标签:java 使用 os io for ar cti amp
There is no delegate concept in Java The right-side C# program may be mimiced with reflection technology.
import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.io.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] list= {"to","be","or","not","to","be"}; Method m1 = Test.class.getMethod("toConsole",new Class[] {String.class}); Display(m1, list); Method m2 = Test.class.getMethod("toFile",new Class[] {String.class}); Display (m2, list); } public static void toConsole (String str) { System.out.print(str+" "); } public static void toFile (String s) { File f = new File("delegate.txt"); try{ PrintWriter fileOut = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(f)); fileOut.write(s); fileOut.flush(); fileOut.close(); }catch(IOException ioe) {} } public static void display(Method m, String[] list) { for(int k = 0; k < list.length; k++) { try { Object[] args = {new String(list[k])}; m.invoke(null, args); }catch(Exception e) {} } } }
Delegates are reference types which allow indirect calls to methods. There are single and multicast delegates. ============================================ using System; using System.IO; public class DelegateTest { public delegate void Print (String s); public static void Main() { Print s = new Print (toConsole); Print v = new Print (toFile); Display (s); Display (v); } public static void toConsole (String str) { Console.WriteLine(str); } public static void toFile (String s) { File f = new File("delegate.txt"); StreamWriter fileOut = f.CreateText(); fileOut.WriteLine(s); fileOut.Flush(); fileOut.Close(); } public static void Display(Print pMethod) { pMethod("This should be displayed in the console"); } }
A delegate instance encapsulates one or more methods, each of which is referred to as a callable entity. To add or reduce a list of calls by using operators += or -=. for example Print p = s + v; s += v;
标签:java 使用 os io for ar cti amp