标签:launcher com when save create targe rmi dash upn
Say we have a latest Blender extracted from the download package. We want to create a launcher for Blender so that we can start it from the Unity Dash or App Menu.
Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. When it opens, run command to create .desktop file and edit it with Gedit text editor:
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/blender-2.7.desktop
When the file opens, paste below into it and save.
[Desktop Entry] Name=Blender-2.78 Name[de]=Blender-2.78 Name[fr]=Blender-2.78 GenericName=3D modeller GenericName[de]=3D Modellierer GenericName[fr]=modeleur 3D GenericName[ru]=Редактор 3D-моделей Comment=Create and edit 3D models and animations Comment[de]=Erstellen und Editieren von 3D Modellen und Animationen Comment[fr]=Création et édition d‘objets 3D et animations Comment[ru]=Создание и редактирование трёхмерных моделей и анимаций Exec=/path/to/blender/blender Icon=/path/to/blender/icons/scalable/apps/blender.svg Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Graphics;3DGraphics; StartupNotify=false MimeType=application/x-blender;
Note you should replace path to Exec & Icon (words in red).
How to create a launcher for a manually extracted program in Ubuntu
标签:launcher com when save create targe rmi dash upn