标签:books round 事务处理 sage 界面 style lan 速度 repo
序号 | 系统版本 | 模块 | 应用场景 | 类型 | API/接口 | 参数规格 | 样例代码 | 备注 | 登记者 | 登记时间 | 关键字 |
1 | 12.1.3 | AP | 付款核销 | API | ap_pay_invoice_pkg.ap_pay_invoice | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 付款/核销 | |||
2 | 12.1.3 | AP | 应付发票审批 | API | ap_approval_pkg.approval | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 发票/审批 | |||
3 | 12.1.3 | AP | 预付款核销 | API | ap_prepay_pkg.apply_prepay_fr_prepay | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 预付款/核销 | |||
4 | 12.1.3 | AP | 创建应付发票 | API | ap_import_invoices_pkg.import_invoices | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 发票/导入 | |||
5 | 12.1.3 | AP | 创建付款历史记录 | API | ap_reconciliation_pkg.insert_payment_history | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 付款历史/导入 | |||
6 | 12.1.1 | AP | 创建供应商头 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor | p_vendor_rec使用 ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type | l_vendor_rec.segment1 := ‘12345‘; --supplier number l_vendor_rec.vendor_name := ‘Test Supp 003‘; l_vendor_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code := ‘COMPANY‘; l_vendor_rec.vendor_name_alt := ‘alter name 002‘; -- l_vendor_rec.enforce_ship_to_location_code := ‘WARNING‘; l_vendor_rec.receiving_routing_id := 1; l_vendor_rec.inspection_required_flag := ‘Y‘; --Match Approval Level l_vendor_rec.receipt_required_flag := ‘Y‘; --Match Approval Level l_vendor_rec.qty_rcv_tolerance := 1; l_vendor_rec.days_early_receipt_allowed := 2; --number l_vendor_rec.days_late_receipt_allowed := 3; --number l_vendor_rec.qty_rcv_exception_code := ‘REJECT‘; --ap_suppliers.qty_rcv_exception_code%TYPE l_vendor_rec.receipt_days_exception_code := ‘REJECT‘; --ap_suppliers.receipt_days_exception_code%TYPE, l_vendor_rec.start_date_active := SYSDATE; l_vendor_rec.end_date_active := NULL; pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor(p_vendor_rec => l_vendor_rec, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_vendor_id => x_vendor_id, x_party_id => x_party_id); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商头/导入 | |
7 | 12.1.1 | AP | 验证供应商头 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.validate_vendor | p_vendor_rec使用 ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商头/验证 | ||
8 | 12.1.1 | AP | 更新供应商头 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor | p_vendor_rec使用 ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商头/更新 | ||
9 | 12.1.1 | AP | 创建供应商地点 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site | p_vendor_site_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type | l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := 61578; l_vendor_site_rec.org_id := 84; --l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_id := 49138; l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code := ‘SHE_FAC‘; l_vendor_site_rec.ship_to_location_code := ‘SHE_FACTORY‘; l_vendor_site_rec.bill_to_location_code := ‘SHE_FACTORY‘; l_vendor_site_rec.pay_site_flag := ‘Y‘; l_vendor_site_rec.purchasing_site_flag := ‘Y‘; l_vendor_site_rec.country := ‘TH‘; l_vendor_site_rec.party_site_name := ‘0001‘; --address name l_vendor_site_rec.address_line1 := ‘Office‘; l_vendor_site_rec.city := ‘BANKOK‘; pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site(p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_vendor_site_id => l_vendor_site_id, x_party_site_id => l_party_site_id, x_location_id => l_location_id); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商地点/导入 | |
10 | 12.1.1 | AP | 验证供应商地点 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.validate_vendor_site | p_vendor_site_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商地点/验证 | ||
11 | 12.1.1 | AP | 更新供应商地点 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site | p_vendor_site_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商地点/更新 | ||
12 | 12.1.1 | AP | 创建供应商联系信息 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact | p_vendor_contact_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_contact_rec_type | site: l_vendor_contact_rec.vendor_id := 511018; l_vendor_contact_rec.vendor_site_id := 115494; l_vendor_contact_rec.party_site_id := 885872; l_vendor_contact_rec.org_party_site_id := 885872; l_vendor_contact_rec.org_id := 44; l_vendor_contact_rec.person_first_name := ‘003‘; l_vendor_contact_rec.person_last_name := ‘003‘; pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact(p_vendor_contact_rec => l_vendor_contact_rec, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_vendor_contact_id => x_vendor_contact_id, x_per_party_id => x_per_party_id, x_rel_party_id => x_rel_party_id, x_rel_id => x_rel_id, x_org_contact_id => x_org_contact_id, x_party_site_id => x_party_site_id); |
此API可以创建头层和地点层的联系信息,取决于参数赋值。创建地点联系信息时需要有效的r_vendor_contact_rec_type.vendor_site_id和r_vendor_contact_rec_type.party_site_id | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商联系信息/导入 |
13 | 12.1.1 | AP | 验证供应商联系信息 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.validate_vendor_contact | p_vendor_contact_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_contact_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商联系信息/验证 | ||
14 | 12.1.1 | AP | 更新供应商联系信息 | API | ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_contact | p_vendor_contact_rec使用ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_contact_rec_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/供应商联系信息/更新 | ||
15 | 12.1.1 | AP | 创建Notes | API | ap_notes_pub.create_note | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | Notes/创建 | |||
16 | 11.5.0 | AP | 供应商导入 | 接口 | AR.APXSUIMP | l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘SQLAP‘, ‘APXSUIMP‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, FALSE, ‘NEW‘, 1000, ‘N‘, ‘N‘, ‘N‘, chr(0)); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/导入 | ||
17 | 11.5.0 | AP | 供应商地点导入 | 接口 | AR.APXSSIMP | g_site_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => l_application ,program => ‘APXSSIMP‘ ,description => l_description ,start_time => NULL ,sub_request => NULL ,argument1 => ‘NEW‘ ,argument2 => ‘1000‘ ,argument3 => ‘N‘ ,argument4 => ‘N‘ ,argument5 => ‘N‘); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商地点/导入 | ||
18 | 11.5.0 | AP | 供应商地点联系人导入 | 接口 | AR.APXSCIMP | g_contact_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => l_application, program => ‘APXSCIMP‘, description => l_description, start_time => NULL, sub_request => NULL, argument1 => ‘NEW‘, argument2 => ‘1000‘, argument3 => ‘N‘, argument4 => ‘Y‘, argument5 => ‘N‘); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商地点联系人/导入 | ||
19 | 11.5.0 | AP | 应付发票导入 | 接口 | AR.APXIIMPT | v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘SQLAP‘, ‘APXIIMPT‘, NULL, NULL, FALSE, gc_source --Source ,NULL --p_batch_name --Group ID ,NULL --p_batch_name --Batch Name ,NULL --Hold Name ,NULL --Hold Reason ,NULL --GL Date ,‘Y‘ --Purge ,‘N‘ --p_trace_switch ,‘N‘ --p_debug_switch ,‘N‘ --Summary Report ,1000 ,fnd_global.user_id, |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 应付发票/导入 | ||
20 | 12.1.3 | AR | 贷项通知单核销 | API | ar_cm_api_pub.apply_on_account | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 贷项通知单/核销 | |||
21 | 12.1.3 | AR | 收款核销 | API | ar_receipt_api_pub.apply | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 收款/核销 | |||
22 | 12.1.3 | AR | 收款撤销核销 | API | ar_receipt_api_pub.unapply | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 收款/撤销核销 | |||
23 | 11.5.0 | AR | 应收发票导入 | 接口 | AR.RAXTRX | ln_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘AR‘, program => ‘RAXTRX‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => ‘MAIN‘ --Parallel Module Name ,argument2 => ‘T‘ --Running Mode ,argument3 => v_batch_src_id --Batch Source Id ,argument4 => gc_source --Batch Source Name ,argument5 => p_gl_date --Default Date ,argument6 => NULL --Transaction Flexfield ,argument7 => NULL --p_trx_type_id --Transaction Type ,argument8 => NULL --(Low) Bill To Customer Number ,argument9 => NULL --(High) Bill To Customer Number ,argument10 => NULL --(Low) Bill To Customer Name ,argument11 => NULL --(High) Bill To Customer Name ,argument12 => NULL --p_gl_date --(Low) GL Date ,argument13 => NULL --p_gl_date --(High) GL Date ,argument14 => NULL --(Low) Ship Date ,argument15 => NULL --(High) Ship Date ,argument16 => NULL --(Low) Transaction Number ,argument17 => NULL --(High) Transaction Number ,argument18 => NULL --(Low) Sales Order Number ,argument19 => NULL --(High) Sales Order Number ,argument20 => NULL --(Low) Invoice Date ,argument21 => NULL --(High) Invoice Date ,argument22 => NULL --(Low) Ship To Customer Number ,argument23 => NULL --(High) Ship To Customer Number ,argument24 => NULL --(Low) Ship To Customer Name ,argument25 => NULL --(High) Ship To Customer Name ,argument26 => ‘N‘ --Call RAXTRX from RAXMTR flag ,argument27 => ‘Y‘ --Base Due Date on Trx Date ,argument28 => NULL --Due Date Adjustment Days ,argument29 => p_org_id --Org Id ); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 应收发票/导入 | ||
24 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建应收发票 | API | ar_invoice_api_pub.create_single_invoice | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 发票/导入 | |||
25 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建应收收款 | API | AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.create_cash | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 收款/导入 | |||
26 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户联系人 | API | hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_phone_contact_point | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 客户/联系方式/添加 | |||
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 地址格式 | ||
28 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户 | API | hz_party_v2pub.create_organization | DECLARE lrec_org hz_party_v2pub.organization_rec_type; lrec_party hz_party_v2pub.party_rec_type; l_return_status VARCHAR2(20); l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_party_id NUMBER; l_party_number VARCHAR2(2000) := ‘test-20121022-010‘; l_profile_id NUMBER; l_last_succ VARCHAR2(100); x_party_id NUMBER; BEGIN /*fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 0, resp_id => 50695, resp_appl_id => 660); mo_global.init(‘ONT‘);*/ lrec_party.status := ‘A‘; lrec_party.validated_flag := ‘N‘; lrec_party.party_number := l_party_number; --party_rec lrec_org.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; lrec_org.organization_name := ‘SPA馆003‘; lrec_org.known_as := ‘SPA馆003的别名‘; lrec_org.party_rec := lrec_party; hz_party_v2pub.create_organization(‘T‘, lrec_org, ‘CUSTOMER‘, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data, x_party_id, l_party_number, l_profile_id); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data || ‘,‘ || x_party_id); COMMIT; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/创建 | ||
29 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户 | API | hz_party_v2pub.update_organization | DECLARE l_msg_count NUMBER; l_profile_id NUMBER; l_return_status VARCHAR2(200); l_proc_step VARCHAR2(200); l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_rec_organization hz_party_v2pub.organization_rec_type; l_rec_party hz_party_v2pub.party_rec_type; l_obj_ver_number NUMBER; l_last_succ VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT object_version_number INTO l_obj_ver_number FROM hz_parties hp WHERE hp.party_id = 20055; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; l_rec_party.party_id := 20055; --l_rec_party.status := p_status; l_rec_organization.organization_name := ‘SPA馆004‘; l_rec_organization.party_rec := l_rec_party; l_rec_organization.known_as := ‘SPA馆004的别名‘; hz_party_v2pub.update_organization(p_init_msg_list => ‘T‘, p_organization_rec => l_rec_organization, p_party_object_version_number => l_obj_ver_number, x_profile_id => l_profile_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); COMMIT; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/更新 | ||
30 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户地址 | API | hz_location_v2pub.create_location | l_loc_rec.country := ‘CN‘; l_loc_rec.address1 := ‘测试地址行001‘; l_loc_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_location_v2pub.create_location(‘T‘, l_loc_rec, l_location_id, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/地址/创建 | ||
31 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户地址 | API | hz_location_v2pub.update_location | SELECT hl.location_id, hl.object_version_number, cas.party_site_id, cas.object_version_number, cas.attribute1 INTO l_location_id, l_version_number, l_party_site_id, l_site_version_number, l_site_attribute1 FROM hz_locations hl, hz_party_sites hps, hz_cust_acct_sites_all cas WHERE hps.location_id = hl.location_id AND cas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id AND cas.cust_acct_site_id = p_cust_acct_site_id; l_loc_rec.province := p_interface_data.province; l_loc_rec.city := p_interface_data.city; IF p_site_use_code = ‘BILL_TO‘ THEN l_loc_rec.country := p_interface_data.bill_to_country; l_loc_rec.address1 := p_interface_data.bill_to_address_line1; l_loc_rec.address2 := p_interface_data.bill_to_address_line2; l_loc_rec.address3 := p_interface_data.bill_to_address_line3; l_loc_rec.address4 := p_interface_data.bill_to_address_line4; l_loc_rec.postal_code := p_interface_data.bill_to_postal_code; ELSIF p_site_use_code = ‘SHIP_TO‘ THEN l_loc_rec.country := p_interface_data.ship_to_country; l_loc_rec.address1 := p_interface_data.ship_to_address_line1; l_loc_rec.address2 := p_interface_data.ship_to_address_line2; l_loc_rec.address3 := p_interface_data.ship_to_address_line3; l_loc_rec.address4 := p_interface_data.ship_to_address_line4; l_loc_rec.postal_code := p_interface_data.ship_to_postal_code; END IF; l_loc_rec.location_id := l_location_id; hz_location_v2pub.update_location(fnd_api.g_false, l_loc_rec, l_version_number, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/地址/更新 | ||
32 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建party_site | API | hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site | l_party_site_rec.party_id := 20055; l_party_site_rec.location_id := l_location_id; l_party_site_rec.identifying_address_flag := ‘Y‘; l_party_site_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_party_site_v2pub.create_party_site(‘T‘, l_party_site_rec, l_party_site_id, l_party_site_number, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/party_site/创建 | ||
33 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户地点 | API | hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site | l_cust_acct_site_rec.cust_account_id := 9043; l_cust_acct_site_rec.party_site_id := l_party_site_id; l_cust_acct_site_rec.org_id := 84; l_cust_acct_site_rec.status := ‘A‘; l_cust_acct_site_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site(‘T‘, l_cust_acct_site_rec, l_cust_acct_site_id, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/地点/创建 | ||
34 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户地点的业务用途 | API | hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use | bill_cust_site_use_rec.cust_acct_site_id := l_cust_acct_site_id; bill_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code := ‘BILL_TO‘; bill_cust_site_use_rec.location := ‘测试收单地址行001‘; bill_cust_site_use_rec.primary_flag := ‘Y‘; bill_cust_site_use_rec.status := ‘A‘; bill_cust_site_use_rec.org_id := 84; --bill_cust_site_use_rec.gl_id_rec := p_rec_cust_sites.gl_rec_id; --bill_cust_site_use_rec.gl_id_rev := p_rec_cust_sites.gl_rev_id; bill_cust_site_use_rec.price_list_id := 9143; bill_cust_site_use_rec.payment_term_id := 5; --bill_cust_site_use_rec.primary_salesrep_id := p_rec_cust_sites.sales_person_id; --bill_cust_site_use_rec.tax_reference := p_rec_cust_sites.tax_reference; --bill_cust_site_use_rec.tax_code := p_rec_cust_sites.tax_code; bill_cust_site_use_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use(‘T‘, bill_cust_site_use_rec, l_customer_profile_rec, ‘‘, ‘‘, l_site_use_id, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/业务用途/创建 | ||
35 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户地点的业务用途 | API | hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.update_cust_site_use | DECLARE cust_site_use_rec hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.cust_site_use_rec_type; l_customer_profile_rec hz_customer_profile_v2pub.customer_profile_rec_type; l_site_use_id NUMBER; l_return_status VARCHAR2(2000); l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_last_succ VARCHAR2(100); l_exception EXCEPTION; l_exception_no_site EXCEPTION; l_object_version_number NUMBER; x_return_code VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 0, resp_id => 50695, resp_appl_id => 660); mo_global.init(‘ONT‘); SELECT hcsu.object_version_number INTO l_object_version_number FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu WHERE hcsu.site_use_id = 1330 AND hcsu.org_id = 84; cust_site_use_rec.site_use_id := 1330; cust_site_use_rec.cust_acct_site_id := 1287; --cust_site_use_rec.location := ‘测试收货地址行002‘; cust_site_use_rec.status := ‘I‘; --cust_site_use_rec.org_id := 84; --cust_site_use_rec.price_list_id := 9137; --cust_site_use_rec.payment_term_id := 4; hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.update_cust_site_use(p_init_msg_list => ‘T‘, p_cust_site_use_rec => cust_site_use_rec, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); COMMIT; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/业务用途/更新 | ||
36 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户配置文件 | API | hz_customer_profile_v2pub.create_customer_profile | l_customer_profile.status := ‘A‘; l_customer_profile.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; l_customer_profile.party_id := 20055; l_customer_profile.cust_account_id := 9043; hz_customer_profile_v2pub.create_customer_profile(p_customer_profile_rec => l_customer_profile, x_cust_account_profile_id => l_cust_account_profile_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/配置文件/创建 | ||
37 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户配置文件金额 | API | hz_customer_profile_v2pub.create_cust_profile_amt | l_cust_profile_amt.cust_account_profile_id := /*l_cust_account_profile_id*/ 11041; l_cust_profile_amt.currency_code := ‘CNY‘; l_cust_profile_amt.overall_credit_limit := 100; l_cust_profile_amt.cust_account_id := 9043; l_cust_profile_amt.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_customer_profile_v2pub.create_cust_profile_amt(p_cust_profile_amt_rec => l_cust_profile_amt, x_cust_acct_profile_amt_id => l_cust_acct_profile_amt_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/配置文件金额/创建 | ||
38 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户配置文件金额 | API | hz_customer_profile_v2pub.update_cust_profile_amt | l_cust_profile_amt.cust_acct_profile_amt_id := 3040; l_cust_profile_amt.cust_account_profile_id := /*l_cust_account_profile_id*/ 11041; l_cust_profile_amt.currency_code := ‘CNY‘; l_cust_profile_amt.overall_credit_limit := 100; l_cust_profile_amt.cust_account_id := 9043; l_cust_profile_amt.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_customer_profile_v2pub.update_cust_profile_amt(p_cust_profile_amt_rec => l_cust_profile_amt, p_object_version_number => l_version, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/配置文件金额/更新 | ||
39 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户帐户 | API | hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_account | l_cust_account_rec.account_number := ‘test_account_003‘; l_cust_account_rec.account_name := ‘test_account_name_003‘; l_cust_account_rec.status := ‘A‘; l_cust_account_rec.customer_type := ‘R‘; l_cust_account_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; l_organization_rec.party_rec.party_id := 20054; hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_account(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_account_rec => l_cust_account_rec, p_organization_rec => l_organization_rec, p_customer_profile_rec => l_customer_profile_rec, p_create_profile_amt => fnd_api.g_true, x_cust_account_id => x_cust_account_id, x_account_number => l_account_number, x_party_id => l_party_id, x_party_number => l_party_number, x_profile_id => l_profile_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/帐户/创建 | ||
40 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户帐户 | API | hz_cust_account_v2pub.update_cust_account | BEGIN SELECT cust_account_id, object_version_number INTO l_cust_account_id, l_object_version_num FROM hz_cust_accounts WHERE party_id = 20054 AND account_number = ‘test_account_003‘ AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_cust_account_id := NULL; l_object_version_num := NULL; END; IF l_cust_account_id IS NOT NULL AND l_object_version_num IS NOT NULL THEN l_cust_account_rec.cust_account_id := l_cust_account_id; l_cust_account_rec.customer_type := ‘R‘; --l_cust_account_rec.status := p_status; l_cust_account_rec.account_name := ‘test_account_name_003_new‘; hz_cust_account_v2pub.update_cust_account(‘T‘, l_cust_account_rec, l_object_version_num, l_return_status, l_msg_count, l_msg_data); END IF; dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/帐户/更新 | ||
41 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户帐户关系 | API | hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_acct_relate | l_cust_acct_relate_rec.cust_account_id := x_cust_account_id; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.related_cust_account_id := 9043; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.customer_reciprocal_flag := ‘Y‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.bill_to_flag := ‘Y‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.ship_to_flag := ‘Y‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_acct_relate(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_acct_relate_rec => l_cust_acct_relate_rec, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/帐户关系/创建 | ||
42 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户帐户关系 | API | hz_cust_account_v2pub.update_cust_acct_relate | l_cust_acct_relate_rec.cust_account_id := l_cust_account_id; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.related_cust_account_id := 9043; --l_cust_acct_relate_rec.customer_reciprocal_flag := ‘N‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.bill_to_flag := ‘N‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.ship_to_flag := ‘N‘; l_cust_acct_relate_rec.status := ‘I‘; BEGIN SELECT car.object_version_number INTO l_object_version_num FROM hz_cust_acct_relate car WHERE car.cust_account_id = l_cust_account_id AND car.related_cust_account_id = 9043 AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_object_version_num := NULL; END; hz_cust_account_v2pub.update_cust_acct_relate(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_acct_relate_rec => l_cust_acct_relate_rec, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_num, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); dbms_output.put_line(l_return_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/帐户关系/更新 | ||
43 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户联系人 | API | hz_party_v2pub.create_person | lrec_person.person_first_name := ‘李四-014‘; lrec_person.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; lrec_party.status := ‘A‘; lrec_party.validated_flag := ‘N‘; lrec_party.party_number := l_party_number; lrec_person.party_rec := lrec_party; hz_party_v2pub.create_person(p_person_rec => lrec_person, p_party_usage_code => ‘ORG_CONTACT‘, x_party_id => x_party_id, x_party_number => l_party_number, x_profile_id => l_profile_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/联系人/创建 | ||
44 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新客户联系人 | API | hz_party_v2pub.update_person | SELECT hr.subject_id, hp.object_version_number INTO l_person_id, l_person_version FROM hz_cust_account_roles hcar, hz_relationships hr, hz_parties hp WHERE hcar.party_id = hr.party_id AND hr.directional_flag = ‘F‘ AND hr.subject_id = hp.party_id AND hcar.cust_account_role_id = p_cust_account_role_id; lrec_person.person_first_name := p_interface_data.contact_name; --lrec_person.created_by_module := g_created_by_module; lrec_party.party_id := l_person_id; lrec_party.status := ‘A‘; lrec_party.validated_flag := ‘N‘; lrec_person.party_rec := lrec_party; hz_party_v2pub.update_person(p_person_rec => lrec_person, p_party_object_version_number => l_person_version, x_profile_id => l_profile_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/联系人/更新 | ||
45 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户与联系人的关系 | API | hz_relationship_v2pub.create_relationship_with_usg | lrec_relationship.subject_type := ‘PERSON‘; lrec_relationship.subject_id := x_party_id; lrec_relationship.subject_table_name := ‘HZ_PARTIES‘; lrec_relationship.object_type := ‘ORGANIZATION‘; lrec_relationship.object_id := 32045; lrec_relationship.object_table_name := ‘HZ_PARTIES‘; lrec_relationship.status := ‘A‘; lrec_relationship.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; lrec_relationship.relationship_code := ‘CONTACT_OF‘; lrec_relationship.relationship_type := ‘CONTACT‘; --lrec_relationship.party_rec := lrec_party; hz_relationship_v2pub.create_relationship_with_usg(p_relationship_rec => lrec_relationship, x_relationship_id => l_relationship_id, x_party_id => x_party_id, x_party_number => l_party_number, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_contact_party_id => NULL, p_contact_party_usage_code => NULL); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/联系人/关联关系 | ||
46 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建客户帐户角色(用途) | API | hz_cust_account_role_v2pub.create_cust_account_role | lrec_role.party_id := x_party_id; lrec_role.cust_account_id := 11043; lrec_role.cust_acct_site_id := 1367; lrec_role.status := ‘A‘; lrec_role.created_by_module := ‘HZ_CPUI‘; lrec_role.role_type := ‘CONTACT‘; hz_cust_account_role_v2pub.create_cust_account_role(p_cust_account_role_rec => lrec_role, x_cust_account_role_id => l_role_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/帐户角色/创建 | ||
47 | 12.1.3 | AR | 创建联系方式 | API | hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point | IF p_type = ‘CELL_PHONE‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘MOBILE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.cell_phone; ELSIF p_type = ‘PHONE‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘GEN‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.phone; ELSIF p_type = ‘SHOP_TEL‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘GEN_SHOP‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.shop_tel; ELSIF p_type = ‘EMAIL‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘EMAIL‘; l_email_rec.email_address := p_interface_data.email; END IF; l_contact_point_rec_type.status := ‘A‘; l_contact_point_rec_type.owner_table_name := p_owner_table; l_contact_point_rec_type.owner_table_id := p_owner_id; l_contact_point_rec_type.created_by_module := g_created_by_module; hz_contact_point_v2pub.create_contact_point(p_contact_point_rec => l_contact_point_rec_type, p_email_rec => l_email_rec, p_phone_rec => l_phone_rec, x_contact_point_id => l_contact_point_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/联系方式/创建 | ||
48 | 12.1.3 | AR | 更新联系方式 | API | hz_contact_point_v2pub.update_contact_point | IF p_type = ‘CELL_PHONE‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘MOBILE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.cell_phone; ELSIF p_type = ‘PHONE‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘GEN‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.phone; ELSIF p_type = ‘SHOP_TEL‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘PHONE‘; l_phone_rec.phone_line_type := ‘GEN_SHOP‘; l_phone_rec.phone_number := p_interface_data.shop_tel; ELSIF p_type = ‘EMAIL‘ THEN l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_type := ‘EMAIL‘; l_email_rec.email_address := p_interface_data.email; END IF; l_contact_point_rec_type.status := ‘A‘; l_contact_point_rec_type.contact_point_id := p_contact_point_id; l_contact_point_rec_type.primary_flag := ‘Y‘; --l_contact_point_rec_type.created_by_module := g_created_by_module; hz_contact_point_v2pub.update_contact_point(p_contact_point_rec => l_contact_point_rec_type, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_email_rec => l_email_rec, p_phone_rec => l_phone_rec, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 客户/联系方式/更新 | ||
49 | 12.1.3 | BOM | 复制工艺路线 | API | bom_copy_routing.copy_routing | DECLARE l_routing_sequence_id NUMBER := bom_operation_sequences_s.nextval; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1111, resp_id => 50657, resp_appl_id => 706); bom_copy_routing.copy_routing(to_sequence_id => 131006, --l_routing_sequence_id, from_sequence_id => 94002, from_org_id => 81, to_org_id => 81, to_item_id => 3008, direction => 1, to_alternate => ‘HFV‘, rev_date => SYSDATE); dbms_output.put_line(l_routing_sequence_id); END; |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 工艺路线 | ||
50 | 12.1.3 | BOM | 创建工艺路线 | API | bom_rtg_pub.process_rtg | "--init g_rtg_header_rec := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_rtg_header_rec; g_rtg_revs_tbl := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_rtg_revision_tbl; g_op_tbl := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_operation_tbl; g_op_res_tbl := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_op_resource_tbl; g_sub_op_res_tbl := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_sub_resource_tbl; g_nwk_tbl := bom_rtg_pub.g_miss_op_network_tbl; --assigment value g_rtg_header_rec.assembly_item_name := p_assembly_item_name; g_rtg_header_rec.organization_code := p_organization_code; --rtg_header_rec.ORGANIZATION_CODE g_rtg_header_rec.alternate_routing_code := p_alternate; --rtg_header_rec.ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR g_rtg_header_rec.eng_routing_flag := p_eng_routing_flag; -- 2=Engineering routing 1=Manufacturing routing --g_rtg_header_rec.common_assembly_item_name := rtg_header_rec.common_item_number; g_rtg_header_rec.routing_comment := p_routing_comment; --g_rtg_header_rec.completion_subinventory := rtg_header_rec.completion_subinventory; --g_rtg_header_rec.completion_location_name := rtg_header_rec.location_name; --g_rtg_header_rec.line_code := rtg_header_rec.line_code; --g_rtg_header_rec.cfm_routing_flag := rtg_header_rec.cfm_routing_flag; g_rtg_header_rec.mixed_model_map_flag := p_mixed_model_map_flag; --rtg_header_rec.mixed_model_map_flag; --g_rtg_header_rec.priority := rtg_header_rec.priority; --g_rtg_header_rec.total_cycle_time := rtg_header_rec.total_product_cycle_time; g_rtg_header_rec.ctp_flag := p_ctp_flag; --rtg_header_rec.ctp_flag; g_rtg_header_rec.original_system_reference := p_original_system_ref; --rtg_header_rec.original_system_reference; -- newly added g_rtg_header_rec.transaction_type := ‘CREATE‘; --g_rtg_header_rec.delete_group_name := rtg_header_rec.delete_group_name; -- newly added --g_rtg_header_rec.dg_description := rtg_header_rec.dg_description; -- newly added --g_rtg_header_rec.ser_start_op_seq := rtg_header_rec.serialization_start_op; -- newly added --g_rtg_header_rec.row_identifier := g_rtg_header_rec.original_system_reference; -- newly added ******** --g_rtg_header_rec.return_status := ‘‘; --call api bom_rtg_pub.process_rtg(p_bo_identifier => ‘RTG‘, p_api_version_number => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => TRUE, p_rtg_header_rec => g_rtg_header_rec, p_rtg_revision_tbl => g_rtg_revs_tbl, p_operation_tbl => g_op_tbl, p_op_resource_tbl => g_op_res_tbl, p_sub_resource_tbl => g_sub_op_res_tbl, p_op_network_tbl => g_nwk_tbl, x_rtg_header_rec => g_rtg_header_rec, x_rtg_revision_tbl => g_rtg_revs_tbl, x_operation_tbl => g_op_tbl, x_op_resource_tbl => g_op_res_tbl, x_sub_resource_tbl => g_sub_op_res_tbl, x_op_network_tbl => g_nwk_tbl, x_return_status => l_ret_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, p_debug => ‘N‘, p_output_dir => ‘none‘, p_debug_filename => ‘none‘); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 工艺路线/导入 | ||
51 | 12.1.3 | BOM | 创建物料清单 | API | BOM_BO_PUB.PROCESS_BOM | "-- BOM l_bom_header_rec.transaction_type := ‘CREATE‘; l_bom_header_rec.organization_code := l_cur_mfg_org_code; l_bom_header_rec.assembly_item_name := ‘CN92777‘; l_bom_header_rec.alternate_bom_code := ‘SBOM‘; l_bom_header_rec.bom_implementation_date := SYSDATE; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).transaction_type := ‘CREATE‘; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).organization_code := l_bom_header_rec.organization_code; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).assembly_item_name := l_bom_header_rec.assembly_item_name; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).alternate_bom_code := l_bom_header_rec.alternate_bom_code; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).item_sequence_number := 10; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).component_item_name := ‘SB56349‘; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).quantity_per_assembly := 123; l_bom_component_tbl(l_index).start_effective_date := l_bom_header_rec.bom_implementation_date;*/ BOM_BO_PUB.PROCESS_BOM(P_BO_IDENTIFIER => ‘BOM‘, P_API_VERSION_NUMBER => 1.0, P_INIT_MSG_LIST => TRUE, P_BOM_HEADER_REC => P_BOM_HEADER_REC, P_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL => P_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL, X_BOM_HEADER_REC => X_BOM_HEADER_REC, X_BOM_REVISION_TBL => X_BOM_REVISION_TBL, X_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL => X_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL, X_BOM_REF_DESIGNATOR_TBL => X_BOM_REF_DESIGNATOR_TBL, X_BOM_SUB_COMPONENT_TBL => X_BOM_SUB_COMPONENT_TBL, X_BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL => X_BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL, X_RETURN_STATUS => X_RETURN_STATUS, X_MSG_COUNT => X_MSG_COUNT, P_DEBUG => ‘Y‘, P_OUTPUT_DIR => ‘/usr/tmp‘); --Result IF X_RETURN_STATUS <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN ERROR_HANDLER.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(X_MESSAGE_LIST => X_MESSAGE_LIST); FOR I IN 1 .. X_MESSAGE_LIST.COUNT LOOP XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘BO Identifier : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .BO_IDENTIFIER); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Organization ID : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .ORGANIZATION_ID); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Entity ID : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .ENTITY_ID); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Message Text : ‘ || SUBSTR(X_MESSAGE_LIST(I).MESSAGE_TEXT, 1, 200)); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Entity Index : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .ENTITY_INDEX); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Message Type : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .MESSAGE_TYPE); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Table Name : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .TABLE_NAME); XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(‘Row Identifier : ‘ || X_MESSAGE_LIST(I) .ROW_IDENTIFIER); END LOOP; IF (X_RETURN_STATUS = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; ELSIF (X_RETURN_STATUS = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR; END IF; ELSE XXFND_CONC_UTL.LOG_MSG(X_BOM_HEADER_REC.ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME); END IF; |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | BOM/物料清单/导入 | ||
52 | 12.1.1 | BOM | 流式工艺路线绘图 | API | bom_op_network_util.perform_writes | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | Flow Routing/连线绘图 | |||
53 | 12.1.1 | BOM | 创建ECO | API | Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | ECO/导入 | |||
54 | 12.0.6 | BOM | 物料清单展开 | API | bompexpl.exploder_userexit | bompexpl.exploder_userexit(verify_flag => NULL, org_id => p_org_id, order_by => 1, grp_id => x_group_id, session_id => NULL, levels_to_explode => 10000000, bom_or_eng => 1, impl_flag => 1, plan_factor_flag => NULL, explode_option => p_explode_option, --1:all, 2:current, 3:current and future module => 2, cst_type_id => NULL, std_comp_flag => 2, expl_qty => 1, item_id => p_item_id, alt_desg => NULL, comp_code => NULL, rev_date => to_char(SYSDATE,‘yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss‘), err_msg => l_error_message, ERROR_CODE => l_error_code); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料清单展开 | ||
55 | 12.0.6 | BOM | 物料成本导入/更新 | 接口 | BOM.CSTPCIMP | v_num_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘BOM‘, program => ‘CSTPCIMP‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => 1, --Import cost only argument2 => 2, --Mode to run this request argument3 => 1, --Group ID option argument4 => 1, --Group ID Dummy argument5 => v_num_tmp, --Group ID argument6 => l_cost_type, --Cost type to import to argument7 => i_chr_delete_flag --Delete successful rows ); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料成本/导入/更新 | ||
56 | 12.0.6 | BOM | 物料清单导入/更新 | 接口 | BOM.BMCOIN | l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘BOM‘, ‘BMCOIN‘, ‘‘, to_char(SYSDATE, ‘YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS‘), FALSE, l_organization_id, 2, --All organizations(N) 2, --Import Routing(N) 1, --Import BOM(Y) 2, --Delete Processed Rows(N) g_request_id, chr(0)); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料清单/导入/更新 | ||
57 | 12.0.6 | BOM | 工艺路线导入/更新 | 接口 | BOM.BMCOIN | l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘BOM‘, program => ‘BMCOIN‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => l_organization_id, --Organization id argument2 => 2, --All organizations(N) argument3 => 1, --Import Routing(Y) argument4 => 2, --Import BOM(N) argument5 => 1 --Delete Processed Rows ); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 工艺路线/导入/更新 | ||
58 | 12.1.3 | BOM | ECO导入 | 接口 | BOM.ENGCHGIMP | 接口表:bom_inventory_comps_interface eng_revised_items_interface eng_eng_changes_interface |
fnd_request.submit_request(‘ENG‘, ‘ENGCHGIMP‘, NULL, NULL, FALSE, l_eco_rec.organization_id, 1, 1, chr(0)) |
罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | ECO导入 | |
59 | 12.1.3 | CE | Bank Statement银行对账单导入 | 接口 | CE.ARPLABIM | 接口表: ce_statement_headers_int_all ce_statement_lines_interface 错误表: ce_header_interface_errors ce_line_interface_errors |
DECLARE l_iface_h_rec ce_statement_headers_int_all%ROWTYPE; l_iface_l_rec ce_statement_lines_interface%ROWTYPE; l_user_id NUMBER := 0; --User ID BEGIN --头表 l_iface_h_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_h_rec.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_iface_h_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_h_rec.created_by := l_user_id; l_iface_h_rec.org_id := 81; l_iface_h_rec.statement_number := ‘CMTEST000004‘; l_iface_h_rec.bank_account_num := ‘00648708404001‘; l_iface_h_rec.bank_name := ‘中国银行‘; l_iface_h_rec.bank_branch_name := ‘合肥市经开区分理处‘; l_iface_h_rec.statement_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_h_rec.control_begin_balance := 1000; l_iface_h_rec.control_total_dr := 100; --Payment l_iface_h_rec.control_total_cr := 50; --Receipt l_iface_h_rec.control_end_balance := 950; --control_end_balance = control_begin_balance - control_total_dr + control_total_cr l_iface_h_rec.record_status_flag := ‘N‘; l_iface_h_rec.currency_code := ‘CNY‘; INSERT INTO ce_statement_headers_int_all VALUES l_iface_h_rec; --行表 l_iface_l_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_l_rec.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_iface_l_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_l_rec.created_by := l_user_id; l_iface_l_rec.statement_number := ‘CMTEST000004‘; l_iface_l_rec.bank_account_num := ‘00648708404001‘; l_iface_l_rec.line_number := 1; l_iface_l_rec.trx_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_l_rec.trx_code := ‘PAY‘; --根据定义,决定到底是Receipt还是Payment l_iface_l_rec.amount := 50; --sum(receipt amount)-sum(Payment amount)=control_total_cr-control_total_dr INSERT INTO ce_statement_lines_interface VALUES l_iface_l_rec; END; |
功能导航 N: Cash Management/Bank Reconciliation/Bank Statements 官方文档 115ceug.pdf:Oracle Cash Management User Guide |
苏联章 | 2013/4/8 | 银行对账单/导入 |
60 | 12.0.6 | CST | 物料成本导入/更新 | API | cst_item_cost_import_interface.start_item_cost_import_process | cst_item_cost_import_interface.start_item_cost_import_process(error_number => l_error_num, i_next_value => l_cst_lists, i_grp_id => l_cst_lists, i_del_option => 2, -- not delete records after successful import i_cost_type => rec_cost_type.cost_type, i_run_option => p_run_option --Mode to run this request, 1: insert only mode, 2: rem and replace mode ); |
Mode to run this request, 1: insert only mode, 2: rem and replace mode | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料成本/导入/更新 | |
61 | 12.1.3 | FND | 获取关键性弹性域组合说明 | API | fnd_flex_keyval.concatenated_descriptions | FUNCTION get_key_concatenated_desc(p_appl_short_name VARCHAR2, p_key_flex_code VARCHAR2, p_coa_id NUMBER, p_accid NUMBER, p_data_set NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_desc VARCHAR2(2000); lb_value BOOLEAN; BEGIN lb_value := fnd_flex_keyval.validate_ccid(appl_short_name => p_appl_short_name, key_flex_code => p_key_flex_code, structure_number => p_coa_id, combination_id => p_accid, data_set => p_data_set); IF lb_value THEN lv_desc := fnd_flex_keyval.concatenated_descriptions; END IF; RETURN lv_desc; END get_key_concatenated_desc; |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 弹性域/说明 | ||
62 | 12.1.3 | FND | 验证键值弹性域 | API | fnd_flex_descval.validate_desccols | FUNCTION validate_desc_cols(pi_appl_short_name IN VARCHAR2 ,pi_desc_flex_name IN VARCHAR2 ,pi_validation_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE ,pi_enabled_activation IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE ,pi_resp_appl_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ,pi_resp_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , -- the following params are dff count and values pi_attributes_count IN NUMBER DEFAULT 15 ,pi_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute25 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute26 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute27 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute28 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute29 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pi_attribute30 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,po_attr_ids OUT fnd_flex_server1.valueidarray --,po_err_seg_num OUT NUMBER ,po_err_msg OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS lb_dummy BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- clear column values buffer fnd_flex_descval.clear_column_values; -- set context value fnd_flex_descval.set_context_value(pi_attribute_category); IF pi_attributes_count > 30 OR pi_attributes_count <= 0 THEN raise_application_error(-20001 ,‘Invalid value pi_attributes_count when calling validate_dff_value‘); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 1 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE1‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute1); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 2 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE2‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute2); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 3 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE3‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute3); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 4 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE4‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute4); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 5 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE5‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute5); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 6 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE6‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute6); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 7 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE7‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute7); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 8 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE8‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute8); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 9 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE9‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute9); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 10 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE10‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute10); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 11 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE11‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute11); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 12 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE12‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute12); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 13 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE13‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute13); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 14 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE14‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute14); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 15 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE15‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute15); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 16 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE16‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute16); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 17 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE17‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute17); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 18 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE18‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute18); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 19 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE19‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute19); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 20 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE20‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute20); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 21 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE21‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute21); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 22 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE22‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute22); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 23 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE23‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute23); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 24 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE24‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute24); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 25 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE25‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute25); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 26 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE26‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute26); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 27 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE27‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute27); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 28 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE28‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute28); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count >= 29 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE29‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute29); END IF; IF pi_attributes_count = 30 THEN fnd_flex_descval.set_column_value(column_name => ‘ATTRIBUTE30‘ ,column_value => pi_attribute30); END IF; -- Use standard API to validate attribute values lb_dummy := fnd_flex_descval.validate_desccols(appl_short_name => pi_appl_short_name ,desc_flex_name => pi_desc_flex_name ,values_or_ids => ‘V‘ , /* We always transfer dff values for validation */validation_date => pi_validation_date ,enabled_activation => pi_enabled_activation ,resp_appl_id => pi_resp_appl_id ,resp_id => pi_resp_id); IF NOT lb_dummy THEN --po_err_seg_num := fnd_flex_descval.error_segment; po_err_msg := ‘Attribute‘ || fnd_flex_descval.error_segment || ‘:‘ || fnd_flex_descval.error_message; RETURN FALSE; END IF; -- init return table FOR i IN 1 .. pi_attributes_count LOOP po_attr_ids(i) := ‘‘; END LOOP; -- Set attributes id -- NOTE: 1. fnd_flex_descval.segment_count always >=1; -- 2. We donot need attribute_category id, context has no id. FOR i IN 1 .. fnd_flex_descval.segment_count LOOP IF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE1‘ THEN po_attr_ids(1) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE2‘ THEN po_attr_ids(2) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE3‘ THEN po_attr_ids(3) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE4‘ THEN po_attr_ids(4) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE5‘ THEN po_attr_ids(5) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE6‘ THEN po_attr_ids(6) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE7‘ THEN po_attr_ids(7) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE8‘ THEN po_attr_ids(8) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE9‘ THEN po_attr_ids(9) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE10‘ THEN po_attr_ids(10) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE11‘ THEN po_attr_ids(11) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE12‘ THEN po_attr_ids(12) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE13‘ THEN po_attr_ids(13) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE14‘ THEN po_attr_ids(14) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE15‘ THEN po_attr_ids(15) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE16‘ THEN po_attr_ids(16) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE17‘ THEN po_attr_ids(17) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE18‘ THEN po_attr_ids(18) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE19‘ THEN po_attr_ids(19) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE20‘ THEN po_attr_ids(20) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE21‘ THEN po_attr_ids(21) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE22‘ THEN po_attr_ids(22) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE23‘ THEN po_attr_ids(23) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE24‘ THEN po_attr_ids(24) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE25‘ THEN po_attr_ids(25) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE26‘ THEN po_attr_ids(26) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE27‘ THEN po_attr_ids(27) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE28‘ THEN po_attr_ids(28) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE29‘ THEN po_attr_ids(29) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); ELSIF fnd_flex_descval.segment_column_name(i) = ‘ATTRIBUTE30‘ THEN po_attr_ids(30) := fnd_flex_descval.segment_id(i); END IF; END LOOP; --po_err_seg_num := ‘‘; po_err_msg := ‘‘; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN po_err_msg := gvc_tab1 || ‘**Error03.91: Raise error when validate DFF.‘ || fnd_global.newline || gvc_tab1 || -sqlcode || ‘,‘ || REPLACE(SQLERRM, gvc_new_line, gvc_new_line || gvc_tab1); RETURN FALSE; END; |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 弹性域/验证 | ||
63 | 12.1.3 | FND | 获取币种格式掩码 | API | fnd_currency.get_format_mask | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 币种/掩码 | |||
64 | 12.1.3 | GL | 汇率转换 | API | gl_currency_api.get_rate | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 汇率/币种 | |||
65 | 12.1.3 | GL | 查询单段帐户组合的描述 | API | gl_flexfields_pkg.get_description_sql | SELECT gl_flexfields_pkg.get_description_sql(gcc.chart_of_accounts_id, 1, gcc.segment1) FROM gl_code_combinations gcc |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 帐户组合/描述/单段 | ||
66 | 12.1.3 | GL | 查询完整帐户组合的描述 | API | gl_flexfields_pkg.get_concat_description | SELECT gl_flexfields_pkg.get_concat_description(gcc.chart_of_accounts_id, gcc.code_combination_id) FROM gl_code_combinations gcc |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 帐户组合/描述 | ||
67 | 12.1.3 | GL | 币种金额转换 | API | gl_currency_api.convert_amount | gl_currency_api.convert_amount ( x_from_currency VARCHAR2, x_to_currency VARCHAR2, x_conversion_date DATE,--一般取期间最后一天 x_conversion_type VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,--转换类型,一般是Corporate x_amount NUMBER ) |
陈范冬 | 2013/4/1 | 币种/金额转换 | ||
68 | 12.1.3 | GL | 日记账导入 | 接口 | SQLGL.GLLEZL | gl_interface gl_interface_control |
DECLARE l_iface_rec gl_interface%ROWTYPE; l_request_id NUMBER; l_set_of_books_id NUMBER := 2021; l_user_je_source_name gl_je_sources_tl.user_je_source_name%TYPE := ‘人工‘; l_user_je_category_name gl_je_categories_tl.user_je_category_name%TYPE := ‘记帐凭证‘; l_je_source_name gl_je_sources_tl.je_source_name%TYPE; l_interface_run_id NUMBER; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 0, resp_id => 20434, resp_appl_id => 101); --submit request SELECT MAX(jes.je_source_name) INTO l_je_source_name FROM gl_je_sources_vl jes WHERE jes.user_je_source_name = l_user_je_source_name; SELECT gl_interface_control_s.nextval INTO l_interface_run_id FROM dual; SELECT gl_interface_control_s.nextval INTO l_iface_rec.group_id FROM dual; l_iface_rec.status := ‘NEW‘; l_iface_rec.set_of_books_id := l_set_of_books_id; l_iface_rec.accounting_date := SYSDATE + 1; --有效日期 l_iface_rec.date_created := SYSDATE; l_iface_rec.period_name := ‘2012-12‘; --期间 l_iface_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_iface_rec.actual_flag := ‘A‘; l_iface_rec.user_je_source_name := l_user_je_source_name; l_iface_rec.user_je_category_name := l_user_je_category_name; l_iface_rec.reference1 := ‘TestBatchName010‘; l_iface_rec.reference4 := ‘Test JL first name 010001‘; l_iface_rec.reference5 := ‘Reference5‘; --头说明 l_iface_rec.reference10 := ‘Reference10‘; --行说明 l_iface_rec.currency_code := ‘CNY‘; --dr l_iface_rec.code_combination_id := 48809; l_iface_rec.entered_dr := 100; l_iface_rec.accounted_dr := 100; l_iface_rec.entered_cr := NULL; l_iface_rec.accounted_cr := NULL; INSERT INTO gl_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; --cr l_iface_rec.code_combination_id := 48809; l_iface_rec.entered_dr := NULL; l_iface_rec.accounted_dr := NULL; l_iface_rec.entered_cr := 100; l_iface_rec.accounted_cr := 100; INSERT INTO gl_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; --start test l_iface_rec.status := ‘NEW‘; l_iface_rec.set_of_books_id := l_set_of_books_id; l_iface_rec.accounting_date := SYSDATE + 1; --有效日期 l_iface_rec.date_created := SYSDATE; l_iface_rec.period_name := ‘2012-12‘; --期间 l_iface_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_iface_rec.actual_flag := ‘A‘; l_iface_rec.user_je_source_name := l_user_je_source_name; l_iface_rec.user_je_category_name := l_user_je_category_name; l_iface_rec.reference1 := ‘TestBatchName010‘; l_iface_rec.reference4 := ‘Test JL first name 010002‘; l_iface_rec.reference5 := ‘Reference5‘; --头说明 l_iface_rec.reference10 := ‘Reference10‘; --行说明 l_iface_rec.currency_code := ‘CNY‘; --dr l_iface_rec.code_combination_id := 48809; l_iface_rec.entered_dr := 100; l_iface_rec.accounted_dr := 100; l_iface_rec.entered_cr := NULL; l_iface_rec.accounted_cr := NULL; INSERT INTO gl_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; --cr l_iface_rec.code_combination_id := 48809; l_iface_rec.entered_dr := NULL; l_iface_rec.accounted_dr := NULL; l_iface_rec.entered_cr := 100; l_iface_rec.accounted_cr := 100; INSERT INTO gl_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; --end test INSERT INTO gl_interface_control (je_source_name, group_id, interface_run_id, set_of_books_id, status) VALUES (l_je_source_name, l_iface_rec.group_id, l_interface_run_id, l_set_of_books_id, ‘S‘); l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘SQLGL‘, ‘GLLEZL‘, ‘‘, to_char(SYSDATE, ‘YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS‘), FALSE, l_interface_run_id, l_set_of_books_id, --帐套id ‘N‘, NULL, NULL, ‘N‘, ‘O‘, chr(0)); COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line(‘Request ID ‘ || l_request_id); END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 日记账/导入 | |
69 | 12.1.1 | HR | 创建HR职务 | API | hr_job_api.create_job | hr_job_api.create_job(p_validate => FALSE, p_business_group_id => 0, p_date_from => to_date(‘1-1-1950‘, ‘MM-DD-RRRR‘), p_job_group_id => 1, p_segment1 => ‘HEA‘, p_segment2 => ‘SPPM‘, p_segment3 => ‘SECTION MANAGER‘, p_language_code => hr_api.userenv_lang, p_job_id => x_job_id, p_object_version_number => x_object_version_number, p_job_definition_id => x_job_definition_id, p_name => x_name); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | HR JOB/创建 | ||
70 | 12.1.1 | HR | 更新HR分配 | API | hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria | hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria(p_effective_date => SYSDATE, p_datetrack_update_mode => hr_api.g_correction, p_assignment_id => 1630, p_validate => FALSE, p_called_from_mass_update => FALSE, p_grade_id => hr_api.g_number, --p_position_id => 4142, p_job_id => 3083, --x_job_id, p_payroll_id => hr_api.g_number, p_location_id => hr_api.g_number, p_organization_id => 84, --p_segment1 =>‘SHE FAC‘, p_pay_basis_id => hr_api.g_number, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_special_ceiling_step_id => x_special_ceiling_step_id, p_people_group_id => x_people_group_id, p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => x_soft_coding_keyflex_id, p_group_name => x_group_name, p_effective_start_date => x_effective_start_date, p_effective_end_date => x_effective_end_date, p_org_now_no_manager_warning => x_org_now_no_manager_warning, p_other_manager_warning => x_other_manager_warning, p_spp_delete_warning => x_spp_delete_warning, p_entries_changed_warning => x_entries_changed_warning, p_tax_district_changed_warning => x_tax_district_changed_warning, p_concatenated_segments => x_concatenated_segments, p_gsp_post_process_warning => x_gsp_post_process_warning); |
hr_job_api.create_job创建完成后就已经创建的了assign,所以assign信息只用更新 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | HR Job Assign/更新 | |
71 | 12.1.1 | HR | 创建职位 | API | hr_position_api.create_position | hr_position_api.create_position(p_validate => FALSE, p_job_id => 92, p_organization_id => 84, p_date_effective => SYSDATE, p_working_hours => 40, p_frequency => ‘W‘, p_time_normal_start => ‘09:00‘, p_time_normal_finish => ‘17:30‘, p_location_id => 144, p_segment1 => ‘SHE_HQ‘, p_segment2 => ‘Account - Finance Division‘, p_segment3 => ‘Acting Department Manager‘, p_position_id => x_position_id, p_object_version_number => x_object_version_number, p_position_definition_id => x_position_definition_id, p_name => x_name); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | HR/职位/创建 | ||
72 | 12.1.1 | HR | 创建员工 | API | hr_employee_api.create_employee | hr_employee_api.create_employee(p_validate => FALSE, p_business_group_id => p_data_rec.business_group_id, p_hire_date => p_data_rec.start_working_date, p_last_name => p_data_rec.name_english, p_sex => p_data_rec.sex, p_person_type_id => p_data_rec.employee_type_id, p_date_of_birth => p_data_rec.date_of_birth, p_employee_number => l_employee_number, p_attribute1 => p_data_rec.name_thai, p_attribute2 => p_data_rec.ldap_id, p_person_id => x_person_id, p_assignment_id => x_assignment_id, p_per_object_version_number => x_per_object_version_number, p_asg_object_version_number => x_asg_object_version_number, p_per_effective_start_date => x_per_effective_start_date, p_per_effective_end_date => x_per_effective_end_date, p_full_name => x_full_name, p_per_comment_id => x_per_comment_id, p_assignment_sequence => x_assignment_sequence, p_assignment_number => x_assignment_number, p_name_combination_warning => x_name_combination_warning, p_assign_payroll_warning => x_assign_payroll_warning, p_orig_hire_warning => x_orig_hire_warning); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | HR/员工/创建 | ||
73 | 12.1.1 | HR | 解雇雇员 | APi | hr_ex_employee_api.actual_termination_emp | hr_ex_employee_api.actual_termination_emp(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => g_sysdate, p_period_of_service_id => l_period_of_service_id, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_actual_termination_date => p_data_rec.resign_date, p_last_standard_process_date => l_last_standard_process_date, p_leaving_reason => p_data_rec.resign_reason_code, p_supervisor_warning => x_supervisor_warning, p_event_warning => x_event_warning, p_interview_warning => x_interview_warning, p_review_warning => x_review_warning, p_recruiter_warning => x_recruiter_warning, p_asg_future_changes_warning => x_asg_future_changes_warning, p_entries_changed_warning => x_entries_changed_warning, p_pay_proposal_warning => x_pay_proposal_warning, p_dod_warning => x_dod_warning, p_alu_change_warning => x_alu_change_warning); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | HR/雇员/解雇 | ||
74 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 创建供应商头/地点付款方法 | API | iby_disbursement_setup_pub.create_external_payee | p_ext_payee_tab使用iby_disbursement_setup_pub.external_payee_tab_type | 处理结果返回给参数x_ext_payee_status_tab,使用类型iby_disbursement_setup_pub.ext_payee_create_tab_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/付款方法 | |
75 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 更行供应商头/地点付款方法 | API | iby_disbursement_setup_pub.update_external_payee | p_ext_payee_tab使用iby_disbursement_setup_pub.external_payee_tab_type; p_ext_payee_id_tab使用iby_disbursement_setup_pub.ext_payee_id_tab_type |
处理结果返回给参数x_ext_payee_status_tab,使用类型iby_disbursement_setup_pub.ext_payee_update_tab_type | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 供应商/付款方法 | |
76 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 创建银行 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list, p_ext_bank_rec => p_extbank_rec_type, x_bank_id => l_bank_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_response => x_response); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行/创建 | ||
77 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 更行银行 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.update_ext_bank | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行/更新 | |||
78 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 创建银行分行 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_branch | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_branch(p_api_version => p_api_version, p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list, p_ext_bank_branch_rec => p_ext_bank_branch_rec, x_branch_id => l_branch_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_response => x_response); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行分行/创建 | ||
79 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 更新银行分行 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.update_ext_bank_branch | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行分行/更新 | |||
80 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 创建银行账户 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_acct | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_acct(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list, p_ext_bank_acct_rec => p_ext_bank_acct_rec, p_association_level => ‘SS‘, p_supplier_site_id => p_supplier_site_id, p_party_site_id => p_party_site_id, p_org_id => p_org_id, p_org_type => ‘OPERATING_UNIT‘, x_acct_id => l_acct_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_response => x_response); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行账户/创建 | ||
81 | 12.1.1 | IBY | 更新银行账户 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.create_ext_bank_acct | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 银行账户/更新 | |||
82 | 12.1.3 | IBY | 检查银行是否存在 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_bank_exist | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_bank_exist(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_country_code => p_interface_data.bill_to_country, p_bank_name => p_interface_data.bank, p_bank_number => NULL, x_response => r_response, x_bank_id => x_bank_id, x_end_date => v_end_date, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => v_msg_count, x_msg_data => v_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 银行/检查 | ||
83 | 12.1.3 | IBY | 检查支行是否存在 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_ext_bank_branch_exist | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_ext_bank_branch_exist(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_bank_id => x_bank_id, p_branch_name => p_interface_data.branch, p_branch_number => NULL, x_response => r_response, x_branch_id => x_branch_id, x_end_date => v_end_date, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => v_msg_count, x_msg_data => v_msg_data); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 银行/支行/检查 | ||
84 | 12.1.3 | IBY | 检查银行账户是否存在 | API | iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_ext_acct_exist | v_ext_bank_acct_rec.bank_id := x_bank_id; v_ext_bank_acct_rec.branch_id := x_branch_id; v_ext_bank_acct_rec.country_code := p_interface_data.bill_to_country; v_ext_bank_acct_rec.acct_owner_party_id := v_party_id; v_ext_bank_acct_rec.bank_account_num := p_interface_data.bank_account; --v_ext_bank_acct_rec.currency := ‘CNY‘; iby_ext_bankacct_pub.check_ext_acct_exist(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_ext_bank_acct_rec => v_ext_bank_acct_rec, x_acct_id => x_bank_acct_id, x_start_date => v_start_date, x_end_date => v_end_date, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => v_msg_count, x_msg_data => v_msg_data, x_response => r_response); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 银行/账户/检查 | ||
85 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料搬运单头 | API | inv_move_order_pub.create_move_order_header | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料搬运单/导入 | |||
86 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建保留 | API | inv_reservation_form_pkg.create_reservation | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 保留/导入 | |||
87 | 12.1.3 | INV | 释放保留 | API | inv_reservation_form_pkg.delete_reservation | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 保留/释放 | |||
88 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料 | API | inv_item_grp.create_item | inv_item_grp.create_item(p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_item_rec => l_item_rec, x_item_rec => l_out_rec, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_error_tbl => l_error_tbl, p_template_name => rec.template_name); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料/导入 | ||
89 | 12.1.3 | INV | 更新物料 | API | inv_item_grp.update_item | inv_item_grp.update_item(p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_item_rec => l_item_rec, x_item_rec => l_out_rec, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_error_tbl => l_error_tbl, p_template_name => rec.template_name); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料/更新 | ||
90 | 12.0.6 | INV | 物料编码导入/更新 | 接口 | INV.INCOIN | ln_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘INV‘, ‘INCOIN‘, ‘‘, to_char(SYSDATE, ‘YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS‘), FALSE, gn_to_org_id, 2, --No 1, --Validate Items 1, 1, p_process_id, p_tran_mode,--1 CREATE 2 UPDATE chr(0)); |
可附带版本导入 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料编码/导入/更新 | |
91 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料类别 | API | inv_item_category_pub.create_category_assignment | inv_item_category_pub.create_category_assignment(p_api_version => ‘1.0‘, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_true, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_errorcode => l_errorcode, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_category_id => rec.category_id, p_category_set_id => rec.category_set_id, p_inventory_item_id => rec.inventory_item_id, p_organization_id => rec.organization_id); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料类别/导入 | ||
92 | 12.1.3 | INV | 更新物料类别 | API | inv_item_category_pub.update_category_assignment | inv_item_category_pub.update_category_assignment(p_api_version => ‘1.0‘, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_true, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_errorcode => l_errorcode, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_category_id => rec.category_id, p_old_category_id => l_old_category_id, p_category_set_id => rec.category_set_id, p_inventory_item_id => rec.inventory_item_id, p_organization_id => rec.organization_id); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料类别/更新 | ||
93 | 12.0.6 | INV | 物料类别分配导入 | 接口 | INV.INV_ITEM_CAT_ASSIGN_OI | v_num_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘INV‘, program => ‘INV_ITEM_CAT_ASSIGN_OI‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => v_num_tmp,--rec.batch_id, --Record Set Id argument2 => 1, --Upload Processed Records argument3 => 1 --Delete Processed Records ); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料类别分配/导入 | ||
94 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料目录 | API | inv_item_catalog_elem_pub.process_item_descr_elements | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 物料目录/导入 | |||
95 | 12.0.6 | INV | 创建物料默认子库 | API | inv_item_sub_default_pkg.insert_upd_item_sub_defaults | inv_item_sub_default_pkg.insert_upd_item_sub_defaults(p_organization_id => l_item_rec.organization_id, p_inventory_item_id => l_out_rec.inventory_item_id, p_subinventory_code => l_receiving_subinv, p_default_type => 2, --1. default shipping subinventory; 2. default receiving subinventory p_creation_date => SYSDATE, p_created_by => g_created_by, p_last_update_date => SYSDATE, p_last_updated_by => g_last_updated_by, p_process_code => ‘INSERT‘, p_commit => fnd_api.g_true, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); |
被INVIDIT2.Insert_Default_SubInventories调用,所以也可以用这个 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料默认子库/导入 | |
96 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料交叉参考 | API | mtl_cross_references_pub.process_xref | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 物料交叉参考/创建 | |||
97 | 12.1.1 | INV | 创建批次 | API | inv_lot_api_pub.create_inv_lot | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 批次/创建 | |||
98 | 12.1.3 | INV | 更新批次状态 | API | inv_material_status_pub.update_status | l_status_update_rec.organization_id := p_organization_id; l_status_update_rec.inventory_item_id := p_inventory_item_id; l_status_update_rec.lot_number := p_lot_number; l_status_update_rec.status_id := p_status_id; l_status_update_rec.update_method := p_update_method; l_status_update_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_status_update_rec.created_by := nvl(fnd_global.user_id, -1); l_status_update_rec.last_updated_by := nvl(fnd_global.user_id, -1); l_status_update_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_status_update_rec.last_update_login := nvl(fnd_global.login_id, -1); inv_material_status_pub.update_status(p_api_version_number => 1, p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_object_type => ‘O‘, p_status_rec => l_status_update_rec); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 批次/状态/更新 | ||
99 | 12.1.3 | INV | 获取现有量 | API | inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities | “--at first ,clear cache inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache; inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(p_api_version_number => 1.0, p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id, p_tree_mode => 3, p_is_revision_control => l_is_revision_control, p_is_lot_control => l_is_lot_control, p_is_serial_control => l_is_serial_control, p_grade_code => NULL, p_demand_source_type_id => -1, p_demand_source_header_id => -1, p_demand_source_line_id => -1, p_demand_source_name => NULL, p_lot_expiration_date => SYSDATE, p_revision => NULL, p_lot_number => p_lot_number, p_subinventory_code => p_subinventory, p_locator_id => p_locator_id, p_onhand_source => 3, x_qoh => l_qty_on_hand, x_rqoh => l_qty_res_on_hand, x_qr => l_qty_res, x_qs => l_qty_sug, x_att => l_qty_att, x_atr => l_qty_available_to_reserve, x_sqoh => l_sqty_on_hand, x_srqoh => l_sqty_res_on_hand, x_sqr => l_sqty_res, x_sqs => l_sqty_sug, x_satt => l_sqty_att, x_satr => l_sqty_available_to_reserve); |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 现有量 | ||
100 | 12.0.6 | INV | 创建物料事务处理 | API | mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online | l_success := mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online(p_transaction_header_id => l_iface_rec.transaction_header_id, p_timeout => l_timeout, p_error_code => l_error_code, p_error_explanation => l_error_explanation); |
期初现有量导入可通过物料事务处理的别名入库、出库或者组织间转移来实现 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 物料事务处理/现有量/导入 | |
101 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建现有量(物料事务处理) | API | inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions | DECLARE l_mti_row mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE; l_id NUMBER := -1; l_user_id NUMBER := 26673; l_outcome boolean := false; l_mtli_row mtl_transaction_lots_interface%rowtype; l_error_code VARCHAR2(4000); l_error_explanation VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval INTO l_id FROM dual; --插入mtl_transactions_interface l_mti_row.transaction_interface_id := l_id; l_mti_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_mti_row.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.created_by := l_user_id; l_mti_row.last_update_login := -1; l_mti_row.transaction_header_id := l_id; l_mti_row.transaction_mode := 3;--一般都为3 l_mti_row.process_flag := 1;--一般都为1 l_mti_row.transaction_type_id := 35; --投料--物料事务处理类型id /* 账户别名杂项,用别名ID即disposition_id 账户杂项,用账户ID即code_combination_id WIP物料事务,用任务ID即wip_entity_id SO物料事务,用mtl_sales_orders.sales_order_id 子库转移或组织间转移,为空 */ l_mti_row.transaction_source_id := 32936523;--工单号--WIP事务处理 l_mti_row.organization_id := 650;--库存组织id l_mti_row.inventory_item_id := 15867632;--物料id l_mti_row.subinventory_code := ‘L11101‘;--子库从 l_mti_row.transaction_quantity := -1;--减少为负数 l_mti_row.transaction_uom := ‘PCS‘;--单位的code l_mti_row.transaction_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.source_code := ‘Test Only‘;--自定义,用于追溯 l_mti_row.source_header_id := 987654321;--自定义,用于追溯 l_mti_row.source_line_id := 987654321;--自定义,用于追溯 INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface VALUES l_mti_row; --插入mtl_transaction_lots_interface l_mtli_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mtli_row.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_mtli_row.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mtli_row.created_by := l_user_id; l_mtli_row.last_update_login := -1; l_mtli_row.transaction_interface_id := l_mti_row.transaction_interface_id; l_mtli_row.lot_number := ‘nl0000003‘;--批次号 l_mtli_row.transaction_quantity := l_mti_row.transaction_quantity; l_mtli_row.source_code := l_mti_row.source_code; l_mtli_row.source_line_id := l_mti_row.source_line_id; INSERT INTO inv.mtl_transaction_lots_interface VALUES l_mtli_row; --调用API进行事务处理 l_outcome := mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online(p_transaction_header_id => l_mti_row.transaction_header_id, p_timeout => 100, p_error_code => l_error_code, p_error_explanation => l_error_explanation); /*x_retval := inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, --not commit p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_trans_count => x_trans_count, p_table => 1, p_header_id => l_mti_row.transaction_header_id);*/ IF (l_outcome = FALSE) THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘Failed to process the transaction‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘Error code: ‘ || l_error_code); dbms_output.put_line(‘Error message: ‘ || l_error_explanation); DELETE inv.mtl_transactions_interface WHERE transaction_header_id = l_mti_row.transaction_header_id; COMMIT; ELSE dbms_output.put_line(‘Transaction with header id ‘ || to_char(l_mti_row.transaction_header_id) || ‘ has been processed successfully‘); COMMIT; END IF; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 物料事务处理/导入 | ||
102 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建现有量(物料事务处理) | API | mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online | DECLARE l_mti_row mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE; l_id NUMBER := -1; l_user_id NUMBER := 26673; l_outcome boolean := false; l_mtli_row mtl_transaction_lots_interface%rowtype; l_error_code VARCHAR2(4000); l_error_explanation VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval INTO l_id FROM dual; --插入mtl_transactions_interface l_mti_row.transaction_interface_id := l_id; l_mti_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_mti_row.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.created_by := l_user_id; l_mti_row.last_update_login := -1; l_mti_row.transaction_header_id := l_id; l_mti_row.transaction_mode := 3;--一般都为3 l_mti_row.process_flag := 1;--一般都为1 l_mti_row.transaction_type_id := 35; --投料--物料事务处理类型id /* 账户别名杂项,用别名ID即disposition_id 账户杂项,用账户ID即code_combination_id WIP物料事务,用任务ID即wip_entity_id SO物料事务,用mtl_sales_orders.sales_order_id 子库转移或组织间转移,为空 */ l_mti_row.transaction_source_id := 32936523;--工单号--WIP事务处理 l_mti_row.organization_id := 650;--库存组织id l_mti_row.inventory_item_id := 15867632;--物料id l_mti_row.subinventory_code := ‘L11101‘;--子库从 l_mti_row.transaction_quantity := -1;--减少为负数 l_mti_row.transaction_uom := ‘PCS‘;--单位的code l_mti_row.transaction_date := SYSDATE; l_mti_row.source_code := ‘Test Only‘;--自定义,用于追溯 l_mti_row.source_header_id := 987654321;--自定义,用于追溯 l_mti_row.source_line_id := 987654321;--自定义,用于追溯 INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface VALUES l_mti_row; --插入mtl_transaction_lots_interface l_mtli_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mtli_row.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_mtli_row.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mtli_row.created_by := l_user_id; l_mtli_row.last_update_login := -1; l_mtli_row.transaction_interface_id := l_mti_row.transaction_interface_id; l_mtli_row.lot_number := ‘nl0000003‘;--批次号 l_mtli_row.transaction_quantity := l_mti_row.transaction_quantity; l_mtli_row.source_code := l_mti_row.source_code; l_mtli_row.source_line_id := l_mti_row.source_line_id; INSERT INTO inv.mtl_transaction_lots_interface VALUES l_mtli_row; --调用API进行事务处理 l_outcome := mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online(p_transaction_header_id => l_mti_row.transaction_header_id, p_timeout => 100, p_error_code => l_error_code, p_error_explanation => l_error_explanation); /*x_retval := inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, --not commit p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_trans_count => x_trans_count, p_table => 1, p_header_id => l_mti_row.transaction_header_id);*/ IF (l_outcome = FALSE) THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘Failed to process the transaction‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘Error code: ‘ || l_error_code); dbms_output.put_line(‘Error message: ‘ || l_error_explanation); DELETE inv.mtl_transactions_interface WHERE transaction_header_id = l_mti_row.transaction_header_id; COMMIT; ELSE dbms_output.put_line(‘Transaction with header id ‘ || to_char(l_mti_row.transaction_header_id) || ‘ has been processed successfully‘); COMMIT; END IF; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | 物料事务处理/导入 | ||
103 | 12.1.1 | INV | 现有量导入(物料事务处理) | 接口 | INV.INCTCW | INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface VALUES lt_trx_interface; INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_interface VALUES lt_trx_lots_interface; |
物料事务处理为杂项接收或账户别名接收 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 现有量/导入 | |
104 | 12.1.3 | INV | 物料转移(物料事务处理) | 接口 | INV.INCTCW | 接口表:mtl_material_transactions或者mtl_material_transactions_temp |
fnd_request.submit_request(‘INV‘, ‘INCTCW‘, NULL, NULL, NULL, l_iface_rec.transaction_header_id, ‘2‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, chr(0)) |
罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | 物料转移 | |
105 | 12.1.3 | INV | 物料事务处理:PO接收 | 接口 | PO.RCVTPO | 接口表:rcv_headers_interface,rcv_transactions_interface 请求:手工提交Receiving Transaction Processor |
fnd_transaction.synchronous(l_time_out, -- timeout in seconds l_outcome, -- out variable indicating Success/Warning/Error l_message, -- out variable with a descriptive message ‘PO‘, ‘RCVTPO‘, ‘ONLINE‘, p_batch_id, -- group_id in rcv_transactions_interface g_org_id, -- inventory organization_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
代码为ONLINE形式,速度会提高很多 | 罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | PO接收\入库 |
106 | 12.1.3 | INV | 工单完工入库 | API | inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions | 接口表:mtl_transactions_interface, cst_comp_snap_interface API: |
inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_trans_count => l_trx_count, p_table => 1, p_header_id => l_transaction_header_id); |
罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | 工单完工入库 | |
107 | 12.0.6 | INV | 获取物料单位转换率 | API | inv_convert.inv_um_conversion | inv_convert.inv_um_conversion(from_unit => ‘个‘, to_unit => ‘KG‘, item_id => 1502, uom_rate => l_convs); |
使用是注意:函数在没有找到转换率时会返回-99999 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 获取物料单位转换率/函数 | |
108 | 11.5.0 | INV | 获取公司间开票转移价格 | API | mtl_intercompany_invoices.get_transfer_price | Oracle标准开放API,默认是不做任何处理返回NULL,对于项目特定需求,可对该API进行开发 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 获取现有量 | ||
徐冲 | 2013/4/2 | 修改分配数量 | ||
110 | 12.1.3 | INV | 处理物料搬运单 | API | inv_pick_wave_pick_confirm_pub.pick_confirm | l_mold_tbl(l_count) := inv_mo_line_detail_util.query_row(rec_h.transaction_temp_id); l_mold_tbl(l_count).last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mold_tbl(l_count).last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_mold_tbl(l_count).creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mold_tbl(l_count).created_by := fnd_global.user_id; END LOOP; inv_pick_wave_pick_confirm_pub.pick_confirm(p_api_version_number => l_api_version, p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list, p_commit => l_commit, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_move_order_type => l_move_order_type, p_transaction_mode => l_transaction_mode, p_trolin_tbl => l_trolin_tbl, p_mold_tbl => l_mold_tbl, x_mmtt_tbl => x_mmtt_tbl, x_trolin_tbl => x_trolin_tbl, p_transaction_date => SYSDATE); |
徐冲 | 2013/4/2 | 处理物料搬运单 | ||
111 | 12.1.3 | INV | 得到物料搬运单行的相关信息 | API | inv_mo_line_detail_util.query_row | 徐冲 | 2013/4/2 | 物料搬运单行 | |||
112 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建物料搬运单行 | API | inv_move_order_pub.create_move_order_lines | FOR i IN 1 .. p_mo_line_rec_tbl.count LOOP l_trolin_tbl(i) := inv_move_order_pub.g_miss_trolin_rec; l_trolin_tbl(i).line_number := i; l_trolin_tbl(i).header_id := x_trohdr_rec.header_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).inventory_item_id := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .inventory_item_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).transaction_type_id := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .transaction_type_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).date_required := nvl(p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .date_required, x_trohdr_rec.date_required); l_trolin_tbl(i).uom_code := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).uom_code; l_trolin_tbl(i).quantity := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).quantity; l_trolin_tbl(i).organization_id := p_organization_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).from_subinventory_code := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .from_subinventory_code; l_trolin_tbl(i).from_locator_id := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .from_locator_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).to_subinventory_code := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .to_subinventory_code; l_trolin_tbl(i).to_locator_id := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).to_locator_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).to_account_id := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).to_account_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).line_status := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).line_status; l_trolin_tbl(i).status_date := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).status_date; l_trolin_tbl(i).lot_number := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).lot_number; l_trolin_tbl(i).db_flag := fnd_api.g_true; l_trolin_tbl(i).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_create; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute_category := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i) .attribute_category; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute1 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute1; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute2 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute2; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute3 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute3; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute4 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute4; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute5 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute5; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute6 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute6; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute7 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute7; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute8 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute8; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute9 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute9; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute10 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute10; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute11 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute11; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute12 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute12; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute13 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute13; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute14 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute14; l_trolin_tbl(i).attribute15 := p_mo_line_rec_tbl(i).attribute15; --- l_trolin_tbl(i).created_by := g_user_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).creation_date := SYSDATE; l_trolin_tbl(i).last_updated_by := g_user_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_trolin_tbl(i).last_update_login := g_login_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).program_id := g_prog_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).program_application_id := g_prog_appl_id; l_trolin_tbl(i).program_update_date := SYSDATE; l_trolin_tbl(i).request_id := g_request_id; END LOOP; inv_move_order_pub.create_move_order_lines(p_api_version_number => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_return_values => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x1_return_status, x_msg_count => x1_msg_count, x_msg_data => x1_msg_data, p_trolin_tbl => l_trolin_tbl, p_trolin_val_tbl => l_trolin_val_tbl, x_trolin_tbl => x_trolin_tbl, x_trolin_val_tbl => x_trolin_val_tbl, p_validation_flag => inv_move_order_pub.g_validation_yes); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | MO/行/创建 | ||
113 | 12.1.3 | INV | 为物料搬运单生成分配(也可以顺带处理物料搬运单) | API | inv_replenish_detail_pub.line_details_pub | 参数p_auto_pick_confirm给true将自动处理物料搬运单 | inv_replenish_detail_pub.line_details_pub(p_line_id => rec.line_id,--物料搬运单行id x_number_of_rows => x_number_of_rows, x_detailed_qty => x_detailed_qty, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_return_msg, x_revision => x_revision, x_locator_id => x_locator_id, x_transfer_to_location => x_transfer_to_location, x_lot_number => x_lot_number, x_expiration_date => x_expiration_date, x_transaction_temp_id => x_transaction_temp_id, p_transaction_header_id => NULL, p_transaction_mode => NULL, p_move_order_type => rec.move_order_type, p_serial_flag => fnd_api.g_false, p_plan_tasks => FALSE, p_auto_pick_confirm => FALSE, p_commit => FALSE); |
产生的分配记录位于以下两张表,其中批次表可以删除后自己添加记录以改变出货批次: mtl_material_transactions_temp mtl_transaction_lots_temp |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | MO/分配/处理 |
114 | 12.1.3 | INV | 查询物料搬运单行 | API | inv_trolin_util.query_rows | 可以按MO行id查询单行记录,也可以按MO头id查询多行记录 | l_trolin_tbl := inv_trolin_util.query_rows(p_line_id => rec.line_id); | 何云 | 2013/4/3 | MO/行/查询 | |
115 | 12.1.3 | INV | 查询物料搬运单分配 | API | inv_mo_line_detail_util.query_rows | 可以按MO行明细id查询单行记录,也可以按MO行id查询多行记录 | l_mold_tbl := inv_mo_line_detail_util.query_rows(p_line_id => rec.line_id); | 何云 | 2013/4/3 | MO/分配/查询 | |
116 | 12.1.3 | INV | 创建货位 | API | inv_loc_wms_pub.create_locator | inv_loc_wms_pub.create_locator(x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_inventory_location_id => l_location_id, x_locator_exists => l_locator_exists, p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_organization_code => NULL, p_concatenated_segments => l_concatenated_segments, p_description => NULL, p_inventory_location_type => l_locator_type, p_picking_order => NULL, p_location_maximum_units => NULL, p_subinventory_code => p_subinventory, p_location_weight_uom_code => NULL, p_max_weight => NULL, p_volume_uom_code => NULL, p_max_cubic_area => NULL, p_x_coordinate => NULL, p_y_coordinate => NULL, p_z_coordinate => NULL, p_physical_location_id => NULL, p_pick_uom_code => NULL, p_dimension_uom_code => NULL, p_length => NULL, p_width => NULL, p_height => NULL, p_status_id => 1, p_dropping_order => NULL, p_attribute_category => NULL, p_attribute1 => NULL, p_attribute2 => NULL, p_attribute3 => NULL, p_attribute4 => NULL, p_attribute5 => NULL, p_attribute6 => NULL, p_attribute7 => NULL, p_attribute8 => NULL, p_attribute9 => NULL, p_attribute10 => NULL, p_attribute11 => NULL, p_attribute12 => NULL, p_attribute13 => NULL, p_attribute14 => NULL, p_attribute15 => NULL, p_alias => NULL); |
罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | 货位创建 | ||
117 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM资源 | API | jtf_rs_resource_pub.create_resource | jtf_rs_resource_pub.create_resource(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_category => ‘EMPLOYEE‘, p_source_id => l_person_id, p_source_name => ‘x test 1,‘, p_resource_name => ‘x test 1,‘, p_start_date_active => SYSDATE, p_end_date_active => NULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_resource_id => x_resource_id, x_resource_number => x_resource_number) |
参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-03 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | CRM 资源/创建 | |
118 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建销售人员 | API | jtf_rs_salesreps_pub.create_salesrep | jtf_rs_salesreps_pub.create_salesrep(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_resource_id => 100010143, p_sales_credit_type_id => 1, p_status => ‘A‘, p_start_date_active => SYSDATE - 1, p_end_date_active => NULL, --p_org_id => 84, --p_set_of_books_id => 2023, p_salesrep_number => ‘900964‘, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_salesrep_id => x_salesrep_id); |
参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-04 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 销售人员/创建 | |
119 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM资源成员关系 | API | jtf_rs_grp_membership_pub.create_group_membership | jtf_rs_grp_membership_pub.create_group_membership(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_resource_id => 100004140, p_group_id => 100000047, p_role_id => NULL, p_start_date => NULL, p_end_date => NULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); |
参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-05 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | CRM资源成员关系/创建 | |
120 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM资源角色关联 | API | jtf_rs_role_relate_pub.create_resource_role_relate | jtf_rs_role_relate_pub.create_resource_role_relate(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_role_resource_type => ‘RS_INDIVIDUAL‘, p_role_resource_id => 100005134 , p_role_id => 32, p_role_code => ‘SALES_REP‘, p_start_date_active => SYSDATE, p_end_date_active => NULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_role_relate_id => p_role_relate_id); |
参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-06 | 苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | CRM资源角色关联/创建 | |
121 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM资源组 | API | jtf_rs_groups_pub.create_resource_group | 参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-07 | 苏联章 | 2013/4/8 | CRM资源组/创建 | ||
122 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM任务 | API | jtf_tasks_pub.create_task | 参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-07 | 苏联章 | 2013/4/8 | CRM任务/创建 | ||
123 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM任务分配 | API | jtf_tasks_assignments_pub.create_task_assignment | 参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-07 | 苏联章 | 2013/4/8 | CRM任务分配/创建 | ||
124 | 12.1.3 | JTF | 创建CRM任务参照 | API | jtf_tasks_references_pub.create_references | 参考Oracle CRM Application Foundation API Reference Guide Release 11i, Part No. A90092-07 | 苏联章 | 2013/4/8 | CRM任务参照创建 | ||
125 | 12.1.3 | MRP | 创建采购规则 | API | mrp_sourcing_rule_pub.process_sourcing_rule | 何云 | 2013/4/3 | 采购规则/创建 | |||
126 | 12.1.3 | MRP | 创建采购规则分配 | API | mrp_src_assignment_pub.process_assignment | 何云 | 2013/4/3 | 采购规则/分配/创建 | |||
127 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 创建发货 | API | wsh_delivery_details_pub.autocreate_deliveries | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 发货 | |||
128 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 订单导入,更新,取消,暂挂 | API | oe_order_pub.process_order | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 订单/导入/更新/取消/暂挂 | |||
129 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 订单行导入,更新,取消 | API | OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_LINE | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 订单行/导入/更新/取消 | |||
130 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 删除订单头 | API | OE_ORDER_PUB.DELETE_ORDER | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 订单/删除 | |||
131 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 删除订单行 | API | OE_ORDER_PUB.DELETE_LINE | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 订单行/删除 | |||
132 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新项目成员 | API | PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.UPDATE_PROJECT_PARTY | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/更新/成员 | |||
133 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建项目成员 | API | PA_PROJECT_PARTIES_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT_PARTY | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/成员 | |||
134 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建(复制)项目 | API | PA_PROJECT_CORE1.COPY_PROJECT | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入 | |||
135 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建项目客户 | API | PA_PROJECTS_MAINT_PVT.CREATE_CUSTOMER | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/客户 | |||
136 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建(复制)项目周期 | API | PA_RETENTION_UTIL.COPY_RETENTION_SETUP | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/周期 | |||
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 任务/导入 | ||
138 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新任务 | API | PA_TASK_PVT1.UPDATE_TASK | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 任务/更新 | |||
139 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建任务分配 | API | PA_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB.CREATE_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 任务分配/资源/导入 | |||
140 | 12.1.3 | PA | 删除任务 | API | PA_PROJECT_PUB.DELETE_TASK | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 任务/删除 | |||
141 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建项目客户 | API | PA_CUSTOMERS_CONTACTS_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT_CUSTOMER | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/客户 | |||
142 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新项目客户 | API | PA_CUSTOMERS_CONTACTS_PUB.UPDATE_PROJECT_CUSTOMER | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/更新/客户 | |||
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/协议 | ||
144 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建协议行 | API | PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.ADD_FUNDING | ? | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/导入/协议行 | ||
145 | 12.1.3 | PA | 批量导入任务 | API | PA_TASK_PUB1.COPY_TASKS_IN_BULK | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 任务/批量/导入 | |||
146 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新计划版本 | API | PA_TASK_PUB1.UPDATE_SCHEDULE_VERSION | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 计划/版本/更新 | |||
147 | 12.1.3 | PA | 创建计划版本 | API | PA_TASK_PUB1.CREATE_SCHEDULE_VERSION | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 计划/版本/创建 | |||
148 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新结构状态 | API | PA_PROJECT_PUB.CHANGE_STRUCTURE_STATUS | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/版本/发布 | |||
149 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新版本属性 | API | PA_PROJECT_STRUCTURE_PUB1.Update_Structure_Version_Attr | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 项目/版本/更新 | |||
罗建波 | 2013/4/3 | project stutas change | ||
151 | 12.1.3 | PA | 更新任务状态 | API | pa_status_pub.update_progress | pa_status_pub.update_progress(p_api_version_number => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_return_status => x_return_status, p_msg_count => x_msg_count, p_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_project_id => l_project_id, p_task_id => l_task_id, p_as_of_date => l_as_of_date, p_percent_complete => l_percent_completes, p_object_id => l_task_id, p_object_version_id => p_element_version_id, p_object_type => ‘PA_TASKS‘, p_task_status => p_task_status,/*124 not start,125 in progress, 127 completed */ p_actual_start_date => p_actual_start_date, p_actual_finish_date => p_actual_finish_date, p_estimated_start_date => p_estimated_start_date, p_estimated_finish_date => p_estimated_finish_date, p_structure_type => ‘WORKPLAN‘); |
陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 任务/更新 | ||
152 | 12.1.3 | PA | 获取WBS最新版本 | API | pa_project_structure_utils.get_latest_wp_version | pa_project_structure_utils.get_latest_wp_version(project_id) | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | WBS最新版本 | ||
153 | 12.1.3 | PA | 获取WBS当前版本 | API | pa_project_structure_utils.get_current_working_ver_id | pa_project_structure_utils.get_current_working_ver_id(p_project_id) | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | WBS当前版本 | ||
154 | 12.1.3 | PO | 创建autosourcing | API | begin PO_AUTOSOURCE_SV . REQIMPORT_SOURCING ( ‘INVENTORY‘ , :request_id , :l_multi_dist_flag ) ; END ; |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 来源补充规则 | |||
155 | 12.1.3 | PO | 关闭订单 | API | po_actions.close_po | 注意输入的ACTION参数值为PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT的全局变量 | 赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | 订单/关闭/状态 | ||
156 | 12.1.1 | PO | 一揽子采购协议导入 | 接口 | PO.POXPDOI | v_num_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request ( application => ‘PO‘, program => ‘POXPDOI‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => NULL, --Default Buyer argument2 => ‘Blanket‘, --Document Type argument3 => NULL, --Document SubType argument4 => ‘N‘, --Create or Update Items argument5 => ‘N‘, --Create Sourcing Rules argument6 => ‘Approved‘, --Approval Status argument7 => NULL, --Release Generation Method argument8 => v_num_tmp, --Batch Id argument9 => fnd_profile.VALUE(‘ORG_ID‘), --ORG Id argument10 => NULL); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 采购订单/一揽子采购协议/BPA | ||
157 | 12.1.1 | PO | 标准采购订单导入 | 接口 | PO.POXPOPDOI | v_num_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘PO‘, program => ‘POXPOPDOI‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => NULL, --Default Buyer argument2 => ‘STANDARD‘, --Document Type argument3 => NULL, --Document SubType argument4 => ‘N‘, --Create or Update Items argument5 => NULL, --Create Sourcing Rules argument6 => ‘APPROVED‘, --Approval Status argument7 => NULL, --Release Generation Method argument8 => v_num_tmp, --Batch Id argument9 => fnd_profile.VALUE(‘ORG_ID‘), --ORG Id argument10 => NULL); |
苏联章 | 2013/3/31 | 采购订单/标准采购订单 | ||
158 | 11.5.0 | PO | BPA发放取消 | API | po_document_control_pub.control_document | po_document_control_pub.control_document(1.0, -- p_api_version fnd_api.g_true, -- p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_true, -- p_commit l_api_return_status, -- x_return_status ‘PO‘, -- p_doc_type ‘STANDARD‘, -- p_doc_subtype NULL, -- p_doc_id po_rec.document_num, -- p_doc_num NULL, -- p_release_id NULL, -- p_release_num NULL, -- p_doc_line_id po_rec.line_num, -- p_doc_line_num -------- NULL, -- p_doc_line_loc_id-------- po_rec.shipment_num, -- p_doc_shipment_num------- ‘CANCEL‘, -- p_action SYSDATE, -- p_action_date NULL, -- p_cancel_reason ‘Y‘, -- p_cancel_reqs_flag NULL, -- p_print_flag NULL); -- p_note_to_vendor |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | BPA发放/取消 | ||
159 | 11.5.0 | PO | 取消标准采购订单 | API | po_document_control_pub.control_document | po_document_control_pub.control_document(1.0, -- p_api_version fnd_api.g_true, -- p_init_msg_list fnd_api.g_true, -- p_commit l_api_return_status, -- x_return_status ‘RELEASE‘, -- p_doc_type ‘BLANKET‘, --p_doc_subtype: ‘BLANKET‘,‘STANDARD‘,‘SCHEDULED‘ NULL, -- p_doc_id release_rec.document_num, -- p_doc_num NULL, -- p_release_id release_rec.release_num, -- p_release_num NULL, -- p_doc_line_id NULL,--3, -- p_doc_line_num -------- NULL, -- p_doc_line_loc_id-------- release_rec.shipment_num, --1, -- p_doc_shipment_num------- ‘CANCEL‘, -- p_action SYSDATE, -- p_action_date NULL, -- p_cancel_reason ‘Y‘, -- p_cancel_reqs_flag NULL, -- p_print_flag NULL); -- p_note_to_vendor |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 标准采购订单/取消 | ||
160 | 11.5.0 | PO | 更新BPA发放 | API | po_change_api1_s.update_po | l_result := po_change_api1_s.update_po(x_po_number => po_rec.document_num, x_release_number => NULL, x_revision_number => po_rec.revision_num, x_line_number => po_rec.line_num, x_shipment_number => po_rec.shipment_num, new_quantity => po_rec.new_quantity, new_price => po_rec.new_price, new_promised_date => fnd_conc_date.string_to_date(po_rec.new_promised_date), launch_approvals_flag => po_rec.launch_approvals_flag, update_source => NULL, version => ‘1.0‘, x_override_date => NULL, x_api_errors => l_api_errors, p_buyer_name => NULL); |
注意版本号,如果原来是审批状态,那么更新后版本号加一 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | BPA发放/更新 | |
161 | 11.5.0 | PO | 更新标准采购订单 | API | po_change_api1_s.update_po | l_result := po_change_api1_s.update_po(x_po_number => release_rec.document_num, x_release_number => release_rec.release_num, x_revision_number => release_rec.revision_num, x_line_number => release_rec.line_num, x_shipment_number => release_rec.shipment_num, new_quantity => release_rec.new_quantity, new_price => release_rec.new_price, new_promised_date => fnd_conc_date.string_to_date(release_rec.new_promised_date), launch_approvals_flag => release_rec.launch_approvals_flag, update_source => NULL, version => ‘1.0‘, x_override_date => NULL, x_api_errors => l_api_errors, p_buyer_name => NULL); |
注意版本号,如果原来是审批状态,那么更新后版本号加一 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 标准采购订单/更新 | |
162 | 11.5.0 | PO | PR自动创建PO | API | PO_INTERFACE_S.create_documents | PO_INTERFACE_S.create_documents(p_api_version => 1.0, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_batch_id => x_interface_header_id, p_req_operating_unit_id => l_requesting_org_id, p_purch_operating_unit_id => l_purchasing_org_id, x_document_id => x_document_id, x_number_lines => x_num_lines_processed, x_document_number => l_document_number, -- Bug 3648268 Use lookup code instead of hardcoded value p_document_creation_method => ‘AUTOCREATE‘); |
这是标准功能“自动创建”From代码底层调用的包 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | PR自动创建PO/导入 | |
163 | 11.5.0 | PO | 获取OU本位币 | API | po_currency_sv.get_functional_currency_code | po_currency_sv.get_functional_currency_code(:parameter.po_org_id,:parameter.po_ou_currency_code); | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 获取OU本位币/函数 | ||
164 | 11.5.0 | PO | 获取两OU本位币汇率 | API | po_currency_sv.get_cross_ou_rate | l_rate := po_currency_sv.get_cross_ou_rate(p_from_ou_id => p_pr_org_id, p_to_ou_id => p_po_org_id); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 获取两OU本位币汇率/函数 | ||
165 | 12.1.3 | PO | 创建采购申请 | API | po_create_requisition_sv.process_requisition | DECLARE l_header_rec po_create_requisition_sv.header_rec_type; l_line_rec po_create_requisition_sv.line_tbl_type; l_status VARCHAR2(240); l_count NUMBER; l_msg VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN /*fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1151, resp_id => 50717, resp_appl_id => 201); mo_global.init(‘M‘); */ l_header_rec.org_id := 81;--PR所属OU l_header_rec.type_lookup_code := ‘INTERNAL‘;--PR的类型,此处为内部 l_header_rec.preparer_id := 61;--编制者 l_header_rec.authorization_status := ‘APPROVED‘;--要创建的PR状态,此处为已批准 l_header_rec.created_by := 1151;--WHO字段 l_header_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE;--WHO字段 l_header_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;--WHO字段 l_header_rec.last_updated_by := 1151;--WHO字段 l_header_rec.last_update_login := -1;--WHO字段 --下面仅展示单行PR,多行可类推 l_line_rec(1).line_num := ‘1‘;--PR行号 l_line_rec(1).line_type_id := 1;--行类型 l_line_rec(1).item_id := 8001;--物料 l_line_rec(1).item_revision := 0;--物料版本 l_line_rec(1).category_id := 2133;--物料类别 l_line_rec(1).item_description := ‘富丽成品01‘;--物料描述 l_line_rec(1).uom_code := ‘EA‘;--采购单位 l_line_rec(1).quantity := 10;--采购数量 l_line_rec(1).unit_price := 100;--单价 l_line_rec(1).need_by_date := SYSDATE + 1;--需求日期 l_line_rec(1).suggested_buyer_id := 82;--建议购买者 l_line_rec(1).rate_date := SYSDATE;--汇率日期 l_line_rec(1).destination_type_code := ‘INVENTORY‘;--目的地类型,此处为库存 l_line_rec(1).to_person_id := 61;--申请人 l_line_rec(1).destination_organization_id := 92;--目的库存组织 l_line_rec(1).deliver_to_location_id := 368;--发运目的地 l_line_rec(1).source_type_code := ‘INVENTORY‘;--来源类型,此处为库存 l_line_rec(1).source_organization_id := 91;--来源组织 l_line_rec(1).created_by := 1151;--WHO字段 l_line_rec(1).creation_date := SYSDATE;--WHO字段 l_line_rec(1).last_update_date := SYSDATE;--WHO字段 l_line_rec(1).last_updated_by := 1151;--WHO字段 l_line_rec(1).last_update_login := -1;--WHO字段 po_create_requisition_sv.process_requisition(px_header_rec => l_header_rec, px_line_table => l_line_rec, x_return_status => l_status, x_msg_count => l_count, x_msg_data => l_msg); --dbms_output.put_line(l_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg); --l_msg := fnd_msg_pub.get_detail(fnd_msg_pub.g_first, fnd_api.g_false); dbms_output.put_line(l_status || ‘:‘ || l_msg); COMMIT; END; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | PR/创建 | ||
166 | 12.1.3 | PO | PO接收/PO退货/RMA接收 | 接口 | PO.RVCTP | rcv_headers_interface rcv_transactions_interface mtl_transaction_lots_interface 错误信息表: po_interface_errors |
/*此为PO接收的例子*/ l_iface_hdr_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_hdr_rec.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_iface_hdr_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_hdr_rec.created_by := l_user_id; l_iface_hdr_rec.last_update_login := l_login; l_iface_rcv_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_rcv_rec.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_rcv_rec.created_by := l_user_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.last_update_login := l_login; SELECT po.rcv_headers_interface_s.nextval INTO l_iface_hdr_rec.header_interface_id FROM dual; IF x_group_id IS NULL THEN SELECT po.rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval INTO l_iface_hdr_rec.group_id FROM dual; ELSE l_iface_hdr_rec.group_id := x_group_id; END IF; l_iface_hdr_rec.processing_status_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_hdr_rec.receipt_source_code := ‘VENDOR‘; l_iface_hdr_rec.transaction_type := ‘NEW‘; l_iface_hdr_rec.auto_transact_code := ‘RECEIVE‘; l_iface_hdr_rec.receipt_num := NULL; --Automatic Number l_iface_hdr_rec.vendor_id := p_vendor_id; l_iface_hdr_rec.vendor_site_id := p_vendor_site_id; --Optional l_iface_hdr_rec.expected_receipt_date := p_expected_receipt_date; l_iface_hdr_rec.validation_flag := ‘Y‘; l_iface_hdr_rec.ship_to_organization_id := p_to_organization_id; INSERT INTO po.rcv_headers_interface VALUES l_iface_hdr_rec; FOR i IN 1 .. p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl.count LOOP SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.nextval INTO l_iface_rcv_rec.interface_transaction_id FROM dual; l_iface_rcv_rec.header_interface_id := l_iface_hdr_rec.header_interface_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.group_id := l_iface_hdr_rec.group_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.processing_status_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.transaction_status_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.processing_mode_code := ‘BATCH‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.validation_flag := ‘Y‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.receipt_source_code := ‘VENDOR‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.vendor_id := p_vendor_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.vendor_site_id := p_vendor_site_id; --Optional l_iface_rcv_rec.source_document_code := ‘PO‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.po_header_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .po_header_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.po_line_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .po_line_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.po_line_location_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .po_line_location_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.po_release_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .po_release_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.transaction_type := ‘RECEIVE‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.auto_transact_code := ‘DELIVER‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.destination_type_code := ‘INVENTORY‘; l_iface_rcv_rec.category_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .category_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.item_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i).item_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.transaction_date := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .transaction_date; l_iface_rcv_rec.quantity := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .quantity; l_iface_rcv_rec.unit_of_measure := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .unit_of_measure; --Not Code l_iface_rcv_rec.to_organization_id := p_to_organization_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.ship_to_location_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .ship_to_location_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.location_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .location_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.subinventory := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .subinventory; l_iface_rcv_rec.locator_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .locator_id; l_iface_rcv_rec.interface_source_code := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .interface_source_code; l_iface_rcv_rec.interface_source_line_id := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .interface_source_line_id; INSERT INTO po.rcv_transactions_interface VALUES l_iface_rcv_rec; FOR j IN 1 .. p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i).lot_number.count LOOP l_iface_lot_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_lot_rec.last_updated_by := l_user_id; l_iface_lot_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_lot_rec.created_by := l_user_id; l_iface_lot_rec.last_update_login := l_login; SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval INTO l_iface_lot_rec.transaction_interface_id FROM dual; l_iface_lot_rec.product_code := ‘RCV‘; l_iface_lot_rec.product_transaction_id := l_iface_rcv_rec.interface_transaction_id; l_iface_lot_rec.lot_number := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .lot_number(j); l_iface_lot_rec.transaction_quantity := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .lot_qty(j); l_iface_lot_rec.primary_quantity := p_rcv_transaction_rec_tbl(i) .lot_qty(j); INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_interface VALUES l_iface_lot_rec; END LOOP; END LOOP; l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘PO‘, program => ‘RVCTP‘, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => ‘BATCH‘, argument2 => p_group_id); IF l_request_id > 0 THEN COMMIT; x_return_msg := x_return_msg || ‘Success to submit request:request id is ‘ || l_request_id || ‘.‘ || g_line_end; l_request_flag := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(request_id => l_request_id, INTERVAL => 5, phase => l_phase, status => l_status, dev_phase => l_dev_phase, dev_status => l_dev_status, message => l_message); IF l_request_flag THEN IF l_dev_status = ‘NORMAL‘ THEN x_return_status := ‘S‘; FOR rec_msg IN (SELECT pie.error_message, nvl(rti.po_header_id, rti.oe_order_header_id) po_header_id, nvl(rti.po_line_id, rti.oe_order_line_id) po_line_id, rti.item_id FROM po_interface_errors pie, rcv_transactions_interface rti WHERE pie.interface_line_id = rti.interface_transaction_id AND pie.batch_id = p_group_id) LOOP x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_return_msg := substrb(x_return_msg || l_index || ‘:‘ || rec_msg.error_message || ‘(header id:‘ || rec_msg.po_header_id || ‘,line id:‘ || rec_msg.po_line_id || ‘,item id:‘ || rec_msg.item_id || ‘).‘ || g_line_end, 1, 3500); l_index := l_index + 1; EXIT WHEN lengthb(x_return_msg) >= 3500; END LOOP; ELSE x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_return_msg := x_return_msg || ‘Exceptions happen during execution of the request(request id:‘ || l_request_id || ‘).‘ || g_line_end; FOR rec_msg IN (SELECT pie.error_message, nvl(rti.po_header_id, rti.oe_order_header_id) po_header_id, nvl(rti.po_line_id, rti.oe_order_line_id) po_line_id, rti.item_id FROM po_interface_errors pie, rcv_transactions_interface rti WHERE pie.interface_line_id = rti.interface_transaction_id AND pie.batch_id = p_group_id) LOOP x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_return_msg := substrb(x_return_msg || l_index || ‘:‘ || rec_msg.error_message || ‘(header id:‘ || rec_msg.po_header_id || ‘,line id:‘ || rec_msg.po_line_id || ‘,item id:‘ || rec_msg.item_id || ‘).‘ || g_line_end, 1, 3500); l_index := l_index + 1; EXIT WHEN lengthb(x_return_msg) >= 3500; END LOOP; END IF; ELSE x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_return_msg := x_return_msg || ‘The request has not been finished yet and the result is unknown.‘ || g_line_end; END IF; ELSE x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_return_msg := x_return_msg || ‘Fail to submit request to process data in interface.‘ || g_line_end; END IF; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | PO/RMA/接收 | |
167 | 12.1.3 | SR | 创建服务请求 | API | cs_servicerequest_pub.create_servicerequest | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 创建服务请求 | |||
168 | 12.1.3 | SR | 更新服务请求 | API | cs_servicerequest_pub.update_servicerequest | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 更新服务请求 | |||
169 | 12.1.3 | SR | 更新服务请求状态 | API | cs_servicerequest_pub.update_status | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 更新服务请求状态 | |||
170 | 12.1.3 | SR | 更新服务问题编码 | API | cs_servicerequest_pub.update_problem_code | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 更新服务问题编码 | |||
171 | 12.1.3 | SR | 服务任务创建/更新/锁定/删除 | API | jtf_task_assignments_pub.create_task_assignment jtf_task_assignments_pub.update_task_assignment jtf_task_assignments_pub.lock_task_assignment jtf_task_assignments_pub.delete_task_assignment |
陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | SR新增/更新/锁定/删除SR任务 | |||
172 | 12.1.3 | SR | 创建例程 | API | csi_item_instance_pub.create_item_instance | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 创建例程 | |||
173 | 12.1.3 | SR | 更新例程 | API | csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 更新例程 | |||
174 | 12.1.3 | SR | 终止例程 | API | csi_item_instance_pub.expire_item_instance | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 终止例程 | |||
175 | 12.1.3 | SR | 复制例程 | API | csi_item_instance_pub.copy_item_instance | 陈范冬 | 2013/4/4 | 复制例程 | |||
176 | 12.0.6 | WIP | 离散任务导入 | 接口 | WIP.WICMLP | l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(application => ‘WIP‘, program => ‘WICMLP‘, description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => l_group_id, argument2 => 0, argument3 => ‘Yes‘); |
WICMLP请求是调用到wip_massload_pub.massloadjobs来实现 | 黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 离散任务/导入 | |
177 | 12.0.6 | WIP | 离散任务导入 | API | wip_massload_pub.massloadjobs | wip_massload_pub.massloadjobs(p_groupid => l_group_id, p_validationlevel => 0, p_commitflag => 0, --0 false x_returnstatus => l_return_status, x_errormsg => l_error_msg); |
黎法良 | 2013/3/31 | 离散任务/导入 | ||
178 | 12.0.6 | WMS | LPN重用 | API | wms_container_pub.reuse_lpns | PROCEDURE reuse_lpn(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, x_return_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_organization_id IN NUMBER, p_lpn_id IN NUMBER, p_clear_containter_item_id IN VARCHAR) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000); l_clear_attributes VARCHAR2(10) := ‘Y‘; l_unpack_inner_lpns VARCHAR2(10) := ‘N‘; x_msg_list VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL; BEGIN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success; x_return_message := NULL; wms_container_pub.reuse_lpns(p_api_version => 1, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id, p_clear_attributes => l_clear_attributes, p_new_org_id => p_organization_id, p_unpack_inner_lpns => l_unpack_inner_lpns, p_clear_containter_item_id => nvl(p_clear_containter_item_id, ‘N‘)); IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN IF fnd_msg_pub.count_msg >= 1 THEN FOR i IN 1 .. fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP x_return_message := substr(x_return_message || fnd_msg_pub.get_detail(i, ‘F‘) || ‘;‘, 1, 2000); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_message := SQLERRM; END reuse_lpn; |
徐冲 | 2013/4/2 | LPN重用 | ||
179 | 12.1.3 | WMS | 创建LPN | API | inv_rcv_common_apis.create_lpn | inv_rcv_common_apis.create_lpn(p_organization_id => rec_h.organization_id, p_lpn => cux_wms_rcv_trn_lpn_s.nextval, p_lpn_id => x_lpn_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); |
徐冲 | 2013/4/2 | 创建LPN | ||
180 | 12.1.3 | WSH | 为销售订单创建批号 | API | wsh_picking_batches_pub.create_batch | autocreate_delivery_flag为Y将自动创建交货号; auto_pick_confirm_flag为Y将自动处理物料搬运单 |
SELECT wpr.organization_id, wpr.autocreate_delivery_flag, wpr.autodetail_pr_flag, wpr.autopack_flag, wpr.append_flag, wpr.include_planned_lines, wpr.ac_delivery_criteria, wpr.task_planning_flag, wpr.auto_pick_confirm_flag, wpr.existing_rsvs_only_flag, wpr.dynamic_replenishment_flag, wpr.backorders_only_flag, wpr.allocation_method, wpr.pick_grouping_rule_id, wpr.pick_sequence_rule_id, wpr.default_stage_subinventory, wpr.pick_from_subinventory, wpr.pick_from_locator_id INTO l_batch_info_rec.organization_id, --挑库库存组织 l_batch_info_rec.autocreate_delivery_flag, --自动创建交货号 l_batch_info_rec.autodetail_pr_flag, l_batch_info_rec.autopack_flag, l_batch_info_rec.append_flag, l_batch_info_rec.include_planned_lines, l_batch_info_rec.ac_delivery_criteria, l_batch_info_rec.task_planning_flag, l_batch_info_rec.auto_pick_confirm_flag, --自动处理物料搬运单 l_batch_info_rec.existing_rsvs_only_flag, l_batch_info_rec.dynamic_replenishment_flag, l_batch_info_rec.backorders_only_flag, l_batch_info_rec.allocation_method, l_batch_info_rec.pick_grouping_rule_id, l_batch_info_rec.pick_sequence_rule_id, l_batch_info_rec.default_stage_subinventory, l_batch_info_rec.pick_from_subinventory, --挑库来源子库 l_batch_info_rec.pick_from_locator_id --挑库来源货位 FROM wsh_picking_rules wpr WHERE wpr.picking_rule_id = l_picking_rule_id; --以下限制挑库发放的范围 l_batch_info_rec.delivery_detail_id := l_delivery_detail_id; l_batch_info_rec.order_header_id := l_oe_header_id; l_batch_info_rec.category_set_id := NULL; l_batch_info_rec.category_id := NULL; l_batch_info_rec.from_scheduled_ship_date := NULL; l_batch_info_rec.to_scheduled_ship_date := NULL; l_batch_info_rec.from_requested_date := NULL; l_batch_info_rec.to_requested_date := NULL; wsh_picking_batches_pub.create_batch(p_api_version => l_api_version, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_batch_rec => l_batch_info_rec, x_batch_id => x_batch_id); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | SO/批/创建 | |
181 | 12.1.3 | WSH | 发放销售订单 | API | wsh_picking_batches_pub.release_batch | wsh_picking_batches_pub.release_batch(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_return_msg, p_batch_id => x_batch_id, p_release_mode => ‘ONLINE‘, --CONCURRENT / ONLINE x_request_id => x_request_id); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | SO/发放 | ||
182 | 12.1.3 | WSH | 创建交货号 | API | wsh_delivery_autocreate.autocreate_deliveries | l_line_rows(1) := p_delivery_detail_id; wsh_delivery_autocreate.autocreate_deliveries(p_line_rows => l_line_rows, p_init_flag => ‘Y‘, p_pick_release_flag => ‘Y‘, x_del_rows => l_del_rows, x_grouping_rows => l_grouping_rows, x_return_status => x_return_status); IF l_del_rows.count > 0 THEN x_delivery_id := l_del_rows(1); END IF; IF x_return_status <> wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_success THEN x_return_msg := x_return_msg || ‘Fail to autocreate deliveries.‘; END IF; |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | SO/交货号/创建 | ||
183 | 12.1.3 | WSH | 发运确认销售订单 | API | wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action | wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action(p_api_version_number => 1, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_action_code => p_action_code,--CONFIRM为发运确认 p_delivery_id => p_delivery_id,--按交货号发运确认 p_delivery_name => p_delivery_name,--可空 p_sc_actual_dep_date => p_sc_actual_dep_date,--发运确认日期 p_sc_report_set_id => p_sc_report_set_id,--报表集 p_sc_rule_id => p_sc_rule_id,--发运确认规则 x_trip_id => x_trip_id, x_trip_name => x_trip_name); |
何云 | 2013/4/3 | SO/发运确认 | ||
184 | 12.1.3 | XLA | 创建分录 | API | xla_journal_entries_pub_pkg.create_journal_entry_header xla_journal_entries_pub_pkg.create_journal_entry_line xla_journal_entries_pub_pkg.complete_journal_entry |
赵杨 | 2013/3/30 | XLA/分录/创建 | |||
185 | 12.1.3 | INV | 库存客户物料导入 | 接口 | INV.INVCIINT INV.INVCIINTX |
接口表 Mtl_Ci_Interface,Mtl_Ci_Xrefs_Interface |
赵杨 | 2013/6/3 | INV/库存客户物料/导入 | ||
186 | 12.1.3 | PO | PO关闭头 | API | po_action.close_po | 传入ACTION为‘FINAL CLOSE‘ | 赵杨 | 2013/7/13 | PO/PO关闭头 | ||
187 | 12.1.3 | ONT | 获取订单头附属栏位信息 | API | OE_OE_TOTAL_SUMMARY.ORDER_TOTALS | 陈范冬 | 2013/9/9 | OM/订单头附属字段信息 | |||
188 | 12.x.x | FND | 获取关键性弹性域组合ccid | API | fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid | SELECT fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid(application_short_name => ‘OFA‘, key_flex_code => ‘LOC#‘, structure_number => 101, validation_date => to_char(SYSDATE, ‘YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS‘), concatenated_segments => ‘1001.10.0101010101001.321.910‘) FROM dual; |
如果组合已经存在,返回ccid,如果不存在,则创建该组合后返回ccid | 陈范冬 | 2013/9/9 | FND/关键性弹性域组合ccid | |
189 | 12.x.x | FA | 资产分配 | API | fa_transfer_pub.do_transfer | 陈范冬 | 2013/9/9 | FA/资产分配 | |||
190 | 12.x.x | FA | 资产报废 | API | fa_retirement_pub.do_retirement | DECLARE l_trans_rec fa_api_types.trans_rec_type; l_dist_trans_rec fa_api_types.trans_rec_type; l_asset_hdr_rec fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type; l_asset_retire_rec fa_api_types.asset_retire_rec_type; l_asset_dist_tbl fa_api_types.asset_dist_tbl_type; l_subcomp_tbl fa_api_types.subcomp_tbl_type; l_inv_tbl fa_api_types.inv_tbl_type; --==================== p_line_id NUMBER := 8; CURSOR cur_asset IS SELECT his.asset_id, his.book_type_code, fb.cost FROM fa_distribution_history his ,cux_fa_dept_lines_all cfl ,fa_books fb WHERE cfl.from_distribution_id = his.distribution_id AND fb.asset_id = his.asset_id AND fb.book_type_code = his.book_type_code AND cfl.line_id = p_line_id; l_asset_rec cur_asset%ROWTYPE; --==================== l_return_status VARCHAR2(1); l_mesg_count NUMBER; l_mesg VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN --init l_trans_rec := NULL; l_dist_trans_rec := NULL; l_asset_hdr_rec := NULL; l_asset_retire_rec := NULL; l_asset_dist_tbl.delete; l_subcomp_tbl.delete; l_inv_tbl.delete; fa_srvr_msg.init_server_message; OPEN cur_asset; FETCH cur_asset INTO l_asset_rec; CLOSE cur_asset; l_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id := l_asset_rec.asset_id; l_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code := l_asset_rec.book_type_code; l_asset_retire_rec.cost_retired := l_asset_rec.cost; -- l_asset_retire_rec.calculate_gain_loss := fnd_api.g_true; --是否立即计算损益 -- Get standard who info l_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id; l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := l_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date; l_trans_rec.who_info.created_by := l_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by; fa_retirement_pub.do_retirement( -- std parameters p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, p_calling_fn => ‘fa_transfers.post_forms_commit‘, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_mesg_count, x_msg_data => l_mesg, -- api parameters px_trans_rec => l_trans_rec, px_dist_trans_rec => l_dist_trans_rec, px_asset_hdr_rec => l_asset_hdr_rec, px_asset_retire_rec => l_asset_retire_rec, p_asset_dist_tbl => l_asset_dist_tbl, p_subcomp_tbl => l_subcomp_tbl, p_inv_tbl => l_inv_tbl); --dump messages l_mesg_count := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg; IF l_mesg_count > 0 THEN l_mesg := chr(10) || substr(fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_first, fnd_api.g_false), 1, 250); dbms_output.put_line(l_mesg); FOR i IN 1 .. (l_mesg_count - 1) LOOP l_mesg := substr(fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_next, fnd_api.g_false), 1, 250); dbms_output.put_line(l_mesg); END LOOP; fnd_msg_pub.delete_msg(); END IF; IF (l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘FAILURE‘); ROLLBACK; ELSE dbms_output.put_line(‘SUCCESS‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘RETIREMENT_ID‘ || to_char(l_asset_retire_rec.retirement_id)); END IF; END; / |
报废成本等于当前成本即可完全报废 | 陈范冬 | 2013/9/9 | FA/资产报废 | |
191 | 12.x.x | FA | 资产成批新增 | 接口 | fa_mass_additions | DECLARE l_iface_rec fa_mass_additions%ROWTYPE; l_source_asset_rec fa_additions_v%ROWTYPE; l_source_book_rec fa_books%ROWTYPE; l_asset_id NUMBER := 100000020; l_book_type_code VARCHAR2(15) := ‘1001_FA‘; l_dest_book_type_code VARCHAR2(15) := ‘1002_FA‘; BEGIN --资产来源信息 SELECT fa.* INTO l_source_asset_rec FROM fa_additions_v fa WHERE fa.asset_id = l_asset_id; SELECT fa_mass_additions_s.nextval INTO l_iface_rec.mass_addition_id FROM dual; l_iface_rec.posting_status := ‘NEW‘; l_iface_rec.queue_name := ‘NEW‘; l_iface_rec.feeder_system_name := ‘04‘; --公司间调入 l_iface_rec.create_batch_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_rec.asset_number := l_source_asset_rec.asset_number; l_iface_rec.tag_number := l_source_asset_rec.tag_number; l_iface_rec.description := l_source_asset_rec.description; l_iface_rec.asset_category_id := l_source_asset_rec.asset_category_id; l_iface_rec.manufacturer_name := l_source_asset_rec.manufacturer_name; --供应商 l_iface_rec.serial_number := l_source_asset_rec.serial_number; --资产序列号 l_iface_rec.model_number := l_source_asset_rec.model_number; --资产型号 l_iface_rec.fixed_assets_units := l_source_asset_rec.current_units; --资产数量 l_iface_rec.asset_type := l_source_asset_rec.asset_type; l_iface_rec.in_use_flag := l_source_asset_rec.in_use_flag; l_iface_rec.inventorial := l_source_asset_rec.inventorial; l_iface_rec.owned_leased := l_source_asset_rec.owned_leased; l_iface_rec.new_used := l_source_asset_rec.new_used; l_iface_rec.asset_key_ccid := l_source_asset_rec.asset_key_ccid; l_iface_rec.location_id := 6018; --资产地点 l_iface_rec.assigned_to := 37550; --资产领用人 --=================根据org_id获取 --l_iface_rec.payables_code_combination_id := l_source_asset_rec.payables_code_combination_id; l_iface_rec.book_type_code := ‘1002_FA‘; --账簿 --=================== SELECT paaf.default_code_comb_id INTO l_iface_rec.expense_code_combination_id --费用账户 FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf WHERE paaf.primary_flag = ‘Y‘ AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date AND paaf.person_id = 37550; --启用日期,成本,贬值标识 SELECT fb.* INTO l_source_book_rec FROM fa_books fb WHERE fb.asset_id = l_source_asset_rec.asset_id AND fb.book_type_code = l_book_type_code --来源账簿 AND fb.date_ineffective IS NULL; --YTD折旧,累计折旧 SELECT nvl(deprn_reserve, 0), nvl(ytd_deprn, 0) INTO l_iface_rec.deprn_reserve, l_iface_rec.ytd_deprn FROM (SELECT b.deprn_reserve, b.ytd_deprn FROM fa_deprn_summary b WHERE b.asset_id = l_source_asset_rec.asset_id AND b.book_type_code = l_book_type_code ORDER BY deprn_run_date DESC) WHERE rownum = 1; l_iface_rec.date_placed_in_service := l_source_book_rec.date_placed_in_service; l_iface_rec.fixed_assets_cost := l_source_book_rec.cost; l_iface_rec.depreciate_flag := l_source_book_rec.depreciate_flag; l_iface_rec.deprn_method_code := l_source_book_rec.deprn_method_code; l_iface_rec.life_in_months := l_source_book_rec.life_in_months; l_iface_rec.prorate_convention_code := l_source_book_rec.prorate_convention_code; l_iface_rec.bonus_rule := l_source_book_rec.bonus_rule; l_iface_rec.allowed_deprn_limit := l_source_book_rec.allowed_deprn_limit; l_iface_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := l_source_book_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount; l_iface_rec.salvage_type := l_source_book_rec.salvage_type; l_iface_rec.salvage_value := l_source_book_rec.salvage_value; l_iface_rec.accounting_date := SYSDATE; --who l_iface_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_rec.created_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_iface_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_rec.last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id; l_iface_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id; INSERT INTO fa_mass_additions VALUES l_iface_rec; END; |
数据插入到表fa_mass_additions,界面上点击新增即可新增资产 | 陈范冬 | 2013/9/9 | FA/资产成批新增 | |
192 | 12.x.x | OM | 订单头合计信息 | API | oe_oe_totals_summary.order_totals(p_header_id => p_order_header_id, p_subtotal => l_subtotal, p_discount => l_discount, p_charges => l_charges, p_tax => l_tax); |
可获取subtotal,discount,charges,tax | 赵杨 | 2013/12/20 | OM/订单头/合计 | ||
193 | 12.x.x | AP | 付款创建会计科目 | API | AP_DRILLDOWN_PUB_PKG.PAYMENT_ONLINE_ACCOUNTING | PROCEDURE payment_accounting_p(x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_check_id IN NUMBER) IS l_accounting_mode VARCHAR2(1) := ‘P‘; --D,F,P l_org_id NUMBER; l_approval_status VARCHAR2(30); l_errbuf VARCHAR2(1000); l_retcode VARCHAR2(10); l_calling_sequence VARCHAR2(100) := ‘CUX_AP_COMMON_PUB.ACCOUNT_FINNAL‘; l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_return_status VARCHAR2(1); l_entity_id NUMBER; l_je_batch_name gl_je_batches.name%TYPE; l_je_name gl_je_headers.name%TYPE; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘0‘; SELECT ac.org_id INTO l_org_id FROM ap_checks_all ac WHERE ac.check_id = p_check_id; --set security access mo_global.set_policy_context(p_access_mode => ‘S‘, p_org_id => l_org_id); IF fnd_global.USER_ID = -1 THEN --SYSADMIN, System Administrator fnd_global.set_nls_context(p_nls_language => ‘SIMPLIFIED CHINESE‘); END IF; --call standard api to accouting single invoice AP_DRILLDOWN_PUB_PKG.PAYMENT_ONLINE_ACCOUNTING(p_check_id => p_check_id, p_accounting_mode => l_accounting_mode, p_errbuf => l_errbuf, p_retcode => l_retcode, p_calling_sequence => l_calling_sequence); IF l_retcode = 0 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCT_SUCCESS‘); x_msg_data := FND_MESSAGE.GET; ELSIF l_retcode = 1 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCT_WARNING‘); x_msg_data := FND_MESSAGE.GET; ELSIF l_retcode = 2 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCTG_ERROR‘); x_msg_data := FND_MESSAGE.GET; ELSE FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘SQLAP‘, ‘AP_DEBUG‘); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN(‘ERROR‘, l_errbuf); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN(‘CALLING_SEQUENCE‘, l_calling_sequence); x_msg_data := FND_MESSAGE.GET; END IF; x_return_status := l_retcode; cux_conc_utl.out_msg(x_msg_data); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => g_pkg_name, p_procedure_name => ‘payment_accounting_p‘, p_error_text => substrb(SQLERRM, 1, 240)); x_return_status := ‘2‘; x_msg_data := SQLERRM; END payment_accounting_p; |
会计模式:D,F,P->拟定、最终、最终过账 | 李明 | 2013/12/28 | AP、付款、创建会计科目 | |
194 | 12.x.x | XLA | 子模块会计科目传GL | API | xla_transfer_pkg.gl_transfer_main | PROCEDURE transfer_xla_to_gl(x_return_stauts IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,x_msg_data IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_application_id IN NUMBER ,p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2 ,p_entity_id IN NUMBER ,x_je_batch_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,x_je_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS l_ledger_id NUMBER; l_entity_id NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_stauts := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS; SELECT xte.ledger_id ,xte.entity_id INTO l_ledger_id ,l_entity_id FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte WHERE xte.application_id = p_application_id AND xte.entity_code = p_entity_code AND xte.entity_id = p_entity_id; IF fnd_global.USER_ID = -1 THEN --SYSADMIN, System Administrator fnd_global.set_nls_context(p_nls_language => ‘SIMPLIFIED CHINESE‘); --fnd_global.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id => 0, resp_id => 20420, resp_appl_id => 1); END IF; xla_transfer_pkg.gl_transfer_main(p_application_id => p_application_id, p_transfer_mode => ‘STANDALONE‘, p_ledger_id => l_ledger_id, p_entity_id => l_entity_id, p_caller => xla_transfer_pkg.C_ACCTPROG_DOCUMENT --[hand.liming@20131112 10:59 --,p_submit_gl_post => ‘Y‘ --] ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END transfer_xla_to_gl; |
注意参数p_caller => xla_transfer_pkg.C_ACCTPROG_DOCUMENT | 李明 | 2013/12/28 | XLA,子模块,传送GL | |
195 | 12.x.x | XLA | 子模块创建会计科目 | API | XLA_ACCOUNTING_PUB_PKG.accounting_program_document | PROCEDURE call_standard_accounting(retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_entity_id IN NUMBER) IS l_accounting_mode VARCHAR2(1) := ‘F‘; --D,F,P ls_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info; l_errbuf VARCHAR2(2000); l_retcode VARCHAR2(10); l_request_id NUMBER; l_batch_id NUMBER; l_calling_sequence VARCHAR2(100) := ‘CUX_AR_COMMON_PUB.ACCOUNT_FINNAL‘; BEGIN XLA_ACCOUNTING_PUB_PKG.accounting_program_document(p_event_source_info => ls_info, p_entity_id => p_entity_id, p_accounting_flag => ‘Y‘, p_accounting_mode => l_accounting_mode, p_transfer_flag => ‘Y‘, p_gl_posting_flag => ‘Y‘, p_offline_flag => ‘N‘, p_accounting_batch_id => l_batch_id, p_errbuf => errbuf, p_retcode => retcode, p_request_id => l_request_id); IF retcode = 0 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCT_SUCCESS‘); errbuf := FND_MESSAGE.GET; COMMIT; ELSIF l_retcode = 1 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCT_WARNING‘); errbuf := FND_MESSAGE.GET; ELSIF l_retcode = 2 THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘XLA‘, ‘XLA_ONLINE_ACCTG_ERROR‘); errbuf := FND_MESSAGE.GET; ELSE FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME(‘SQLAP‘, ‘AP_DEBUG‘); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN(‘ERROR‘, errbuf); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN(‘CALLING_SEQUENCE‘, l_calling_sequence); errbuf := FND_MESSAGE.GET; END IF; END call_standard_accounting; |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | XLA,会计科目 | ||
196 | 12.x.x | FUN | 创建公司间往来事务处理 | API | fun_trx_pub.CREATE_BATCH | fun_trx_pub.CREATE_BATCH(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, p_debug => ‘Y‘, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_sent => ‘N‘, p_calling_sequence => ‘CUX_FUN_TRX_INT_PUB.GENERATE_INTERCOMPANY_TRX_P‘, p_insert => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_batch_rec => l_full_batch_rec, p_trx_tbl => l_full_trx_tbl, p_init_dist_tbl => l_init_dist_tbl, p_dist_lines_tbl => l_dist_line_tbl); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | FUN,公司间事务处理 | ||
197 | 12.x.x | INV | 杂项事务处理API | 接口 | mtl_transactions_interface、inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions | TYPE t_misc_issue_rec IS RECORD( organization_id NUMBER ,subinventory_code VARCHAR2(30) ,inventory_item_id NUMBER ,transaction_quantity NUMBER ,distribution_account_ccid NUMBER ,serial_number_from VARCHAR2(30) ,serial_number_to VARCHAR2(30) ); |
PROCEDURE do_misc_issue(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,p_transaction_type_id IN NUMBER ----add by elaine.mi@hand 2013/10/21 ,p_misc_issue_tab IN t_misc_issue_tab) IS l_api_name VARCHAR2(30) := ‘do_misc_issue‘; l_transaction_header_id NUMBER; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec mtl_serial_numbers_interface%ROWTYPE; l_uom_code mtl_system_items_b.primary_unit_of_measure%TYPE; l_retval NUMBER; l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_trx_count NUMBER; BEGIN --init out params x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success; x_msg_data := NULL; l_transaction_header_id := mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval; FOR i IN 1 .. p_misc_issue_tab.count LOOP l_mtl_trx_iface_rec := NULL; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_interface_id := mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.created_by := g_user_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.last_updated_by := g_user_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.last_update_login := g_login_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_header_id := l_transaction_header_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.process_flag := 1; --Yes l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.lock_flag := 1; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_mode := 3; --Background l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.inventory_item_id := p_misc_issue_tab(i).inventory_item_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_date := SYSDATE; IF p_transaction_type_id = 32 THEN l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_quantity := -abs(p_misc_issue_tab(i) .transaction_quantity); ELSE l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_quantity := abs(p_misc_issue_tab(i) .transaction_quantity); END IF; SELECT msi.primary_uom_code INTO l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_uom FROM mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE msi.organization_id = p_misc_issue_tab(i).organization_id AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_misc_issue_tab(i).inventory_item_id; -- l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_type_id := 32; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_type_id := p_transaction_type_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.organization_id := p_misc_issue_tab(i).organization_id; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.subinventory_code := p_misc_issue_tab(i).subinventory_code; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.source_code := g_pkg_name; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.source_header_id := -1; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.source_line_id := -1; l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.distribution_account_id := p_misc_issue_tab(i) .distribution_account_ccid; INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface VALUES l_mtl_trx_iface_rec; -- sn rec l_mtl_sn_iface_rec := NULL; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.created_by := g_user_id; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.last_updated_by := g_user_id; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.last_update_login := g_login_id; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.transaction_interface_id := l_mtl_trx_iface_rec.transaction_interface_id; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.source_code := g_pkg_name; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.source_line_id := -1; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.fm_serial_number := p_misc_issue_tab(i) .serial_number_from; l_mtl_sn_iface_rec.to_serial_number := p_misc_issue_tab(i).serial_number_to; INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_interface VALUES l_mtl_sn_iface_rec; END LOOP; l_retval := inv_txn_manager_pub.process_transactions(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, x_trans_count => l_trx_count, p_table => 1, p_header_id => l_transaction_header_id); IF l_retval = -1 THEN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error; BEGIN SELECT error_explanation INTO x_msg_data FROM mtl_transactions_interface WHERE transaction_header_id = l_transaction_header_id AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_msg_data := NULL; END; IF x_msg_data IS NULL THEN x_msg_data := l_msg_data; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error; x_msg_data := ‘Unexpected exception:‘ || SQLERRM; END do_misc_issue; |
organization_id NUMBER --库存组织 ,subinventory_code VARCHAR2(30) --当前子库存 ,inventory_item_id NUMBER --物料ID ,transaction_quantity NUMBER --事务处理数量 ,distribution_account_ccid NUMBER --分配成本账户 ,serial_number_from VARCHAR2(30) --序列号从 ,serial_number_to VARCHAR2(30) --序列号至 |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | inv,杂项事务处理 |
198 | 12.x.x | PO | 接收事务处理接口处理器调用 | API | por_rcv_ord_sv.call_txn_processor | PROCEDURE call_txn_processor(p_group_id NUMBER ,x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 ,x_msg_count OUT NUMBER ,x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_return NUMBER; CURSOR c_data IS SELECT ie.interface_transaction_id || ‘---‘ || column_name || ‘---‘ || error_message error_message FROM po_interface_errors ie ,rcv_transactions_interface rti WHERE ie.interface_transaction_id = rti.interface_transaction_id AND rti.group_id = p_group_id; BEGIN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success; l_return := por_rcv_ord_sv.call_txn_processor(p_group_id, ‘‘); IF nvl(l_return, 0) <> 0 THEN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error; FOR c1 IN c_data LOOP x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ‘ ‘ || c1.error_message; END LOOP; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error; x_msg_data := SQLERRM; END call_txn_processor; |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | po,接收事务处理接口 | ||
199 | 12.x.x | INV | 创建‘检验’接收事务处理 | API | rcv_inspection_grp.Insert_Inspection | PROCEDURE create_inspection(p_check_header_id IN NUMBER ,p_rcv_transaction_id IN NUMBER ,p_quantity IN NUMBER ,x_group_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS x_return_status VARCHAR2(1); x_msg_count NUMBER; x_msg_data VARCHAR(1000); l_group_id NUMBER; l_rcv_transaction_id NUMBER; l_quality NUMBER; l_uom VARCHAR2(30); l_inspection_code VARCHAR2(30) := ‘ACCEPT‘; l_quality_code VARCHAR2(30) := NULL; l_transaction_date DATE := SYSDATE; l_transaction_type VARCHAR2(30) := ‘ACCEPT‘; l_vendor_lot VARCHAR2(30) := NULL; l_reason_id NUMBER := NULL; l_comments VARCHAR2(240) := p_check_header_id; l_parent_transaction_id NUMBER; BEGIN IF x_group_id IS NULL THEN SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval INTO l_group_id FROM dual; x_group_id := l_group_id; ELSE l_group_id := x_group_id; END IF; l_rcv_transaction_id := p_rcv_transaction_id; l_quality := p_quantity; SELECT rt.unit_of_measure INTO l_uom FROM rcv_transactions rt WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id; rcv_inspection_grp.Insert_Inspection(p_api_version => ‘1.0‘, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, p_created_by => fnd_global.USER_ID, p_last_updated_by => fnd_global.USER_ID, p_last_update_login => fnd_global.LOGIN_ID, p_employee_id => fnd_global.EMPLOYEE_ID, p_group_id => l_group_id, p_transaction_id => l_rcv_transaction_id, p_transaction_type => l_transaction_type, p_processing_mode => ‘BATCH‘, --ONLINE --IMMEDIATE --BATCH p_quantity => l_quality, p_uom => l_uom, p_quality_code => l_quality_code, p_transaction_date => l_transaction_date, p_comments => l_comments, p_reason_id => l_reason_id, p_qa_collection_id => NULL, p_return_status => x_return_status, p_msg_count => x_msg_count, p_msg_data => x_msg_data); --20131009 17:24 hand.liming UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface rti SET rti.attribute15 = p_check_header_id WHERE rti.group_id = x_group_id AND rti.parent_transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id; END create_inspection; |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | INV,接收,事务处理,检验 | ||
200 | 12.x.x | EAM | 资产编号关联仪表信息 | API | eam_meterassoc_pub.insert_assetmeterassoc | eam_meterassoc_pub.insert_assetmeterassoc(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => l_return_status0, x_msg_count => l_msg_count0, x_msg_data => l_msg_data0, p_meter_id => rec_meter.meter_id, p_organization_id => l_instance_rec.inv_organization_id, p_asset_group_id => l_instance_rec.inventory_item_id, p_asset_number => l_instance_rec.serial_number, p_maintenance_object_type => 3, p_maintenance_object_id => p_to_instance_id, p_primary_failure_flag => rec_meter.primary_failure_flag, p_start_date_active => rec_meter.from_effective_date, p_end_date_active => rec_meter.to_effective_date); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,资产编号,仪表 | ||
201 | 12.x.x | EAM | 资产编号生成活动信息 | API | eam_item_activities_pub.insert_item_activities | eam_item_activities_pub.insert_item_activities(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => l_return_status0, x_msg_count => l_msg_count0, x_msg_data => l_msg_data0, p_asset_activity_id => rec_activity.asset_activity_id, p_inventory_item_id => l_instance_rec.inventory_item_id, p_organization_id => l_instance_rec.inv_organization_id, p_owningdepartment_id => l_instance_rec.owning_department_id, p_maintenance_object_id => p_to_instance_id, p_start_date_active => rec_activity.start_date_active, p_end_date_active => rec_activity.end_date_active, p_priority_code => rec_activity.priority_code, p_activity_cause_code => rec_activity.activity_cause_code, p_activity_type_code => rec_activity.activity_type_code, p_shutdown_type_code => rec_activity.shutdown_type_code, p_maintenance_object_type => 3, p_tmpl_flag => rec_activity.tmpl_flag, p_class_code => rec_activity.class_code, p_activity_source_code => rec_activity.activity_source_code, p_serial_number => l_instance_rec.serial_number, p_tagging_required_flag => rec_activity.tagging_required_flag, p_last_service_start_date => rec_activity.last_service_start_date, p_last_service_end_date => rec_activity.last_service_end_date, p_prev_service_start_date => rec_activity.prev_service_start_date, p_prev_service_end_date => rec_activity.prev_service_end_date, p_last_scheduled_start_date => rec_activity.last_scheduled_start_date, p_last_scheduled_end_date => rec_activity.last_scheduled_end_date, p_prev_scheduled_start_date => rec_activity.prev_scheduled_start_date, p_prev_scheduled_end_date => rec_activity.prev_scheduled_end_date, p_wip_entity_id => rec_activity.wip_entity_id, p_source_tmpl_id => rec_activity.source_tmpl_id, p_pm_last_service_tbl => l_pm_last_service_tbl); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,资产编号,活动 | ||
202 | 12.x.x | EAM | 预防性维护计划创建 | API | eam_pmdef_pub.create_pm_def | eam_pmdef_pub.create_pm_def(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => l_return_status0, x_msg_count => l_msg_count0, x_msg_data => l_msg_data0, p_pm_schedule_rec => l_pm_schedule_rec, p_pm_activities_tbl => l_pm_activities_tbl, p_pm_day_interval_rules_tbl => l_pm_day_interval_rules_tbl, p_pm_runtime_rules_tbl => l_pm_runtime_rules_tbl, p_pm_list_date_rules_tbl => l_pm_list_date_rules_tbl, x_new_pm_schedule_id => l_new_pm_schedule_id); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,资产编号,PM计划 | ||
203 | 12.x.x | EAM | 更新资产编号 | API | eam_assetnumber_pub.Update_Asset_Number | eam_assetnumber_pub.Update_Asset_Number(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_inventory_item_id => rec_check_line.inventory_item_id, p_serial_number => l_serial_number, p_instance_number => l_instance_number, P_INSTANCE_ID => l_instance_id, p_current_status => 3, p_descriptive_text => l_descriptive_text, p_current_organization_id => rec_check_header.organization_id, p_wip_accounting_class_code => rec_main_attr_value.wip_accounting_class_code, p_owning_department_id => rec_main_attr_value.owning_department_id, p_eam_location_id => rec_main_attr_value.eam_location_id, p_asset_criticality_code => rec_main_attr_value.asset_criticality_code, p_category_id => l_category_id, --rec_attr_value.c_attribute1, -- p_instantiate_flag => FALSE, --p_active_start_date => SYSDATE, P_LOCATION_TYPE_CODE => ‘HZ_LOCATIONS‘, P_LOCATION_ID => rec_main_attr_value.location_id, --p_operational_log_flag => ‘N‘, P_ATTRIBUTE30 => rec_check_header.header_id || ‘.‘ || rec_check_line.eam_check_line_id); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,资产编号,更新 | ||
204 | 12.x.x | EAM | 创建资产编号 | API | eam_assetnumber_pub.Insert_Asset_Number | eam_assetnumber_pub.Insert_Asset_Number(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, x_object_id => l_instance_id, p_inventory_item_id => rec_check_line.inventory_item_id, p_serial_number => l_serial_number, p_instance_number => l_instance_number, --P_INSTANCE_ID => l_instance_id, p_current_status => 3, p_descriptive_text => l_descriptive_text, p_current_organization_id => rec_check_header.organization_id, p_wip_accounting_class_code => rec_main_attr_value.wip_accounting_class_code, p_owning_department_id => rec_main_attr_value.owning_department_id, p_eam_location_id => rec_main_attr_value.eam_location_id, p_asset_criticality_code => rec_main_attr_value.asset_criticality_code, p_category_id => l_category_id, --rec_attr_value.c_attribute1, -- p_instantiate_flag => FALSE, --p_active_start_date => SYSDATE, --P_LOCATION_TYPE_CODE => ‘HZ_LOCATIONS‘, --P_LOCATION_ID => rec_main_attr_value.location_id, --p_operational_log_flag => ‘N‘, P_ATTRIBUTE30 => rec_check_header.header_id || ‘.‘ || rec_check_line.eam_check_line_id); |
插入地点信息参数P_LOCATION_TYPE_CODE和P_LOCATION_ID无作用,估计是API的BUG | 李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,资产编号,新建 | |
205 | 12.x.x | EAM | 创建资产属性 | API | eam_assetattr_value_pub.insert_assetattr_value | eam_assetattr_value_pub.insert_assetattr_value(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE, p_commit => fnd_api.G_FALSE, p_validation_level => fnd_api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_association_id => rec_attr_group.association_id, p_application_id => rec_attr_group.application_id, p_descriptive_flexfield_name => rec_attr_group.descriptive_flexfield_name, p_inventory_item_id => rec_attr_group.inventory_item_id, p_serial_number => l_serial_number, p_organization_id => rec_check_header.organization_id, p_attribute_category => rec_attr_group.descriptive_flex_context_code, p_c_attribute1 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute1, p_c_attribute2 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute2, p_c_attribute3 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute3, p_c_attribute4 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute4, p_c_attribute5 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute5, p_c_attribute6 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute6, p_c_attribute7 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute7, p_c_attribute8 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute8, p_c_attribute9 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute9, p_c_attribute10 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute10, p_c_attribute11 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute11, p_c_attribute12 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute12, p_c_attribute13 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute13, p_c_attribute14 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute14, p_c_attribute15 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute15, p_c_attribute16 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute16, p_c_attribute17 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute17, p_c_attribute18 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute18, p_c_attribute19 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute19, p_c_attribute20 => rec_attr_value.c_attribute20, p_d_attribute1 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute1, p_d_attribute2 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute2, p_d_attribute3 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute3, p_d_attribute4 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute4, p_d_attribute5 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute5, p_d_attribute6 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute6, p_d_attribute7 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute7, p_d_attribute8 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute8, p_d_attribute9 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute9, p_d_attribute10 => rec_attr_value.d_attribute10, p_n_attribute1 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute1, p_n_attribute2 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute2, p_n_attribute3 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute3, p_n_attribute4 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute4, p_n_attribute5 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute5, p_n_attribute6 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute6, p_n_attribute7 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute7, p_n_attribute8 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute8, p_n_attribute9 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute9, p_n_attribute10 => rec_attr_value.n_attribute10, p_maintenance_object_type => ‘3‘, p_maintenance_object_id => l_instance_id, p_creation_organization_id => rec_check_header.organization_id); |
李明 | 2013/12/28 | EAM,属性组 | ||
206 | 12.x.x | PO | API方式创建一揽子采购协议 | API | po_pdoi_grp.start_process | DECLARE g_line_end VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13) || chr(10); --换行符 p_process_pending VARCHAR2(1) := ‘N‘; --是否处理暂挂记录 p_process_error VARCHAR2(1) := ‘N‘; --是否处理错误记录 p_source VARCHAR2(100); --限制来源 p_source_id_from VARCHAR2(240); --限制来源标识从 p_source_id_to VARCHAR2(240); --限制来源标识至 l_po_header_id NUMBER; l_return_status VARCHAR2(1); l_return_msg VARCHAR2(30000); l_item_id NUMBER; l_organization_id NUMBER; l_org_id NUMBER; l_agent_id NUMBER; l_location_id NUMBER; l_vendor_id NUMBER; l_vendor_site_id NUMBER; l_iface_rec po.po_headers_interface%ROWTYPE; l_iface_lines_rec po.po_lines_interface%ROWTYPE; l_msg_count NUMBER; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_currency_code VARCHAR2(15); l_error_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 23206, resp_id => 53834, resp_appl_id => 201); mo_global.init(‘M‘); FOR rec IN (SELECT * FROM cux_2_po_blanket_headers t WHERE (t.process_status IS NULL OR (p_process_pending = ‘Y‘ AND t.process_status = ‘P‘) OR (p_process_error = ‘Y‘ AND t.process_status IN (‘E‘, ‘U‘))) AND (p_source IS NULL OR t.source = p_source) AND (p_source_id_from IS NULL OR t.source_id >= p_source_id_from) AND (p_source_id_to IS NULL OR t.source_id <= p_source_id_to) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT) LOOP l_return_status := NULL; l_return_msg := NULL; l_po_header_id := NULL; l_org_id := NULL; l_organization_id := NULL; l_vendor_id := NULL; l_vendor_site_id := NULL; l_iface_rec := NULL; l_currency_code := NULL; l_agent_id := NULL; BEGIN SELECT hou.organization_id, sob.currency_code INTO l_org_id, l_currency_code FROM hr_operating_units hou, gl_sets_of_books sob WHERE hou.name = rec.org_name AND hou.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting OU id: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; IF l_org_id IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT fsp.inventory_organization_id INTO l_organization_id FROM financials_system_parameters fsp, hr_operating_units hou WHERE fsp.org_id = hou.organization_id AND fsp.set_of_books_id = hou.set_of_books_id AND hou.organization_id = l_org_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting organization id: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; BEGIN SELECT pv.vendor_id INTO l_vendor_id FROM po_vendors pv WHERE pv.vendor_name = rec.vendor_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting vendor id: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; IF l_vendor_id IS NOT NULL AND l_org_id IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT pvs.vendor_site_id INTO l_vendor_site_id FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs WHERE pvs.vendor_id = l_vendor_id AND pvs.org_id = l_org_id AND pvs.vendor_site_code = rec.vendor_site_code; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting vendor site: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; BEGIN SELECT atv.term_id INTO l_iface_rec.terms_id FROM ap_terms_vl atv WHERE atv.name = nvl(rec.payment_term, ‘B00_立即付款‘) AND atv.enabled_flag = ‘Y‘ AND SYSDATE BETWEEN nvl(atv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) AND nvl(atv.end_date_active, SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting payment term: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; BEGIN SELECT pap.person_id INTO l_agent_id FROM per_all_people_f pap WHERE pap.full_name = rec.agent_name AND SYSDATE BETWEEN nvl(pap.effective_start_date, SYSDATE) AND nvl(pap.effective_end_date, SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting agent: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; l_iface_rec.interface_header_id := po_headers_interface_s.nextval; l_iface_rec.org_id := l_org_id; l_iface_rec.document_num := rec.po_number; l_iface_rec.process_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_rec.action := ‘ORIGINAL‘; l_iface_rec.document_type_code := ‘BLANKET‘; l_iface_rec.currency_code := l_currency_code; l_iface_rec.approval_status := ‘APPROVED‘; l_iface_rec.agent_id := l_agent_id; l_iface_rec.vendor_id := l_vendor_id; l_iface_rec.vendor_site_id := l_vendor_site_id; --l_iface_rec.ship_to_location_id := l_location_id; --l_iface_rec.bill_to_location_id := l_location_id; l_iface_rec.interface_source_code := ‘期初导入‘; l_iface_rec.batch_id := l_iface_rec.interface_header_id; l_iface_rec.attribute_category := ‘BLANKET‘; IF upper(rec.global_agreement_flag) IN (‘是‘, ‘YES‘, ‘Y‘) THEN l_iface_rec.global_agreement_flag := ‘Y‘; ELSIF upper(rec.global_agreement_flag) IN (‘否‘, ‘NO‘, ‘N‘) THEN l_iface_rec.global_agreement_flag := ‘N‘; ELSE l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Global agreement flag must be entered and must be valid.‘ || g_line_end; END IF; l_iface_rec.attribute2 := rec.attribute2; l_iface_rec.attribute5 := rec.attribute5; l_iface_rec.attribute6 := rec.attribute6; IF rec.attribute6 IS NULL AND rec.attribute5 IS NULL THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Contract number and inquiry report number can not all be null.‘ || g_line_end; END IF; IF l_return_status IS NULL THEN INSERT INTO po.po_headers_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; END IF; FOR rec_line IN (SELECT rownum, l.* FROM cux_2_po_blanket_lines l WHERE l.org_name = rec.org_name AND l.po_number = rec.po_number) LOOP l_iface_lines_rec := NULL; l_item_id := NULL; IF l_organization_id IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT msi.inventory_item_id INTO l_item_id FROM mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE msi.organization_id = l_organization_id AND msi.segment1 = rec_line.item_number; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting item(‘ || rec_line.item_number || ‘) id: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; l_iface_lines_rec.interface_line_id := po_lines_interface_s.nextval; l_iface_lines_rec.interface_header_id := l_iface_rec.interface_header_id; --l_iface_lines_rec.process_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_lines_rec.action := ‘ADD‘; l_iface_lines_rec.line_num := rec_line.rownum; l_iface_lines_rec.item_id := l_item_id; l_iface_lines_rec.line_type_id := 1; l_iface_lines_rec.unit_of_measure := rec_line.unit_meas_lookup_code; l_iface_lines_rec.unit_price := rec_line.unit_price; l_iface_lines_rec.line_loc_populated_flag := ‘Y‘; l_iface_lines_rec.ship_to_organization_id := l_organization_id; --l_iface_rec.ship_to_location_id := l_location_id; --l_iface_lines_rec.need_by_date := SYSDATE; --l_iface_lines_rec.promised_date := SYSDATE; --l_iface_lines_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute_category_lines := ‘BLANKET‘; IF rec_line.vendor_product_num IS NOT NULL THEN l_iface_lines_rec.vendor_product_num := rec_line.vendor_product_num; ELSE l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Vendor product number must be entered(Item: ‘ || rec_line.item_number || ‘).‘ || g_line_end; END IF; IF rec_line.attribute1 IS NOT NULL THEN l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute1 := rec_line.attribute1; ELSE l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Order tax price must be entered(Item: ‘ || rec_line.item_number || ‘).‘ || g_line_end; END IF; IF rec_line.attribute6 IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT v.flex_value INTO l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute6 FROM fnd_flex_values_vl v, fnd_flex_value_sets s WHERE v.flex_value_set_id = s.flex_value_set_id AND s.flex_value_set_name = ‘CRC_B02_PO_LINES_MODES_OF_PACKING‘ AND v.description = rec_line.attribute6 AND v.enabled_flag = ‘Y‘ AND SYSDATE BETWEEN nvl(v.start_date_active, SYSDATE) AND nvl(v.end_date_active, SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting mode of packing(‘ || rec_line.attribute6 || ‘): ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; IF rec_line.attribute7 IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT v.flex_value INTO l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute7 FROM fnd_flex_values_vl v, fnd_flex_value_sets s WHERE v.flex_value_set_id = s.flex_value_set_id AND s.flex_value_set_name = ‘CRC_B02_PO_LINES_MODES_OF_SHIPPING‘ AND v.description = rec_line.attribute7 AND v.enabled_flag = ‘Y‘ AND SYSDATE BETWEEN nvl(v.start_date_active, SYSDATE) AND nvl(v.end_date_active, SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting mode of shipping(‘ || rec_line.attribute7 || ‘): ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; IF rec_line.attribute9 IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT to_char(hl.location_id) INTO l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute9 FROM hr_locations_all hl WHERE hl.location_code = rec_line.attribute9 AND SYSDATE <= nvl(hl.inactive_date, SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting location(‘ || rec_line.attribute9 || ‘): ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; ELSE BEGIN SELECT to_char(pvs.ship_to_location_id) INTO l_iface_lines_rec.line_attribute9 FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs WHERE pvs.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; l_return_msg := l_return_msg || ‘Error when getting default location: ‘ || SQLERRM || g_line_end; END; END IF; IF l_return_status IS NULL THEN INSERT INTO po_lines_interface VALUES l_iface_lines_rec; END IF; END LOOP; IF l_return_status IS NULL THEN po_pdoi_grp.start_process(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => l_return_status, p_gather_intf_tbl_stat => fnd_api.g_false, p_calling_module => po_pdoi_constants.g_call_mod_unknown, p_selected_batch_id => l_iface_rec.batch_id, p_batch_size => po_pdoi_constants.g_def_batch_size, p_buyer_id => NULL, p_document_type => ‘BLANKET‘, p_document_subtype => NULL, p_create_items => ‘N‘, p_create_sourcing_rules_flag => NULL, p_rel_gen_method => NULL, p_sourcing_level => NULL, p_sourcing_inv_org_id => NULL, p_approved_status => ‘APPROVED‘, p_process_code => ‘PENDING‘, p_interface_header_id => NULL, p_org_id => l_org_id, p_ga_flag => NULL); IF l_return_status = ‘S‘ THEN SELECT MAX(poh.po_header_id) INTO l_po_header_id FROM po_headers_all poh, po_headers_interface phi WHERE poh.po_header_id = phi.po_header_id AND phi.interface_header_id = l_iface_rec.interface_header_id; IF l_po_header_id IS NULL THEN l_return_status := ‘E‘; FOR rec_msg IN (SELECT pie.error_message, pie.interface_line_id FROM po_interface_errors pie WHERE pie.interface_header_id = l_iface_rec.interface_header_id) LOOP l_return_msg := l_return_msg || rec_msg.error_message || g_line_end; END LOOP; END IF; ELSE FOR rec_msg IN (SELECT pie.error_message, pie.interface_line_id FROM po_interface_errors pie WHERE pie.interface_header_id = l_iface_rec.interface_header_id) LOOP l_return_msg := l_return_msg || rec_msg.error_message || g_line_end; END LOOP; END IF; END IF; IF l_return_status != ‘S‘ THEN l_error_flag := TRUE; ELSE IF l_error_flag THEN l_return_status := ‘P‘; END IF; END IF; UPDATE cux_2_po_blanket_headers h SET h.process_status = l_return_status, h.process_message = substrb(l_return_msg, 1, 4000), h.last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id, h.last_update_date = SYSDATE, h.last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id WHERE h.org_name = rec.org_name AND h.po_number = rec.po_number; END LOOP; END; |
建议开发中使用API替代PO接口,能有效控制事务一致性 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | PO/一揽子/创建 | |
207 | 12.x.x | PO | API方式创建标准采购订单 | API | po_docs_interface_sv5.process_po_headers_interface | DECLARE l_iface_rec po_headers_interface%ROWTYPE; l_iface_lines_rec po_lines_interface%ROWTYPE; l_iface_dis_rec po_distributions_interface%ROWTYPE; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1151, resp_id => 50717, resp_appl_id => 201); mo_global.init(‘M‘); SELECT po_headers_interface_s.nextval INTO l_iface_rec.interface_header_id FROM dual; l_iface_rec.org_id := 81; --PO所属OU l_iface_rec.process_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_rec.action := ‘ORIGINAL‘; l_iface_rec.document_type_code := ‘STANDARD‘; --PO类型 l_iface_rec.approval_status := ‘APPROVED‘; --审批状态 l_iface_rec.agent_id := 61; --采购员 l_iface_rec.vendor_id := 2003; --供应商 l_iface_rec.interface_source_code := ‘CUX:End Product Moving‘; --接口来源标识 l_iface_rec.created_by := 1151; --Who字段 l_iface_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; --Who字段 l_iface_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; --Who字段 l_iface_rec.last_updated_by := 1151; --Who字段 l_iface_rec.last_update_login := -1; --Who字段 INSERT INTO po_headers_interface VALUES l_iface_rec; SELECT po_lines_interface_s.nextval INTO l_iface_lines_rec.interface_line_id FROM dual; l_iface_lines_rec.interface_header_id := l_iface_rec.interface_header_id; l_iface_lines_rec.process_code := ‘PENDING‘; l_iface_lines_rec.action := ‘ORIGINAL‘; l_iface_lines_rec.line_num := ‘1‘; --行号 l_iface_lines_rec.shipment_num := ‘1‘; --发运号 l_iface_lines_rec.item_id := 1003; --物料 l_iface_lines_rec.quantity := 10; --数量 l_iface_lines_rec.unit_price := 100; --单价 l_iface_lines_rec.promised_date := SYSDATE + 1; --承诺日期 l_iface_lines_rec.created_by := 1151; --WHO字段 l_iface_lines_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; --WHO字段 l_iface_lines_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; --WHO字段 l_iface_lines_rec.last_updated_by := 1151; --WHO字段 l_iface_lines_rec.last_update_login := -1; --WHO字段 l_iface_lines_rec.receiving_routing_id := 3; --接收方式,3为直接入库 INSERT INTO po_lines_interface VALUES l_iface_lines_rec; SELECT po_distributions_interface_s.nextval INTO l_iface_dis_rec.interface_distribution_id FROM dual; l_iface_dis_rec.interface_header_id := l_iface_rec.interface_header_id; l_iface_dis_rec.interface_line_id := l_iface_lines_rec.interface_line_id; l_iface_dis_rec.distribution_num := 1; l_iface_dis_rec.quantity_ordered := 10; l_iface_dis_rec.created_by := 1151; l_iface_dis_rec.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_dis_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_iface_dis_rec.last_updated_by := 1151; l_iface_dis_rec.last_update_login := -1; INSERT INTO po_distributions_interface VALUES l_iface_dis_rec; po_docs_interface_sv5.process_po_headers_interface(x_selected_batch_id => NULL, x_buyer_id => NULL, x_document_type => l_iface_rec.document_type_code, x_document_subtype => l_iface_rec.document_subtype, x_create_items => ‘N‘, x_create_sourcing_rules_flag => NULL, x_rel_gen_method => NULL, x_approved_status => l_iface_rec.approval_status, x_commit_interval => 1, x_process_code => ‘PENDING‘, x_interface_header_id => l_iface_rec.interface_header_id, x_org_id_param => l_iface_rec.org_id, x_ga_flag => NULL); dbms_output.put_line(l_iface_rec.interface_header_id); COMMIT; END; |
建议开发中使用API替代PO接口,能有效控制事务一致性 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | PO/标准采购订单/创建 | |
208 | 12.x.x | INV | 任务发退料 | 接口 | INV.INCTCM | INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface (source_code, --来源标识 process_flag, -- 固定为1 last_updated_by, -- g_user_id last_update_login, -- g_login_id transaction_quantity, --数量 subinventory_code, -- 子库存 transaction_type_id, --发料固定为35,退料固定为43 source_line_id, --来源行ID transaction_mode, -- 固定为3 , creation_date, -- SYSDATE , inventory_item_id, -- 物料 revision, -- 物料版本 transaction_uom, --单位 locator_id, -- 货位 transaction_source_type_id, -- 固定为5 /* 任务或计划 */ , wip_entity_type, -- 任务类型 , source_header_id, --来源头ID , last_update_date, -- SYSDATE , created_by, -- g_user_id , organization_id, -- 库存组织 transaction_date, -- 处理日期 transaction_source_id, -- 任务ID operation_seq_num, -- 工序序号 transaction_interface_id, -- 使用mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval transaction_reference, --参考 attribute6, --弹性域字段 attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute_category) VALUES (v_source_code, 1, g_user_id, g_login_id, -1 * abs(wip_item_c.transaction_qty), wip_item_c.subinventory_code, 35, wip_item_c.transaction_id, 3, SYSDATE, wip_item_c.item_id, decode(v_revison_control, 2, wip_item_c.item_revision, NULL), v_item_uom, wip_item_c.location_id, 5 /* 任务或计划 */, 1, wip_item_c.transaction_id, SYSDATE, g_user_id, wip_item_c.organization_id, wip_item_c.transaction_date, wip_item_c.wip_entity_id, wip_item_c.operation_seq_num, v_transaction_ifa_id, wip_item_c.transaction_reference, wip_item_c.source_reference, wip_item_c.attribute7, wip_item_c.attribute8, wip_item_c.attribute9, ‘LMS信息‘); |
插入标准物料事务接口表后提交接口请求 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | 任务/发料/退料 | |
209 | 12.x.x | WIP | 任务工序移动 | 接口 | WIP.WICTMS | DECLARE l_wip wip_move_txn_interface%rowtype; BEGIN l_wip.creation_date := SYSDATE; l_wip.created_by := g_user_id; l_wip.last_update_date := SYSDATE; l_wip.last_update_login := g_login_id; l_wip.last_updated_by := g_user_id; l_wip.organization_id := rec_move.organization_id;--库存组织ID l_wip.organization_code := g_organization_code;--库存组织代码 l_wip.fm_intraoperation_step_type := rec_move.fm_intraoperation_step_type;--步骤状态从 l_wip.fm_operation_seq_num := rec_move.fm_operation_seq_num;--工序序号从 l_wip.to_intraoperation_step_type := rec_move.to_intraoperation_step_type;--步骤状态至 l_wip.to_operation_seq_num := rec_move.to_operation_seq_num;--工序序号至 l_wip.transaction_quantity := rec_move.transaction_quantity;--移动数量 l_wip.process_phase := 1;--固定 l_wip.process_status := 1;--固定 l_wip.transaction_type := 1;--固定 l_wip.transaction_date := rec_move.transaction_date;--处理日期 l_wip.transaction_uom := rec_move.transaction_uom;--单位 l_wip.wip_entity_id := rec_move.wip_entity_id;--WIP任务ID l_wip.reference := NULL;--参考,可选 l_wip.source_code := rec_move.source_code;--来源标识 l_wip.source_line_id := rec_move.transaction_id;--来源行ID INSERT INTO wip.wip_move_txn_interface VALUES l_wip; END; |
插入标准工序移动接口表后提交接口请求 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | 任务/工序/移动 | |
210 | 12.x.x | WSH | 撤销交货号 | API | wsh_delivery_details_actions.unassign_detail_from_delivery | p_detail_id--发运明细ID x_return_status--返回处理结果 p_action_prms--wsh_delivery_details_grp.action_parameters_rec_type,此场景用不到 |
wsh_delivery_details_actions.unassign_detail_from_delivery(p_detail_id => l_delivery_detail_id, x_return_status => l_return_status, p_action_prms => l_action_prms); |
用于回收已分配交货号但尚未发运的发运明细,对应标准FORM的“撤销交货号”功能 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | 发运/交货号/撤销 |
211 | 12.x.x | WSH | 更新发运明细 | API | wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes | p_changed_attributes--wsh_delivery_details_pub.changedattributetabtype,存放要更新的发运明细信息 p_source_code--固定为OE |
/*此例为更新发运明细的发运数量*/ l_rec_tbl(1).delivery_detail_id := l_delivery_detail_id; l_rec_tbl(1).shipped_quantity := rec.quantity; wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes(p_api_version_number => ‘1.0‘, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, p_changed_attributes => l_rec_tbl, p_source_code => ‘OE‘); |
用于更新发运明细信息 | 何云 | 2013/12/31 | 发运/更新明细 |
212 | 12.x.x | FND | 获取并发并请求模板 | API | fnd_conc_templates.get_template_information | fnd_conc_templates.get_template_information(:work_order.program_application_id, :work_order.application_short_name, :work_order.concurrent_program_name, :work_order.nls_language, :work_order.nls_territory, :world.current_nls_language, :world.current_nls_territory, l_template_obtained, l_template_name, l_template_language, l_format, l_request_language, l_iso_language, l_iso_territory, l_template_app_name, l_template_code, l_format_type); |
苏联章 | 2013/12/31 | 并发/模板 | ||
213 | 11.0.0 | WIP | 工序移动 | 接口 | WIP.WICTMS | 接口表:wip_move_txn_interface | v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘WIP‘, ‘WICTMS‘, NULL, NULL, FALSE, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 工序移动 | |
214 | 11.0.0 | INV | 导入物料 | API | ego_item_pub.process_items | ego_item_pub.process_items(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_true, p_item_tbl => l_item_tab, x_item_tbl => l_out_item_tab, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 物料导入/子组织 | ||
215 | 11.0.0 | INV | 创建保留 | API | inv_reservation_pub.create_reservation | inv_reservation_pub.create_reservation(p_api_version_number => 1, p_init_msg_lst => ‘T‘, p_rsv_rec => l_rsv_rec, p_serial_number => l_serial_number, p_partial_reservation_flag => l_partial_reservation_flag, p_force_reservation_flag => l_force_reservation_flag, p_partial_rsv_exists => l_partial_reservation_exists, p_validation_flag => l_validation_flag, x_serial_number => x_serial_number, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_quantity_reserved => x_quantity_reserved, x_reservation_id => x_reservation_id); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 创建保留 | ||
216 | 11.0.0 | INV | 查找保留 | API | inv_reservation_pub.query_reservation | inv_reservation_pub.query_reservation(p_api_version_number => 1.0, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_query_input => l_mtl_reservation_rec, x_mtl_reservation_tbl => l_mtl_reservation_tbl, x_mtl_reservation_tbl_count => l_mtl_reservation_tbl_count, x_error_code => l_error_code); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 查询保留 | ||
217 | 11.0.0 | INV | 单位转换 | API | inv_convert.inv_um_convert | l_umconvert_trans_quantity := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id => l_mmtt_rec.inventory_item_id, PRECISION => NULL, from_quantity => p_transaction_quantity, from_unit => l_mmtt_rec.transaction_uom, to_unit => l_primary_uom, from_name => NULL, to_name => NULL); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 单位转换 | ||
218 | 11.0.0 | INV | 更新保留 | API | inv_reservation_pub.update_reservation | inv_reservation_pub.update_reservation(p_api_version_number => 1.0, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_original_rsv_rec => l_mtl_reservation_rec, p_to_rsv_rec => l_mtl_reservation_tbl(1), p_original_serial_number => l_original_serial_number, p_to_serial_number => l_to_serial_number); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 更新保留 | ||
219 | 11.0.0 | INV | 删除物料搬运单分配 | API | inv_mo_line_detail_util.delete_row | inv_mo_line_detail_util.delete_row(x_return_status => l_return_status, p_line_id => p_move_order_line_id, p_line_detail_id => p_transaction_temp_id); |
徐冲 | 2013/12/31 | 删除MO行 | ||
220 | 12.1.3 | XLA | 创建事件 | API | xla_events_pub_pkg.create_event | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | XLA/事件/创建事件 | |||
221 | 12.1.3 | XLA | 生成分录 | API | xla_accounting_pub_pkg.accounting_program_document | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | XLA/事件/生成分录 | |||
222 | 12.1.3 | XLA | 删除分录 | API | xla_journal_entries_pkg.delete_journal_entries | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | XLA/事件/删除分录 | |||
223 | 12.1.3 | GL | 预算检查 | API | xla_je_funds_checker_pkg.check_funds | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | GL/预算/预算检查 | |||
224 | 12.1.3 | GL | 预算保留 | API | xla_je_funds_checker_pkg.reserve_funds | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | GL/预算/预算保留 | |||
225 | 12.1.3 | FA | 获取资产折旧信息 | API | fa_query_balances_pkg.query_balances | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | FA | |||
226 | 12.1.3 | FA | 资产报废 | API | fa_retirement_pub.do_retirement | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | FA | |||
227 | 12.1.3 | FA | 资产转移 | API | fa_transfer_pub.do_transfer | 罗建波 | 2014/1/2 | FA | |||
228 | 12.x.x | PO | 接受数量 | API | rcv_invoice_matching_sv.get_quantities | 赵杨 | 2014/1/7 | PO/接收/数量 | |||
229 | 12.1.3 | AR | 收款冲销 | API | ar_receipt_api_pub.reverse | --初始化 fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1134, resp_id => 50706, resp_appl_id => 222); mo_global.set_policy_context(‘S‘, 85); --p_reversal_category_code --select * from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = ‘REVERSAL_CATEGORY_TYPE‘ --p_reversal_reason_code --select * from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = ‘CKAJST_REASON‘ --冲销 ar_receipt_api_pub.reverse( -- Standard API parameters. p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => l_return_status, x_msg_count => l_msg_count, x_msg_data => l_msg_data, -- Receipt reversal related parameters p_cash_receipt_id => 1000, p_receipt_number => ‘TEST_20131231_01‘, p_reversal_category_code => ‘REV‘, p_reversal_category_name => ‘Reverse Payment‘, p_reversal_gl_date => to_date(‘20131231‘, ‘YYYYMMDD‘), p_reversal_date => to_date(‘20131231‘, ‘YYYYMMDD‘), p_reversal_reason_code => ‘PAYMENT REVERSAL‘, p_reversal_reason_name => ‘Payment Reversal‘, p_reversal_comments => ‘API TEST api test‘, p_called_from => NULL, --p_attribute_rec IN attribute_rec_type DEFAULT attribute_rec_const, --p_global_attribute_rec IN global_attribute_rec_type_upd DEFAULT global_attribute_rec_upd_cons --p_global_attribute_rec IN global_attribute_rec_type DEFAULT global_attribute_rec_const , p_cancel_claims_flag => ‘Y‘, p_org_id => 85); IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘Error‘); dbms_output.put_line(fnd_msg_pub.count_msg); FOR i IN 1 .. fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_data => l_msg_data, p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index); lv_message := lv_message || l_msg_data; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(lv_message); ELSE dbms_output.put_line(‘Ok‘); END IF; |
苏联章 | 2014/1/16 | AR/收款/冲销 | ||
230 | 12.x.x | BOM | 判断工作日 | API | bom_calendar_api_bk | 赵杨 | 2014/1/16 | 工作日 | |||
231 | 12.x.x | PJM | 创建seiban | API | pjm_seiban_pub.create_seiban | pjm_seiban_pub.create_seiban(p_api_version => 1.0, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => return_status, x_msg_count => msg_count, x_msg_data => msg_data, p_seiban_number => l_project_number, p_seiban_name => l_project_name, p_operating_unit => fnd_profile.value(‘ORG_ID‘), p_planning_group => ‘‘, p_dff => dff, p_org_list => orglisttbl, x_project_id => p_project_id); |
赵杨 | 2014/2/24 | PJM/SEIBAN | ||
232 | 12.x.x | PJM | 更新计划组 | API | pjm_project_param_pub.update_planning_group | pjm_project_param_pub.update_planning_group(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => return_status, x_msg_count => msg_count, x_msg_data => msg_data, p_project_id => p_project_id, p_planning_group => l_planning_group); |
赵杨 | 2014/2/24 | PJM/计划组/更新 | ||
233 | 12.x.x | FND | 设置并发请求对用户隐藏 | API | fnd_request.set_options | l_req_opts := fnd_request.set_options(implicit => ‘YES‘); | 赵杨 | 2014/3/11 | FND/并发/隐藏 | ||
234 | 12.x.x | FND | 创建用户 | API | fnd_user_pkg.createuser | fnd_user_pkg.createuser ( x_user_name =>‘test_user‘, x_owner =>‘seed‘, x_unencrypted_password =>‘12345‘); |
苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/创建 | ||
235 | 12.x.x | FND | 更新用户 | API | fnd_user_pkg.updateuser | fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser ( | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/更新 | ||
236 | 12.x.x | FND | 创建用户party | API | fnd_user_pkg.createuserparty | x_user_name =>‘test_user‘, | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/创建PARTY | ||
237 | 12.x.x | FND | 失效用户 | API | fnd_user_pkg.disableuser | x_owner =>‘seed‘, | 失效时间为sysdate | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/失效用户 | |
238 | 12.x.x | FND | 失效/启用用户 | API | fnd_user_pkg.EnableUser | x_unencrypted_password =>‘12345‘); | start_date默认sysdate,end_date默认空 | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/失效用户/启用用户 | |
239 | 12.x.x | FND | 验证用户是否登录 | API | fnd_user_pkg.validatelogin | fnd_user_pkg.validatelogin(username =>‘test_user‘, password =>‘12345‘); |
返回boolean | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/验证用户登录 | |
240 | 12.x.x | FND | 更改密码 | API | fnd_user_pkg.changepassword | fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username =>‘test_user‘, newpassword =>‘12345‘); fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username =>‘test_user‘, oldpassword =>‘abcd‘ newpassword =>‘12345‘); |
返回boolean | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/更改密码 | |
241 | 12.x.x | FND | 验证用户是否存在 | API | fnd_user_pkg.userexists | fnd_user_pkg.userexists (x_user_name =>‘test_user‘) | 返回boolean | 苏联章 | 2014/8/8 | FND/用户/验证存在 | |
242 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建员工特殊信息 | API | hr_sit_api.create_sit | BEGIN hr_sit_api.create_sit(p_validate => FALSE, p_person_id => l_intf_rec.person_id, p_business_group_id => l_intf_rec.business_group_id, p_id_flex_num => l_intf_rec.id_flex_num, p_effective_date => l_date_dummy, p_comments => l_intf_rec.comments, p_date_from => l_intf_rec.date_from, p_date_to => l_intf_rec.date_to, p_request_id => l_intf_rec.request_id, p_program_application_id => l_intf_rec.program_application_id, p_program_id => l_intf_rec.program_id, p_program_update_date => l_intf_rec.program_update_date, p_segment1 => l_intf_rec.segment1, p_segment2 => l_intf_rec.segment2, p_segment3 => l_intf_rec.segment3, p_segment4 => l_intf_rec.segment4, p_segment5 => l_intf_rec.segment5, p_segment6 => l_intf_rec.segment6, p_segment7 => l_intf_rec.segment7, p_segment8 => l_intf_rec.segment8, p_segment9 => l_intf_rec.segment9, p_segment10 => l_intf_rec.segment10, p_segment11 => l_intf_rec.segment11, p_segment12 => l_intf_rec.segment12, p_segment13 => l_intf_rec.segment13, p_segment14 => l_intf_rec.segment14, p_segment15 => l_intf_rec.segment15, p_segment16 => l_intf_rec.segment16, p_segment17 => l_intf_rec.segment17, p_segment18 => l_intf_rec.segment18, p_segment19 => l_intf_rec.segment19, p_segment20 => l_intf_rec.segment20, p_segment21 => l_intf_rec.segment21, p_segment22 => l_intf_rec.segment22, p_segment23 => l_intf_rec.segment23, p_segment24 => l_intf_rec.segment24, p_segment25 => l_intf_rec.segment25, p_segment26 => l_intf_rec.segment26, p_segment27 => l_intf_rec.segment27, p_segment28 => l_intf_rec.segment28, p_segment29 => l_intf_rec.segment29, p_segment30 => l_intf_rec.segment30, p_analysis_criteria_id => l_intf_rec.analysis_criteria_id, p_person_analysis_id => l_intf_rec.person_analysis_id, p_pea_object_version_number => l_intf_rec.pea_object_version_number); IF l_intf_rec.analysis_criteria_id IS NOT NULL AND l_intf_rec.person_analysis_id IS NOT NULL AND l_intf_rec.pea_object_version_number IS NOT NULL THEN l_intf_rec.process_status := cux_hr_utl.g_ps_complete; ELSE l_err_cnt := l_err_cnt + 1; l_intf_rec.process_status := cux_hr_utl.g_ps_error; l_intf_rec.process_message := ‘Unexception Error‘; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_err_cnt := l_err_cnt + 1; l_intf_rec.process_status := cux_hr_utl.g_ps_error; l_intf_rec.process_message := REPLACE(dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace || dbms_utility.format_error_stack, chr(10), ‘;‘); END; |
苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/人员特殊信息/创建 | ||
243 | 12.x.x | HR | 更新员工特殊信息 | API | hr_sit_api.update_sit | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/人员特殊信息/更新 | |||
244 | 12.x.x | HR | 删除员工特殊信息 | API | hr_sit_api.delete_sit | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/人员特殊信息/删除 | |||
245 | 12.x.x | HR | 根据HR职位弹性域生成职位名称 | API | hr_position_api.regenerate_position_name | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/职位/生成名称 | |||
246 | 12.x.x | HR | 更新HR职位 | API | hr_position_api.update_position | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/职位/更新 | |||
247 | 12.x.x | HR | 删除HR职位 | API | hr_position_api.delete_position | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/职位/删除 | |||
248 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建员工电话信息 | API | hr_phone_api.create_phone | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工电话/创建 | |||
249 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建或更新员工电话信息 | API | hr_phone_api.create_or_update_phone | This API updates the phone record if exists, else creates a new phone | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工电话/创建更新 | ||
250 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建员工类型使用 | API | hr_person_type_usage_api.create_person_type_usage | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工类型使用/创建 | |||
251 | 12.x.x | HR | 检查员工类型使用 | API | hr_person_type_usage_api.check_person_type | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工类型使用/检查 | |||
252 | 12.x.x | FND | 获取系统session时间 | API | dt_fndate.get_dates | 与HR DateTrack有关 | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | FND/HR/时间 | ||
253 | 12.x.x | FND | 更改系统session时间 | API | dt_fndate.change_ses_date | 与HR DateTrack有关 | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | FND/HR/session时间 | ||
254 | 12.x.x | FND | 更改系统session有效时间 | API | dt_fndate.set_effective_date | 与HR DateTrack有关 | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | FND/HR/effective_date | ||
255 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建人员分配 | API | hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_emp_asg | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工分配/创建 | ||
256 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建HR组织 | API | hr_organization_api.create_organization | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/HR组织/创建 | ||
257 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建HR组织分类明细 | API | hr_organization_api.create_org_classification | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/HR组织分类明细/创建 | ||
258 | 12.x.x | HR | 启用HR组织分类明细 | API | hr_organization_api.enable_org_classification | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/HR组织分类明细/启用 | ||
259 | 12.x.x | HR | 失效HR组织分类明细 | API | hr_organization_api.disable_org_classification | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/HR组织分类明细/失效 | ||
260 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建业务组 | API | hr_organization_api.create_business_group | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/业务组/创建 | ||
261 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建业务实体 | API | hr_organization_api.create_operating_unit | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/业务实体/创建 | ||
262 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建法律实体 | API | hr_organization_api.create_legal_entity | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/法律实体/创建 | ||
263 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建HR组织层次结构/父组织 | API | hr_hierarchy_element_api.create_hierarchy_element | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/HR组织层次/HR父组织/创建 | ||
264 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建用户表定义 | API | pay_user_table_api.create_user_table | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/用户表定义/创建 | ||
265 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建用户表列 | API | pay_user_column_api.create_user_column | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/用户表列/创建 | ||
266 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建用户表行 | API | pay_user_row_api.create_user_row | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/用户表行/创建 | ||
267 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建用户表结构值 | API | pay_user_column_instance_api.create_user_column_instance | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/用户表结构值/创建 | ||
268 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建员工缺勤 | API | hr_person_absence_api.create_person_absence | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工缺勤/创建 | ||
269 | 12.x.x | HR | 更新雇佣时间信息(终止雇佣) | API | hr_periods_of_service_api.update_pds_details | 注意:这个API并没有使员工离职,离职需要再执行hr_ex_employee_api.actual_termination_emp 和 hr_ex_employee_api.final_process_emp | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工雇佣时间信息/更新/终止雇佣 | ||
270 | 12.x.x | HR | 员工离职最终处理 | API | hr_ex_employee_api.final_process_emp | 员工离职操作:以此执行 hr_periods_of_service_api.update_pds_details 然后hr_ex_employee_api.actual_termination_emp 然后hr_ex_employee_api.final_process_emp | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工离职/最终处理 | ||
271 | 12.x.x | HR | 创建员工合同信息 | API | hr_contract_api.create_contract | 注意effective_date对应HR DateTrack Date | 苏联章 | 2014/9/15 | HR/员工合同/创建 | ||
272 | 12.x.x | INV | 创建类别组合 | API | inv_item_category_pub.create_category | Declare v_category_rec inv_item_category_pub.category_rec_type; begin v_category_rec := NULL; v_category_rec.structure_id := 50369; v_category_rec.summary_flag := ‘N‘; v_category_rec.enabled_flag := ‘Y‘; v_category_rec.segment1 := l_segment1; v_category_rec.segment2 := ‘000‘; v_category_rec.description := p_category_description; -- Calling the api to create category -- inv_item_category_pub.create_category(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_errorcode => v_errorcode, x_msg_count => v_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_category_rec => v_category_rec, x_category_id => v_category_id --returns category id ); End; |
赵杨 | 2014/10/7 | INV/类别/创建类别组合 | ||
273 | 12.x.x | FND | 取独立值集上限定词的说明 | API | fnd_flex_val_util.vtv_to_display_value | 取独立值集上限定词的说明,谁有通用的取值方法 | 赵杨 | 2014/10/7 | FND/值集/限定词说明 | ||
274 | 12.x.x | PO | 获取物料采购模块的默认类别集 | API | po_core_s.get_item_category_structure | DECLARE a NUMBER; b NUMBER; BEGIN po_core_s.get_item_category_structure(x_category_set_id => a, x_structure_id => b); dbms_output.put_line(a || ‘->‘ || b); END; |
赵杨 | 2014/10/7 | PO/物料/默认类别集 | ||
275 | 12.x.x | AP | 获取采购接收事务处理各种数量 | API | ap_matching_utils_pkg.get_receipt_quantities | AP_MATCHING_UTILS_PKG.Get_receipt_Quantities( X_rcv_transaction_id, l_ordered_qty, l_cancelled_qty, l_received_qty, l_corrected_qty, l_delivered_qty, l_transaction_qty, l_billed_qty, l_accepted_qty, l_rejected_qty); |
赵杨 | 2014/10/7 | AP/采购事物处理/数量 | ||
276 | 12.x.x | FND | 统计数据收集 | API | fnd_stats.gather_table_stats | 请求:统计数据收集表或统计数据收集模式 | 赵杨 | 2014/10/7 | FND/统计数据收集 | ||
277 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建、更新工作单\创建、更新工序\创建、更新物料需求\创建、更新直接物料\创建、更新工作单资源\创建、更新资源实例 | API | eam_process_wo_pub.process_wo | eam_process_wo_pub.eam_wo_rec_type;eam_process_wo_pub.eam_op_rec_type;eam_process_wo_pub.eam_mat_req_rec_type; eam_process_wo_pub.eam_res_rec_type;eam_process_wo_pub.eam_res_inst_rec_type; | eam_process_wo_pub.process_wo(p_bo_identifier => ‘EAM‘, p_api_version_number => ‘1.0‘, p_init_msg_list => FALSE, p_commit => ‘N‘, p_eam_wo_rec => l_eam_wo_rec, p_eam_op_tbl => l_eam_op_tbl, p_eam_op_network_tbl => l_eam_op_network_tbl, p_eam_res_tbl => l_eam_res_tbl, p_eam_res_inst_tbl => l_eam_res_inst_tbl, p_eam_sub_res_tbl => l_eam_sub_res_tbl, p_eam_res_usage_tbl => l_eam_res_usage_tbl, p_eam_mat_req_tbl => l_eam_mat_req_tbl, p_eam_direct_items_tbl => l_eam_direct_items_tbl, x_eam_wo_rec => x_eam_wo_rec, x_eam_op_tbl => x_eam_op_tbl, x_eam_op_network_tbl => x_eam_op_network_tbl, x_eam_res_tbl => x_eam_res_tbl, x_eam_res_inst_tbl => x_eam_res_inst_tbl, x_eam_sub_res_tbl => x_eam_sub_res_tbl, x_eam_res_usage_tbl => x_eam_res_usage_tbl, x_eam_mat_req_tbl => x_eam_mat_req_tbl, x_eam_direct_items_tbl => x_eam_direct_items_tbl, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, p_debug => ‘N‘ --‘Y‘, -- p_output_dir => ‘/usr/tmp‘, -- p_debug_filename => ‘CUX_EAM_WO_DEBUG.log‘, -- p_debug_file_mode => ‘w‘ ); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作单创建/工作单更新 | |
278 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 工序完工 | API | eam_op_comp.op_comp | l_actual_duration := p_actual_start_date - p_actual_end_date; eam_op_comp.op_comp(x_err_code => x_msg_count, x_err_msg => x_msg_data, p_wip_entity_id => p_wip_entity_id, p_operation_seq_num => p_operation_seq_num, p_transaction_type => 1, p_transaction_date => SYSDATE, p_actual_start_date => p_actual_start_date, p_actual_end_date => p_actual_end_date, p_actual_duration => l_actual_duration, p_shutdown_start_date => NULL, p_shutdown_end_date => NULL, p_reconciliation_code => NULL, p_qa_collection_id => NULL); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工序完工 | ||
279 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 工作单完工 | API | eam_completion.complete_work_order | l_actual_duration := l_actual_start_date - l_actual_end_date; eam_completion.complete_work_order(x_wip_entity_id => l_wip_entity_id, x_rebuild_jobs => ‘N‘, x_transaction_type => 1, x_transaction_date => SYSDATE, x_user_id => l_user_id, x_actual_start_date => l_actual_start_date, x_actual_end_date => l_actual_end_date, x_actual_duration => l_actual_duration, x_shutdown_start_date => l_shutdown_start_date, x_shutdown_end_date => l_shutdown_end_date, errcode => x_msg_count, errmsg => x_msg_data); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作单完工 | ||
280 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建、更新工作单故障信息 | API | eam_process_failure_entry_pub.process_failure_entry | l_eam_failure_entry_record eam_process_failure_entry_pub.eam_failure_entry_record_typ; l_eam_failure_codes_tbl_typ eam_process_failure_entry_pub.eam_failure_codes_tbl_typ; |
eam_process_failure_entry_pub.process_failure_entry(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_eam_failure_entry_record => l_eam_failure_entry_record, p_eam_failure_codes_tbl => l_eam_failure_codes_tbl_typ, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, x_eam_failure_entry_record => x_eam_failure_entry_record, x_eam_failure_codes_tbl => x_eam_failure_codes_tbl_typ); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作单故障创建/工作单故障更新 | |
281 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 资源事务处理 | 接口 | wip_cost_txn_interface;wip_txn_interface_errors; | l_iface_rec wip.wip_cost_txn_interface%ROWTYPE; | 蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 资源事务处理 | ||
282 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建工作单父子关系 | API | eam_process_wo_pub.process_master_child_wo | l_eam_wo_relations_rec eam_process_wo_pub.eam_wo_relations_rec_type; | l_eam_wo_relations_rec.parent_object_id := rec_int.parent_wo_id; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.parent_object_type_id := 1; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.child_object_id := rec_int.parent_wo_id; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.child_object_type_id := 1; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.parent_relationship_type := rec_int.relation_type; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.relationship_status := 2; l_eam_wo_relations_rec.transaction_type := eam_process_wo_pvt.g_opr_create; l_eam_wo_relations_tbl(1) := l_eam_wo_relations_rec; eam_process_wo_pub.process_master_child_wo(p_eam_wo_relations_tbl => l_eam_wo_relations_tbl, p_eam_wo_tbl => l_eam_wo_tbl, p_eam_op_tbl => l_eam_op_tbl, p_eam_op_network_tbl => l_eam_op_network_tbl, p_eam_res_tbl => l_eam_res_tbl, p_eam_res_inst_tbl => l_eam_res_inst_tbl, p_eam_sub_res_tbl => l_eam_sub_res_tbl, p_eam_mat_req_tbl => l_eam_mat_req_tbl, p_eam_direct_items_tbl => l_eam_direct_items_tbl, x_eam_wo_tbl => x_eam_wo_tbl, x_eam_wo_relations_tbl => x_eam_wo_relations_tbl, x_eam_op_tbl => x_eam_op_tbl, x_eam_op_network_tbl => x_eam_op_network_tbl, x_eam_res_tbl => x_eam_res_tbl, x_eam_res_inst_tbl => x_eam_res_inst_tbl, x_eam_sub_res_tbl => x_eam_sub_res_tbl, x_eam_mat_req_tbl => x_eam_mat_req_tbl, x_eam_direct_items_tbl => x_eam_direct_items_tbl, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作单父子关系创建 | |
283 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建、更新工作请求 | API | wip_eam_workrequest_pub.work_request_import | l_wip_eam_rec wip_eam_work_requests%ROWTYPE; | l_wip_eam_rec.asset_number := l_asset_number; l_wip_eam_rec.asset_group := l_asset_group_id; l_wip_eam_rec.organization_id := rec_request.organization_id; l_wip_eam_rec.work_request_status_id := rec_request.wr_status; l_wip_eam_rec.work_request_priority_id := rec_request.wr_priority; l_wip_eam_rec.work_request_owning_dept := rec_request.department_id; l_wip_eam_rec.work_request_type_id := rec_request.wr_type; l_wip_eam_rec.created_for := get_user_id(rec_request.creation_person_id); l_wip_eam_rec.phone_number := rec_request.contact_tel; l_wip_eam_rec.e_mail := rec_request.contact_email; l_wip_eam_rec.contact_preference := NULL; l_wip_eam_rec.notify_originator := NULL; l_wip_eam_rec.description := rec_request.wr_description; l_wip_eam_rec.attribute1 := rec_request.person_id; IF l_work_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN l_mode := ‘UPDATE‘; l_wip_eam_rec.work_request_id := l_work_request_id; ELSE l_mode := ‘CREATE‘; l_wip_eam_rec.expected_resolution_date := SYSDATE; END IF; wip_eam_workrequest_pub.work_request_import(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_false, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_mode => l_mode, --CREATE OR UPDATE p_work_request_rec => l_wip_eam_rec, --WIP_EAM_WORK_REQUESTS%ROWTYPE p_request_log => l_wip_eam_rec.description, --description p_user_id => l_wip_eam_rec.created_for, x_work_request_id => x_work_request_id); |
请求编号不能更新,编号跟id一致 | 蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作请求创建/工作请求更新 |
284 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 工作请求分配工作单 | API | eam_assign_work_pvt.assign_work | eam_assign_work_pvt.assign_work(p_api_version => 1.0, p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_commit => fnd_api.g_true, p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_wip_entity_id => l_wip_entity_id, p_req_type => 1, p_req_num => l_work_request_id, p_req_id => l_work_request_id); |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 工作单父子关系创建 | ||
285 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建、更新物料清单 | API | bom_bo_pub.process_bom | l_bom_header_rec bom_bo_pub.bom_head_rec_type; l_bom_component_tbl bom_bo_pub.bom_comps_tbl_type; |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 物料清单创建/物料清单更新 | ||
286 | 12.2.4 | EAM | 创建、更新活动工艺路线 | API | bom_rtg_pub.process_rtg | l_rtg_header_rec bom_rtg_pub.rtg_header_rec_type; l_operation_tbl bom_rtg_pub.operation_tbl_type; l_op_resource_tbl bom_rtg_pub.op_resource_tbl_type; |
蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | 活动工艺路线创建/活动工艺路线更新 | ||
287 | 12.2.4 | QA | 创建qa计划 | API | qa_plans_pub.create_collection_plan | 蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | qa/计划 | |||
288 | 12.2.4 | QA | 创建计划要素 | API | qa_plans_pub.add_plan_element | 蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | qa/计划要素 | |||
289 | 12.2.4 | QA | 创建质量结果 | 接口 | qa_results_interface;qa_interface_errors; | l_iface_rec qa_results_interface%ROWTYPE; | 蒋金玲 | 2015/1/17 | qa/质量结果 | ||
290 | 12.1.2 | FND | 删除FNDLOAD中出错的安装对象,如菜单项下的功能提示带空格移植上去之后无法修改对应的提示,报错:FRM-40657 : 已更改记录或由另一用户删除 | API | fnd_menu_entries_pkg.delete_row | DECLARE l_function_name VARCHAR2(32767) := ‘CUX_CST_DIM_ACC‘; l_function_id NUMBER; l_menu_name VARCHAR2(32767) := ‘CUX_CST_DIMENSION_SETUP‘; l_menu_id NUMBER; l_entry_sequence NUMBER; BEGIN SAVEPOINT delete_function; BEGIN SELECT fme.menu_id, fme.entry_sequence INTO l_menu_id, l_entry_sequence FROM fnd_menu_entries fme, fnd_menus fm, fnd_form_functions fff WHERE fm.menu_name = l_menu_name AND fm.menu_id = fme.menu_id AND fme.function_id = fff.function_id AND fff.function_name = l_function_name; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; IF l_menu_id IS NOT NULL AND l_entry_sequence IS NOT NULL THEN fnd_menu_entries_pkg.delete_row(x_menu_id => l_menu_id, x_entry_sequence => l_entry_sequence); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK TO delete_function; END; / COMMIT; |
另,fnd_form_pkg、fnd_form_functions_pkg可用于更改对应的表单与功能定义 | 朱志瑜 | 2015/1/17 | 删除菜单定义下的功能项 | |
291 | 12.x.x | FND | 表数据量发生巨大变化时,对表进行收集 | API | dbms_stats.gather_table_stats | BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(‘CUX‘,‘CUX_PUR_OUT_PMC_INT‘,cascade=>true); END; |
李定峰 | 2015/1/17 | 统计数据收集表 | ||
292 | 12.x.x | FND | 批量授权某一职责给特定用户 | API | fnd_user_resp_groups_api.assignment_exists fnd_user_resp_groups_api.update_assignment |
DECLARE l_num_dummy NUMBER; userid NUMBER; respid NUMBER; appid NUMBER; secid NUMBER; startdate DATE; BEGIN SELECT fu.user_id, frv.responsibility_id, frv.application_id, furg.security_group_id, furg.start_date INTO userid, respid, appid, secid, startdate FROM fnd_user fu, fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg, fnd_responsibility_vl frv WHERE 1 = 1 AND fu.user_id = furg.user_id AND furg.responsibility_id = frv.responsibility_id AND fu.start_date <= SYSDATE AND nvl(fu.end_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE AND frv.start_date <= SYSDATE AND nvl(frv.end_date, SYSDATE + 1) >= SYSDATE AND fu.user_name = ‘BZHAO‘ AND frv.responsibility_name = ‘801_USA_Payables User‘; IF (fnd_user_resp_groups_api.assignment_exists(userid, respid, appid, secid)) THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘Disable user responsibility‘); fnd_user_resp_groups_api.update_assignment(user_id => userid, responsibility_id => respid, responsibility_application_id => appid, security_group_id => secid, start_date => startdate, end_date => SYSDATE - 2, description => NULL); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line(‘Error Msg: ‘ || SQLERRM); END; |
李定峰 | 2015/1/17 | 职责 批量授权 | ||
293 | 12.1.3 | OM | 新建/更新价目表 | API | qp_price_list_pub.Process_Price_List | 钟建明 | 2015/1/17 | OM/价目表/更新 | |||
294 | 12.1.3 | HR | 创建课程类别 | API | ota_category_usage_api.create_category | 创建类别 PROCEDURE create_category(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_date OUT VARCHAR2, p_class_group IN VARCHAR2, x_parent_category_id OUT NUMBER, x_category_id OUT NUMBER) IS l_year_category VARCHAR2(100); l_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘S‘; --检查班组下是否存在 专项技能培训 x_parent_category_id := check_category_exists(p_class_group, g_category); IF x_parent_category_id IS NULL THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_date := p_class_group || ‘ 下不存在 ‘ || g_category; RETURN; END IF; --检查对应的班组下的 专项技能培训计划下是否存在年度专项技能培训 l_year_category := g_year || g_category; BEGIN SELECT t.category_usage_id INTO x_category_id FROM ota_category_usages t WHERE t.category = l_year_category AND t.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND t.parent_cat_usage_id = x_parent_category_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_category_id := NULL; END; IF x_category_id IS NOT NULL THEN --如果已经存在则直接返回 RETURN; ELSE --如果不存在年度专项技能培训则创建 ota_category_usage_api.create_category(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => g_start_date, p_business_group_id => g_business_group_id, p_category => l_year_category, p_type => ‘C‘, p_description => l_year_category, p_parent_cat_usage_id => x_parent_category_id, p_synchronous_flag => NULL, p_start_date_active => trunc(SYSDATE), p_end_date_active => g_year_end_date, p_category_usage_id => x_category_id, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_category_id := NULL; x_return_status := ‘N‘; x_msg_date := ‘创建类别:‘ || SQLERRM; END create_category; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/课程类别/创建 | ||
295 | 12.1.3 | HR | 创建课程 | API | ota_activity_version_api.create_activity_version ota_activity_category_api.create_act_cat_inclusion |
PROCEDURE create_activity_version(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, x_activity_version_id OUT NUMBER, p_category_id IN NUMBER, p_activity IN VARCHAR2) IS l_activity_id NUMBER; l_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘S‘; --检验类别 BEGIN SELECT t.activity_id INTO l_activity_id FROM ota_activity_definitions t WHERE t.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND t.category_usage_id = p_category_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_data := ‘类别:年度专项技能培训计划 不存在,请检查类别‘; x_activity_version_id := NULL; RETURN; END; --检验是否已存在课程 BEGIN SELECT tav.activity_version_id INTO x_activity_version_id FROM ota_activity_versions tav, ota_activity_versions_tl avt WHERE tav.activity_version_id = avt.activity_version_id AND avt.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND avt.version_name = p_activity AND tav.activity_id = l_activity_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_activity_version_id := NULL; END; --创建课程 IF x_activity_version_id IS NULL THEN ota_activity_version_api.create_activity_version(p_effective_date => g_start_date, p_validate => FALSE, p_activity_id => l_activity_id, p_superseded_by_act_version_id => NULL, p_developer_organization_id => g_business_group_id, p_controlling_person_id => NULL, p_version_name => p_activity, p_comments => NULL, p_description => NULL, p_duration => NULL, p_duration_units => NULL, p_end_date => g_year_end_date, p_intended_audience => NULL, p_language_id => NULL, p_maximum_attendees => NULL, p_minimum_attendees => NULL, p_objectives => NULL, p_start_date => g_start_date, p_success_criteria => NULL, p_user_status => NULL, p_vendor_id => NULL, p_actual_cost => NULL, p_budget_cost => NULL, p_budget_currency_code => ‘CNY‘, p_expenses_allowed => NULL, p_professional_credit_type => NULL, p_professional_credits => NULL, p_maximum_internal_attendees => NULL, p_tav_information_category => ‘HD_COURSE_INFO‘, p_tav_information1 => ‘30‘, p_tav_information2 => ‘10‘, p_tav_information3 => ‘10‘, p_inventory_item_id => NULL, p_organization_id => NULL, p_rco_id => NULL, p_version_code => NULL, p_keywords => NULL, p_business_group_id => g_business_group_id, p_activity_version_id => x_activity_version_id, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_data_source => ‘OIL‘, p_competency_update_level => NULL, p_eres_enabled => ‘N‘); l_object_version_number := NULL; ota_activity_category_api.create_act_cat_inclusion(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => g_start_date, p_activity_version_id => x_activity_version_id, p_activity_category => NULL, p_comments => NULL, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_start_date_active => g_start_date, p_end_date_active => NULL, p_primary_flag => ‘Y‘, p_category_usage_id => p_category_id); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_data := ‘创建课程:‘ || SQLERRM; END create_activity_version; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/课程/创建 | ||
296 | 12.1.3 | HR | 创建教程 | API | ota_offering_api.create_offering | PROCEDURE create_offering(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2, x_course_id OUT NUMBER, p_activity_version_id IN NUMBER, p_name IN VARCHAR2) IS l_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘S‘; --检查教程是否已存在 BEGIN SELECT ofr.offering_id INTO x_course_id FROM ota_offerings ofr, ota_offerings_tl ofl WHERE ofr.offering_id = ofl.offering_id AND ofr.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND ofl.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND ofl.name = p_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_course_id := NULL; END; IF x_course_id IS NULL THEN ota_offering_api.create_offering(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => SYSDATE, p_business_group_id => g_business_group_id, p_name => p_name, p_start_date => g_start_date, p_activity_version_id => p_activity_version_id, p_end_date => g_year_end_date, p_owner_id => NULL, p_delivery_mode_id => 2, --授课方式:ota_category_usages p_language_id => NULL, p_duration => NULL, p_duration_units => NULL, p_learning_object_id => NULL, p_player_toolbar_flag => NULL, p_player_toolbar_bitset => NULL, p_player_new_window_flag => NULL, p_maximum_attendees => NULL, p_maximum_internal_attendees => NULL, p_minimum_attendees => NULL, p_actual_cost => NULL, p_budget_cost => NULL, p_budget_currency_code => ‘CNY‘, p_price_basis => ‘N‘, p_currency_code => NULL, p_standard_price => NULL, p_offering_id => x_course_id, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_data_source => ‘OIL‘, p_vendor_id => NULL, p_description => NULL, p_competency_update_level => NULL, p_language_code => ‘zh-CN‘); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_data := ‘创建课程:‘ || SQLERRM; END create_offering; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/教程创建 | ||
297 | 12.1.3 | HR | 创建课 | API | ota_event_api.create_class | PROCEDURE create_event(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2, x_event_id OUT NUMBER, p_active_version_id IN NUMBER, p_course_id IN NUMBER, p_event_name IN VARCHAR2) IS l_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘S‘; --检查课是否存在 BEGIN SELECT t.event_id INTO x_event_id FROM ota_events t WHERE t.activity_version_id = p_active_version_id AND t.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND t.title = p_event_name AND t.parent_offering_id = p_course_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_event_id := NULL; END; debug(‘IN create_event‘); --创建课 IF x_event_id IS NULL THEN ota_event_api.create_class(p_effective_date => g_start_date, p_event_id => x_event_id, p_vendor_id => NULL, p_activity_version_id => p_active_version_id, p_business_group_id => g_business_group_id, p_organization_id => g_business_group_id, p_event_type => ‘SCHEDULED‘, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_title => p_event_name, p_budget_cost => NULL, p_actual_cost => NULL, p_budget_currency_code => ‘CNY‘, p_centre => NULL, p_comments => NULL, p_course_end_date => g_year_end_date, p_course_end_time => NULL, p_course_start_date => g_start_date, p_course_start_time => NULL, p_duration => NULL, p_duration_units => NULL, p_enrolment_end_date => g_year_end_date, p_enrolment_start_date => g_start_date, p_language_id => NULL, p_user_status => NULL, p_development_event_type => NULL, p_event_status => ‘N‘, p_price_basis => ‘N‘, p_currency_code => NULL, p_maximum_attendees => NULL, p_maximum_internal_attendees => NULL, p_minimum_attendees => NULL, p_standard_price => NULL, p_category_code => NULL, p_parent_event_id => NULL, p_book_independent_flag => ‘N‘, p_public_event_flag => ‘N‘, p_secure_event_flag => ‘N‘, p_evt_information_category => ‘HD_TUTORIAL_INFO‘, p_evt_information1 => NULL, p_evt_information2 => ‘4‘, p_evt_information3 => ‘45‘, p_project_id => NULL, p_owner_id => NULL, p_line_id => NULL, p_org_id => NULL, p_training_center_id => NULL, p_location_id => NULL, p_offering_id => NULL, p_timezone => ‘Asia/Hong_Kong‘, p_parent_offering_id => p_course_id, p_data_source => NULL, p_validate => FALSE, p_event_availability => ‘ALL‘); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_data := ‘创建课:‘ || SQLERRM; x_event_id := NULL; END create_event; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/课/创建 | ||
298 | 12.1.3 | HR | 学员注册课 | API | ota_delegate_booking_api.create_delegate_booking | PROCEDURE create_delegate_booking(x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2, x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2, x_booking_id OUT NUMBER, p_person_id IN NUMBER, p_event_id IN NUMBER) IS l_finance_line_id NUMBER; l_object_version_number NUMBER; BEGIN x_return_status := ‘S‘; --检查学员是否已注册 BEGIN SELECT t.booking_id INTO x_booking_id FROM ota_delegate_bookings t WHERE t.delegate_person_id = p_person_id AND t.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND t.event_id = p_event_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_booking_id := NULL; END; IF x_booking_id IS NULL THEN ota_delegate_booking_api.create_delegate_booking(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => g_start_date, p_booking_id => x_booking_id, p_booking_status_type_id => 4, p_delegate_person_id => p_person_id, p_contact_id => NULL, p_business_group_id => g_business_group_id, p_event_id => p_event_id, p_customer_id => NULL, p_authorizer_person_id => NULL, p_date_booking_placed => SYSDATE, p_corespondent => NULL, p_internal_booking_flag => ‘Y‘, p_number_of_places => 1, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_administrator => g_user_id, --fnd_global.USER_ID p_booking_priority => NULL, p_comments => NULL, p_contact_address_id => NULL, p_delegate_contact_phone => NULL, p_delegate_contact_fax => NULL, p_third_party_customer_id => NULL, p_third_party_contact_id => NULL, p_third_party_address_id => NULL, p_third_party_contact_phone => NULL, p_third_party_contact_fax => NULL, p_date_status_changed => NULL, p_failure_reason => NULL, p_attendance_result => NULL, p_language_id => NULL, p_source_of_booking => NULL, p_special_booking_instructions => NULL, p_successful_attendance_flag => NULL, p_create_finance_line => NULL, p_finance_header_id => NULL, p_currency_code => ‘CNY‘, p_standard_amount => NULL, p_unitary_amount => NULL, p_money_amount => NULL, p_booking_deal_id => NULL, p_booking_deal_type => NULL, p_finance_line_id => l_finance_line_id, p_enrollment_type => NULL, p_organization_id => NULL, p_sponsor_person_id => NULL, p_sponsor_assignment_id => NULL, p_person_address_id => NULL, p_delegate_assignment_id => NULL, p_delegate_contact_id => NULL, p_delegate_contact_email => NULL, p_third_party_email => NULL, p_person_address_type => NULL, p_line_id => NULL, p_org_id => NULL, p_daemon_flag => NULL, p_daemon_type => NULL, p_old_event_id => NULL, p_quote_line_id => NULL, p_interface_source => NULL, p_total_training_time => NULL, p_content_player_status => NULL, p_score => NULL, p_completed_content => NULL, p_total_content => NULL, p_booking_justification_id => NULL, p_is_history_flag => NULL, p_override_prerequisites => NULL, p_override_learner_access => NULL, p_book_from => NULL, p_is_mandatory_enrollment => ‘N‘, p_sign_eval_status => NULL); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN x_return_status := ‘E‘; x_msg_data := ‘学员注册失败.‘ || SQLERRM; END create_delegate_booking; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/学员注册课/创建 | ||
299 | 12.1.3 | HR | 更新或更正员工基本信息 | API | hr_person_api.update_person | /* ============================================= * PROCEDURE * NAME : process_update * DESCRIPTION: * 更新或更正员工基本信息 * ARGUMENT: * p_line_number 行号 * RETURN: * * HISTORY: * 1.00 2014-08-20 zong.liu Creation * =============================================*/ PROCEDURE process_update(p_line_number IN VARCHAR2) IS CURSOR csr_per(p_business_group_id IN NUMBER, p_person_id IN NUMBER, p_effective_start_date DATE) IS SELECT ppf.effective_start_date, --有效日期 ppf.employee_number, ppf.object_version_number, decode(ppf.current_employee_flag, ‘Y‘, pps.date_start, decode(ppf.current_npw_flag, ‘Y‘, ppp.date_start, NULL)) hire_date FROM per_all_people_f ppf, per_periods_of_service pps, per_periods_of_placement ppp WHERE ppf.person_id = p_person_id AND ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id AND pps.person_id(+) = ppf.person_id AND ppp.person_id(+) = ppf.person_id AND ((ppf.employee_number IS NULL) OR (ppf.employee_number IS NOT NULL AND pps.date_start = (SELECT MAX(pps1.date_start) FROM per_periods_of_service pps1 WHERE pps1.person_id = ppf.person_id AND pps1.date_start <= ppf.effective_end_date))) AND ((ppf.npw_number IS NULL) OR (ppf.npw_number IS NOT NULL AND ppp.date_start = (SELECT MAX(ppp1.date_start) FROM per_periods_of_placement ppp1 WHERE ppp1.person_id = ppf.person_id AND ppp1.date_start <= ppf.effective_end_date))) AND nvl(p_effective_start_date, SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, SYSDATE); l_new_effective_date per_all_people_f.effective_start_date%TYPE; l_employee_number per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE; l_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%TYPE; l_sex per_all_people_f.sex%TYPE; l_person_type_id per_all_people_f.person_type_id%TYPE; l_national_identifier per_all_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE; l_date_of_birth per_all_people_f.date_of_birth%TYPE; l_town_of_birth per_all_people_f.town_of_birth%TYPE; l_region_of_birth per_all_people_f.region_of_birth%TYPE; l_marital_status per_all_people_f.marital_status%TYPE; l_email_address per_all_people_f.email_address%TYPE; l_live_type_code per_all_people_f.per_information4%TYPE; l_live_loc_code per_all_people_f.per_information5%TYPE; l_high_edu per_all_people_f.per_information6%TYPE; l_degree per_all_people_f.per_information20%TYPE; l_child_cnt per_all_people_f.per_information7%TYPE; l_health_status per_all_people_f.per_information10%TYPE; l_rase_code per_all_people_f.per_information17%TYPE; l_social_number per_all_people_f.per_information18%TYPE; l_object_version_number NUMBER; x_effective_start_date DATE; x_effective_end_date DATE; x_full_name VARCHAR2(240); x_comment_id NUMBER; x_name_combination_warning BOOLEAN; x_assign_payroll_warning BOOLEAN; x_orig_hire_warning BOOLEAN; x_wrn_ee VARCHAR2(240); x_old_start_date DATE; l_person_id NUMBER; l_error_msg VARCHAR2(2000); l_sql_code VARCHAR2(30); l_data_mode VARCHAR2(30); l_business_group_id NUMBER := 81; BEGIN FOR rec_files_content IN csr_pers_tmp(p_line_number) LOOP --出生日期 IF rec_files_content.attribute8 IS NOT NULL THEN l_date_of_birth := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(rec_files_content.attribute8); ELSE l_date_of_birth := hr_api.g_date; END IF; l_business_group_id := to_number(rec_files_content.converted_attribute10); l_person_id := to_number(rec_files_content.converted_attribute11); l_data_mode := rec_files_content.converted_attribute1; --有效日期 IF rec_files_content.attribute2 IS NOT NULL THEN l_new_effective_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(rec_files_content.attribute2); END IF; FOR rec IN csr_per(l_business_group_id, l_person_id, l_new_effective_date) LOOP IF l_data_mode = ‘CORRECTION‘ THEN l_new_effective_date := rec.effective_start_date; END IF; l_employee_number := rec.employee_number; l_last_name := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute4, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_sex := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute2, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_person_type_id := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute3, hr_api.g_number); l_national_identifier := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute7, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_town_of_birth := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute9, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_region_of_birth := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute10, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_marital_status := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute8, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_email_address := hr_api.g_varchar2; l_live_type_code := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute4, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_live_loc_code := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute5, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_high_edu := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute6, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_child_cnt := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute18, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_health_status := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute12, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_rase_code := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute9, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_social_number := nvl(rec_files_content.attribute15, hr_api.g_varchar2); l_degree := nvl(rec_files_content.converted_attribute7, hr_api.g_varchar2); x_old_start_date := rec.hire_date; l_object_version_number := rec.object_version_number; END LOOP; BEGIN hr_person_api.update_person(p_validate => FALSE, p_effective_date => l_new_effective_date, p_datetrack_update_mode => l_data_mode, p_person_id => l_person_id, p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number, p_employee_number => l_employee_number, p_last_name => l_last_name, p_sex => l_sex, --性别 p_person_type_id => l_person_type_id, --人员类型ID p_date_of_birth => l_date_of_birth, --员工生日 p_email_address => l_email_address, --邮箱 p_marital_status => l_marital_status, --婚姻状况 p_national_identifier => l_national_identifier, --身份证号 p_town_of_birth => l_town_of_birth, --祖籍 p_region_of_birth => l_region_of_birth, p_per_information_category => ‘CN‘, p_per_information4 => l_live_type_code, --户口类型 p_per_information5 => l_live_loc_code, --户口地址 p_per_information6 => l_high_edu, --最高学历 p_per_information7 => l_child_cnt, --子女数 p_per_information10 => l_health_status, --健康状况 p_per_information17 => l_rase_code, --民族 p_per_information18 => l_social_number, --社会保险 IC 编号 p_per_information20 => l_degree, --学位 p_effective_start_date => x_effective_start_date, p_effective_end_date => x_effective_end_date, p_full_name => x_full_name, p_comment_id => x_comment_id, p_name_combination_warning => x_name_combination_warning, p_assign_payroll_warning => x_assign_payroll_warning, p_orig_hire_warning => x_orig_hire_warning); IF x_old_start_date < l_new_effective_date THEN hr_change_start_date_api.update_start_date(p_validate => FALSE, p_person_id => l_person_id, p_old_start_date => x_old_start_date, p_new_start_date => l_new_effective_date, p_update_type => ‘E‘, p_warn_ee => x_wrn_ee); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_msg := SQLERRM; l_sql_code := SQLCODE; -- 更新有效起止日期 SQLCODE -20001 在原有日期与新建日期之间存在人员更改 可以忽略 IF l_sql_code <> ‘-20001‘ THEN UPDATE cux_common_imports_temp pit SET pit.import_status = g_invalid_code, pit.import_message = ‘更新员工信息失败,错误信息: SQLCODE:‘ || l_sql_code || ‘, SQLERRM:‘ || l_error_msg WHERE pit.common_imports_id = g_import_id AND pit.line_number = p_line_number; END IF; END; END LOOP; END process_update; |
刘宗 | 2015/1/17 | HR/员工信息/更新 | ||
何为 | 2015/1/17 | 计划 | |
301 | 12.1.3 | CST | 成本导入 | 接口 | 接口表cst_item_cst_dtls_interface | v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.inventory_item_id := rec_data.inventory_item_id; l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(‘BOM‘, ‘CSTPCIMP‘, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 1 -- Only Item Cost Import , 2 -- Remove and replace cost informaion , 1 -- ALL(All Records) , 1 -- (Group Id Dummy) , l_cst_lists_num --(Group Id) , g_cost_type -- (Pending) , 1); -- delete records after successful import) v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.cost_type_id := l_cost_type_id; --rec_data.cost_type_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.last_updated_by := g_user_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.creation_date := SYSDATE; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.created_by := g_user_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.last_update_login := g_login_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.group_id := l_cst_lists_num; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.organization_id := rec_data.organization_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.resource_id := l_resource_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.usage_rate_or_amount := rec_data.item_cost; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.basis_type := l_basis_type; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.item_cost := rec_data.item_cost; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.cost_element_id := l_cost_element_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.request_id := g_request_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.organization_code := rec_data.organization_code; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.cost_type := l_cost_type; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.inventory_item := rec_data.inventory_item; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.program_application_id := g_prog_appl_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.program_id := g_conc_program_id; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.program_update_date := SYSDATE; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.process_flag := 1; --rec_data.process_flag; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.item_number := rec_data.item_number; v_item_cst_dtls_int_row.based_on_rollup_flag := 2; INSERT INTO cst_item_cst_dtls_interface VALUES v_item_cst_dtls_int_row; |
李应健 | 2015/1/17 | 成本/导入 | ||
302 | 12.1.3 | PO | 创建采购订单 | API | po_pdoi_grp.start_process | 刘李清 | 2015/1/17 | 代购订单/创建 | |||
303 | 12.1.3 | PO | 采购订单接收入库,联机处理 | API | fnd_transaction.synchronous | 刘李清 | 2015/1/17 | 代购订单/入库 | |||
304 | 12.1.3 | PO | 更新采购订单行 | API | po_document_update_grp.update_document | 刘李清 | 2015/1/17 | 采购订单行/更新 | |||
305 | 12.2.x | INV | 库存物理盘点导入 | API | INV_PHY_INV_PUB | 赵杨 | 2015/3/5 | 库存/物理盘点 |
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