标签:pre 部门 种类 ora 多级 highlight class 管理者 自己的
select * from scott.emp; --1 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资 select deptno,max(sal),min(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno; 2 列出emp表中各部门job为‘CLERK‘的员工的最低工资,最高工资 select min(sal),max(sal) from scott.emp where job=‘CLERK‘ 3 --对于emp中最低工资小于13000的部门, --列出job为‘CLERK‘的员工的 (部门号),最低工资,最高工资 select min(sal),max(sal) from scott.emp where job=‘CLERK‘ and deptno in ( select deptno from scott.emp group by deptno having min(sal)<‘13000‘ ) 4 根据部门号由高而低,工资有低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工资 select ename,deptno,sal from scott.emp order by deptno desc,sal 5列出‘张三‘所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号 select ename,deptno from scott.emp where deptno in ( select deptno from scott.emp where ename=‘WARD‘ ) 6列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名 select ename,job,scott.emp.deptno ,scott.dept.dname from scott.emp inner join scott.dept on scott.emp.deptno = scott.dept.deptno; select ename,job,scott.emp.deptno ,scott.dept.dname from scott.emp , scott.dept where scott.emp.deptno = scott.dept.deptno; 7列出emp中工作为‘CLERK‘的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名 select ename,job,scott.emp.deptno ,scott.dept.dname from scott.emp , scott.dept where scott.emp.deptno = scott.dept.deptno and job=‘CLERK‘; 8 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为mgr) 同表自关联。适合于设计多级菜单,多级种类。 select s1.ename,s2.ename as 管理者 from (select * from scott.emp where mgr is not null) s1,scott.emp s2 where s1.mgr = s2.empno; 9对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号, select * from 同时列出各部门工作为‘CLERK‘的员工名与工作 select d.*,e.ename,e.job from scott.dept d join (select deptno,ename,job from scott.emp where job=‘CLERK‘) e on d.deptno = e.deptno; 10 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部门号排序 select deptno,ename,sal from scott.emp e where sal>(select avg(sal) from scott.emp where deptno = e.deptno) order by deptno; select deptno,avg(sal) from scott.emp group by deptno 11 对于emp,列出各个部门中工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门号, 按部门号排序 select count(1) 员工数,deptno from ( select deptno,ename,sal from scott.emp e where sal>(select avg(sal) from scott.emp where deptno = e.deptno) ) group by deptno order by deptno; 12 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,人数多与1人的,列出部门号,人数,按部门号排序 select count(1) 员工数,deptno from ( select deptno,ename,sal from scott.emp e where sal>(select avg(sal) from scott.emp where deptno = e.deptno) ) group by deptno having count(1)>1 order by deptno; 13 对于emp中低于自己工资至少5人的员工,列出其部门号,姓名,工资, [以及工资少于自己的人数] --找出有比自己工资少的人 select t.* from ( select deptno,ename,sal,empno from scott.emp where sal not in ( select sal from ( select distinct(sal) ,rownum r from scott.emp order by sal ) where r<6 ) ) t ,scott.emp where scott.emp.sal<t.sal; select a.deptno,a.ename,a.sal,(select count(b.ename) from emp as b where b.sal<a.sal) as 人数 from scott.emp as a where (select count(b.ename) from emp as b where b.sal<a.sal)>5
标签:pre 部门 种类 ora 多级 highlight class 管理者 自己的