标签:lob 补充 and iphone ima details detail sys get
创建项目-创建PCH文件:若要创建.pch , 在other里选择 PCH file,并需要修改一下设置。在build settings 里设置 Precompile Prefix Header的值为YES,并设置Prefix Header的路径。
创建一个扩展文件UIView+CreaFream.h,(如何创建扩展文件:创建一个objective-c file , 可以选择 category, extension ,protocol, empty 文件。选category 就能建立类别。)再不会了看网址 http://blog.csdn.net/idoshi201109/article/details/51735461
擦,差点忘了 PCH里边的东西了
#ifndef PrefixHeader_pch
#define PrefixHeader_pch
#define iOS7 ([[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion doubleValue] >= 7.0 )
#import "UIView+CreaFream.h"
#define IPHONE4 ScreenRect.size.width ==320 && ScreenRect.size.height ==480
#define IPHONE5 ScreenRect.size.width ==320 && ScreenRect.size.height ==568
#define IPHONE6 ScreenRect.size.width ==375 && ScreenRect.size.height ==667
#define IPHONE6p ScreenRect.size.width ==414 && ScreenRect.size.height ==736
//#define iPhone7 iPhone7P 自己补充,不过和6的尺寸一样的
#endif /* PrefixHeader_pch */
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface UIView (CreaFream) //只需一个设置间隔 大小的方法 +(CGRect)GetRectWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Width:(CGFloat)W Heigth:(CGFloat)H; @end
#import "UIView+CreaFream.h" @implementation UIView (CreaFream) //实现方法 +(CGRect)GetRectWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Width:(CGFloat)W Heigth:(CGFloat)H{ CGRect temptect = CGRectZero; //个人喜欢以iPhone 为基准 进行比例大小的对比 if (IPHONE6) { temptect = CGRectMake(x,y, W, H); }else if ((IPHONE4)||(IPHONE5)){ CGFloat Xscole = 320/375.0; CGFloat Yscole = 480/667.0; temptect = CGRectMake(x*Xscole, y*Yscole, W*Xscole, Yscole*H); }else if (IPHONE6p){ CGFloat Xscole = 414/375.0; CGFloat Yscole = 736/667.0; temptect = CGRectMake(x*Xscole, y*Yscole, W*Xscole, Yscole*H); } return temptect; } @end
//在创建基于 UIView 的试图控件的时候,Frame先不设定,如在创建一个UIImageView的时候:frame 之间用UIView 调用,就可以适应其他屏幕了 UIImageView * imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIView GetRectWithX:30 Y:30 Width:100 Heigth:100]];
标签:lob 补充 and iphone ima details detail sys get