标签:bre 员工信息 table 否则 hone str while bsp not
1.select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
2.select * from staff_table where dept = IT
1.UPDATE staff_table SET dept= 无 where dept = IT
#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import os def fetch(data): #查询语法一:select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 #查询语法二:select * from staff_table where dept = IT data1 = data.split(" ") directory = ["staff_id", "name", "age", "phone", "dept", "enroll-date"] if data == ("select name,age from staff_table where age > %s" %(data1[7])): with open("xinxi", encoding="utf-8") as f: list = [] list1 = [] list2 = [] for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") w = i[1] e = i[2] a = [w, e] if e > data1[7]: list2.append(a) for i in list2: print(i) print("查询到 %s 条符合的信息" %len(list2)) else: with open("xinxi", encoding="utf-8") as f: list = [] for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") q = i[0] w = i[1] e = i[2] r = i[3] t = i[4] y = i[5] if data == ("select * from staff_table where %s = %s" % (data1[5], i[(directory.index(data1[5]))])): list.append(i) else: continue for j in list: print(‘.‘.join(j)) print("查询到 %s 条符合的信息" %len(list)) return 0 def add(data): #添加语法: name,age,phone,dept,enroll-date (例如:王新凯,22,11111111111,IT,2015-10-31) data1 = data.split(",") f= open("xinxi",encoding="utf-8") all_list = [] list = [] phone_list = [] for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") q = i[3] phone_list.append(q) if data1[2] in phone_list: print("手机号已存在") f.close() else: f1 = open("xinxi", "r+", encoding="utf-8") for line in f1: lines = line.strip().split(",") # print(lines) list.append(lines) i = line.strip().split(",") w = str(int(list[-1][0]) + 1) data1.insert(0, w) print(data1) data1 = ‘,‘.join(data1) f1.write("\n") f1.write(data1) f1.close() print("添加成功!!!") def remove(data): #删除语法:delete from staff_table where staff_id = 12 data1 = data.split(" ") if data == ("delete from staff_table where staff_id = %s" %data1[6]): with open("xinxi", encoding="utf-8") as f: list = [] for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") i1 = line.splitlines() q = i[0] if data1[6] == q: i2 = ‘,‘.join(i1) print(i2) list.append(i) a = i2 f = open("xinxi", encoding="utf-8") f1 = open("back", "a+", encoding="utf-8") for i in f: if a in i: i = i.replace(a, "").strip() f1.write(i) f1.flush() f.close() f1.close() os.remove("xinxi") os.rename("back","xinxi") print("删除成功!!!") return def change(data): #修改请输入(注意空格和没有引号):UPDATE staff_table SET dept = IT where dept = 运维 data1 = data.split(" ") print(data1) # a =‘,‘.join(data1[3]) # print(a) directory = ["staff_id", "name", "age", "phone", "dept", "enroll-date"] var = int(directory.index(data1[3])) with open("xinxi", encoding="utf-8") as f, open("back","w",encoding="utf-8")as f1: for line in f: lines = line.strip() print(lines) if data1[5] in lines: lines = lines.replace(data1[5],data1[9]) f1.write(lines) f1.write("\n") f1.flush() os.remove("xinxi") os.rename("back","xinxi") print("修改成功!!!") if __name__ == "__main__": msg = """ 1:查询 2:添加 3:删除 4:修改 5:退出 """ msg_dict = { "1": fetch, "2": add, "3": remove, "4": change, "5": exit, } while True: print(msg) choice = input("输入序号>>:") if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in msg_dict: continue if choice ==‘5‘:break data = input("请输入数据>>:").strip() msg_dict[choice](data)
Python3.5 day4作业:对员工信息文件,实现增删改查操作。
标签:bre 员工信息 table 否则 hone str while bsp not