标签:随机 异常 文件 value final res 资源 class 作用
#===========================常见异常 =====================
#print(a);#NameError: name ‘a‘ is not defined 变量未定义
#if True:#SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing 语法错误
#f=open("123.txt");#FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘123.txt‘ 没有这个文件 #print(10/0);
# ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 除数为 0错误 #print(int("a"));
# ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘a‘ 值转换无效
#-*-config=utf-8 -*- #===========================异常处理 (捕获运行时异常) ===================== #常见异常 #print(a);#NameError: name ‘a‘ is not defined 变量未定义 #if True:#SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing 语法错误 #f=open("123.txt");#FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘123.txt‘ 没有这个文件 #print(10/0);# ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 除数为 0错误 #print(int("a"));# ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘a‘ 值转换无效 #===================== try - except 语法 ================== def tryTest_1(): try: print(10/0); except:# 捕获所有类型异常 print("Zero Error");# Zero Error #tryTest_1(); def tryTest_2(): try: print(10/0); except ZeroDivisionError as e:#捕获 指定类型的异常 print("Zero Error");# Zero Error #tryTest_2(); #案例 猜数字游戏 import random; def guessNum(): num=random.randint(0,100);#生成一个随机数 while True: try: inputNum=int(input()); except ValueError as e: print("请输入1-100的数字"); continue; if num>inputNum: print("输入的太小"); if num<inputNum: print("输入的太大"); if(num==inputNum): print("Ok"); break; #guessNum(); #======================同时处理多个异常==================== def tryTest_3(): try: f=open("2.txt"); except FileNotFoundError as e: print("文件不存在");#文件不存在 except ValueError as e: print("错误的值"); #tryTest_3(); #===================== try - except - else============== #如果存在异常代码执行相应的异常类型捕获,如果不存在异常代码执行else def tryTest_4(): try: print(1+1); #f=open("2.txt"); except FileNotFoundError as e: print("文件不存在");#文件不存在 except ValueError as e: print("错误的值"); else: print("No Error"); #tryTest_4(); #===================== try finally ============ #无论是否检查到异常,都会执行finally代码 #作用:为异常处理事件提供清理机制,用来关闭文件或者释放资源。 def tryTest_5(): try: f=open("2.txt"); finally: print("file close"); f.close(); #tryTest_5(); #========================== try -except -finally ============= #1、如果 try语句没有捕获异常,执行try代码后,执行finally语句 #2、如果 try语句捕获到异常,首先执行except语句后执行finally语句 def tryTest_6(): try: f=open("2.txt"); except FileNotFoundError as e: print("文件不存在"); finally: print("file close"); f.close(); #tryTest_6(); #========================== try -except - else -finally ============= #1、如果 try语句没有捕获异常,执行try代码后执行else语句最后执行finally语句 #2、如果 try语句捕获到异常,首先执行except语句后执行finally语句 def tryTest_7(): try: print(10/1); except ZeroDivisionError as e:#捕获 指定类型的异常 print("Zero Error");# Zero Error else: print("else语句"); finally: print("finally"); #tryTest_7(); #==============================with 语句====================== # with语句用来替换try-except-finall语句 使代码更加简洁 def withTEst(): try: with open("E:\python\w_2.txt") as f: print(f.readline()); except FileNotFoundError as e: print("文件不存在"); f.close(); #withTEst(); #=======================raise 语句 ============================== #raise 主动抛出异常 #类似于java中的throw关键字 def raiseTest(): raise IOError("IO异常"); #raiseTest(); #======================assert语句================================= #assert语句:用于检测表达式是否为真,如果为假,引发AssertionError错误 #语法:assert expression (判断一个表达式) # assert expression1, expression2(判断多个表达式) import random; def assertTest(n): assert n>random.randint(0,10); print(n); #assertTest(3); #如果传入的 n 大于随机生成的数则打印n #如果传入的n小于随机生成的数 则引发AssertionError错误
标签:随机 异常 文件 value final res 资源 class 作用