标签:style blog http color os io strong 数据
procedure TForm1.btnphClick(Sender: TObject); var Document: IHTMLDocument2; FTableCollection, tempCoc: IHTMLElementCollection; table: IHTMLTABLE; TableRow: IHTMLTableRow; elmt: IHTMLEleMent; I, J, K: integer; str: string; begin Document := WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2; FTableCollection := Document.all; FTableCollection.Length; // FTableCollection.item(1, 0); FTableCollection := Document.all.tags(‘table‘) as IHTMLElementCollection; for I := 0 to FTableCollection.Length - 1 do begin table := FTableCollection.item(I, 0) as IHTMLTABLE; //题数 for J := 0 to table.rows.Length - 1 do begin TableRow := (table.rows.item(J, 0) as IHTMLTableRow); //每道题信息 str := ‘‘; for K := 0 to TableRow.cells.Length - 1 do begin elmt := TableRow.cells.item(K, 0) as IHTMLEleMent; str := str + elmt.innerText + #9; end; str := StringReplace(str, ‘‘#$D#$A‘‘, ‘‘, [rfReplaceAll]); Memo3.Lines.Add(str); Memo3.Lines.Add(‘------------------------------------------‘); end; end; end;
URL := ‘http://bbs.csdn.net/forums/Delphi‘;
如何解析第一列的href、class之间的3个数据呢,?、delphi7 滚动条颜色、VCL组件开发及应用
<tr> <td class="title"> <strong class="green">?</strong> <a href="/topics/390861446" target="_blank" title="delphi7 滚动条颜色">delphi7 滚动条颜色</a> <span class="forum_link">[<span class="parent"><a href="/forums/Delphi">Delphi</a></span> <a href="/forums/DelphiVCL">VCL组件开发及应用</a>]</span> </td> <td class="tc">20</td> <td class="tc"> <a href="http://my.csdn.net/u010745617" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">u010745617</a><br /> <span class="time">08-15 16:25</span></td> <td class="tc">1</td> <td class="tc"> <a href="http://my.csdn.net/NongCunGongLu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">NongCunGongLu</a><br /> <span class="time">08-17 13:41</span> </td> <td class="tc"> <a href="/topics/390861446/close" target="_blank">管理</a> </td> </tr>
标签:style blog http color os io strong 数据