using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class client : MonoBehaviour { private string IP = ""; private string clientIp; private string clientIpSplite; private Vector3 acceleration; public GameObject cube; private bool cubeInitialed = false; //Connet port private int Port = 10000; void Awake() { clientIp = Network.player.ipAddress; string[] tmpArray = clientIp.Split(‘.‘); clientIpSplite = tmpArray[0] + "." + tmpArray[1] + "." + tmpArray[2] + "."; } void OnGUI() { switch (Network.peerType) { case NetworkPeerType.Disconnected: StartConnect(); break; case NetworkPeerType.Server: break; case NetworkPeerType.Client: OnConnect(); break; case NetworkPeerType.Connecting: break; } } void StartConnect() { if (GUILayout.Button("Connect Server")) { NetworkConnectionError error = Network.Connect(IP, Port); Debug.Log("connect status:" + error); } } void OnConnect() { if(!cubeInitialed) { Network.Instantiate(cube, transform.position, transform.rotation, 0); cubeInitialed = true; } } }
static NetworkConnectionError Connect(string[] IPs, int remotePort)
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class server : MonoBehaviour { private int serverPort; public GUIText status; void Awake() { serverPort = 10000; } //OnGUI方法,所有GUI的绘制都需要在这个方法中实现 void OnGUI() { //Network.peerType是端类型的状态: //即disconnected, connecting, server 或 client四种 switch (Network.peerType) { //禁止客户端连接运行, 服务器未初始化 case NetworkPeerType.Disconnected: StartServer(); break; //运行于服务器端 case NetworkPeerType.Server: OnServer(); break; //运行于客户端 case NetworkPeerType.Client: break; //正在尝试连接到服务器 case NetworkPeerType.Connecting: break; } GUILayout.Label(Network.player.ipAddress); } void StartServer() { //当用户点击按钮的时候为true if (GUILayout.Button("创建服务器")) { //初始化本机服务器端口,第一个参数就是本机接收多少连接 NetworkConnectionError error = Network.InitializeServer(12, serverPort, false); Debug.Log("错误日志" + error); } } void OnServer() { GUILayout.Label("服务端已经运行,等待客户端连接"); int length = Network.connections.Length; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { GUILayout.Label("客户端" + i); GUILayout.Label("客户端ip" + Network.connections[i].ipAddress); GUILayout.Label("客户端端口" + Network.connections[i].port); } } void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { // Always send transform (depending on reliability of the network view) if (stream.isWriting) { Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition; Quaternion rot = transform.localRotation; stream.Serialize(ref pos); stream.Serialize(ref rot); } // When receiving, buffer the information else { // Receive latest state information Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity; stream.Serialize(ref pos); stream.Serialize(ref rot); } } }
需要进行数据通信的GameObject都要添加一个NetworkView 组件,数据通信有两种方式,状态同步和RPC(远程过程调用)。在CubeController.cs中,两种方法都有用到。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CubeController : MonoBehaviour { private GUIText accelText; void Start() { accelText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AccelTip").GetComponent<GUIText>() as GUIText; accelText.text = ""; } void Update() { if(Network.isClient) { Vector3 acceleration = Input.acceleration; accelText.text = "" + acceleration; networkView.RPC("UpdateAcceleration", RPCMode.Others, acceleration); } Vector3 moveDir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical")); Vector3 cubescreenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position); if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { moveDir = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x - cubescreenPos.x, Input.mousePosition.y - cubescreenPos.y, 0f).normalized; } Debug.Log("moveDir: " + moveDir); float speed = 5; transform.Translate(speed * moveDir * Time.deltaTime); } void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (stream.isWriting) { Vector3 pos = transform.position; stream.Serialize(ref pos); } else { Vector3 receivedPosition = Vector3.zero; stream.Serialize(ref receivedPosition); transform.position = receivedPosition; } } [RPC] void UpdateAcceleration(Vector3 acceleration) { accelText.text = "" + acceleration; } }
function OnSerializeNetworkView(stream : BitStream, info : NetworkMessageInfo) {}
这是在Network class中提供的一个func. 主要负责message sent / receive,他会同步被network view所关注的script中的对象,也就是当你写了一个script内含OnSerializeNetworkView(){},并且丢到observed属性中,则OnSerializeNetworkView()裡的code就会开始运作。基本上他透过BitStream物件收发网路上的资讯,使用上不需要了解封包的问题,也不需要知道如何切割封包。在这的demo中,服务端只负责接收信息,所以只执行else后面的代码,客户端发送信息,执行if后面的代码。
这里cube的state synchronization选的是Unreliable,对应的通讯协议是UDP,特点是无连接,比较快。
unity3D的網路資料傳輸 & 角色控制 - http://ppb440219.blogspot.com/2011/12/unity3d.html
网络视图 Network View - http://game.ceeger.com/Components/class-NetworkView.html
远程过程调用的细节 RPC Details - http://game.ceeger.com/Components/net-RPCDetails.html
状态同步的细节 State Synchronization Detailshttp://game.ceeger.com/Components/net-StateSynchronization.html
Unity Networking Tutorial - http://www.palladiumgames.net/tutorials/unity-networking-tutorial/
Unity3D游戏开发从零单排(七) - NetworkView的Demo,布布扣,bubuko.com
Unity3D游戏开发从零单排(七) - NetworkView的Demo