 0)
 452                         {
 453                             tripno = dttripno.Rows[0]["tripno"].ToString();
 454                         }
 455                     }
 456                     lbl = new Label();
 457                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 29 + 12 + 4, (y * 2 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//534+4,50
 458                     lbl.Name = "lbltravelNo" + num;
 459                     lbl.Text = "行程单号:";
 460                     lbl.Width = 60;
 461                     lbl.Height = 12;
 462                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 463                     txt = new TextBox();
 464                     txt.Location = new Point(x * 32 + 14 + 6, (y * 2 + 2) + rowwidth * num);//590+6.46
 465                     txt.Name = "txttravelNo" + num;
 466                     txt.MouseDoubleClick += txt_MouseDoubleClick;
 467                     txt.Text = tripno;
 468                     txt.BackColor = Color.FloralWhite;
 469                     txt.Width = 110;
 470                     txt.Height = 21;
 471                     pldetail.Controls.Add(txt);
 473                     //打印状态 printState 、打印方式 printType、邮寄方式 postWay、邮寄单号 postNo、行程单号 travelNo
 474                     //第三行 
 475                     lbl = new Label();
 476                     lbl.Location = new Point(x, (y * 3 + 12) + rowwidth * num);//18,78
 477                     lbl.Name = "lblprintState" + num;
 478                     lbl.Text = "打印状态:";
 479                     lbl.Width = 60;
 480                     lbl.Height = 12;
 481                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 482                     printstate = GetPrintState(item["printState"].ToString().Trim());
 483                     cbb = new ComboBox();
 484                     cbb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
 485                     cbb.Width = 110;
 486                     cbb.Height = 21;
 487                     cbb.Name = "cbbprintState" + num;
 488                     cbb.Location = new Point(x * 4 + 6, (y * 3 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//78.72
 489                     BindCbbPrintState(ref cbb, printstate, (dttripno != null && dttripno.Rows.Count > 0) ? dttripno.Rows[0]["printstate"].ToString() : "");
 490                     if (num == 0)
 491                         cbb.SelectedIndexChanged += cbb_SelectedIndexChanged;
 492                     pldetail.Controls.Add(cbb);
 494                     lbl = new Label();
 495                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 10 + 8 + 6, (y * 3 + 12) + rowwidth * num);//188+6,78
 496                     lbl.Name = "lblprintType" + num;
 497                     lbl.Text = "打印方式:";
 498                     lbl.Width = 60;
 499                     lbl.Height = 12;
 500                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 501                     printtype = GetPrintType(item["printType"].ToString().Trim());
 502                     cbb = new ComboBox();
 503                     cbb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
 504                     cbb.Location = new Point(x * 14 + 12 - 12, (y * 3 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//244-12.72
 505                     cbb.Width = 110;
 506                     cbb.Height = 21;
 507                     cbb.Name = "cbbprintType" + num;
 508                     BindCbbPrintType(ref cbb, printtype, (dttripno != null && dttripno.Rows.Count > 0) ? dttripno.Rows[0]["printtype"].ToString() : "");
 509                     if (num == 0)
 510                         cbb.SelectedIndexChanged += cbb_SelectedIndexChanged;
 511                     pldetail.Controls.Add(cbb);
 513                     lbl = new Label();
 514                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 20 + 4 + 6, (y * 3 + 12) + rowwidth * num);//364+6,78
 515                     lbl.Name = "lblpostWay" + num;
 516                     lbl.Text = "邮寄方式:";
 517                     lbl.Width = 60;
 518                     lbl.Height = 12;
 519                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 520                     postway = GetPostWay(item["postWay"].ToString().Trim());
 521                     cbb = new ComboBox();
 522                     cbb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
 523                     cbb.Location = new Point(x * 23 + 14, (y * 3 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//428.72
 524                     cbb.Width = 110;
 525                     cbb.Height = 21;
 526                     cbb.Name = "cbbpostWay" + num;
 527                     BindCbbPostWay(ref cbb, postway, (dttripno != null && dttripno.Rows.Count > 0) ? dttripno.Rows[0]["postway"].ToString() : "");
 528                     if (num == 0)
 529                         cbb.SelectedIndexChanged += cbb_SelectedIndexChanged;
 530                     pldetail.Controls.Add(cbb);
 532                     expno = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["postNo"].ToString().Trim()) ? ExpNo : item["postNo"].ToString().Trim();
 533                     lbl = new Label();
 534                     lbl.Location = new Point(x * 29 + 12 + 4, (y * 3 + 12) + rowwidth * num);//534+4,78
 535                     lbl.Name = "lblpostNo" + num;
 536                     lbl.Text = "快递单号:";
 537                     lbl.Width = 60;
 538                     lbl.Height = 12;
 539                     pldetail.Controls.Add(lbl);
 540                     txt = new TextBox();
 541                     txt.Location = new Point(x * 32 + 14 + 6, (y * 3 + 6) + rowwidth * num);//590+6.72
 542                     txt.Name = "txtpostNo" + num;
 543                     txt.MouseDoubleClick += txt_MouseDoubleClick;
 544                     txt.Text = expno;
 545                     txt.Width = 110;
 546                     txt.Height = 21;
 547                     txt.ReadOnly = true;
 548                     pldetail.Controls.Add(txt);
 551                     num++;
 552                 }
 553                 //gbdetail.Text = "扫条码快递号对应TT订单明细(订单ID:" + orderid + " 订单号:" + this.OrderNO + ")";
 554                 txtorderid.Text = this.OrderID;
 555                 txtorderno.Text = this.OrderNO;
 556                 gbdetail.Visible = true;
 557                 //pldetail.Focus();
 558             }
 559             else
 560             {
 561                 logclass.Info("订单ID(" + orderid + " 订单号:" + this.OrderNO + ")在tt上匹配不了数据");
 562             }
 563         }
 565         private void BindCbbPrintState(ref ComboBox cbb, string ttkey, string strcurrent)
 566         {
 567             //‘打印状态(0:未打印 1:已打印 2:已退回)‘
 568             cbb.Items.Add("已打印");
 569             cbb.Items.Add("");
 570             cbb.Items.Add("未打印");
 571             cbb.Items.Add("已退回");
 572             cbb.SelectedIndex = 0;
 573             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ttkey))
 574             {
 575                 int index = 0;
 576                 foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 577                 {
 578                     if (item.ToString() == ttkey)
 579                     {
 580                         cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 581                         cbb.Enabled = false;
 582                         break;
 583                     }
 584                     index++;
 585                 }
 586             }
 587             else
 588             {
 589                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strcurrent))
 590                 {
 591                     int index = 0;
 592                     foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 593                     {
 594                         if (item.ToString() == strcurrent)
 595                         {
 596                             cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 597                             break;
 598                         }
 599                         index++;
 600                     }
 601                 }
 602             }
 603         }
 604         private string GetPrintState(string key)
 605         {
 606             //‘打印状态(0:未打印 1:已打印 2:已退回)‘
 607             string result = "";
 608             switch (key)
 609             {
 610                 case "0":
 611                     result = "未打印";
 612                     break;
 613                 case "1":
 614                     result = "已打印";
 615                     break;
 616                 case "2":
 617                     result = "已退回";
 618                     break;
 619                 default:
 620                     break;
 621             }
 622             return result;
 623         }
 625         private void BindCbbPrintType(ref ComboBox cbb, string ttkey, string strcurrent)
 626         {
 627             //打印方式(1:创打 2:模打 3:机场打印 4;客票未使用 5:客票已退票 6:客人取消)
 628             cbb.Items.Add("创打");
 629             cbb.Items.Add("");
 630             cbb.Items.Add("模打");
 631             cbb.Items.Add("机场打印");
 632             cbb.Items.Add("客票未使用");
 633             cbb.Items.Add("客票已退票");
 634             cbb.Items.Add("客人取消");
 635             cbb.SelectedIndex = 0;
 636             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ttkey))
 637             {
 638                 int index = 0;
 639                 foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 640                 {
 641                     if (item.ToString() == ttkey)
 642                     {
 643                         cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 644                         cbb.Enabled = false;
 645                         break;
 646                     }
 647                     index++;
 648                 }
 649             }
 650             else
 651             {
 652                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strcurrent))
 653                 {
 654                     int index = 0;
 655                     foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 656                     {
 657                         if (item.ToString() == strcurrent)
 658                         {
 659                             cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 660                             break;
 661                         }
 662                         index++;
 663                     }
 664                 }
 665             }
 666         }
 667         private string GetPrintType(string key)
 668         {
 669             ////打印方式(1:创打 2:模打 3:机场打印 4;客票未使用 5:客票已退票 6:客人取消)‘
 670             string result = "";
 671             switch (key)
 672             {
 673                 case "1":
 674                     result = "创打";
 675                     break;
 676                 case "2":
 677                     result = "模打";
 678                     break;
 679                 case "3":
 680                     result = "机场打印";
 681                     break;
 682                 case "4":
 683                     result = "客票未使用";
 684                     break;
 685                 case "5":
 686                     result = "客票已退票";
 687                     break;
 688                 case "6":
 689                     result = "客人取消";
 690                     break;
 691                 default:
 692                     break;
 693             }
 694             return result;
 695         }
 697         private void BindCbbPostWay(ref ComboBox cbb, string ttkey, string strcurrent)
 698         {
 699             //‘邮寄方式(1 公司自取 2 其它 12 韵达月结 13 韵达到付 4 汇通月结 5 汇通到付 9 顺丰到付 10 顺丰月结 11 邮政小包
 700             cbb.Items.Add("韵达月结");
 701             cbb.Items.Add("");
 702             cbb.Items.Add("公司自取");
 703             cbb.Items.Add("其它");
 704             cbb.Items.Add("韵达到付");
 705             cbb.Items.Add("汇通月结");
 706             cbb.Items.Add("已打印");
 707             cbb.Items.Add("汇通到付");
 708             cbb.Items.Add("顺丰到付");
 709             cbb.Items.Add("顺丰月结");
 710             cbb.Items.Add("邮政小包");
 711             cbb.SelectedIndex = 0;
 712             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ttkey))
 713             {
 714                 int index = 0;
 715                 foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 716                 {
 717                     if (item.ToString() == ttkey)
 718                     {
 719                         cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 720                         cbb.Enabled = false;
 721                         break;
 722                     }
 723                     index++;
 724                 }
 725             }
 726             else
 727             {
 728                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strcurrent))
 729                 {
 730                     int index = 0;
 731                     foreach (var item in cbb.Items)
 732                     {
 733                         if (item.ToString() == strcurrent)
 734                         {
 735                             cbb.SelectedIndex = index;
 736                             break;
 737                         }
 738                         index++;
 739                     }
 740                 }
 741             }
 742         }
 743         private string GetPostWay(string key)
 744         {
 745             //‘邮寄方式(1 公司自取 2 其它 12 韵达月结 13 韵达到付 4 汇通月结 5 汇通到付 9 顺丰到付 10 顺丰月结 11 邮政小包
 746             string result = "";
 747             switch (key)
 748             {
 749                 case "1":
 750                     result = "公司自取";
 751                     break;
 752                 case "2":
 753                     result = "其它";
 754                     break;
 755                 case "12":
 756                     result = "韵达月结";
 757                     break;
 758                 case "13":
 759                     result = "韵达到付";
 760                     break;
 761                 case "4":
 762                     result = "汇通月结";
 763                     break;
 764                 case "5":
 765                     result = "汇通到付";
 766                     break;
 767                 case "9":
 768                     result = "顺丰到付";
 769                     break;
 770                 case "10":
 771                     result = "顺丰月结";
 772                     break;
 773                 case "11":
 774                     result = "邮政小包";
 775                     break;
 776                 default:
 777                     break;
 778             }
 779             return result;
 780         }
 782         private void btnensure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 783         {
 784             if (!gbdetail.Visible)
 785             {
 786                 return;
 787             }
 789             if (this.PsgCount > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OrderID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Username))
 790             {
 791                 List<modelt_tripexpress> list = new List<modelt_tripexpress>();
 792                 modelt_tripexpress m;
 793                 bool ischange = false;
 794                 string tripno = string.Empty;
 795                 string printstate = string.Empty;
 796                 string printtype = string.Empty;
 797                 string postway = string.Empty;
 798                 TextBox txt;
 799                 ComboBox cbb;
 800                 for (int i = 0; i < PsgCount; i++)
 801                 {
 802                     //打印状态 printState、行程单号 travelNo 、打印方式 printType、邮寄方式 postWay、邮寄单号 postNo
 803                     txt = pldetail.FindControl("txttravelNo" + i.ToString()).Cast<TextBox>(out ischange);
 804                     tripno = txt.Text.Trim();
 805                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tripno))
 806                     {
 807                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "" + (i + 1).ToString() + "个乘客的行程单号不能为空";
 808                         txt.Focus();
 809                         txt.SelectAll();
 810                         return;
 811                     }
 812                     cbb = pldetail.FindControl("cbbprintState" + i.ToString()).Cast<ComboBox>(out ischange);
 813                     printstate = cbb.SelectedItem.ToString();
 814                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(printstate))
 815                     {
 816                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "" + (i + 1).ToString() + "个乘客的打印状态不能为空";
 817                         cbb.Focus();
 818                         return;
 819                     }
 820                     cbb = pldetail.FindControl("cbbprintType" + i.ToString()).Cast<ComboBox>(out ischange);
 821                     printtype = cbb.SelectedItem.ToString();
 822                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(printtype))
 823                     {
 824                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "" + (i + 1).ToString() + "个乘客的打印方式不能为空";
 825                         cbb.Focus();
 826                         return;
 827                     }
 828                     cbb = pldetail.FindControl("cbbpostWay" + i.ToString()).Cast<ComboBox>(out ischange);
 829                     postway = cbb.SelectedItem.ToString();
 830                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postway))
 831                     {
 832                         lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "" + (i + 1).ToString() + "个乘客的邮寄方式不能为空";
 833                         cbb.Focus();
 834                         return;
 835                     }
 839                     m = new modelt_tripexpress();
 840                     m.operater = this.Username;
 841                     m.orderid = this.OrderID;
 842                     m.postway = postway;
 843                     m.printstate = printstate;
 844                     m.printtype = printtype;
 845                     m.expno = this.ExpNo;
 846                     m.tktno = pldetail.FindControl("txttktNo1" + i.ToString()).Cast<TextBox>(out ischange).Text.Trim();
 847                     m.tripno = tripno;
 848                     m.creattime = DateTime.Now;
 849                     list.Add(m);
 850                 }
 851                 string msg = string.Empty;
 852                 if (new blltripexpress().InsertList1(list, Config.CONSQL_172_16_6_1_WRITE, ref msg) > 0)
 853                 {
 854                     //MessageBox.Show("行程单号保存成功!");
 855                     string msg1 = "提示信息:(订单ID:" + this.OrderID + " 订单号:" + this.OrderNO + ")行程单号保存成功!";
 856                     BindData(OrderID);
 857                     txtbarcode.Text = "";
 858                     lbl_msg.Text = msg1;
 859                 }
 860                 else
 861                 {
 862                     //MessageBox.Show("添加失败");
 863                     lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:(订单ID:" + this.OrderID + " 订单号:" + this.OrderNO + ")行程单号添加失败";
 864                 }
 865                 txtbarcode.SelectAll();
 866                 txtbarcode.Focus();
 867             }
 868             else
 869             {
 870                 //MessageBox.Show("没有匹配到数据");
 871                 lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:(订单ID:" + this.OrderID + " 订单号:" + this.OrderNO + ")行程单号没有匹配到数据";
 872             }
 874         }
 875         private void txt_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
 876         {
 877             ((TextBox)sender).SelectAll();
 878         }
 879         private string GetTikStateDesc(object item)
 880         {
 881             string result = "已出票";
 882             string pTikState = item == null ? "0" : item.ToString().Trim();
 883             //pTikState 客户行程状态(0已出票 1已退票 2已改签)            
 884             switch (pTikState)
 885             {
 886                 case "0":
 887                     result = "已出票";
 888                     break;
 889                 case "1":
 890                     result = "已退票";
 891                     break;
 892                 case "2":
 893                     result = "已改签";
 894                     break;
 895                 default:
 896                     break;
 897             }
 898             return result;
 899         }
 900         private string GetPtypeDesc(object item)
 901         {
 902             string result = "成人";
 903             string Ptype = item == null ? "1" : item.ToString().Trim();
 904             ////乘机人类型(1成人2儿童3婴儿4老人)         
 905             switch (Ptype)
 906             {
 907                 case "1":
 908                     result = "成人";
 909                     break;
 910                 case "2":
 911                     result = "儿童";
 912                     break;
 913                 case "3":
 914                     result = "婴儿";
 915                     break;
 916                 case "4":
 917                     result = "老人";
 918                     break;
 919                 default:
 920                     break;
 921             }
 922             return result;
 923         }
 924         private void tripmain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 925         {
 926             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Username))
 927             {
 928                 MessageBox.Show("非法操作");
 929                 lbl_msg.Text = "提示信息:" + "非法操作";
 930                 this.Close();
 931             }
 932             else
 933             {
 934                 Application.AddMessageFilter(this);
 935                 this.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(pnl_MouseWheel);
 936                 dtpbegin.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28);
 937                 lbl_msg.Text = "";
 938                 timer1.Interval = 1000 * 60 * 2;//毫秒为单位
 939                 timer1.Start();
 940                 gbdetail.Visible = false;
 941                 this.Text = string.Format("快递单扫描======={0},欢迎您!", this.Username);
 943             }
 944         }
 945         private void tripmain_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
 946         {
 947             if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab)
 948             {
 949                 //这里写你摁下 Tab之后所要进行的动作的代码 
 950                 txtbarcode.Focus();
 951                 txtbarcode.SelectAll();
 952             }
 953         }
 954         //窗口置顶
 955         private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
 956         {
 957             this.TopMost = false;
 958             this.BringToFront();
 959             this.TopMost = true;
 960         }
 961         private void tripmain_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
 962         {
 963             timer1.Stop();
 965             if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.WindowsShutDown)
 966             {
 967                 //添加所需使用的代码
 968                 logclass.Debug(DateTime.Now + "【电脑关机或者被注销" + "===系统用户:" + System.Environment.UserName + "");
 969             }
 970             if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.TaskManagerClosing)
 971             {
 972                 //添加所需使用的代码
 973                 logclass.Debug(DateTime.Now + "【任务管理器关闭" + "===系统用户:" + System.Environment.UserName + "");
 974             }
 975             if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.None)
 976             {
 977                 //添加所需使用的代码
 978                 logclass.Debug(DateTime.Now + "【未知意外关闭" + "===系统用户:" + System.Environment.UserName + "");
 979             }
 980         }
 981         private void tripmain_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
 982         {
 983             logclass.Debug("==程序关闭==");
 984             System.Environment.Exit(System.Environment.ExitCode);
 985         }
 986         private void tripmain_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
 987         {
 988             txtbarcode.Focus();
 990             //this.AcceptButton = btnensure;
 991         }
 993         private void linkurl_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
 994         {
 995             BrowserHelper.OpenIe(string.Format("http:www.test.com?orderFrom={1}&id={0}", this.OrderID, this.orderFrom));
 996         }
 998         private void cbb_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 999         {
1000             ComboBox cbb = ((ComboBox)sender);
1001             bool ischange = false;
1002             int index = cbb.SelectedIndex;
1003             string name = cbb.Name;
1004             int current = int.Parse(name.Substring(name.Length - 1));
1005             string tempname = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 1);
1007             for (int i = 0; i < PsgCount; i++)
1008             {
1009                 if (current == i)
1010                     continue;
1011                 pldetail.FindControl(tempname + i.ToString()).Cast<ComboBox>(out ischange).SelectedIndex = index;
1012             }
1015         }
1016         /// <summary>
1017         /// 鼠标滚动
1018         /// </summary>
1019         /// <param name="sender"></param>
1020         /// <param name="e"></param>
1021         private void pnl_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
1022         {
1023             //获取光标位置
1024             Point mousePoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
1025             //换算成相对本窗体的位置
1026             mousePoint.Offset(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y);
1027             //判断是否在panel内
1028             if (pldetail.RectangleToScreen(pldetail.DisplayRectangle).Contains(mousePoint))
1029             {
1030                 //滚动
1031                 pldetail.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, pldetail.VerticalScroll.Value - e.Delta);
1032             }
1033         }
1038     }
1039 }
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