An example given below forOracle Forms, when a value exists thenexecute queryfor that value to display the correspondent record else allow user to create a new record for that value.
The following is the example given for HR schema employee table, in this example user will enter an empoyee id and if the employee id exists it will query the record else allow user tocreate a new record, the trigger written on key-next-item trigger, you candownloadthe employees.fmb form also from the following link employees.fmb
KEY-NEXT-ITEM trigger code
declare v_empid employees.employee_id%type; Begin Select employee_id into v_empid from hr.employees where employee_id = :employees.employee_id; -- value exists -- set block property and execute query clear_block(no_validate); set_block_property(‘employees‘, default_where, ‘employee_id = ‘||v_empid); execute_query; set_block_property(‘employees‘, default_where, ‘‘); next_item; exception when no_data_found then -- when not then clear block and allow to add new v_empid := :employees.employee_id; clear_block(no_validate); :employees.employee_id := v_empid; next_item; End;