标签:win code remove des one log innerhtml value bsp
// 『REM』手机屏幕适配,兼容更改过默认字体大小的安卓用户 function adapt(designWidth, rem2px) { // designWidth:‘设计图宽度‘ 1rem==rem2px+‘px‘ var d = window.document.createElement(‘div‘); d.style.width = ‘1rem‘; d.style.display = "none"; var head = window.document.getElementsByTagName(‘head‘)[0]; head.appendChild(d); var defaultFontSize = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(d, null).getPropertyValue(‘width‘)); d.remove(); document.documentElement.style.fontSize = window.innerWidth / designWidth * rem2px / defaultFontSize * 100 + ‘%‘; var st = document.createElement(‘style‘); // 适应横屏、竖屏 var portrait = "@media screen and (min-width: " + window.innerWidth + "px) {html{font-size:" + ((window.innerWidth / (designWidth / rem2px) / defaultFontSize) * 100) + "%;}}"; var landscape = "@media screen and (min-width: " + window.innerHeight + "px) {html{font-size:" + ((window.innerHeight / (designWidth / rem2px) / defaultFontSize) * 100) + "%;}}" st.innerHTML = portrait + landscape; head.appendChild(st); return defaultFontSize }; var defaultFontSize = adapt(640, 100);
标签:win code remove des one log innerhtml value bsp