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转 Dynamics CRM Alert and Notification JavaScript Methods

时间:2016-12-22 16:55:25      阅读:367      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:script   ros   microsoft   tco   new   stl   clear   code   users   




Before CRM 2013, if you wanted to alert a user on a form within the browser, the only method available was the standard JavaScript alert. This method would open an alert window over the record the user is viewing, which then must be acknowledged in order for the user to continue.

The code,

produces the pop up window as illustrated below.


With CRM 2013, Microsoft introduced an additional alert method that is specific to CRM, Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification. This newer method allows you to specify three different types of alerts: error, information, and warning. Furthermore, instead of popping a window open over the current window, setFormNotification embeds the notification in the CRM page itself. These codes:

produce the notifications in the screenshot below that are visible just under the Account record title.


The code

can be used to clear these notifications.

Additionally, you can call out specific fields with the setNotification method. The code

produces the notification attached to the fax field on the Account record shown below.


With these different methods, you can now carefully choose how overt or subtle you would like to be in calling out important information on a record to users.

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转 Dynamics CRM Alert and Notification JavaScript Methods

标签:script   ros   microsoft   tco   new   stl   clear   code   users   


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