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Chapter 1:An Introduction to java /java简介

1.1 java as a programming platform /java 程序设计平台

1.2 The java "White paper" buzzword /"java" 白皮书中的口号

1.2.1 Simple 简单

1.2.2 Object-Oriented 面向对象

1.2.3 Distributed 分布式的

1.2.4 Robust 健壮的

1.2.5 Secrue 安全的

1.2.6 Architecture-Neutral 体系结构中立

1.2.7 Portable 可移植的

1.2.8 Interpreted 解释型的

1.2.9 High-Performance 高性能

1.2.10 Multithreaded 多线程

1.2.11 Dynamic 动态

1.3 java Applet and the Internet Jave Apleet 和 Internet

1.4 A short histroy of java java简史

1.5 Common Misconceptions about java 对java的常见错误


An introduction to java

In this chapter

1.1 java as a programming platform

1.2 The java "whiter paper" Buzzwords

1.3 Java Applet and Internet

1.4 A short history of java

1.5 Commen Misconceptions about java

单词 buzz word, buzzword [‘b?zw?:d] n. 1. (政界、商界、科技界中常用的)行话,隐语,流行词语,时髦词语(或术语);玄妙的术语;专门用语;口号 2. 复数套话 3. (故意混淆视听或危言耸听但无多大意义的)术语,行话,故弄玄虚的字眼 4. (能激起强烈反响的)慷慨陈词0

misconception [,misk?n‘sep??n] n. 误解,错误想法,错误印象

The first release of java in 1996 generated an incredible amount of excitement,not just in the computer press,but in mainstream media such as the New York TImes, The Woshington Post,and BusinessWeek. Java has the distinction of being the first and only programming language that had a ten-minute story on National Public Radio.A 100‘000‘000 venture capital fund was set up solely for products using a specific computer language. I hope you will enjoy the brief histroy of java that you will find in this chapter.

令人无比兴奋的是java 在1996年第一次出现,不是在电脑新闻领域,而是在像纽约 华盛顿邮报 商业周刊 java相对于其他的区别是第一个也是唯一的一个在美国国内无线网络有一个10分钟的故事。100000000风险基金被投入去生产这个特殊的语言。我希望你可以享受在第一张中找到的java简史。

单词 release [r?‘li?s] n. 释放;发布;让与 vt. 释放;发射;让与;允许发表

generate [‘d?en?re?t] vt. 使形成,(使)产生,造成,引起,导致:;生(儿、女);再生;生殖,生育

incredible  英 [?n‘kred?b(?)l] 美 [?n‘kr?d?bl] adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

amount  英 [?‘ma?nt] 美 [?‘ma?nt]  vi. 总计,合计;相当于;共计;产生…结果 n. 数量;总额,总数 amount of amount of :大量的,接不可数名词,一笔钱的“笔 ;

excitement [?k‘sa?tm?nt] n. 兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物

not just 不仅仅;不只是

press 英 [pres] 美 [pr?s]  vt. 压;按;逼迫;紧抱 vi. 压;逼;重压 n. 压;按;新闻;出版社;[印刷] 印刷机 n. (Press)人名;(英、德、俄、西、瑞典)普雷斯 computer press 电脑新闻

distinction [d?‘st??(k)?(?)n] n. 区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章

National Public Radio (美国)国内公用无线电台[略作 NPR]

venture [‘vent??] n. 企业;风险;冒险 vt. 敢于 vi. 冒险;投机 n. (Venture)人名;(法)旺蒂尔

solely [‘s??ll?] adv. 单独地,唯一地

1.1 Java as a Programming platform

platform [‘pl?tf??m] n. 平台;月台,站台;坛;讲台

In the first edition of this book,my coauthor GaryCornell and I had this to write about java:

"As a computer language,Java‘s hype is overdone;Java is certainly a good programming language. There is no doubt that it is one of better languages.we think it could potentially have been a great programming language,but it is property too late for that.Once a language is out in the field,the ugly reality of compatibility with existing code set in. "

作为一个电脑语言,Java 的宣传有些过头了 java 确实是一个好的编程语言。这是毫无疑问的他是最好的语言之一。但是这也太晚了。曾经在语言领域,丑陋的兼容问题目前开始流行。 单词 edition [?‘d??(?)n] n. 版本 版次 集

coauthor [k??‘??θ?] n. 共同执笔者,合著者 vt. 合著

hype [ha?p] n. 大肆宣传;皮下注射 vt. 大肆宣传;使…兴奋

overdone [,?uv?‘d?n] v. 把…煮得过久;过于劳累;把…做得过度(overdo的过去分词) adj. 煮得太久的;做得过分的

potentially [p?‘t?n??li] adv. 可能地,潜在地

once [w?ns] n. 一次,一回 conj. 一旦 adv. 一次;曾经

field [fi?ld] n. 领域;牧场;旷野;战场;运动场 adj. 扫描场;田赛的;野生的 vt. 把暴晒于场上;使上场 vi. 担任场外队员 n. (Field)人名;(英、法、德、葡)菲尔德

reality [r?‘?l?t?] n. 现实;实际;真实

compatibility [k?m,p?t?‘b?l?t?] n. [计] 兼容性

existing [?ɡ‘z?st??] adj. 目前的;现存的 v. 存在(exist的现在分词

set in vi. 开始;到来;流行

Our editor got a lot of flack for this paragraph from someone very high up at Sun Microsystems,the company that originally develop java. the java language has a lot of nice features that we will examine in detail later in this chapter. It has its share of warts,and some of the new additions to the language are not as elegant as the original features because of the ugly reality of compatibility .


单词 flack [fl?k] n. 宣传;广告;高射炮;宣传员 n. (Flack)人名;(英、法、匈、瑞典)弗拉克

paragraph [‘p?r?grɑ?f] n. 段落;短评;段落符号 vt. 将…分段

Very High Up :非常高 ;

someone very high up at Sun Microsystems 高管

originally [?‘r?d??n(?)l?] adv. 最初,起初;本来

examine [?g‘z?m?n; eg-] vt. 检查;调查; 检测;考试 vi. 检查;调查

warts [皮肤] 疣 [皮肤] 肉赘

elegant [‘el?g(?)nt] adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的

But, as we already said in the first edition.java has never just a languae.There are lots of programming languages out there.but few of them make much of a splash. java is a whole platfrom,with a huge library,containing lots of reusable code,and an execution environment that provides services such as security, protability across operating systems,and automatic garbage collection.

但是正如我第一版所说,java不仅仅是一个语言,有很多语言俺是从没有这样轰动。java是一个整体平台伴随着大量的类库,包含很多复用代码。别且有一个去切的环境提供服务例如安全 跨操作平台。和自动垃圾回收。 单词 few of :很少,少数,数的 ; a few tenths of :十分之几,有几成 ; Few pieces of chicken :几块鸡肉 ;

splash [spl??] n. 飞溅的水;污点;卖弄 vt. 溅,泼;用...使液体飞溅 vi. 溅湿;溅开

make much of a splash 引起轰动

reusable [ri:‘ju:z?bl] adj. 可以再度使用的,可重复使用的

protability across operating systems protability跨操作系统

protability :可移植性 ; software protability :软件可移植性

operating [‘?p?re?t??] v. 操作(operate的ing形式);动手术 adj. 操作的;[外科] 外科手术的

automatic [??t?‘m?t?k] n. 自动机械;自动手枪 adj. 自动的;无意识的;必然的

As a programmer,you will want a language with a pleasant syntax and comprehensible semantics(i.e.,not c++).java fits the bill,as do dozens of fine languages.Some language give you protability,garbage collection,and the like,but they don‘t have much of a library,forcing you to roll your own if you want fancy graphics or networking or database access.Well,Java has everything-a good language, a high-quality execution environment,and a vast library.That combination is what makes java an irresistible proposition to so many programmers.

作为一个程序员,我们希望一个语言伴随着令人愉悦的语法和可理解的语意。java符合这些期望, 细数好的语言,一些给你可移植性,垃圾回收,等等。。但是他们没有丰富的类库。迫使你自己操作如果你希望好的图表或者网络或者数据库存取。好,java是一切一个好的语言。一个好品质的运行环境。大量的类库。这些结合就是使java对如此多的程序员不可抗拒的议题。

单词 pleasant [‘plez(?)nt] adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的;讨人喜欢的,和蔼可亲的 n. (Pleasant)人名;(英)普莱曾特

syntax [‘s?nt?ks] n. 语法;句法;有秩序的排列

comprehensible [k?mpr?‘hens?b(?)l] adj. 可理解的

sematic [‘s?‘m?t?k] adj. 【动物学】(有毒动物的色彩或斑纹)用于预告危险的,警戒的

comprehensible semantics 理解语义

fits n. 一阵(fit的复数);阵发;合身的衣服 v. 适合;安装(fit的三单形式) n. (Fits)人名;(俄)菲茨

bill [b?l] n. [法] 法案;广告;账单;[金融] 票据;钞票;清单 vt. 宣布;开账单;用海报宣传

dozens n. 许多(dozen的复数)

forcing [f??s??] n. 强迫 v. 强迫(force的变形);强制 adj. 强迫的;强制的;施加压力的

roll [r??l] n. 卷,卷形物;名单;摇晃 vt. 卷;滚动,转动;辗 vi. 卷;滚动;转动;起伏,摇晃 n. (Roll)人名;(英、法、德、俄、罗、葡、捷、挪、西、瑞典)罗尔

graphics [‘gr?f?ks] n. [测] 制图学;制图法;图表算法

database [‘de?t?be?s] n. 数据库,资料库

access [‘?kses] n. 进入;使用权;通路 vt. 使用;存取;接近

database access [计] 数据库存取

vast [vɑ?st] n. 浩瀚;广阔无垠的空间 adj. 广阔的;巨大的;大量的;巨额的 n. (Vast)人名;(法)瓦斯特

combination [k?mb?‘ne??(?)n] n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学] 化合

irresistible [?r?‘z?st?b(?)l] adj. 不可抵抗的;不能压制的;极为诱人的

proposition [pr?p?‘z??(?)n] n. [数] 命题;提议;主题;议题 vt. 向…提议;向…求欢

1.2 The java "White Paper"Buzzwords

The authors of Java wrote an influential white paper that explains their desigen goals and accomplishments.They also published a shorter overview that is organized along following 11 buzzwords:


单词 influential [,?nfl?‘en?(?)l] adj. 有影响的;有势力的 n. 有影响力的人物

explains v. 解释;说明(explain的三单形式)

accomplishments n. 造诣(accomplishment的复数)

overview [‘??v?vju?] n. [图情] 综述;概观

organized [???ɡ??na?zd] v. 组织(organize的过去分词) adj. 有组织的;安排有秩序的;做事有条理的

1 simple

2 Object-Oriented

3 Distributed

4 Robust

5 Secure

6 Architecture-Neutral

7 protable

8 Interpreted

9 High-performance

10 Multithreaded

11 Dynamic

In this section,you will find a summary,will excerpts from the white paper,of what the java designers say about each buzzwords,together with a commentary based on my experiences with the current version of java.


单词 section [‘sek?(?)n] n. 截面;部分;部门;地区;章节 vt. 把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分 vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分

summary [‘s?m(?)r?] n. 概要,摘要,总结 adj. 简易的;扼要的

excerpts [‘eks?:pt] n. 摘由,节选(excerpt复数形式)

designer [d?‘za?n?] n. 设计师;谋划者 adj. 由设计师专门设计的;享有盛名的;赶时髦的

commentary [‘k?m?nt(?)r?] n. 评论;注释;评注;说明

experiences n. 经历(experience的复数) v. 经历;体验到(experience的三单形式)

1.2.1 Simple

We want to build a system that could be programmed easily without a lot of esoteric training and which leveraged today‘s standard practice.So even though we find that C++ was unsuitable,We designed as close to C++ as possible in order to make the system more comprehensible.Java omits many rarely used,poorly understood,confusing features of C++ that,in our experience,bring more grief than benefit.

我们想建立一个系统能被容易编程不用大量的专业训练利用今天的标准实践。所以尽管我发现C++并不舒适。我们尽可能的接近C++为了使系统更利于理解。java省略许多不用的 难以理解的 困惑的特点。变得跟家简介有利通过我的经验。

单词 esoteric [,es?‘ter?k; ,i?s?-] adj. 秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的

leveraged [‘lev?rid?d] adj. 杠杆的;杠杆作用的 v. (美)杠杆式投机,举债经营(leverage的过去分词形式)

practice [‘pr?kt?s] n. 实践;练习;惯例 vt. 练习;实习;实行 vi. 练习;实习;实行

leveraged today‘s standard practice 利用今天的标准做法

comprehensible [k?mpr?‘hens?b(?)l] adj. 可理解的

omit [?(?)‘m?t] vt. 省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽

rarely [‘re?l?] adv. 很少地;难得;罕有地

benefit [‘ben?f?t] n. 利益,好处;救济金 vt. 有益于,对…有益 vi. 受益,得益

The syntax for java is,indeed,a clean-up version of C++ syntax.There is no need for header files.pointer arithmetic (or even a pointer syntax),structures,unions, operator overloading,virtual base classes,and so on.(See the C++ notes interspersed throughout the text for more on the differences between java and C++)The design did not,however,attempt to fix all of the clumsy features of C++. For example,the syntax of the switch statement is unchange in java .If you know C++,you will find the transition to the java syntax easy.

讽刺的是java语法是一个干净版本的C++语法。这是不需要开头文件的。指针算法(或者甚至一个指针语法)。结构 集合 重载 虚拟基于类等等。(看C++的几十条贯穿全文在java和C++不同的地方)。然而设计者试图修改C++冗余的特性。例如:Switch语句块的语法在java中并没有修改。如果你知道C++你可以很容易的转变但java语法。 单词 syntax [‘s?nt?ks] n. 语法;句法;有秩序的排列

indeed [?n‘di?d] adv. 的确;实在;真正地;甚至 int. 真的(表示惊讶、怀疑、讽刺等

header file 页眉文件

even [‘i?v(?)n] adj. [数] 偶数的;平坦的;相等的 adv. 甚至;即使;还;实际上 vt. 使平坦;使相等 vi. 变平;变得可比较;成为相等 n. (Even)人名;(法)埃旺;(德)埃文;(英)埃文

pointer [‘p??nt?] n. 指针;指示器;教鞭;暗示

arithmetic [?‘r?θm?t?k] n. 算术,算法

unions n. 工会;联合(union的复数)

operator overloading 操作符重载;运算元多载

virtual [?v?:t?u?l] adj. [计] 虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认)

throughout [θru?‘a?t] prep. 贯穿,遍及 adv. 自始至终,到处;全部

attempt [?‘tem(p)t] n. 企图,试图;攻击 vt. 企图,试图;尝试

clumsy [‘kl?mz?] adj. 笨拙的 笨拙地 不得当的 不得当地

transition [tr?n‘z??(?)n; trɑ?n-; -‘s??-] n. 过渡;转变;[分子生物] 转换;变调

At the time that java was released,C++ was actually not the most commonly used programming language.Many designer used Visual Basic and its drag-and-drop programming enviroment. These developers did not find java simple.It took several years for java development environments to catch up.Nowadays, java development enviroments are far ahead of those for most orther programming languages.

在java发布的时候C++作为最常用的编程语言。一些使用Visual Basic 和拖放 编程环境这些人不能发现java简单。经过java编程语言环境这些年的追赶。现在java编程环境遥遥领先其他的编程语言。 单词 catch up [‘k?t??p] 赶上;把…缠住

nowadays [‘na??de?z] n. 当今 adv. 现今;时下

ahead of 在…之前

Another aspect of being simple is being small.One of goals of java is to enable the construction of software that can run stand-alone on small machine.The size of basic interpreter and class support is about 40K;the basic standard libraries and thread support (essentially a self-contained microkernel)add anther 175K.

被简单的另一个方面是小。java的目标之一是使软件的建设,可以独立的小机器上运行。支持基本的解释器和类的大小大约是40 k;基本的标准库和线程支持(本质上是一个独立的微核)增加额外上的175 k。


thread [θred] n. 线;螺纹;思路;衣服;线状物;玻璃纤维;路线 vt. 穿过;穿线于;使交织 vi. 通过;穿透过

essentially [?‘sen?(?)l?] adv. 本质上;本来

microkernel n. 微核

This was a great achievement at the time.Of course,the library has since grown to huge proportions.there is now a separate java Micro Edition with a smaller library,suitable for embedded devices.

这是一个伟大的成就。当然,库已经成长为巨大的比例。现在有一个单独的java微型版小库,适用于嵌入式设备。 单词 achievement [?‘t?i?vm(?)nt] n. 成就;完成;达到;成绩

proportions [pr?‘p?:??ns] n. [数] 比例;大小(proportion的复数形式)

separate [(for v.) ?sep?re?t; (for adj.) ?sepr?t] n. .分开;抽印本 adj. 单独的;分开的;不同的;各自的; vt. 使分离;使分开;使分居 vi. 分开;隔开;分居

embedded [?m‘bed?d] v. 嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式) adj. 嵌入式的;植入的;内含的

devices n. [机][计] 设备;[机] 装置;[电子] 器件(device的复数)

core java 英文版

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