标签:sql with href int home gen fail cli acl
The instructions on this page will help you compile MariaDB from source. Links to more complete instructions for specific platforms can be found on the source page.
First, get a copy of the MariaDB source.
Next, prepare your system to be able to compile the source.
If you don‘t want to run MariaDB as yourself, then you should create amysql
user. The example below uses this user.
MariaDB 5.5 and above is compiled using cmake. You can configure your build simply by running cmake without any special options, like
cmake .
but if you want it to be configured exactly as we do for our releases, use
cmake . -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release
All cmake configuration options for MariaDB can be displayed with:
cmake . -LH
To build and install MariaDB after running cmake use
make sudo make install
If the commands above fail, you can enable more compilation information by doing:
make VERBOSE=1
tar xfz mariadb-10.0.16. tar .gz |
cd mariadb |
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= /opt/waTeam/mariadb -DMYSQL_DATADIR= /home/datas/mariadb/data/ -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci |
#编译 约半小时时间
make |
make install |
标签:sql with href int home gen fail cli acl