标签:distinct 默认 多列 name 连接 class where blog order
//查询某张表所有数据 select * from temp; //查询指定列和条件的数据 //查询name和age这两列,age等于22的数据 select name,age from temp where age = 22; //as对列重命名 //as可以省略不写,如果重命名的列名出现特殊字符,如单引号,那就需要用双引号引在外面 select name as ‘名称‘ from temp; //给table去别名 select t.name Name from temp as t; //where条件查询 >、>=、<、<=、=、<>都可以出现在where语句中 select from t where a > 2 or a>=3 or a<5 or a<=6 or a=7 or a<>0; //and 并且 //查询名称等于Jack并且年龄大于20的 select * from temp where age > 20 and name = ‘jack‘; //or或者 --满足一个条件即可 select * from temp where name = ‘jack‘ or name = ‘jackson‘; //between v and v2 --大于等于v且小于等于v2 select * from temp where age between 20 and 25; //in 查询 --可以多个条件,类似于or --查询id 在括号中出现的数据 select *from temp where id in (1, 2, 3); //like模糊查询 --查询name以j开头的 select * from temp where name like ‘j%‘; --查询name包含k的 select * from temp where name like ‘%k%‘; --escape转义,指定\为转义字符,上面的就可以查询name中包含“_”的数据 select * from temp where name like ‘\_%‘ escape ‘\‘; //is null、is not null --查询为null的数据 select * from temp where name is null; --查询不为null 的数据 select * from temp where name is not null; //order by --排序,升序(desc)、降序(asc) --默认升序 select * from temp order by id; select * from temp order by id asc; --多列组合 select * from temp order by id, age; //not select * from temp where not (age > 20); select * from temp where id not in(1, 2); //distinct去掉重复数据 select distinct id from temp; //多列将是组合的重复数据 select distinct id, age from temp; //查询常量 select 5+2; select concat(‘a‘, ‘bbb‘); //concat函数,字符串连接 //concat和null进行连接,会导致连接后的数据成为null select concat(name, ‘-eco‘) from temp; //对查询的数据进行运算操作 select age +2, age / 2, age - 2, age * 2 from temp where age - 2 > 22;
标签:distinct 默认 多列 name 连接 class where blog order