标签:按钮 base word problem bug code targe 技术分享 enter
在网上看到很多 jQuery-xxx.js 在eclipse中报错的解决方案大多是说 项目右键 Properties->Validation->JSP Content Validator 这项的右边点击 ... 按钮,然后点 Add Exclude Group->在 Exclude Group 点 Add Rule->Folder or file name 然后选到 jquery-xxxx.js 文件。 我试过了,还是报错报红。 后来发现还有一个方法更有效,原文如下
I have found that I can leave the JavaScript Validator enable and ignore specific files by adding a suitable exclusion pattern e.g. **/jquery*.js to the JavaScript/Include Path/Source/Excluded group (Project->Properties->JavaScript->Include Path->Source). I found that I also needed to manually delete the old problem markers.
项目右键 Properties->JavaScript->Include Path->Source
然后点选你项目名称下得 webapp 里面的 Exclude:(None)再点 Edit
把在Exclude 里面点 add 把 **/jquery*.js 规则添加进去
标签:按钮 base word problem bug code targe 技术分享 enter