标签:programs start http this 表达式 空行 tle ati 变量
WARNING:Never be a slave to the rules in real life. For training purposes, you need
to follow these rules to make your mind strong, but in real life sometimes these rules
are just stupid. If you think a rule is stupid, try not using it.
1.Make sure parts of your programs work as you work on them. Do not write massive files
of code before you try to run them. Code a little, run a little, fix a little.
One final word of advice: All programmers become paralyzed by irrational fear starting a new
large project. They procrastinate to avoid contronting this fear and end up not getting their pro-
gram working or even started. I do this. Everyone does this. The best way to avoid this is to make
a list of things you should do and then do them one at a time.
Just start doing it, do a small version, make it bigger, keep a list of things to do, and do them.
2.The best way to debug a program is to use print to print out the values of variables at
points in the program to see where they go wrong.
标签:programs start http this 表达式 空行 tle ati 变量