标签:post请求 nts 等等 jar 自己 signature runtime 微信接入 rom
@Controller @RequestMapping("/wechat") publicclass WechatController { @Value("${DNBX_TOKEN}") private String DNBX_TOKEN; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WechatController.class); @Resource WechatService wechatService; /** * 微信接入 * @param wc * @return * @throws IOException */ @RequestMapping(value="/connect",method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody publicvoid connectWeixin(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException{ // 将请求、响应的编码均设置为UTF-8(防止中文乱码) request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //微信服务器POST消息时用的是UTF-8编码,在接收时也要用同样的编码,否则中文会乱码; response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //在响应消息(回复消息给用户)时,也将编码方式设置为UTF-8,原理同上;boolean isGet = request.getMethod().toLowerCase().equals("get"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); try { if (isGet) { String signature = request.getParameter("signature");// 微信加密签名 String timestamp = request.getParameter("timestamp");// 时间戳 String nonce = request.getParameter("nonce");// 随机数 String echostr = request.getParameter("echostr");//随机字符串 // 通过检验signature对请求进行校验,若校验成功则原样返回echostr,表示接入成功,否则接入失败 if (SignUtil.checkSignature(DNBX_TOKEN, signature, timestamp, nonce)) { LOGGER.info("Connect the weixin server is successful."); response.getWriter().write(echostr); } else { LOGGER.error("Failed to verify the signature!"); } }else{ String respMessage = "异常消息!"; try { respMessage = wechatService.weixinPost(request); out.write(respMessage); LOGGER.info("The request completed successfully"); LOGGER.info("to weixin server "+respMessage); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to convert the message from weixin!"); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Connect the weixin server is error."); }finally{ out.close(); } } }
public class SignUtil { /** * 验证签名 * * @param token 微信服务器token,在env.properties文件中配置的和在开发者中心配置的必须一致 * @param signature 微信服务器传过来sha1加密的证书签名 * @param timestamp 时间戳 * @param nonce 随机数 * @return */ public static boolean checkSignature(String token,String signature, String timestamp, String nonce) { String[] arr = new String[] { token, timestamp, nonce }; // 将token、timestamp、nonce三个参数进行字典序排序 Arrays.sort(arr); // 将三个参数字符串拼接成一个字符串进行sha1加密 String tmpStr = SHA1.encode(arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2]); // 将sha1加密后的字符串可与signature对比,标识该请求来源于微信 return tmpStr != null ? tmpStr.equals(signature.toUpperCase()) : false; } }
/** * 微信公众平台(JAVA) SDK * * SHA1算法 * * @author helijun 2016/06/15 19:49 */ public final class SHA1 { private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {‘0‘, ‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘, ‘4‘, ‘5‘, ‘6‘, ‘7‘, ‘8‘, ‘9‘, ‘A‘, ‘B‘, ‘C‘, ‘D‘, ‘E‘, ‘F‘ }; /** * Takes the raw bytes from the digest and formats them correct. * * @param bytes the raw bytes from the digest. * @return the formatted bytes. */ private static String getFormattedText(byte[] bytes) { int len = bytes.length; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(len * 2); // 把密文转换成十六进制的字符串形式 for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { buf.append(HEX_DIGITS[(bytes[j] >> 4) & 0x0f]); buf.append(HEX_DIGITS[bytes[j] & 0x0f]); } return buf.toString(); } public static String encode(String str) { if (str == null) { return null; } try { MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); messageDigest.update(str.getBytes()); return getFormattedText(messageDigest.digest()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
/** * 处理微信发来的请求 * * @param request * @return */ public String weixinPost(HttpServletRequest request) { String respMessage = null; try { // xml请求解析 Map<String, String> requestMap = MessageUtil.xmlToMap(request); // 发送方帐号(open_id) String fromUserName = requestMap.get("FromUserName"); // 公众帐号 String toUserName = requestMap.get("ToUserName"); // 消息类型 String msgType = requestMap.get("MsgType"); // 消息内容 String content = requestMap.get("Content"); LOGGER.info("FromUserName is:" + fromUserName + ", ToUserName is:" + toUserName + ", MsgType is:" + msgType); // 文本消息 if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT)) { //这里根据关键字执行相应的逻辑,只有你想不到的,没有做不到的 if(content.equals("xxx")){ } //自动回复 TextMessage text = new TextMessage(); text.setContent("the text is" + content); text.setToUserName(fromUserName); text.setFromUserName(toUserName); text.setCreateTime(new Date().getTime() + ""); text.setMsgType(msgType); respMessage = MessageUtil.textMessageToXml(text); } /*else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT)) {// 事件推送 String eventType = requestMap.get("Event");// 事件类型 if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE)) {// 订阅 respContent = "欢迎关注xxx公众号!"; return MessageResponse.getTextMessage(fromUserName , toUserName , respContent); } else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_CLICK)) {// 自定义菜单点击事件 String eventKey = requestMap.get("EventKey");// 事件KEY值,与创建自定义菜单时指定的KEY值对应 logger.info("eventKey is:" +eventKey); return xxx; } } //开启微信声音识别测试 2015-3-30 else if(msgType.equals("voice")) { String recvMessage = requestMap.get("Recognition"); //respContent = "收到的语音解析结果:"+recvMessage; if(recvMessage!=null){ respContent = TulingApiProcess.getTulingResult(recvMessage); }else{ respContent = "您说的太模糊了,能不能重新说下呢?"; } return MessageResponse.getTextMessage(fromUserName , toUserName , respContent); } //拍照功能 else if(msgType.equals("pic_sysphoto")) { } else { return MessageResponse.getTextMessage(fromUserName , toUserName , "返回为空"); }*/ // 事件推送 else if (msgType.equals(MessageUtil.REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT)) { String eventType = requestMap.get("Event");// 事件类型 // 订阅 if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE)) { TextMessage text = new TextMessage(); text.setContent("欢迎关注,xxx"); text.setToUserName(fromUserName); text.setFromUserName(toUserName); text.setCreateTime(new Date().getTime() + ""); text.setMsgType(MessageUtil.RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT); respMessage = MessageUtil.textMessageToXml(text); } // TODO 取消订阅后用户再收不到公众号发送的消息,因此不需要回复消息 else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE)) {// 取消订阅 } // 自定义菜单点击事件 else if (eventType.equals(MessageUtil.EVENT_TYPE_CLICK)) { String eventKey = requestMap.get("EventKey");// 事件KEY值,与创建自定义菜单时指定的KEY值对应 if (eventKey.equals("customer_telephone")) { TextMessage text = new TextMessage(); text.setContent("0755-86671980"); text.setToUserName(fromUserName); text.setFromUserName(toUserName); text.setCreateTime(new Date().getTime() + ""); text.setMsgType(MessageUtil.RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT); respMessage = MessageUtil.textMessageToXml(text); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("error......") } return respMessage; }
public class MessageUtil { /** * 返回消息类型:文本 */ public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT = "text"; /** * 返回消息类型:音乐 */ public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_MUSIC = "music"; /** * 返回消息类型:图文 */ public static final String RESP_MESSAGE_TYPE_NEWS = "news"; /** * 请求消息类型:文本 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT = "text"; /** * 请求消息类型:图片 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_IMAGE = "image"; /** * 请求消息类型:链接 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LINK = "link"; /** * 请求消息类型:地理位置 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_LOCATION = "location"; /** * 请求消息类型:音频 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_VOICE = "voice"; /** * 请求消息类型:推送 */ public static final String REQ_MESSAGE_TYPE_EVENT = "event"; /** * 事件类型:subscribe(订阅) */ public static final String EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe"; /** * 事件类型:unsubscribe(取消订阅) */ public static final String EVENT_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE = "unsubscribe"; /** * 事件类型:CLICK(自定义菜单点击事件) */ public static final String EVENT_TYPE_CLICK = "CLICK"; }
这里为了程序可读性、扩展性更好一点,我做了一些封装,定义了几个常量,以及将微信传过来的一些参数封装成java bean持久化对象,核心代码如上。重点讲下xml和map之间的转换
<!-- 解析xml --> <dependency> <groupId>dom4j</groupId> <artifactId>dom4j</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.thoughtworks.xstream</groupId> <artifactId>xstream</artifactId> <version>1.4.9</version> </dependency>
/** * xml转换为map * @param request * @return * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, String> xmlToMap(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException{ Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); InputStream ins = null; try { ins = request.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Document doc = null; try { doc = reader.read(ins); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> list = root.elements(); for (Element e : list) { map.put(e.getName(), e.getText()); } return map; } catch (DocumentException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }finally{ ins.close(); } return null; }
/** * 文本消息对象转换成xml * * @param textMessage 文本消息对象 * @return xml */ public static String textMessageToXml(TextMessage textMessage){ XStream xstream = new XStream(); xstream.alias("xml", textMessage.getClass()); return xstream.toXML(textMessage); }
到此为止已经大功告成了,这个时候可以在公众号里尝试发送“测试”,你会收到微信回复的“the text is 测试”,这也是上面代码里做的回复处理,当然你也可以发挥你的想象用他做所有你想做的事了,比如回复1查天气,2查违章等等....
JAVA实现 springMVC方式的微信接入、实现简单的自动回复
标签:post请求 nts 等等 jar 自己 signature runtime 微信接入 rom